Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

Perhaps they learned that from the left's soft racism of low expectations. "There, there, Mr. Black Man -- you're not good enough to succeed on your own. Let us Democrats help you out -- just enough to keep you dependent."

That's the right's nuanced racism in a nutshell:

The Democrats are conning black Americans, but black Americans are too stupid to see through it.

As much as you'd like to think so, no.

It's about who promises them the most goodies.

That's what I'm talking about.
:lol: Really? Again, no.

you expect people to support a group that takes a 'no' position on every single issue dealing with social justice?

you keep telling yourself it's not about the southern strategy.

someone might even believe you...
Ahhh. "Social justice". Taking things away from people who earned them and giving them to people who didn't.

And you wonder why people say Democrats are buying the black vote? :lol:
How the voting broke down on the 1968 Civil Rights Bill

By party and region

Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.
The original House version:

..............................................Yeah- nay
  • Southern Democrats: 7-87 (7%-93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0-10 (0%-100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%-6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%-15%)
The Senate version:
  • Southern Democrats: 1-20 (5%-95%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0-1 (0%-100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%-2%)
  • Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%-16%)
Nuff said?

Black voters have traditionally supported DEMS in our lifetimes because of how Republicans and Democratic officials and elected leaders have acted toward Blacks in our lifetimes.

What puzzles me is why ANYBODY (regardless of race) in the working classes has voted for EITHER party in the last couple decades.

The exceptions within the working classes whose continued support of the duelopoly does not puzzle me are those among us who are tools of either party.

For example, those 870,000 or so people who are now holding TOP SECRET security status.

Their continued support of the system at least does make sense to me.

They definitely do understand what hand is feeding them.

As to the rest of you partisans?

You guys I don't get.

I think that point THE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS was already made in the video NUF SAID. But you missed the rest by a billion miles. Demoicratcare for blacks as long as they vote for them.

So I guess that means the Republicans don't care for minorities at all. That is verified by their demographics and party make up. The GOP is an older white party whose days are numbered if they can't appeal to a wider base of voters

My suggestion is that you stop guessing and just accept the facts as they present themselves.

I note that the majority in BOTH PARTIES saw fit to pass the CIVIL RIGHTS bill of 1966.

The exceptions being found mostly in the voting patterns of both Southern Dems and Southern Reps.

Facts are persistently annoying, aren't they?

But when people ask us why the general consensus is that the OTHER is loaded with racists?

Well, historically we see there is some truth to that.

Personally I think that times have changed, and the average Southerner is no longer so obviously racist as he once most certainly was.
Well, it also fits into another aspect of the standard fare we get from the right, i.e., that all that happens can somehow be explained in a story that is based on the 'right good left bad' mantra.

You see it everywhere. No matter what happens, no matter what the event, the circumstance,

the right comes up with a story that frames the whole thing in a right good left bad context.

That is, of course, the essence of what propaganda is.
And that differs from your own propaganda...how exactly? :confused:

Because I don't do that. At least you didn't deny the right does it. lol
You don't do that? :rofl: Name something the right has done that you consider good.
The Republicans have made little effort to the get the votes of black Americans, while the Democrats have done everything they can to keep black Americans the lowest socioeconomic class in the country in order to keep their vote.

Frankly, I'm surprised that blacks haven't created their own third party. With the way districts are gerrymandered they could certainly win some elections with a third party.

How so?

The welfare state and the victim mentality. Most of your urban ghettos are primarily populated with blacks living off of some type of welfare. The inner city schools are crap, but the Democrats who predominantly control these areas refuse to allow school choice so parents can get their kids out of those schools and into better ones. The Democratic Party constantly resorts to victimization claiming that minorities aren't able to achieve anything on their own without the government intervening for them. Affirmative Action is an insult to minorities, in my opinion, because it tells them they aren't as capable as white people and so the standards have to be dumbed down for them.

It's been 45 years since the Civil Rights Act was passed and blacks haven't improved economically one bit. In fact, in some ways they are worse off. For example, over 70% of black children are born out of wedlock without a father in their life. However, you look at blacks who were born in foreign countries who have migrated here and they are typically better educated and have absolutely no problem building a successful life here in the states, which negates the myth that minorities are still being oppressed in this country due to latent racism. They are being oppressed alright, but not by their neighbors, but by their own government that is claiming to "help" them.

You have hit on several relevant points but none touch on what can be done to help struggling Americans whether they are black or white or hispanic.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. We can establish programs to help people but we can't force them to take advantage of them. It doesn't mean we shouldn't establish programs that help people escape poverty if every person doesn't take advantage. Millions of people...black, white and hispanic have benefitted from these programs. Many have gone on to distinguished careers

The black community has serious problems. Most are of their own making. The breakdown of the black family structure is the leading cause of poverty among blacks. However, it is something that Government can't fix. It will have to be resolved within the communities themselves
Most blacks live in urban area's and most since the 1960's are on government assistance. They will ALWAYS blindly vote Democrat in every election, case closed. The GOP hopes to lop off a few % points amongst the enlightened who see that the Democrat party has a vested interest in keeping African Americans down and helpless.

I remember back in the summer of 2008.........they interviewed a bunch of black women in the midwest. All thought Obama was going to pay for their mortgage, new kitchens, car etc..............
I thought, "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD".................
Personally I think that times have changed, and the average Southerner is no longer so obviously racist as he once most certainly was.

I live here and that is correct. The idea of the southern U.S. being this hostile racist environment is an antiquated stereotype 30 years out of date. Having grown up in the northeast I can accurately say that I heard more racist language in Boston than I have ever heard down here.
You have hit on several relevant points but none touch on what can be done to help struggling Americans whether they are black or white or hispanic.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. We can establish programs to help people but we can't force them to take advantage of them. It doesn't mean we shouldn't establish programs that help people escape poverty if every person doesn't take advantage. Millions of people...black, white and hispanic have benefitted from these programs. Many have gone on to distinguished careers

The black community has serious problems. Most are of their own making. The breakdown of the black family structure is the leading cause of poverty among blacks. However, it is something that Government can't fix. It will have to be resolved within the communities themselves

I agree that these issues have to be resolved in the communities, but it doesn't seem to be happening. The government can push it along by scaling back the welfare state and forcing people to start doing more to take care of themselves and act more responsibly. There should be a lifetime limit to how long someone can be on welfare. They should be required to have some kind of employment, even if only part time, and to provide proof that they are actively working to get off the system. I also think regular drug testing should be mandatory and at the very least no additional children should be paid for once someone is on the dole. Personally, I would take it even further and restrict people who have had children out of wedlock to even be allowed access to government help in the first place, as that is the number one cause of poverty. People would think a lot harder before they have those 15 minutes of passion.

Welfare should only be there for people who have temporarily fallen on hard times, not to people who engineered their life to live off of it through shear irresponsibility.
Personally I think that times have changed, and the average Southerner is no longer so obviously racist as he once most certainly was.

I live here and that is correct. The idea of the southern U.S. being this hostile racist environment is an antiquated stereotype 30 years out of date. Having grown up in the northeast I can accurately say that I heard more racist language in Boston than I have ever heard down here.

Nice reply. I haven't lived up north, but I have lived around some New England yankee's, and have dated a woman from Boston for a short time. It was Nig.... this and nig.... that made me sick.
I'll point you to jillian's "social justice" post.

Why? So you can sound stupid twice?

Are you making the case that the word "them" is racist?

Is that really all you have? :rofl:

Yes because the central theme of this thread is that there is something peculiar about blacks, something particular to their race, that causes them to vote en masse for a certain party mainly because it will get them 'handouts'. That would by definition be a racist sentiment.
Why? So you can sound stupid twice?

Are you making the case that the word "them" is racist?

Is that really all you have? :rofl:

Yes because the central theme of this thread is that there is something peculiar about blacks, something particular to their race, that causes them to vote en masse for a certain party mainly because it will get them 'handouts'. That would by definition be a racist sentiment.

So you are calling the person in the video a racist? Is that what you are doing? It has been said that when people are allowed they will vote themself as many benifits as they can. Democrats give a little so they can stay in power.
Are you making the case that the word "them" is racist?

Is that really all you have? :rofl:

Yes because the central theme of this thread is that there is something peculiar about blacks, something particular to their race, that causes them to vote en masse for a certain party mainly because it will get them 'handouts'. That would by definition be a racist sentiment.

So you are calling the person in the video a racist? Is that what you are doing? It has been said that when people are allowed they will vote themself as many benifits as they can. Democrats give a little so they can stay in power.

Reagan gave Americans a huge tax cut although he knew it couldn't be paid for with spending cuts. By definition a handout. Bush did exactly the same thing.

How did those 2 get elected? THEY didn't win the black vote.
Yes because the central theme of this thread is that there is something peculiar about blacks, something particular to their race, that causes them to vote en masse for a certain party mainly because it will get them 'handouts'. That would by definition be a racist sentiment.

So you are calling the person in the video a racist? Is that what you are doing? It has been said that when people are allowed they will vote themself as many benifits as they can. Democrats give a little so they can stay in power.

Reagan gave Americans a huge tax cut although he knew it couldn't be paid for with spending cuts. By definition a handout. Bush did exactly the same thing.

How did those 2 get elected? THEY didn't win the black vote.

Again are you calling the person in the video a racist?
Oh and fucking tax cuts are not a handout. How can a tax cut be a handout when it's my money that is being taxed?
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