FACT CHECK: The Largest Women’s Health Care Provider In America Is NOT Planned Parenthood


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
well well, the abortion supporters along with the Progressive/democrat PARTY IS LYING TO YOU AGAIN.
Obama lies right in your face and we got OscamCare put on our backs when we could LEAST afford it. these Democrats supporting abortion lies to you and it's all because of money again. VOTE out this nasty party of liars come 2016


FACT CHECK: The Largest Women’s Health Care Provider In America Is NOT Planned Parenthood

August 3, 2015 By Mollie Hemingway
The Senate will vote later today on whether to continue to give hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood, which performs more than 300,000 abortions annually and is embroiled in a scandal over supplying organs from aborted babies to corporations in the fetal organ harvesting trade. The bill would send the funds Planned Parenthood normally receives to Community Health Centers instead.

Despite a lack of media enthusiasm for covering the topic, four bombshell videos have been released showcasing top Planned Parenthood officials haggling over how much to sell baby parts for, discussing how to modify where the babies are crushed to preserve their organs, explaining how to avoid public scrutiny for their participation in the organ harvesting trade, and picking over organs and limbs of children recently killed in abortion.

all of it here:
Community Health Centers Are Better For Women Than Planned Parenthood
That is a dishonest fact check.

Community health care centers are not one entity - they are each individual. PP is one entity. It is the largest single women's health care provider.
The chart is Deceiving.....totally. PP, claims are provider for women, the chart/graphic states their numbers for BOTH men and women.....

WHY did they have to deceive and change the parameters to men and women, and not just women vs women... on the comparison?????
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The chart is Deceiving.....totally. PP, claims are provider for women, the chart/graphic states their numbers for BOTH men and women.....

WHY did they have to deceive and change the parameters to men and women, and not just women vs women on the comparison?????
All inclusive. No gender discrimination. No war on women.
We should send them to the republican clinics of "God hates you" and "You and the child you can't afford deserve zero help. Go fuck yourself."
Don't be a partisan fool. The same amount of money will be distributed. Can't you read? Acknowledge that the Democratic elites want to reduce the African American population. Only a racist could love Planned Parenthood.

79 of Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics Target Blacks Hispanics LifeNews.com


Only a KKK member would want to fund Planned Parenthood!
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"FACT CHECK: The Largest Women’s Health Care Provider In America Is NOT Planned Parenthood"


It remains an important provider to women and their comprehensive healthcare needs, where 'defunding' the organization would be reckless and unwarranted.
"FACT CHECK: The Largest Women’s Health Care Provider In America Is NOT Planned Parenthood"


It remains an important provider to women and their comprehensive healthcare needs, where 'defunding' the organization would be reckless and unwarranted.

Naw. Even the doctors were happy to close the free clinics. It will be the same with PP.
well well, the abortion supporters along with the Progressive/democrat PARTY IS LYING TO YOU AGAIN.
Obama lies right in your face and we got OscamCare put on our backs when we could LEAST afford it. these Democrats supporting abortion lies to you and it's all because of money again. VOTE out this nasty party of liars come 2016


FACT CHECK: The Largest Women’s Health Care Provider In America Is NOT Planned Parenthood

August 3, 2015 By Mollie Hemingway
The Senate will vote later today on whether to continue to give hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood, which performs more than 300,000 abortions annually and is embroiled in a scandal over supplying organs from aborted babies to corporations in the fetal organ harvesting trade. The bill would send the funds Planned Parenthood normally receives to Community Health Centers instead.

Despite a lack of media enthusiasm for covering the topic, four bombshell videos have been released showcasing top Planned Parenthood officials haggling over how much to sell baby parts for, discussing how to modify where the babies are crushed to preserve their organs, explaining how to avoid public scrutiny for their participation in the organ harvesting trade, and picking over organs and limbs of children recently killed in abortion.

all of it here:
Community Health Centers Are Better For Women Than Planned Parenthood
Murdering your baby in your womb, is not healthcare. It is murder, but the Left is very good at using lying slogans...which apparently fool the many fools that make up the American public.

Preventing pregnancy is one of the EASIEST things a human being can do, but apparently the Left loves baby murder so much they demand it continue.
well well, the abortion supporters along with the Progressive/democrat PARTY IS LYING TO YOU AGAIN.
Obama lies right in your face and we got OscamCare put on our backs when we could LEAST afford it. these Democrats supporting abortion lies to you and it's all because of money again. VOTE out this nasty party of liars come 2016


FACT CHECK: The Largest Women’s Health Care Provider In America Is NOT Planned Parenthood

August 3, 2015 By Mollie Hemingway
The Senate will vote later today on whether to continue to give hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood, which performs more than 300,000 abortions annually and is embroiled in a scandal over supplying organs from aborted babies to corporations in the fetal organ harvesting trade. The bill would send the funds Planned Parenthood normally receives to Community Health Centers instead.

Despite a lack of media enthusiasm for covering the topic, four bombshell videos have been released showcasing top Planned Parenthood officials haggling over how much to sell baby parts for, discussing how to modify where the babies are crushed to preserve their organs, explaining how to avoid public scrutiny for their participation in the organ harvesting trade, and picking over organs and limbs of children recently killed in abortion.

all of it here:
Community Health Centers Are Better For Women Than Planned Parenthood
Murdering your baby in your womb, is not healthcare. It is murder, but the Left is very good at using lying slogans...which apparently fool the many fools that make up the American public.

Preventing pregnancy is one of the EASIEST things a human being can do, but apparently the Left loves baby murder so much they demand it continue.

I'm shocked at how hard they are fighting for this even after seeing those videos.
It's just awful and then that government of ours voted down the measure to defund our TAX DOLLARS from them. something is very wrong when a Lion means more than the unborn child/human being
well well, the abortion supporters along with the Progressive/democrat PARTY IS LYING TO YOU AGAIN.
Obama lies right in your face and we got OscamCare put on our backs when we could LEAST afford it. these Democrats supporting abortion lies to you and it's all because of money again. VOTE out this nasty party of liars come 2016


FACT CHECK: The Largest Women’s Health Care Provider In America Is NOT Planned Parenthood

August 3, 2015 By Mollie Hemingway
The Senate will vote later today on whether to continue to give hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood, which performs more than 300,000 abortions annually and is embroiled in a scandal over supplying organs from aborted babies to corporations in the fetal organ harvesting trade. The bill would send the funds Planned Parenthood normally receives to Community Health Centers instead.

Despite a lack of media enthusiasm for covering the topic, four bombshell videos have been released showcasing top Planned Parenthood officials haggling over how much to sell baby parts for, discussing how to modify where the babies are crushed to preserve their organs, explaining how to avoid public scrutiny for their participation in the organ harvesting trade, and picking over organs and limbs of children recently killed in abortion.

all of it here:
Community Health Centers Are Better For Women Than Planned Parenthood
Murdering your baby in your womb, is not healthcare. It is murder, but the Left is very good at using lying slogans...which apparently fool the many fools that make up the American public.

Preventing pregnancy is one of the EASIEST things a human being can do, but apparently the Left loves baby murder so much they demand it continue.

I'm shocked at how hard they are fighting for this even after seeing those videos.
It's just awful and then that government of ours voted down the measure to defund our TAX DOLLARS from them. something is very wrong when a Lion means more than the unborn child/human being
It is shocking, but it indicates how much baby murder means to them. It is their holy grail.
well well, the abortion supporters along with the Progressive/democrat PARTY IS LYING TO YOU AGAIN.
Obama lies right in your face and we got OscamCare put on our backs when we could LEAST afford it. these Democrats supporting abortion lies to you and it's all because of money again. VOTE out this nasty party of liars come 2016


FACT CHECK: The Largest Women’s Health Care Provider In America Is NOT Planned Parenthood

August 3, 2015 By Mollie Hemingway
The Senate will vote later today on whether to continue to give hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood, which performs more than 300,000 abortions annually and is embroiled in a scandal over supplying organs from aborted babies to corporations in the fetal organ harvesting trade. The bill would send the funds Planned Parenthood normally receives to Community Health Centers instead.

Despite a lack of media enthusiasm for covering the topic, four bombshell videos have been released showcasing top Planned Parenthood officials haggling over how much to sell baby parts for, discussing how to modify where the babies are crushed to preserve their organs, explaining how to avoid public scrutiny for their participation in the organ harvesting trade, and picking over organs and limbs of children recently killed in abortion.

all of it here:
Community Health Centers Are Better For Women Than Planned Parenthood
Murdering your baby in your womb, is not healthcare. It is murder, but the Left is very good at using lying slogans...which apparently fool the many fools that make up the American public.

Preventing pregnancy is one of the EASIEST things a human being can do, but apparently the Left loves baby murder so much they demand it continue.

I'm shocked at how hard they are fighting for this even after seeing those videos.
It's just awful and then that government of ours voted down the measure to defund our TAX DOLLARS from them. something is very wrong when a Lion means more than the unborn child/human being
It is shocking, but it indicates how much baby murder means to them. It is their holy grail.

Gipper, look carefully at the numbers posted by someone on your side of the aisle.

You said in another thread that PP "almost never" does anything but abortions. And yet, the numbers provided here show 328k abortions and 2.7 million women served. That means only 12% of PP's patients had an abortion.

So much for your "almost never" idea, huh?
the party that supports the killing of your children/human beings and then they be picked apart looking for GOOD parts to use. vote them out of our lives come 2016

Here is a list of the Senators who voted against defunding:

Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)

Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO)

Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)

Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ)

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA)

Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH)

Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

Senator Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)

Senator Thomas Carper (D-DE)

Senator Robert Casey (D-PA)

Senator Christopher Coons (D-DE)

Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL)

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)

Senator Al Franken (D-MN)

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)

Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM)

Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND)

Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI)

Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA)

Senator Angus King (I-ME)

Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL)

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)

Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT)

Senator Edward Markey (D-MA)

Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO)

Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ)

Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR)

Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)

Senator Christopher Murphy (D-CT)

Senator Patty Murray (D-WA)

Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)

Senator Gary Peters (D-MI)

Senator Jack Reed (D-RI)

Senator Harry Reid (D-NV)

Senator Bernard Sanders (I-VT)

Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI)

Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY)

Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)

Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)

Senator Jon Tester (D-MT)

Senator Tom Udall (D-NM)

Senator Mark Warner (D-VA)

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)

Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR)

Senators who voted to continue to fund Planned Parenthood - Liberty Unyielding

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