Fawning Press Gives Hillary Standing Ovation After Speech Making Fun Of Email Scandal


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I guess the meeting with Obama paid off. The press allowed Hillary to give a smart-assed speech about how silly she thinks the scandal over her missing emails is. The sycophants that attended gave her a standing ovation even though she took no questions at all. WTF???

I guess they've been told that the scandal is history, and there will be no more questions.

Reports: MSM Reporters Give Hillary Clinton Standing Ovation after She Takes No Questions, Jokes about Email Scandal

by Breitbart News24 Mar 20153006

On Monday evening, mainstream media reporters reportedly gave Hillary Clinton a standing ovation after she joked about her private email scandal and took no questions from the press–at an event honoring excellence in journalism.
According to a National Journal report, Clinton took no questions after her 20-minute speech in Washington, D.C., which prompted the Washington Post‘s Dan Balz, who won this year’s Robin Toner award for excellence in political reporting, to reportedly make Clinton an offer: “I am happy to yield my time back to you if you want to take some questions.” Time reported that “Clinton received a standing ovation” anyway “from the journalist-heavy crowd.”

In her speech, Clinton reportedly cracked jokes about her email scandal, saying she was “all about new beginnings. A new grandchild. A new hairstyle. A new email account. A new relationship with the press. No more secrecy, no more zone of privacy… After all what good did that do for me?”

“Before I go any further, if you look under your chairs, you’ll find a simple non-disclosure agreement. My attorneys drew it up,” she reportedly quipped.

After claiming her “relationship with the press has been at times, shall we say, complicated,” Clinton, according to CBS News, “challenged the journalists in the room to be thorough and measured.

“We need more than ever smart, fair-minded journalists to challenge our assumptions, push us towards new solutions, and hold all of us accountable,” she reportedly told mainstream media reporters who notoriously protect Democrats like Clinton.

Reports MSM Reporters Give Hillary Clinton Standing Ovation after She Takes No Questions Jokes about Email Scandal - Breitbart
Yup, if only reporters told the people THE TRUTH about the Clintons, they would totally vote for more war, more inequality, more destruction of the middle class.

Because clearly, those things are less important than E-mails or Benghazi or Vince Foster.

Hey, Muddy, instead of telling me why you think Hillary is the anti-Christ, maybe you should tell me why I should vote for any of the riders on the GOP Clown Car.

You guys have been trying to nail Hillary for what, 24 years now?
Much of the MSM has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the D Party.

Is it any wonder many average American Ds and libs are terribly uninformed? If you read or watched reporting from the MSM daily, you would be utterly and completely ignorant, if you chose to believe the reporting.
But when Nixon spies on 5 democrats? That same media.....


Actually, most of them react more like this.....


How do they react, when one of their socialist politicians get caught doing something illegal?


What do they say after nothing is done to those socialist leaders?

How long did it take to nail Al Capone? They should have just given up right?
Hey, Hillary was a good Secretary of State.

Russia is now telling us to pound sand no thanks to her Reset initiative
Libya went down in smoke on her watch
The Secret Service started screwing around with Colombian Hookers
$6,000,000,000.00 disappeared from State Department funds while she was in charge

What's to investigate?
How long did it take to nail Al Capone? They should have just given up right?
Hey, Hillary was a good Secretary of State.

Russia is now telling us to pound sand no thanks to her Reset initiative
Libya went down in smoke on her watch
The Secret Service started screwing around with Colombian Hookers
$6,000,000,000.00 disappeared from State Department funds while she was in charge

What's to investigate?

Don't forget how she set up the muslim brotherhood in Egypt. Wow, that was just great.

Fucking liberals.

Here is a question. Why do we waste our time debating the pieces of brainwashed shit. All they do is go back to their bullshit cliches or democrat talking points.

They are too stupid to come up with anything.....original. Therefore, they are bloviated hypocrites about everything. I mean everything. Debating them is like peeing up a flagpole. Instead insult them for nothing else other than them being the pieces of shit they are.
You do know that the New York Times had retracted their allegations that Hillary broke any laws or did anything improper by having her own email server, don't you?

There is no scandal. Hillary handled her email the same way that Colin Powell did and nobody suggested he did anything wrong.

This is just another failed attempt to go after Hillary.
You do know that the New York Times had retracted their allegations that Hillary broke any laws or did anything improper by having her own email server, don't you?

There is no scandal. Hillary handled her email the same way that Colin Powell did and nobody suggested he did anything wrong.

This is just another failed attempt to go after Hillary.

Hi moron. You fully realize Valerie Jarrett leaked the fact that the fucking disgracefulcunt Hillary illegally used her email right?

You fucking liberals are nothing but piles of shit. Nothing more.

You probably smell too.
You do know that the New York Times had retracted their allegations that Hillary broke any laws or did anything improper by having her own email server, don't you?

There is no scandal. Hillary handled her email the same way that Colin Powell did and nobody suggested he did anything wrong.

This is just another failed attempt to go after Hillary.
The difference is Hillary only used one email address for everything. So when she erased 30,000 emails, some of which talked about Benghazi (as evidenced by leaks to the press), and then later claimed that none of them were classified, it looks to an objective person, like a cover up.

I've read that she never uses email. Instead she writes everything up on legal notepads and her staff sends them as an email sometimes. Bill does the same thing. As if they're hiding something.
You do know that the New York Times had retracted their allegations that Hillary broke any laws or did anything improper by having her own email server, don't you?

There is no scandal. Hillary handled her email the same way that Colin Powell did and nobody suggested he did anything wrong.

This is just another failed attempt to go after Hillary.
The difference is Hillary only used one email address for everything. So when she erased 30,000 emails, some of which talked about Benghazi (as evidenced by leaks to the press), and then later claimed that none of them were classified, it looks to an objective person, like a cover up.

I've read that she never uses email. Instead she writes everything up on legal notepads and her staff sends them as an email sometimes. Bill does the same thing. As if they're hiding something.

You, just, wasted, your, time.
You do know that the New York Times had retracted their allegations that Hillary broke any laws or did anything improper by having her own email server, don't you?

There is no scandal. Hillary handled her email the same way that Colin Powell did and nobody suggested he did anything wrong.

This is just another failed attempt to go after Hillary.
As I understand it, Powell used his personal email only on a few occasions, not for ALL his email correspondence, as Mrs. BJ did.

At any rate, two wrongs do not make it right. Plus Colin Powell is not running for POTUS.
How long did it take to nail Al Capone? They should have just given up right?
Hey, Hillary was a good Secretary of State.

Russia is now telling us to pound sand no thanks to her Reset initiative
Libya went down in smoke on her watch
The Secret Service started screwing around with Colombian Hookers
$6,000,000,000.00 disappeared from State Department funds while she was in charge

What's to investigate?

You forgot about how the Clinton's had their cronies siphon off all the Haiti earthquake relief funds and reinstall a thug with an oppressive military regime in Haiti. Also you forgot to mention how she was the principle architect of the TPP and the lead negotiator for the TIPP, which both Democrats and Republicans are against after they saw how NAFTA gutted the American economy (Ross Perot's comment about the big sucking sound still echoing in their ears from days gone by,) and the only people for it are the big party bosses who are paid off by the huge multinational corps.

Hell, the list could go on and on. She's a damned nightmare.
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Yup, if only reporters told the people THE TRUTH about the Clintons, they would totally vote for more war, more inequality, more destruction of the middle class.

Because clearly, those things are less important than E-mails or Benghazi or Vince Foster.

Hey, Muddy, instead of telling me why you think Hillary is the anti-Christ, maybe you should tell me why I should vote for any of the riders on the GOP Clown Car.

You guys have been trying to nail Hillary for what, 24 years now?
Even Bill won't nail Hillary, douchebag.

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