Fake Melania?

What the REAL Melania looks like

It seems you have Trump derangement syndrome going on, and on top of that what are you doing with old pictures of a minor like that? Are you a pedophile like slick Willy and Joe Biden
Who would believe Big Mouth Behar and Gruesome Goldberg about anything. They are soo biased, it crosses the line to insanity.
Thank gawd our First Lady doesn’t look like this......

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After the thing we had before electing Trump, It’s hard for democrats to admit Melania is a beautiful and intelligent First Lady....

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The hags on the "View" are circulating a rumor that the First Lady has a double Trump trots out for photo ops. This is based on a recent appearance in tornado-devastated Alabama. They claim she was "shorter" and her face had a different shape. Forget that she wasn't wearing her normal high heels and make-up to walk through the debris with the President. So how about Joy Behar...does she also have a double or is she full-time hideous? :ack-1:


No, that’s definitely Melanie. Not a body double.


Who's that on the left?
After the thing we just had, It’s hard for democrats to admit Melania is a beautiful and talented First Lady....

No, actually, she's neither.

Dammit. This whole thing ticks me off. I wanted to like her. I felt sorry for her. I thought there was something more to her but she's exactly like the rest of them - a grifter who "really doesn't care".
What the REAL Melania looks like


She was a pretty girl. When did she start doing that phony squinty snake eye thing?

Look at younger pics of Ivanka. She really was not attractive.

They've both had a lot of plastic surgery but I doubt Ivanka has any original skin.

What the real First Lady looks like


What Melania and Ivanka have to look forward to
After the thing we just had, It’s hard for democrats to admit Melania is a beautiful and talented First Lady....

No, actually, she's neither.

Dammit. This whole thing ticks me off. I wanted to like her. I felt sorry for her. I thought there was something more to her but she's exactly like the rest of them - a grifter who "really doesn't care".

We know you would prefer Billy. :itsok:
Same day without the sunglasses....oops! it's her alright.


See, this picture right here shows why she looked different. She wasn't wearing her signature 5 inch stiletto heels, she's wearing flat sneakers.

And, while I have zero appreciation for the current leadership, people on the left need to stop with the fake attacks, just like I constantly call out people on the right.

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