Explosive CDC Omission: Norovirus Spread Through Reusable Grocery Bags


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently expanded its website to include a norovirus toolkit advising the ways in which one might contract the killer virus.

Among the public health agency's prescribed practices to stop the spread of the virus: "Practice proper hand hygiene … Take care in the kitchen … Do not prepare food while infected … Clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces after throwing up or having diarrhea … Wash laundry thoroughly."

But nowhere in that exhaustive battery of norovirus dodges was a recommendation to avoid reusable grocery bags. Curious, considering that reusable-but-not-recyclable alternative to single-use plastic bags were recently linked to an unsavory outbreak of norovirus that struck a hapless middle school-aged girls' soccer team.

The proliferation of the virus, which is estimated to cause 21 million of acute cases of gastroenteritis and the deaths of some 200,000 children annually, via the bags is in part the result of an unfortunate merger of form and function.

Successive studies have shown reusable bags to host bacteria like E. coli, salmonella and fecal coliform in addition to norovirus. One study even found the bacteria build-up on reusable bags was 300 percent higher than what is considered a safe level by public health officials.

Researchers at the University of Arizona sampled 84 reusable bags from shoppers in Los Angeles, the most recent major municipality to ban plastic bags, and two additional bag-outlawed cities. The findings were stunning: just over half were contaminated with some form of harmful bacteria while at least twelve percent contained traces of fecal matter. When the contaminated bags were housed in car trunks for two hours, scientists found the number of bacteria was boosted ten-fold.

One recent study found only three out of every twenty Americans wash their reusable grocery bags with any regularity.

From Explosive CDC Omission: Norovirus Spread Through Reusable Grocery Bags
You see what the "good for the environment" part is? It's bad for us!

This is how Enviro Whackos think.
When you start passing "bag bans" -- you better own up to the responsibility NOT to KILL PEOPLE...

Perhaps the stores pushing these Green bags ought to start RECYCLING them by sterilizing them for the customers. We'll see how long it takes before all those "planet savers" start DEMANDING plastic and paper bags again from their grocer..
Once, when asked "paper or plastic", I replied "low density polyethylene containment device" please.

Gotta hand it to the kid he knew just what I was talking about LOL.
New Norovirus Strain Spreads Around The World...
New strain of norovirus spreads around the world
Wed, January 9, 2013, A new strain of the winter vomiting disease norovirus has spread to France, New Zealand and Japan from Australia and is overtaking all others to become the dominant strain in Britain, health officials said on Wednesday.
The norovirus variant, known as Sydney 2012, was identified in a scientific paper last week and Britain's Health Protection Agency (HPA) said genetic testing showed it was now causing more cases in England and Wales than other strains. Sydney 2012 does not carry worse symptoms than others but, like other norovirus strains, it can cause violent and projectile vomiting, diarrhoea and sometimes fevers, headaches and stomach cramps. Norovirus cases have risen earlier than expected this winter in Britain, across Europe, Japan and other parts of the world.

Although norovirus mostly causes just a few days of sickness, it is responsible for millions of infections every year and is notorious for its ability to evade control. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say norovirus causes 21 million illnesses a year, with 70,000 cases requiring hospitalisation and around 800 ending in death. Ian Goodfellow, a scientist who has studied norovirus for 10 years, describes it as "the Ferrari of the virus world" and "one of the most infectious viruses of man". Latest HPA data showed a dip in reported norovirus cases over the Christmas period - something scientists had predicted - but with 4,140 cases so far in England and Wales, infections are still 63 percent higher than at this time last year.

For every laboratory-confirmed case, scientists estimate there are 288 unreported cases, since the vast majority of people affected don't go to a doctor. This means the number affected so far in Britain is more than 1.2 million. "The emergence of a new strain does not mean that it causes more serious illness, and managing outbreaks and those with the illness remains the same," said David Brown, director of the virology reference department at the HPA. "Noroviruses mutate rapidly and new strains are constantly emerging. At the start of the season it is normal for outbreaks to be caused by a range of different strains. However, as the season progresses, particular strains are more successful and become dominant." There is no specific treatment for norovirus infection other than to let the illness take its course and try to stay hydrated by drinking regularly. Symptoms usually last around two days.

Read more: New strain of norovirus spreads around the world - International, world news - TuoiTreNews
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently expanded its website to include a norovirus toolkit advising the ways in which one might contract the killer virus.

Among the public health agency's prescribed practices to stop the spread of the virus: "Practice proper hand hygiene … Take care in the kitchen … Do not prepare food while infected … Clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces after throwing up or having diarrhea … Wash laundry thoroughly."

But nowhere in that exhaustive battery of norovirus dodges was a recommendation to avoid reusable grocery bags. Curious, considering that reusable-but-not-recyclable alternative to single-use plastic bags were recently linked to an unsavory outbreak of norovirus that struck a hapless middle school-aged girls' soccer team.

The proliferation of the virus, which is estimated to cause 21 million of acute cases of gastroenteritis and the deaths of some 200,000 children annually, via the bags is in part the result of an unfortunate merger of form and function.Successive studies have shown reusable bags to host bacteria like E. coli, salmonella and fecal coliform in addition to norovirus. One study even found the bacteria build-up on reusable bags was 300 percent higher than what is considered a safe level by public health officials.

Researchers at the University of Arizona sampled 84 reusable bags from shoppers in Los Angeles, the most recent major municipality to ban plastic bags, and two additional bag-outlawed cities. The findings were stunning: just over half were contaminated with some form of harmful bacteria while at least twelve percent contained traces of fecal matter. When the contaminated bags were housed in car trunks for two hours, scientists found the number of bacteria was boosted ten-fold.

One recent study found only three out of every twenty Americans wash their reusable grocery bags with any regularity.

From Explosive CDC Omission: Norovirus Spread Through Reusable Grocery Bags

Wow. Now I have seen some dipshit reporting before, but the sentence in red takes the case. The jump from reuse of grocery bags to the use of those bags causing the death of 200,000 children is one of the worst cases of jounalistic idiocy I have seen in a long time. But typical of that source.

Of course, a quick spray of Lysol is out of the question, correct? Once again, idiocy from idiots.
Hmmm...The term "externalities" springs to mind. :eusa_think:

The term idiot comes to mind. Evey hear of Lysol?
This is proof that Box of Rocks cares not a whit about people.

Rockhead, did you know some people are allergic to Lysol? You advocate praying that shit into every f*ckin' shopping bag there is! People could die as a result of your sh*ty "advice". :mad:

Plus the MSDS (You DO know what an MSDS is DON'T YOU?) says it can be harmful if swallowed. But you don't care about Humans do you, only your Earth Goddess GAIA.

F*ckin' crazy assed, Earth Worshiping, Warmist Extremists like YOU are gonna' get us all killed!
People don't spray their grocery bags with lysol for the same reason that lysol contains a warning to remove food from areas to be sprayed.

Are the terms box of rocks and liberal synonymous?

The Lysol warning

Keep Lysol spray out of the reach of children and do not expose your children or pets to the spray. Do not spray on or near food because of the risk of ethanol poisoning.

Read more: Dangers of Lysol Spray | eHow.com Dangers of Lysol Spray | eHow.com
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently expanded its website to include a norovirus toolkit advising the ways in which one might contract the killer virus.

Among the public health agency's prescribed practices to stop the spread of the virus: "Practice proper hand hygiene … Take care in the kitchen … Do not prepare food while infected … Clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces after throwing up or having diarrhea … Wash laundry thoroughly."

But nowhere in that exhaustive battery of norovirus dodges was a recommendation to avoid reusable grocery bags. Curious, considering that reusable-but-not-recyclable alternative to single-use plastic bags were recently linked to an unsavory outbreak of norovirus that struck a hapless middle school-aged girls' soccer team.

The proliferation of the virus, which is estimated to cause 21 million of acute cases of gastroenteritis and the deaths of some 200,000 children annually, via the bags is in part the result of an unfortunate merger of form and function.

Successive studies have shown reusable bags to host bacteria like E. coli, salmonella and fecal coliform in addition to norovirus. One study even found the bacteria build-up on reusable bags was 300 percent higher than what is considered a safe level by public health officials.

Researchers at the University of Arizona sampled 84 reusable bags from shoppers in Los Angeles, the most recent major municipality to ban plastic bags, and two additional bag-outlawed cities. The findings were stunning: just over half were contaminated with some form of harmful bacteria while at least twelve percent contained traces of fecal matter. When the contaminated bags were housed in car trunks for two hours, scientists found the number of bacteria was boosted ten-fold.

One recent study found only three out of every twenty Americans wash their reusable grocery bags with any regularity.

From Explosive CDC Omission: Norovirus Spread Through Reusable Grocery Bags

I throw mine away. You put meats in plastic bags and you're asking for trouble, because they leak. There is no problem with recycling, but it has to be sterilized.
Aussie virus makin' ever'body sick...
US hit by new stomach bug spreading around globe
24 Jan.`13 — A new strain of stomach bug sweeping the globe is taking over in the U.S., health officials say.
Since September, more than 140 outbreaks in the U.S. have been caused by the new Sydney strain of norovirus. It may not be unusually dangerous; some scientists don't think it is. But it is different, and many people might not be able to fight off its gut-wrenching effects. Clearly, it's having an impact. The new strain is making people sick in Japan, Western Europe, and other parts of the world. It was first identified last year in Australia and called the Sydney strain. In the U.S., it is now accounting for about 60 percent of norovirus outbreaks, according to report released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Norovirus — once known as Norwalk virus — is highly contagious and often spreads in places like schools, cruise ships and nursing homes, especially during the winter. Last month, 220 people on the Queen Mary II were stricken during a Caribbean cruise. Sometimes mistakenly called stomach flu, the virus causes bouts of vomiting and diarrhea for a few days. Every two or three years, a new strain evolves — the last was in 2009. The Sydney strain's appearance has coincided with a spike in influenza, perhaps contributing to the perception that this is a particularly bad flu season in the U.S.

Ian Goodfellow, a prominent researcher at England's University of Cambridge, calls norovirus 'the Ferrari of viruses' for the speed at which it passes through a large group of people. "It can sweep through an environment very, very quickly. You can be feeling quite fine one minute and within several hours suffer continuous vomiting and diarrhea," he said. Health officials have grown better at detecting new strains and figuring out which one is the culprit. They now know that norovirus is also the most common cause of food poisoning in the U.S.

It's spread by infected food handlers who don't do a good job washing their hands after using the bathroom. But unlike salmonella and other foodborne illnesses, norovirus can also spread in the air, through droplets that fly when a sick person vomits. "It's a headache" to try to control, said Dr. John Crane, a University of Buffalo infectious disease specialist who had to deal with a norovirus outbreak in a hospital ward a couple of years ago.

Each year, noroviruses cause an estimated 21 million illnesses and 800 deaths, the CDC says. For those infected, there's really no medicine. They just have to ride it out for the day or two of severe symptoms, and guard against dehydration, experts said. The illness even got the attention of comedian Stephen Colbert, who this week tweeted: "Remember, if you're in public and have the winter vomiting bug, be polite and vomit into your elbow."

US hit by new stomach bug spreading around globe - Yahoo! News
Given how norovirus doesn't come from meat, what do disposable bags have to do with norovirus at all? A plastic bag that was sitting in the bathroom when someone crapped out norovirus would have been just as contaminated.

But then, look who's commenting. Katz and Mad Scientist think someone talked about spraying Lysol on food. Cuckoo, cuckoo. Rather than say "Don't use them for meat, and occasionally clean the bags", they declare it to be a reason to curse the environmentalist liberals who make them look dumb and took their lunch money and had all the fun.

Oh, I expect the free market cultists to come to my house and clean up the plastic bags that litter my creek and woods. After all, they say the free market always provides solutions to everything, so they should freely volunteer to clean up. If they won't come, they need to explain how I get reimbursed for the labor I expend. Are they saying I should be forced in a socialist manner to labor for free to clean up the trash their policies create? Personally, I have no problem laboring in such a socialist manner, being I'm a grownup, but the free market cultists say I shouldn't have to.
How long after the government knew how norovirus incubated and spread did it take them to mandate the cause?
Hmmm...The term "externalities" springs to mind. :eusa_think:

The term idiot comes to mind. Evey hear of Lysol?
This is proof that Box of Rocks cares not a whit about people.

Rockhead, did you know some people are allergic to Lysol? You advocate praying that shit into every f*ckin' shopping bag there is! People could die as a result of your sh*ty "advice". :mad:

Plus the MSDS (You DO know what an MSDS is DON'T YOU?) says it can be harmful if swallowed. But you don't care about Humans do you, only your Earth Goddess GAIA.

F*ckin' crazy assed, Earth Worshiping, Warmist Extremists like YOU are gonna' get us all killed!
Deadly mercury in the headache and epilepsy inducing curly fry light bulbs?...They don't care.

More people killed on the highways, because of the tiny unsafe shit box cars mandated by their idiotic CAFE standards?...They don't care.

Millions killed by malaria because of their myopic total ban on DDT?...They don't care.

More dead asthma sufferers and and a destroyed space shuttle because of their total paranoia of CFCs?...They don't care.

Another space shuttle blows up because of their total paranoia about asbestos?...They don't care.

Ground water contaminated by the MTBE they mandated be added to gasoline?...They don't care.

The only thing the envirowhack cares about is their reflection in the pool.
Oddball, screaming hatred at people for being smarter than you will not magically cure your retardation. It just makes you a screaming retard instead of a normal retard.

So, is there any fuktard conspiracy theory you haven't fallen for? Just one, anywhere?
Granny took a cruise once an' got sea-sick an' threw up onna captain...
US officials probe illnesses on Caribbean cruise
Jan 26,`14 -- U.S. health officials on Sunday boarded a cruise ship docked in the U.S. Virgin Islands to investigate an illness outbreak that has stricken at least 300 people with gastrointestinal symptoms including vomiting and diarrhea.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said that 281, or nearly 10 percent, of the 3,050 passengers aboard Royal Caribbean International's Explorer of the Seas have reported getting sick during a Caribbean cruise that left Cape Liberty, New Jersey, on Tuesday. Twenty-two crew members also reported feeling ill. Janet Diaz, spokeswoman for Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., said CDC representatives boarded the towering, 15-deck ship as it made a port call in St. Thomas, the main island of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

At least two CDC officials, an epidemiologist and an environmental health officer, were expected to do the investigation and evaluate the outbreak response on the cruise liner. The U.S. health agency had not responded Sunday to an email and a call seeking comment about the work aboard the ship. During the previous port call in Puerto Rico, the ship underwent "extensive and thorough sanitizing" to help prevent more people from getting sick, the company spokeswoman said. The ship bypassed a scheduled stop at the company's fenced-in beach destination in northern Haiti to sail directly to Puerto Rico's capital. "This was a difficult decision to make; however, we feel it is best to make this itinerary modification to help prevent any more guests from becoming ill," Diaz said.

The passengers and crew who fell ill have "responded well to over-the-counter medication being administered onboard the ship," she said. Fast-spreading norovirus is often to blame for similar symptoms sweeping closed quarters like those on cruise ships, but a determination will likely have to wait until samples are tested in a lab. Diaz said special cleaning products and disinfectants that are proven to kill norovirus are being used to clean the ship.

In a Sunday statement, Beverly Nicholson-Doty, the U.S. Virgin Islands' tourism commissioner, said the territory was grateful for the CDC's "quick response" and St. Thomas was ready to welcome ship passengers cleared to disembark. On Friday, an Explorer of the Seas passenger named Arnee Dodd tweeted that she had fallen ill aboard the ship and was quarantined with the other sick people. The Connecticut woman wrote that ship employees "put a lock down on food & are constantly cleaning everything." It was not clear if any passengers were still being quarantined Sunday. The ship's next scheduled stop is the Dutch Caribbean country of St. Maarten.

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