Ex-GOP Candidate’s Wife Guilty of Voter Fraud


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2020

Prosecutors say Kim Phuong Taylor wanted her husband to win elections in 2020 “by any means necessary.”

A jury spent about five hours deliberating before convicting Kim Phuong Taylor on 52 counts of voter fraud in federal court Tuesday in Sioux City. Taylor faces up to five years in prison on each count. A sentencing date hasn’t been set.

Prosecutors say Taylor took advantage of other Vietnamese immigrants by illegally filling out election forms and ballots. Her husband, Jeremy Taylor, lost a GOP primary for the U.S. House and won election to the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors in 2020.

The case centered around two elections in 2020​

Jeremy Taylor ran in the GOP congressional primary against former Rep. Steve King in June of 2020. He came in a distant third behind King and Randy Feenstra, who won the primary and was subsequently elected to the U.S. House for the 4th District. In November 2020, Taylor was elected to the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors by a margin of two thousand votes, or 5%. He still serves on the board today.

No wonder Republicans keep harping on voter fraud. Their side will win elections by any means necessary. Who knew?

Prosecutors say Kim Phuong Taylor wanted her husband to win elections in 2020 “by any means necessary.”

A jury spent about five hours deliberating before convicting Kim Phuong Taylor on 52 counts of voter fraud in federal court Tuesday in Sioux City. Taylor faces up to five years in prison on each count. A sentencing date hasn’t been set.

Prosecutors say Taylor took advantage of other Vietnamese immigrants by illegally filling out election forms and ballots. Her husband, Jeremy Taylor, lost a GOP primary for the U.S. House and won election to the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors in 2020.

The case centered around two elections in 2020​

Jeremy Taylor ran in the GOP congressional primary against former Rep. Steve King in June of 2020. He came in a distant third behind King and Randy Feenstra, who won the primary and was subsequently elected to the U.S. House for the 4th District. In November 2020, Taylor was elected to the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors by a margin of two thousand votes, or 5%. He still serves on the board today.

No wonder Republicans keep harping on voter fraud. Their side will win elections by any means necessary. Who knew?

Boy, Maggot, you scraped the bottom of the barrel hard to get that up into the light.

Iowa public radio? Is that the poor cousin of NPR? Best you could do, huh?


This is a disgrace. Only a long prison sentence will ensure that justice is done.These people are sneaky and manipulative and mr trump is right in highlighting the way that they corrupt the electoral process.

This is a disgrace. Only a long prison sentence will ensure that justice is done.These people are sneaky and manipulative and mr trump is right in highlighting the way that they corrupt the electoral process.

Another ReNaziKlan caught committing Election Fraud.
Another ReNaziKlan caught committing Election Fraud.
Thank you for highlighting that point. Im embarressed to say that I missed that aspect. It rather undermines my point.
But we all know that morality belongs to one side. Gods chosen side.
Sorry bout that,

1. The Democrats will try again to steal the election, and others will say, that it didn't change the outcome.
2. We know when we are lied to, they cheat everyone when they do that, not just the Republicans the Democrats too.
3. If your votes is taken away and your ok with that, then its you who doesn't respect the vote, when they cheat the vote, they are cheating everyone.

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Lock them all up. Especially the dems who robbed trump. Have they caught any yet ?
Sorry bout that,

1. Put them in a new prison, VOTERS PRISON.
2. Not like they are gang members, but just as bad, but lets be fair, lump them all together.
3. Confiscate their monies and build the prisons.
4. Sell off their properties, and build the prisons.
6. Sell off all their, assets, and build the prisons.

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This is a disgrace. Only a long prison sentence will ensure that justice is done.These people are sneaky and manipulative and mr trump is right in highlighting the way that they corrupt the electoral process.

Do you have space for her in the UK?

The Tower of London perhaps?

Prosecutors say Kim Phuong Taylor wanted her husband to win elections in 2020 “by any means necessary.”

A jury spent about five hours deliberating before convicting Kim Phuong Taylor on 52 counts of voter fraud in federal court Tuesday in Sioux City. Taylor faces up to five years in prison on each count. A sentencing date hasn’t been set.

Prosecutors say Taylor took advantage of other Vietnamese immigrants by illegally filling out election forms and ballots. Her husband, Jeremy Taylor, lost a GOP primary for the U.S. House and won election to the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors in 2020.

The case centered around two elections in 2020​

Jeremy Taylor ran in the GOP congressional primary against former Rep. Steve King in June of 2020. He came in a distant third behind King and Randy Feenstra, who won the primary and was subsequently elected to the U.S. House for the 4th District. In November 2020, Taylor was elected to the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors by a margin of two thousand votes, or 5%. He still serves on the board today.

No wonder Republicans keep harping on voter fraud. Their side will win elections by any means necessary. Who knew?

Just another NaziCon Republican doing what they try to blame Democrats for doing.

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