Fake News at it again

Lay off the bong water, criticizing Fox News does not make them part of some massive conspiracy to silence thought.
I don't do illegal drugs; I see no need to chemically alter my brain to think like a leftist.

Of course the far left wants to silence Fox News. They want to control what the people see and hear. That's because leftism can't tolerate comparison with other ideas. It thrives only in vacuum.

FOX News is admittedly biased. They have a public agenda to push the conservative point of view. Yet, it's viewers constantly complain that the "preferred news outlets" are biased. They would rather listen to a "news" program that is publicly biased to their way of thinking rather then to get their "news" from an unbiased source.

If you prefer getting your "news" from a right wing biased source, don't complain when people call you on your uninformed or right leaning agenda. And don't claim to be unbiased in the information you claim to be correct - because it's NOT correct and it IS BIASED! That's what you want, that's why you watch FOX - to get your biased news.

Even if most news outlets give a slightly left leaning spin to their news it doesn't even come close to the right leaning tendencies of FOX. One does NOT justify the other!

Your so immersed in your liberal leaning media, you can't even see it anymore. Sort of like a ring in your nose. If its there long enough, you don't even notice.
These are company policies, and they vary. I personally have no problem with Someone Donating. My problem is with the failure to disclose.

Does O'Reily disclose? Does Hannity? Do you demand that they do? Or are you just wasting type, because you really already know where they stand?
These are company policies, and they vary. I personally have no problem with Someone Donating. My problem is with the failure to disclose.

Does O'Reily disclose? Does Hannity? Do you demand that they do? Or are you just wasting type, because you really already know where they stand?

What part of company policy is giving you the most trouble? Your arguments are childish and hypothetical at best.
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I don't do illegal drugs; I see no need to chemically alter my brain to think like a leftist.

Of course the far left wants to silence Fox News. They want to control what the people see and hear. That's because leftism can't tolerate comparison with other ideas. It thrives only in vacuum.

FOX News is admittedly biased. They have a public agenda to push the conservative point of view. Yet, it's viewers constantly complain that the "preferred news outlets" are biased. They would rather listen to a "news" program that is publicly biased to their way of thinking rather then to get their "news" from an unbiased source.

If you prefer getting your "news" from a right wing biased source, don't complain when people call you on your uninformed or right leaning agenda. And don't claim to be unbiased in the information you claim to be correct - because it's NOT correct and it IS BIASED! That's what you want, that's why you watch FOX - to get your biased news.

Even if most news outlets give a slightly left leaning spin to their news it doesn't even come close to the right leaning tendencies of FOX. One does NOT justify the other!

Your so immersed in your liberal leaning media, you can't even see it anymore. Sort of like a ring in your nose. If its there long enough, you don't even notice.

There are so many voices on FOX, News, Discussion, Debate, totally lost on the Kool-Aid Critics, yet every year it grows in ratings. Someones bearings are off here just a bit....
These are company policies, and they vary. I personally have no problem with Someone Donating. My problem is with the failure to disclose.

Does O'Reily disclose? Does Hannity? Do you demand that they do? Or are you just wasting type, because you really already know where they stand?

All the time. They make sure their guests do too. Hey, I'm not condemning Keith for what happened. It's easily forgivable. The important thing is that the lesson is not forgotten.Live and let live. I just personally can't handle his style. I hope the best for him. This is more a MSNBC thing than anything else. O'Reily and Hannity don't work for MSNBC. MSNBC is not their problem.
FOX News is admittedly biased. They have a public agenda to push the conservative point of view. Yet, it's viewers constantly complain that the "preferred news outlets" are biased. They would rather listen to a "news" program that is publicly biased to their way of thinking rather then to get their "news" from an unbiased source.

If you prefer getting your "news" from a right wing biased source, don't complain when people call you on your uninformed or right leaning agenda. And don't claim to be unbiased in the information you claim to be correct - because it's NOT correct and it IS BIASED! That's what you want, that's why you watch FOX - to get your biased news.

Even if most news outlets give a slightly left leaning spin to their news it doesn't even come close to the right leaning tendencies of FOX. One does NOT justify the other!

Your so immersed in your liberal leaning media, you can't even see it anymore. Sort of like a ring in your nose. If its there long enough, you don't even notice.

There are so many voices on FOX, News, Discussion, Debate, totally lost on the Kool-Aid Critics, yet every year it grows in ratings. Someones bearings are off here just a bit....

Do I understand you to say that it doesn't matter if a news agency is biased or not, as long as they tell you what you want to hear you don't care if they tell the truth?
Your so immersed in your liberal leaning media, you can't even see it anymore. Sort of like a ring in your nose. If its there long enough, you don't even notice.

There are so many voices on FOX, News, Discussion, Debate, totally lost on the Kool-Aid Critics, yet every year it grows in ratings. Someones bearings are off here just a bit....

Do I understand you to say that it doesn't matter if a news agency is biased or not, as long as they tell you what you want to hear you don't care if they tell the truth?

Liberals are usually the first to tell you one person's truth is not another person's truth. It might require making a judgement and who can really do that? Better to jsut go with what you feel. :eusa_whistle:
Your so immersed in your liberal leaning media, you can't even see it anymore. Sort of like a ring in your nose. If its there long enough, you don't even notice.

There are so many voices on FOX, News, Discussion, Debate, totally lost on the Kool-Aid Critics, yet every year it grows in ratings. Someones bearings are off here just a bit....

Do I understand you to say that it doesn't matter if a news agency is biased or not, as long as they tell you what you want to hear you don't care if they tell the truth?

Your perception and comprehension skills are lacking. FOX has News. FOX has commentary. Sometimes they mix. They do try to bring voice from both sides. Many invitations go unanswered. Their slant is right, they don't hide it. Every perspective is biased in one way or another, it's part of the human condition, some of us realize that and strive to overcome that. You might be better off staying away from some of the commentary shows on FOX. Gretta does some great stuff, not all about Left/Right.
Anybody else hear Sarah's comment on Olbermann yesterday?? It was just the cherry on the cake of a week of extreme laughable. Made all conservatives toes a bit numb from the feeling of delivering an epic ball kick to the fcukking k00ks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lay off the bong water, criticizing Fox News does not make them part of some massive conspiracy to silence thought.
I don't do illegal drugs; I see no need to chemically alter my brain to think like a leftist.

Of course the far left wants to silence Fox News. They want to control what the people see and hear. That's because leftism can't tolerate comparison with other ideas. It thrives only in vacuum.

FOX News is admittedly biased. They have a public agenda to push the conservative point of view. Yet, it's viewers constantly complain that the "preferred news outlets" are biased. They would rather listen to a "news" program that is publicly biased to their way of thinking rather then to get their "news" from an unbiased source.

If you prefer getting your "news" from a right wing biased source, don't complain when people call you on your uninformed or right leaning agenda. And don't claim to be unbiased in the information you claim to be correct - because it's NOT correct and it IS BIASED! That's what you want, that's why you watch FOX - to get your biased news.

Even if most news outlets give a slightly left leaning spin to their news it doesn't even come close to the right leaning tendencies of FOX. One does NOT justify the other!
You prattle on as if Fox News' competitors aren't biased.

They are. They don't admit it, but it's obvious. But since you agree with that bias, you don't see it.

And how do you know I watch Fox? Is that a preconceived notion on your part? Why, yes. Yes, it is.
There are so many voices on FOX, News, Discussion, Debate, totally lost on the Kool-Aid Critics, yet every year it grows in ratings. Someones bearings are off here just a bit....

Do I understand you to say that it doesn't matter if a news agency is biased or not, as long as they tell you what you want to hear you don't care if they tell the truth?

Liberals are usually the first to tell you one person's truth is not another person's truth. It might require making a judgement and who can really do that? Better to jsut go with what you feel. :eusa_whistle:

It always pays to have primary sources in making a judgment, don't you agree, SaveLiberty?

Here's evidence to support a conclusion:

OUTFOXED: Clips & Trailer

Please feel free to post similar evidence in support of your bias. I look forward to your response.
Hmm....someone trying to sell clips on a DVD. No editing or motivation there, no sir.
You place too much faith in the American people.

LOL yeah I did too. Mostly in the elderly. They are so frantic and nuts I mean they should restrict Fake News in Nursing homes IMO.

Yeah, we need to Censor FOX before Everyone wakes up to the truth, that will undermine our plans of world domination. Not even Kyrptonite works against FOX!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: What can we do??? Poison the water??? Tax the Air??? Nothing stops them, they just keep growing and growing!!!:evil:
I see it as poisoning of the minds
People are going to wise up to The RepublicanNewsNetwork, perhaps the next 2 years will do it.

Yes they are, which explains why more people now self-identify as Conservative and the GOP took back the House.

Many people have Wised Up.
i don't think most of the people have changed their identities, these elections are cyclical, each party thumps their chests when they turn the tables on the party in office. I have watched this happen over so many elections and mid-term, especially!
People are going to wise up to The RepublicanNewsNetwork, perhaps the next 2 years will do it.

Nah... not really feelin' it myself.

Fox News viewers inherently get their information from shitty sources and don't have the ability to find accurate information themselves, and Fox News isn't going to run the story "Fox News Full of Shit".

Liberals incorrectly assume that being right about an issue is enough. If you don't explain why you are right it leaves a vacuum for Fox News to go around harping on death panels and other tall tales.
Democrats can be their ow worst enemies, the other side knows this weakness and has really hammered on it over the last 30 years. The GOP started their think tanks for this very purpose. The Democrats are so slow but seem to be finally trying to respond in kind.

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