Exercise daily for at least two hours


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
The magical way to feel better, look better, and stay away from the doctor, and avoid pills. 7 days per week 2 hours per day. Easy to do. Get after it. I've been doing it for 50 years. It works.
Well, now, some experts say that too much exercise can be harmful.

But, yes, people should definitely get some exercise most of the days of the week.

For example, even bedbound people are told to at least wiggle their toes.

The magic word for older people, they say, is MOVE.

For younger or older people in relatively better health, they should definitely find some exercise to do (gardening, walking around the block, vacuuming, etc.).

In fact, this thread has inspired me to turn off my computer now, get out of the chair, & get some movement. My pedometer reads 4,217 steps. I need at least 5,000 more steps.
TWO HOURS A DAY????? Ridiculous.

Of course, for those who are employed in physically rigorous job, this is unavoidable. But do those people live longer than office workers? I don't know.

I am 71 and I exercise at least an hour a day, and probably do another hour or two in "activity," but I fret about the hours I spend doing nothing at all (physically). Like the time I spend watching the telly or sitting at this keyboard. That can't be helping anything, but I sat at a desk for most of my 50 year work career.
...thanks for the advice. Now, I just need to look for a girlfriend who loves to practice massage.
One small enough to walk on yer back..I suggest a third world nation, someone desperate..
Exercising daily is important to ensure that your body is fit and healthy to meet the challenges that you set for it. Exercise has a multitude of helpful results on your whole body, like: improves lung and heart efficiency, reducing your chances of cardiovascular disease.
The magical way to feel better, look better, and stay away from the doctor, and avoid pills. 7 days per week 2 hours per day. Easy to do. Get after it. I've been doing it for 50 years. It works.
I can still move like a twenty year old

Cause I've been excersing since I'm a teen
I also skip meat once or twice a week
My dad was a big believer in supplements ...which rubbed off on me....
Seems to be working for me also

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