Experimental wind-farm produces tenfold power increase


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2008
Caltech researchers say the power output of wind-farms can be increased by an order of magnitude - at least tenfold - simply by optimizing the placement of vertical wind turbines on a given plot of land. Details of the experimental wind-farm, located in northern Los Angeles County, appear in the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy.

Impressively, the six VAWTs generated from 21 to 47 watts of power per square meter of land area; a comparably sized conventional wind-farm generates just 2 to 3 watts per square meter.

Wind-turbine placement produces tenfold power increase | R&D Mag


The operative phrase is "ten-fold... .... on a given plot of land".. To do that with Vertical turbines might neccessitate a ten-fold increase in the number of INDIVIDUAL turbines.

The six VAWTs generated from 21 W to 47 W of power per square meter of land area; a comparably sized HAWT farm generates just 2 W to 3 W per square meter.

Smaller wind farms with 10X more smaller turbines? OK -- it's a data point. Not a breakthru..
My goodness, it seems that the windies have discovered that if you face the wind you get more energy. And it only took a couple of years for that concept to click in. Meanwhile nobody talks about the low frequency hum that is said to affect human health and the bird kill. Not to mention the cost and the upkeep of the monstrosities. A tenfold power wind increase is like pissing into the ocean. You can never surf on the waves no matter how hard you try.
I just don't think I can justify a wind turbine cost-wise just yet. Not enough efficiency and too much noise. When the cost per KWh comes down, I'll reconsider.
How many birds and bats does he kill per day?

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