Face of Abu Graihb 'struggling'


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Abu Ghraib scandal haunts W.Va. reservist - Military- msnbc.com

Former Army reservist Lynndie England hasn't landed a job in numerous tries: When one restaurant manager considered hiring her, other employees threatened to quit.She doesn't like to travel: Strangers point and whisper, "That's her!"

It's difficult to forget the pictures that shocked millions in 2004: In one, she holds a restraint around a man's neck; in another, she's giving a thumbs-up and pointing at the genitals of naked, hooded men, a cigarette dangling from her mouth.
"They think that I was like this evil torturer. ... I wasn't," she says. "People don't realize I was just in a photo for a split second in time."
"We were just pawns," said England, who's appealing her conviction and has her next hearing in July. "People were just playing us."
A jury of five Army officers, however, rejected England's claims that she was only following orders and trying to please the father of her child, former Cpl. Charles Graner Jr., who's currently imprisoned for his role.
Christopher Graveline, the lead prosecutor at her trial and now an assistant federal prosecutor in Michigan, said England and the other defendants are free to present their side to the media.
"But they presented the same facts to the jury, and the jury rejected them," he said.

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