"Everyone" thinks rich people are better than poor... WAY


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
Even poor people think this! It's just the way we Americans have been brainwashed to think. It's one of those thoughts/ideas/beliefs you have to pull out of.. your subconscious and FACE bravely. If you don't, that thought will control you and your words indefinitely. Even I, who always had compassion for the downtrodden, have always, again: subconsciously believed that the rich are somehow on some higher level than the poor (which... economically is indeed the case). I saw this within my mind one day and decided that that thought had to GO. It is elitism.

Well, at least I admit to my bad thoughts! And you cannot get rid of those until you admit they are there and face them down... make a decision / commitment not to think them.

So something like 99.5% of American adults think like this (rich people are blessed, poor deserve their miseries). But what about that line in the Declaration that says ALL are created by God and are created equal (my paraphrase)?

Well, there it is in B and W but no one REALLY believes it.

"Everyone" hates the homeless, especially the beggars, although St Francis and St LaBre (among others) were homeless beggars.

Most people dismiss today's homeless, however, with a shrug and w/ the thought that "It's his (her) own fault... needs to get a flippin job already [as if the person never thought of that!]... or "It's mental illness and/or criminality.. In any case, I cannot help. Besides, I have a lot on my plate already.. [like what to fix for dinner, filet mignon or...? hmmm]"

But is that how Jesus wants us to treat the downtrodden? There is a lot said about such hapless folks in both the Old and New Testament.

But even if you're not a Christian.. How is it compassionate of society in general --with so much of its tax $$ spent on... mating habits of the fruit fly studies...:banghead: etc... ) to just ignore these unfortunate people.

Someone did a study and found that the reason people experience chronic homelessness is that many "unfortunate" things have happened to them. Gee, whoda thunk it?!

But some people who have never been there just think... [other things]...
Who says a dirty, lazy pathetic piece of shit cant win the lottery or have a rich aunt die?

Everyone thinks rich people are better than poor...​

Not true. Joe Biden is pretty rich and he's not better than ANYONE.

Better in what way?
any way. You name it.

In other words, the rich are deferred to.. listened to.. helped in this way and that, even though you wouldn't think they need much help. Meanwhile, some poor schmucks can't even get 20% of the people driving by to give them a dollar or 2
You have to define what "Better" means and in what context. Are rich better off when it comes to living conditions than the poor? Sure! Are the rich better off to get into Heaven than the poor? Depends on the context and who is keeping the commandments better. And, who has better access to what and which commandments they must keep in today's world. Again, please specify what you mean by "Better."
You have to define what "Better" means and in what context. Are rich better off when it comes to living conditions than the poor? Sure! Are the rich better off to get into Heaven than the poor? Depends on the context and who is keeping the commandments better. And, who has better access to what and which commandments they must keep in today's world. Again, please specify what you mean by "Better."
I really don't think I have to. It goes w/o saying that if a poor person loves Christ and a rich person does not, that is one way the rich one is NOT doing better.

also see

parable told by Jesus: Lk 16:19

that pretty much says it all (except it kind of doesn't, but then, Scripture was never meant to be THE ONLY THING Christians have... (as the True Catholic Church has always taught

[as opposed to the fake one that took over the Vatican in 1958])
Even poor people think this! It's just the way we Americans have been brainwashed to think. It's one of those thoughts/ideas/beliefs you have to pull out of.. your subconscious and FACE bravely. If you don't, that thought will control you and your words indefinitely. Even I, who always had compassion for the downtrodden, have always, again: subconsciously believed that the rich are somehow on some higher level than the poor (which... economically is indeed the case). I saw this within my mind one day and decided that that thought had to GO. It is elitism.

Well, at least I admit to my bad thoughts! And you cannot get rid of those until you admit they are there and face them down... make a decision / commitment not to think them.

So something like 99.5% of American adults think like this (rich people are blessed, poor deserve their miseries). But what about that line in the Declaration that says ALL are created by God and are created equal (my paraphrase)?

Well, there it is in B and W but no one REALLY believes it.

"Everyone" hates the homeless, especially the beggars, although St Francis and St LaBre (among others) were homeless beggars.

Most people dismiss today's homeless, however, with a shrug and w/ the thought that "It's his (her) own fault... needs to get a flippin job already [as if the person never thought of that!]... or "It's mental illness and/or criminality.. In any case, I cannot help. Besides, I have a lot on my plate already.. [like what to fix for dinner, filet mignon or...? hmmm]"

But is that how Jesus wants us to treat the downtrodden? There is a lot said about such hapless folks in both the Old and New Testament.

But even if you're not a Christian.. How is it compassionate of society in general --with so much of its tax $$ spent on... mating habits of the fruit fly studies...:banghead: etc... ) to just ignore these unfortunate people.

Someone did a study and found that the reason people experience chronic homelessness is that many "unfortunate" things have happened to them. Gee, whoda thunk it?!

But some people who have never been there just think... [other things]...
There are two kinds of rich, those that earn it and those that inherit it. The earners are generally smarter, more daring, luckier, and more ruthless and ambitious than the rest of us. Their kids are usually just average people who have hit the lottery of life.
I can't imagine going through life believing the things the OP claims as fact... which tells me the OP is bullshit and applies only to its author who is not having feelings of guilt because of the way he thinks...
I really don't think I have to. It goes w/o saying that if a poor person loves Christ and a rich person does not, that is one way the rich one is NOT doing better.

also see

parable told by Jesus: Lk 16:19

that pretty much says it all (except it kind of doesn't, but then, Scripture was never meant to be THE ONLY THING Christians have... (as the True Catholic Church has always taught

[as opposed to the fake one that took over the Vatican in 1958])
Ahhh...see. You did have to define "Better" for others to understand what you mean. You were relating to a religious definition and not living condition or other something to do with "Better."
There are two kinds of rich, those that earn it and those that inherit it. The earners are generally smarter, more daring, luckier, and more ruthless and ambitious than the rest of us. Their kids are usually just average people who have hit the lottery of life.
well, it is an interesting parable, Luke 16:19

the rich man refuses to share what he has w/ the poor man

the poor man (a beggar) dies and goes to "the bosom of Abraham" which I guess is another term for Heaven, or at least it's not referring to Hell

the rich man also dies and goes to Hell

Did the poor man go to Heaven JUST because he was poor? That is not likely, but as a poor person who had NOTHING but God... maybe he was in a better position to actually SEE God.. and realize.. well, he likely realized many things... Here is one thing I have imagined him seeing in his situation... where the rich man refused to give him even crumbs from his table..

The poor man saw how abysmally and utterly UNFAIR life is! How could he not see that? But he apparently concluded that it was unfair because of PEOPLE, not because of God..

And we all see this .. one way or another. I mean, we look @ the 3rd world countries and wonder why all those children starve .. just because they were not born in the US or some other first world country..
I've never believed that rich folk are better than poor folk

I've shaken a lot of rich hands.

They sweat just like yours and mine do, no matter how big the diamonds.

Conversing with the brains attached to those hands is often a ridiculous waste of time.

well, it is an interesting parable, Luke 16:19

the rich man refuses to share what he has w/ the poor man

the poor man (a beggar) dies and goes to "the bosom of Abraham" which I guess is another term for Heaven, or at least it's not referring to Hell

the rich man also dies and goes to Hell

Did the poor man go to Heaven JUST because he was poor? That is not likely, but as a poor person who had NOTHING but God... maybe he was in a better position to actually SEE God.. and realize.. well, he likely realized many things... Here is one thing I have imagined him seeing in his situation... where the rich man refused to give him even crumbs from his table..

The poor man saw how abysmally and utterly UNFAIR life is! How could he not see that? But he apparently concluded that it was unfair because of PEOPLE, not because of God..

And we all see this .. one way or another. I mean, we look @ the 3rd world countries and wonder why all those children starve .. just because they were not born in the US or some other first world country..
I doubt being rich or poor matters, it is how you treat others that matters.

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