'Extinct' Polar Bears are Thriving, so Woketards Fire Professor who Proved it


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Woketards cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with their ideology.

WATCH: Canadian Prof Loses Job for Saying Polar Bears Not Endangered
Crockford’s “crime” was to point out that contrary to environmentalists’ computer projections, polar bear populations have increased, not decreased — despite “global warming”.

“What happened was that in 2007 there was a prediction that when sea ice declined to about 42 per cent below what it would have been in 1979 that two-thirds of the polar bears in the world would be gone. That would be 10 out of the 19 sub populations that exist.

But what has happened, we find from research, is that bear numbers have not gone down but in fact have gone up by at least 16 per cent and probably more. So the bears are thriving despite the fact that sea ice has declined dramatically.”

The “polar bears starving because of melting sea ice” story has been a staple of the green scare narrative.

In 2017, for example, footage of an emaciated polar bear rummaging pitifully through trash cans became a huge international story.

The video for National Geographic attracted over two million views. It was set to tear-jerking music and accompanied by the utterly dishonest and misleading message “This is what climate change looks like.”

In fact, as Crockford explains, this was the purest green #FakeNews.

“Starving is the leading natural cause of death for polar bears. It just happens.”

If the polar bear was starving to death, it was likely the result of its being old or sick — not because of melting summer sea ice.

Crockford says:

“Polar bears do most of their feeding in the spring time, not the summer. Starving polar bears don’t tell us anything about populations.”​
Woketards cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with their ideology.

WATCH: Canadian Prof Loses Job for Saying Polar Bears Not Endangered
Crockford’s “crime” was to point out that contrary to environmentalists’ computer projections, polar bear populations have increased, not decreased — despite “global warming”.

“What happened was that in 2007 there was a prediction that when sea ice declined to about 42 per cent below what it would have been in 1979 that two-thirds of the polar bears in the world would be gone. That would be 10 out of the 19 sub populations that exist.

But what has happened, we find from research, is that bear numbers have not gone down but in fact have gone up by at least 16 per cent and probably more. So the bears are thriving despite the fact that sea ice has declined dramatically.”

The “polar bears starving because of melting sea ice” story has been a staple of the green scare narrative.

In 2017, for example, footage of an emaciated polar bear rummaging pitifully through trash cans became a huge international story.

The video for National Geographic attracted over two million views. It was set to tear-jerking music and accompanied by the utterly dishonest and misleading message “This is what climate change looks like.”

In fact, as Crockford explains, this was the purest green #FakeNews.

“Starving is the leading natural cause of death for polar bears. It just happens.”

If the polar bear was starving to death, it was likely the result of its being old or sick — not because of melting summer sea ice.

Crockford says:

“Polar bears do most of their feeding in the spring time, not the summer. Starving polar bears don’t tell us anything about populations.”​

The greatest threat to polar bears is TOO MUCH ice. No way to get at the seals they eat. Melting sea ice gives them access to their food.
Woketards cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with their ideology.

WATCH: Canadian Prof Loses Job for Saying Polar Bears Not Endangered
Crockford’s “crime” was to point out that contrary to environmentalists’ computer projections, polar bear populations have increased, not decreased — despite “global warming”.

“What happened was that in 2007 there was a prediction that when sea ice declined to about 42 per cent below what it would have been in 1979 that two-thirds of the polar bears in the world would be gone. That would be 10 out of the 19 sub populations that exist.

But what has happened, we find from research, is that bear numbers have not gone down but in fact have gone up by at least 16 per cent and probably more. So the bears are thriving despite the fact that sea ice has declined dramatically.”

The “polar bears starving because of melting sea ice” story has been a staple of the green scare narrative.

In 2017, for example, footage of an emaciated polar bear rummaging pitifully through trash cans became a huge international story.

The video for National Geographic attracted over two million views. It was set to tear-jerking music and accompanied by the utterly dishonest and misleading message “This is what climate change looks like.”

In fact, as Crockford explains, this was the purest green #FakeNews.

“Starving is the leading natural cause of death for polar bears. It just happens.”

If the polar bear was starving to death, it was likely the result of its being old or sick — not because of melting summer sea ice.

Crockford says:

“Polar bears do most of their feeding in the spring time, not the summer. Starving polar bears don’t tell us anything about populations.”​
Liberals are all about manipulation based on emotion. Pushing the video of the starving Polar Bear is pure disinformation intended to mislead. No doubt the video will be played for millions of impressionable young kids who will be crying in their beds at night thinking of the poor polar bears dying because of CLIMATE CHANGE. That is how the Greta Thunbergs are created, with Liberal disinformation.
Screenshot_2019-10-29 Summary of polar bear population status per 2019.png
But what has happened, we find from research, is that bear numbers have not gone down but in fact have gone up by at least 16 per cent and probably more. So the bears are thriving despite the fact that sea ice has declined dramatically.”
I wonder why the research is not shown.

Summary of polar bear population status per 2019
Stating the truth is to “suck at your job”?

Except he wasn't stating the truth. The consensus of Scientists is that Polar Bears are threatened.

Polar bear - Wikipedia

Nevertheless, polar bears are listed as "Vulnerable" under criterion A3c, which indicates an expected population decrease of ≥30% over the next three generations (~34.5 years) due to "decline in area of occupancy, extent of occurrence and/or quality of habitat".[2] Risks to the polar bear include climate change, pollution in the form of toxic contaminants, conflicts with shipping, oil and gas exploration and development, and human-bear interactions including harvesting and possible stresses from recreational polar-bear watching.[2]

According to the World Wildlife Fund, the polar bear is important as an indicator of Arctic ecosystem health. Polar bears are studied to gain understanding of what is happening throughout the Arctic, because at-risk polar bears are often a sign of something wrong with the Arctic marine ecosystem.[180]
Woketards cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with their ideology.

WATCH: Canadian Prof Loses Job for Saying Polar Bears Not Endangered
Crockford’s “crime” was to point out that contrary to environmentalists’ computer projections, polar bear populations have increased, not decreased — despite “global warming”.

“What happened was that in 2007 there was a prediction that when sea ice declined to about 42 per cent below what it would have been in 1979 that two-thirds of the polar bears in the world would be gone. That would be 10 out of the 19 sub populations that exist.

But what has happened, we find from research, is that bear numbers have not gone down but in fact have gone up by at least 16 per cent and probably more. So the bears are thriving despite the fact that sea ice has declined dramatically.”

The “polar bears starving because of melting sea ice” story has been a staple of the green scare narrative.

In 2017, for example, footage of an emaciated polar bear rummaging pitifully through trash cans became a huge international story.

The video for National Geographic attracted over two million views. It was set to tear-jerking music and accompanied by the utterly dishonest and misleading message “This is what climate change looks like.”

In fact, as Crockford explains, this was the purest green #FakeNews.

“Starving is the leading natural cause of death for polar bears. It just happens.”

If the polar bear was starving to death, it was likely the result of its being old or sick — not because of melting summer sea ice.

Crockford says:

“Polar bears do most of their feeding in the spring time, not the summer. Starving polar bears don’t tell us anything about populations.”​
Thats the entire framework for the "science" of manmade global climate warming change - they silence the skeptic. Pathetic. Absolute polar opposite of science
Stating the truth is to “suck at your job”?

Except he wasn't stating the truth. The consensus of Scientists is that Polar Bears are threatened.

Polar bear - Wikipedia

Nevertheless, polar bears are listed as "Vulnerable" under criterion A3c, which indicates an expected population decrease of ≥30% over the next three generations (~34.5 years) due to "decline in area of occupancy, extent of occurrence and/or quality of habitat".[2] Risks to the polar bear include climate change, pollution in the form of toxic contaminants, conflicts with shipping, oil and gas exploration and development, and human-bear interactions including harvesting and possible stresses from recreational polar-bear watching.[2]

According to the World Wildlife Fund, the polar bear is important as an indicator of Arctic ecosystem health. Polar bears are studied to gain understanding of what is happening throughout the Arctic, because at-risk polar bears are often a sign of something wrong with the Arctic marine ecosystem.[180]
There's that anti-science word again: consensus, the word that tells you, "we're a Cult and we kill all hetetics"
Thats the entire framework for the "science" of manmade global climate warming change - they silence the skeptic. Pathetic. Absolute polar opposite of science

Yeah, when the skeptic comes in with a bag full of oil money and Koch Brother Cum Stains on his face, we tend to want to silence him.

She was working for the University AND Koch or are you claiming Koch Brothers own the University? In any event, you sound like a deranged Cult follower
Stating the truth is to “suck at your job”?

Except he wasn't stating the truth. The consensus of Scientists is that Polar Bears are threatened.

Polar bear - Wikipedia

Nevertheless, polar bears are listed as "Vulnerable" under criterion A3c, which indicates an expected population decrease of ≥30% over the next three generations (~34.5 years) due to "decline in area of occupancy, extent of occurrence and/or quality of habitat".[2] Risks to the polar bear include climate change, pollution in the form of toxic contaminants, conflicts with shipping, oil and gas exploration and development, and human-bear interactions including harvesting and possible stresses from recreational polar-bear watching.[2]

According to the World Wildlife Fund, the polar bear is important as an indicator of Arctic ecosystem health. Polar bears are studied to gain understanding of what is happening throughout the Arctic, because at-risk polar bears are often a sign of something wrong with the Arctic marine ecosystem.[180]

Are polar bear populations shrinking or not is the question at hand. A scientist checks to see if that's happening. A true believer asks what the priests say. At one point it was settled science by consensus that the earth was flat.
Are polar bear populations shrinking or not is the question at hand. A scientist checks to see if that's happening. A true believer asks what the priests say. At one point it was settled science by consensus that the earth was flat.

Actually, no.

All the way back to the Ancient Greeks, scientists knew the world was round. So did most sailors. Your piss-ignorant peasant who never traveled more than 50 miles from where he was born thought it was flat..

We have a lot of evidence that the globe is getting warmer... dying coral reefs, melting permafrost, shrinking glaciers, and so on.

What we have is what credible scientists - 97% of them- realize, and what the Koch Brothers pay for to confuse the issue to prevent serious action from being taken.

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