Everybody Needs To Know What A POS Bloomberg Is


Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

You can't argue that Bloomberg is a pig when you are voting for Trump. This is what we meant when we said you Trumpsters have lowered the bar. Now even us liberals will take a stop and frisk womanizing billionaire. Hell, we won't even care when he breaks the law. Better than having a Republican in the white house. They're all corrupt and Trumps the most corrupt president ever.

Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral
We've never had a president like Donald Trump. He falls into every single sleaze category, from women to profiteering to attacking the Bill of Rights.

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant.

We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G. Harding.

We’ve had presidents who swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, only to then abuse it, like Richard Nixon.

And we’ve had presidents who, thanks to a presumptive sense of entitlement, lived slimy private lives, using countless women before tossing them aside — Harding again, plus John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

President Donald Trump falls into every single sleazy category, squarely and shamelessly. Just Thursday, we learned that he'll hold next year's Group of Seven meeting (with leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at his own Doral golf resort in Miami.

It’s the latest example of how Trump, who never divested from his businesses, continues to make millions from them. It’s also the latest reminder that he constantly violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which is supposed to ban presidents from accepting money from foreign governments. This while the House is in the middle of an impeachment inquiry and there are two lawsuits pending over the emoluments clause.

Unconstitutional:G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest

And the emoluments clause hasn’t stopped diplomats, representatives of government-owned businesses and other foreign visitors from buying his properties and running up big tabs at his resorts and hotels. That's stuffing cash, albeit indirectly, into Trump's pocket.

Meantime, finger-pointing at Hunter Biden diverts media attention — a time-honored Trump tactic — from his own children's brazen exploitation of their father’s office. As Bloomberg's Stephanie Baker notes, they "have continued working with foreign business partners from Dubai to Indonesia and India while their father sits in the White House." First daughter Ivanka and hubby Jared Kushner raked in an estimated $82 million in 2017 alone, records show.

“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens.”

Classic fake news. And before you ask, you don't accept proof.
Why dont you let the common man be the judge of how much good trump has done for them?

trump has a lot of support among whites who were abandoned by obama

while at the same time doing nothing to harm black people who now enjoy the lowest unemployment rate ever

that racist dog of yours wont hunt no more

Because perception is reality. In 2015 your corporate media went on and on about how the economy was bad because wages were still low, job growth was slow and economic growth was low.

I will let you idiots decide. I'm just pointing out you're being had. The economy is no better now than it was in 2015 in fact we should probably put back some of those regulations Trump removed and we should probably take away those unnecessary tax breaks. They didn't do shit other than widen the gap and make the rich richer. They aren't hiring because of it and we didn't get the growth promised.

Whites weren't abandoned by Obama. You fucked yourselves when in 2010 you gave the house back to Republicans. You abandoned yourself.

This line about black people enjoying the lowest unemployment in years is such bullshit. Based on growth and the jobs numbers, that's probably a lie.

And most of those low wage black people got raises because of minimum wage increases. Something Trump and Republicans were against and now want to take credit for it.

Unemployment was already low and going lower before Trump took office.
You certainly are wound tight

I sure hope nothing breaks on you unexpectedly

speaking only for myself I never expected trump to send me a check in the mail

thats a progressive nirvana not mine

the two biggest impediments to middle class and lower class worker prosperity is globalism and mass migration from the poor countries

trump has not solved that problem yet but its not because he hasnt tried

and I shudder to think how much worse it would be under hillary or jeb bush
Trump ain’t solving globalism! And he ain’t even trying. He just said a few things you liked. Did a few token things, u liked.

you’re a con by nature right?
If by “con” you mean conservative that I am

trump may not solve globalism but his policies can cut a better deal for America

btw, are you happy with communist china as the manufacturing giant of the world?

I’m not

The outbreak of the Coronavirus should make even the most committed globalist rethink our utter dependence on china

I think it is so strange that you Republicans today are basically saying what us liberals were saying in the 2000's

This was written by Thom Hartmann in 2004 when Republicans loved shipping jobs overseas and not tariffing companies who left for cheaper labor and taxes and then ship their shit back to here? It's about time:

When conservatives rail in the media of the dangers of "returning to Smoot Hawley, which created the Great Depression," all they do is reveal their ignorance of economics and history. The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation, which increased taxes on some imported goods by a third to two-thirds to protect American industries, was signed into law on June 17, 1930, well into the Great Depression. In the following two years, international trade dropped from 6 percent of GNP to roughly 2 percent of GNP (between 1930 and 1932), but most of that was the result of the depression going worldwide, not Smoot-Hawley. The main result of Smoot-Hawley was that American businesses now had strong financial incentives to do business with other American companies, rather than bring in products made with cheaper foreign labor: Americans started trading with other Americans.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

So Republicans claimed the tariffs caused the Great Recession. Now you have a different opinion? Boy you'll go along with whatever Trump says. If he's against it today, so will you be. But if the flip flops so will you.
Many republican swamp creatures were globalists in the 1990s and still are today

I was listening to NPR or CSPAN the other day and they had a bush family economic advisor

He tried to explain why our trade deficit with china is a good thing

and the first reason he gave was that it pulled many CHINESE out of poverty


thats bleeding heart liberal insanity masquerading as a conservative

Which means on most subjects its impossible to throw rocks at one party without hitting the other
“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens.”
Are they any worse than coke snorting Hunter Biden? Or Chelsea Clinton and the millions of benefits (in dollars) that she has raked in as the child of Hill and Bill?

There is a world of difference between Ivanka Trump and Hunter Biden and how they've behaved and what they have done.
To pretend they are just alike makes you an imbecile who can't be taken seriously.

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

You can't argue that Bloomberg is a pig when you are voting for Trump. This is what we meant when we said you Trumpsters have lowered the bar. Now even us liberals will take a stop and frisk womanizing billionaire. Hell, we won't even care when he breaks the law. Better than having a Republican in the white house. They're all corrupt and Trumps the most corrupt president ever.

Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral
We've never had a president like Donald Trump. He falls into every single sleaze category, from women to profiteering to attacking the Bill of Rights.

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant.

We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G. Harding.

We’ve had presidents who swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, only to then abuse it, like Richard Nixon.

And we’ve had presidents who, thanks to a presumptive sense of entitlement, lived slimy private lives, using countless women before tossing them aside — Harding again, plus John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

President Donald Trump falls into every single sleazy category, squarely and shamelessly. Just Thursday, we learned that he'll hold next year's Group of Seven meeting (with leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at his own Doral golf resort in Miami.

It’s the latest example of how Trump, who never divested from his businesses, continues to make millions from them. It’s also the latest reminder that he constantly violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which is supposed to ban presidents from accepting money from foreign governments. This while the House is in the middle of an impeachment inquiry and there are two lawsuits pending over the emoluments clause.

Unconstitutional:G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest

And the emoluments clause hasn’t stopped diplomats, representatives of government-owned businesses and other foreign visitors from buying his properties and running up big tabs at his resorts and hotels. That's stuffing cash, albeit indirectly, into Trump's pocket.

Meantime, finger-pointing at Hunter Biden diverts media attention — a time-honored Trump tactic — from his own children's brazen exploitation of their father’s office. As Bloomberg's Stephanie Baker notes, they "have continued working with foreign business partners from Dubai to Indonesia and India while their father sits in the White House." First daughter Ivanka and hubby Jared Kushner raked in an estimated $82 million in 2017 alone, records show.

“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens.”

Claims against the President have been proven to be fake news propaganda from the leftist controled mainstream media

Give some examples. You can't.

You must live under a rock. I suggest you crawl back under it
When conservatives rail in the media of the dangers of "returning to Smoot Hawley, which created the Great Depression," all they do is reveal their ignorance of economics and history. The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation, which increased taxes on some imported goods by a third to two-thirds to protect American industries, was signed into law on June 17, 1930, well into the Great Depression. In the following two years, international trade dropped from 6 percent of GNP to roughly 2 percent of GNP (between 1930 and 1932), but most of that was the result of the depression going worldwide, not Smoot-Hawley. The main result of Smoot-Hawley was that American businesses now had strong financial incentives to do business with other American companies, rather than bring in products made with cheaper foreign labor: Americans started trading with other Americans.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

So Republicans claimed the tariffs caused the Great Recession. Now you have a different opinion? Boy you'll go along with whatever Trump says. If he's against it today, so will you be. But if the flip flops so will you.
Trump recaptured the GOP from the Neocons for real conservatives who have always wanted fair trade for the benefit of Americans.
That is why the GOP changed, much like Sanders is changing the Democratic party in the other direction.
Fair enough but just remember you USMB cons were not on board with tariffs in fact I agree with tariff'ing imports to protect the middle class.

And while I agree with Trumps position, I don't think he will sincerely use tariffs appropriately or in a meaningful way. He simply said the right thing and today he and you tell us the middle class is doing great, even though they aren't doing any or much better than they were in 2015. But billionaires are richer than ever.

2.3% growth in 2019. Candidate Trump said Obama was a failure for such numbers.

The stock market was up, unemployment was low but you said what about the debt.

You said the gap between rich and poor grew bigger on obama's watch but it's growing even more under Trump.

And you didn't believe the unemployment numbers when Obama was in charge.

Oh yea, even though Obama had 80 straight months of jobs growth, you said the numbers were pathetic.

So how intellectually dishonest are you guys?

the former president wrote, "Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history."

The Democrat's message had the benefit of being true. Roughly a month into his presidency, with the economy falling off a cliff and the nation hemorrhaging jobs, Obama signed into law an economic stimulus package, which Republicans said would never work. Almost immediately, the employment landscape improved; the Great Recession gave way to a recovery; and the economy hasn't stopped growing or adding jobs since.

That's not opinion or spin; it's just what happened.

Obama's successor, however, still desperate for credit for a recovery he did not create, was unimpressed with the tweet. Last night, Donald Trump published one of his own.

"Did you hear the latest con job? President Obama is now trying to take credit for the Economic Boom taking place under the Trump Administration. He had the WEAKEST recovery since the Great Depression, despite Zero Fed Rate & MASSIVE quantitative easing. NOW, best jobs numbers ever."

I can appreciate why Trump is sensitive about this. He's based his entire presidency -- and re-election campaign -- on the idea that he's singlehandedly responsible for creating an economic nirvana unlike any ever witnessed by humans. If Americans knew the truth, the Republican's political standing would be even worse than it is now, which leads to ridiculous tweets like these featuring demonstrably false claims.

On economy, Trump picks a fight with Obama he cannot win

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

You can't argue that Bloomberg is a pig when you are voting for Trump. This is what we meant when we said you Trumpsters have lowered the bar. Now even us liberals will take a stop and frisk womanizing billionaire. Hell, we won't even care when he breaks the law. Better than having a Republican in the white house. They're all corrupt and Trumps the most corrupt president ever.

Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral
We've never had a president like Donald Trump. He falls into every single sleaze category, from women to profiteering to attacking the Bill of Rights.

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant.

We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G. Harding.

We’ve had presidents who swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, only to then abuse it, like Richard Nixon.

And we’ve had presidents who, thanks to a presumptive sense of entitlement, lived slimy private lives, using countless women before tossing them aside — Harding again, plus John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

President Donald Trump falls into every single sleazy category, squarely and shamelessly. Just Thursday, we learned that he'll hold next year's Group of Seven meeting (with leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at his own Doral golf resort in Miami.

It’s the latest example of how Trump, who never divested from his businesses, continues to make millions from them. It’s also the latest reminder that he constantly violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which is supposed to ban presidents from accepting money from foreign governments. This while the House is in the middle of an impeachment inquiry and there are two lawsuits pending over the emoluments clause.

Unconstitutional:G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest

And the emoluments clause hasn’t stopped diplomats, representatives of government-owned businesses and other foreign visitors from buying his properties and running up big tabs at his resorts and hotels. That's stuffing cash, albeit indirectly, into Trump's pocket.

Meantime, finger-pointing at Hunter Biden diverts media attention — a time-honored Trump tactic — from his own children's brazen exploitation of their father’s office. As Bloomberg's Stephanie Baker notes, they "have continued working with foreign business partners from Dubai to Indonesia and India while their father sits in the White House." First daughter Ivanka and hubby Jared Kushner raked in an estimated $82 million in 2017 alone, records show.

“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens.”

Classic fake news. And before you ask, you don't accept proof.

You are a classic example of a right wing idiot who when he doesn't like the facts he's seeing simply says out loud FAKE NEWS and then moves on in ignorant bliss.

What I want to know is why are you a Republican? Is it god, gays, guns, racism or are you rich? Because I'm actually upper class and I can't stand the GOP. They deny science and embrace ignorance aka religion. They are racists. Which categories do you fall under?

I like guns. Not enough to win me over to the dark side. I don't like illegals either. Illegal employers. Want that problem to stop? Go after the employers. But you won't do that cause you're too too stupid. Unless Trump came up with the idea then you'd love it, of course.
Bloomberg is a long time republican who only switched to Democrat to run for the president -- which has been reduced to nothing more than a vanity project for billionaires...

And corporate establishment Dems will choose him over a true progressive because they are corporate establishment Dems....

I have ZERO respect for the prospects of a billionaire like Bloomberg thinking he can buy the nomination....and even less respect for how once again, the corporate media is willing to prop him up all to try to defeat Bernie.....because their tax cuts mean just that much to them...

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

You can't argue that Bloomberg is a pig when you are voting for Trump. This is what we meant when we said you Trumpsters have lowered the bar. Now even us liberals will take a stop and frisk womanizing billionaire. Hell, we won't even care when he breaks the law. Better than having a Republican in the white house. They're all corrupt and Trumps the most corrupt president ever.

Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral
We've never had a president like Donald Trump. He falls into every single sleaze category, from women to profiteering to attacking the Bill of Rights.

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant.

We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G. Harding.

We’ve had presidents who swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, only to then abuse it, like Richard Nixon.

And we’ve had presidents who, thanks to a presumptive sense of entitlement, lived slimy private lives, using countless women before tossing them aside — Harding again, plus John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

President Donald Trump falls into every single sleazy category, squarely and shamelessly. Just Thursday, we learned that he'll hold next year's Group of Seven meeting (with leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at his own Doral golf resort in Miami.

It’s the latest example of how Trump, who never divested from his businesses, continues to make millions from them. It’s also the latest reminder that he constantly violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which is supposed to ban presidents from accepting money from foreign governments. This while the House is in the middle of an impeachment inquiry and there are two lawsuits pending over the emoluments clause.

Unconstitutional:G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest

And the emoluments clause hasn’t stopped diplomats, representatives of government-owned businesses and other foreign visitors from buying his properties and running up big tabs at his resorts and hotels. That's stuffing cash, albeit indirectly, into Trump's pocket.

Meantime, finger-pointing at Hunter Biden diverts media attention — a time-honored Trump tactic — from his own children's brazen exploitation of their father’s office. As Bloomberg's Stephanie Baker notes, they "have continued working with foreign business partners from Dubai to Indonesia and India while their father sits in the White House." First daughter Ivanka and hubby Jared Kushner raked in an estimated $82 million in 2017 alone, records show.

“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens.”

Classic fake news. And before you ask, you don't accept proof.

You are a classic example of a right wing idiot who when he doesn't like the facts he's seeing simply says out loud FAKE NEWS and then moves on in ignorant bliss.

What I want to know is why are you a Republican? Is it god, gays, guns, racism or are you rich? Because I'm actually upper class and I can't stand the GOP. They deny science and embrace ignorance aka religion. They are racists. Which categories do you fall under?

I like guns. Not enough to win me over to the dark side. I don't like illegals either. Illegal employers. Want that problem to stop? Go after the employers. But you won't do that cause you're too too stupid. Unless Trump came up with the idea then you'd love it, of course.

Fake news. I'm not a republican, I'm an American. Stop lying vermin.

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

You can't argue that Bloomberg is a pig when you are voting for Trump. This is what we meant when we said you Trumpsters have lowered the bar. Now even us liberals will take a stop and frisk womanizing billionaire. Hell, we won't even care when he breaks the law. Better than having a Republican in the white house. They're all corrupt and Trumps the most corrupt president ever.

Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral
We've never had a president like Donald Trump. He falls into every single sleaze category, from women to profiteering to attacking the Bill of Rights.

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant.

We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G. Harding.

We’ve had presidents who swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, only to then abuse it, like Richard Nixon.

And we’ve had presidents who, thanks to a presumptive sense of entitlement, lived slimy private lives, using countless women before tossing them aside — Harding again, plus John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

President Donald Trump falls into every single sleazy category, squarely and shamelessly. Just Thursday, we learned that he'll hold next year's Group of Seven meeting (with leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at his own Doral golf resort in Miami.

It’s the latest example of how Trump, who never divested from his businesses, continues to make millions from them. It’s also the latest reminder that he constantly violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which is supposed to ban presidents from accepting money from foreign governments. This while the House is in the middle of an impeachment inquiry and there are two lawsuits pending over the emoluments clause.

Unconstitutional:G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest

And the emoluments clause hasn’t stopped diplomats, representatives of government-owned businesses and other foreign visitors from buying his properties and running up big tabs at his resorts and hotels. That's stuffing cash, albeit indirectly, into Trump's pocket.

Meantime, finger-pointing at Hunter Biden diverts media attention — a time-honored Trump tactic — from his own children's brazen exploitation of their father’s office. As Bloomberg's Stephanie Baker notes, they "have continued working with foreign business partners from Dubai to Indonesia and India while their father sits in the White House." First daughter Ivanka and hubby Jared Kushner raked in an estimated $82 million in 2017 alone, records show.

“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens

Totally untrue ...

Grant was an abusive drunkard, Harding was a foul mouthed thief, FDR was a globalist lunatic who had no problems with death as a way to win an argument...Hoover was a millionaire businessman who spent lavishly on personal Comfort ..... The list goes on.

The problem here is a generation of uneducated morons who know no history.
Starting with you. Trump is about average
When it comes to personal qualities of the previous 44....


Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

You can't argue that Bloomberg is a pig when you are voting for Trump. This is what we meant when we said you Trumpsters have lowered the bar. Now even us liberals will take a stop and frisk womanizing billionaire. Hell, we won't even care when he breaks the law. Better than having a Republican in the white house. They're all corrupt and Trumps the most corrupt president ever.

Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral
We've never had a president like Donald Trump. He falls into every single sleaze category, from women to profiteering to attacking the Bill of Rights.

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant.

We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G. Harding.

We’ve had presidents who swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, only to then abuse it, like Richard Nixon.

And we’ve had presidents who, thanks to a presumptive sense of entitlement, lived slimy private lives, using countless women before tossing them aside — Harding again, plus John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

President Donald Trump falls into every single sleazy category, squarely and shamelessly. Just Thursday, we learned that he'll hold next year's Group of Seven meeting (with leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at his own Doral golf resort in Miami.

It’s the latest example of how Trump, who never divested from his businesses, continues to make millions from them. It’s also the latest reminder that he constantly violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which is supposed to ban presidents from accepting money from foreign governments. This while the House is in the middle of an impeachment inquiry and there are two lawsuits pending over the emoluments clause.

Unconstitutional:G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest

And the emoluments clause hasn’t stopped diplomats, representatives of government-owned businesses and other foreign visitors from buying his properties and running up big tabs at his resorts and hotels. That's stuffing cash, albeit indirectly, into Trump's pocket.

Meantime, finger-pointing at Hunter Biden diverts media attention — a time-honored Trump tactic — from his own children's brazen exploitation of their father’s office. As Bloomberg's Stephanie Baker notes, they "have continued working with foreign business partners from Dubai to Indonesia and India while their father sits in the White House." First daughter Ivanka and hubby Jared Kushner raked in an estimated $82 million in 2017 alone, records show.

“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens.”

I'm sure for every fact we point out on Bloomberg, Obama, or Hillary....the corrupt media has a fake manufactured story of how Trump is just as bad. Problem with that is it's hogwash. One of the women that is filing a lawsuit against Bloomberg worked for both of them....and she said Trump was a great boss, while Bloomberg was a pig.

Oh you are one of those who really believes Trump's innocent of all he is accused of? Most of the people on your side know he's a slimeball they just don't care. You actually believe he's not a slimeball. Got it. LOL

Why Evangelicals Support President Trump, Despite His Immorality

Why would people who claim to stand for family values so uncritically support a thrice-married man who set up complex legal arrangements to cover up multiple affairs throughout his current marriage? Because they believe God is making America great again through an imperfect human agent. And like any true believers, they will not be moved. Think about evangelicals during slavery days. How could they call themselves good Christians at the same time they were enslaving other humans?

Trump is far from the first person to feed us this lie. In the 19th century, when black and white people built a moral movement in America to abolish slavery, plantation owners paid preachers to write theological defenses of white supremacy and the people in the bible belt swallowed it.

I believe you are either ignorant or stupid.
You obviously don't know presidential history.

Trump is about average in personal qualities compared to the previous 44....and far from being the worst.

Because perception is reality. In 2015 your corporate media went on and on about how the economy was bad because wages were still low, job growth was slow and economic growth was low.

I will let you idiots decide. I'm just pointing out you're being had. The economy is no better now than it was in 2015 in fact we should probably put back some of those regulations Trump removed and we should probably take away those unnecessary tax breaks. They didn't do shit other than widen the gap and make the rich richer. They aren't hiring because of it and we didn't get the growth promised.

Whites weren't abandoned by Obama. You fucked yourselves when in 2010 you gave the house back to Republicans. You abandoned yourself.

This line about black people enjoying the lowest unemployment in years is such bullshit. Based on growth and the jobs numbers, that's probably a lie.

And most of those low wage black people got raises because of minimum wage increases. Something Trump and Republicans were against and now want to take credit for it.

Unemployment was already low and going lower before Trump took office.
You certainly are wound tight

I sure hope nothing breaks on you unexpectedly

speaking only for myself I never expected trump to send me a check in the mail

thats a progressive nirvana not mine

the two biggest impediments to middle class and lower class worker prosperity is globalism and mass migration from the poor countries

trump has not solved that problem yet but its not because he hasnt tried

and I shudder to think how much worse it would be under hillary or jeb bush
Trump ain’t solving globalism! And he ain’t even trying. He just said a few things you liked. Did a few token things, u liked.

you’re a con by nature right?
If by “con” you mean conservative that I am

trump may not solve globalism but his policies can cut a better deal for America

btw, are you happy with communist china as the manufacturing giant of the world?

I’m not

The outbreak of the Coronavirus should make even the most committed globalist rethink our utter dependence on china

I think it is so strange that you Republicans today are basically saying what us liberals were saying in the 2000's

This was written by Thom Hartmann in 2004 when Republicans loved shipping jobs overseas and not tariffing companies who left for cheaper labor and taxes and then ship their shit back to here? It's about time:

When conservatives rail in the media of the dangers of "returning to Smoot Hawley, which created the Great Depression," all they do is reveal their ignorance of economics and history. The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation, which increased taxes on some imported goods by a third to two-thirds to protect American industries, was signed into law on June 17, 1930, well into the Great Depression. In the following two years, international trade dropped from 6 percent of GNP to roughly 2 percent of GNP (between 1930 and 1932), but most of that was the result of the depression going worldwide, not Smoot-Hawley. The main result of Smoot-Hawley was that American businesses now had strong financial incentives to do business with other American companies, rather than bring in products made with cheaper foreign labor: Americans started trading with other Americans.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

So Republicans claimed the tariffs caused the Great Recession. Now you have a different opinion? Boy you'll go along with whatever Trump says. If he's against it today, so will you be. But if the flip flops so will you.
Many republican swamp creatures were globalists in the 1990s and still are today

I was listening to NPR or CSPAN the other day and they had a bush family economic advisor

He tried to explain why our trade deficit with china is a good thing

and the first reason he gave was that it pulled many CHINESE out of poverty


thats bleeding heart liberal insanity masquerading as a conservative

Which means on most subjects its impossible to throw rocks at one party without hitting the other
George HW Bush was a globalist....so his son was a globalist. Trump is the first president in the last 30 years not to sell us out to foreigners.
You certainly are wound tight

I sure hope nothing breaks on you unexpectedly

speaking only for myself I never expected trump to send me a check in the mail

thats a progressive nirvana not mine

the two biggest impediments to middle class and lower class worker prosperity is globalism and mass migration from the poor countries

trump has not solved that problem yet but its not because he hasnt tried

and I shudder to think how much worse it would be under hillary or jeb bush
Trump ain’t solving globalism! And he ain’t even trying. He just said a few things you liked. Did a few token things, u liked.

you’re a con by nature right?
If by “con” you mean conservative that I am

trump may not solve globalism but his policies can cut a better deal for America

btw, are you happy with communist china as the manufacturing giant of the world?

I’m not

The outbreak of the Coronavirus should make even the most committed globalist rethink our utter dependence on china

I think it is so strange that you Republicans today are basically saying what us liberals were saying in the 2000's

This was written by Thom Hartmann in 2004 when Republicans loved shipping jobs overseas and not tariffing companies who left for cheaper labor and taxes and then ship their shit back to here? It's about time:

When conservatives rail in the media of the dangers of "returning to Smoot Hawley, which created the Great Depression," all they do is reveal their ignorance of economics and history. The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation, which increased taxes on some imported goods by a third to two-thirds to protect American industries, was signed into law on June 17, 1930, well into the Great Depression. In the following two years, international trade dropped from 6 percent of GNP to roughly 2 percent of GNP (between 1930 and 1932), but most of that was the result of the depression going worldwide, not Smoot-Hawley. The main result of Smoot-Hawley was that American businesses now had strong financial incentives to do business with other American companies, rather than bring in products made with cheaper foreign labor: Americans started trading with other Americans.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

So Republicans claimed the tariffs caused the Great Recession. Now you have a different opinion? Boy you'll go along with whatever Trump says. If he's against it today, so will you be. But if the flip flops so will you.
Many republican swamp creatures were globalists in the 1990s and still are today

I was listening to NPR or CSPAN the other day and they had a bush family economic advisor

He tried to explain why our trade deficit with china is a good thing

and the first reason he gave was that it pulled many CHINESE out of poverty


thats bleeding heart liberal insanity masquerading as a conservative

Which means on most subjects its impossible to throw rocks at one party without hitting the other
George HW Bush was a globalist....so his son was a globalist. Trump is the first president in the last 30 years not to sell us out to foreigners.
Globalism had many supporters during and shortly after the Cold War

smart people in some ways but not smart enough

the gap between America and the rest of the world was so great the globalists thought anything was possible

but they were wrong and America has suffered for their mistakes
Bloomberg is a long time republican who only switched to Democrat to run for the president -- which has been reduced to nothing more than a vanity project for billionaires...

And corporate establishment Dems will choose him over a true progressive because they are corporate establishment Dems....

I have ZERO respect for the prospects of a billionaire like Bloomberg thinking he can buy the nomination....and even less respect for how once again, the corporate media is willing to prop him up all to try to defeat Bernie.....because their tax cuts mean just that much to them...

Hey, I say screw the liberal progressives in this country. The people who vote Democratic aren't smart enough to show up and vote every 2 years so corporations and the rich have already won even if Democrats win the White House. Hell, even when we controlled all three houses we still couldn't get it done. Blue Dog Democrats and the insurance companies gave us Obamacare. Could have been much better.

Today the masses have been convinced that Unions are bad. Meanwhile, as union membership went from 35% of the workforce to 10%, wages also went down. No coincidence. After 8 years of Bush sending all those good high paying union jobs overseas, now Republicans want to say they are for the middle class and want to make wages go up? No they don't. And even if they do, they want to see wages go from $15 to $18. Don't forget they shipped those jobs overseas because they were high paying union jobs. Great healthcare, pensions, high pay, job protection. Republicans didn't like that and they spent the 2000's trashing unions which made shipping all those jobs overseas a lot easier.

Today Republicans on USMB will trash unions but then turn around and say they are pro labor or pro worker. No they aren't. They want to pay blue collar $18 an hour not $35 like they used to. And none of Trump's policies are raising wages in any meaningful way.
Trump ain’t solving globalism! And he ain’t even trying. He just said a few things you liked. Did a few token things, u liked.

you’re a con by nature right?
If by “con” you mean conservative that I am

trump may not solve globalism but his policies can cut a better deal for America

btw, are you happy with communist china as the manufacturing giant of the world?

I’m not

The outbreak of the Coronavirus should make even the most committed globalist rethink our utter dependence on china

I think it is so strange that you Republicans today are basically saying what us liberals were saying in the 2000's

This was written by Thom Hartmann in 2004 when Republicans loved shipping jobs overseas and not tariffing companies who left for cheaper labor and taxes and then ship their shit back to here? It's about time:

When conservatives rail in the media of the dangers of "returning to Smoot Hawley, which created the Great Depression," all they do is reveal their ignorance of economics and history. The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation, which increased taxes on some imported goods by a third to two-thirds to protect American industries, was signed into law on June 17, 1930, well into the Great Depression. In the following two years, international trade dropped from 6 percent of GNP to roughly 2 percent of GNP (between 1930 and 1932), but most of that was the result of the depression going worldwide, not Smoot-Hawley. The main result of Smoot-Hawley was that American businesses now had strong financial incentives to do business with other American companies, rather than bring in products made with cheaper foreign labor: Americans started trading with other Americans.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

So Republicans claimed the tariffs caused the Great Recession. Now you have a different opinion? Boy you'll go along with whatever Trump says. If he's against it today, so will you be. But if the flip flops so will you.
Many republican swamp creatures were globalists in the 1990s and still are today

I was listening to NPR or CSPAN the other day and they had a bush family economic advisor

He tried to explain why our trade deficit with china is a good thing

and the first reason he gave was that it pulled many CHINESE out of poverty


thats bleeding heart liberal insanity masquerading as a conservative

Which means on most subjects its impossible to throw rocks at one party without hitting the other
George HW Bush was a globalist....so his son was a globalist. Trump is the first president in the last 30 years not to sell us out to foreigners.
Globalism had many supporters during and shortly after the Cold War

smart people in some ways but not smart enough

the gap between America and the rest of the world was so great the globalists thought anything was possible

but they were wrong and America has suffered for their mistakes

America hasn't suffered. Just ask the rich people in America. Now the middle class has suffered yes but the rich who are actually the people who really matter, the job creators, are doing fucking great. What are you talking about?

The rich don't care about America. Corporations only care about profits. So if they can do the work in Mexico for less, they're going to. They don't care about the middle class or this country. Especially the ones who are global. Do you think Pepsi or Ford cares about American workers?
If by “con” you mean conservative that I am

trump may not solve globalism but his policies can cut a better deal for America

btw, are you happy with communist china as the manufacturing giant of the world?

I’m not

The outbreak of the Coronavirus should make even the most committed globalist rethink our utter dependence on china

I think it is so strange that you Republicans today are basically saying what us liberals were saying in the 2000's

This was written by Thom Hartmann in 2004 when Republicans loved shipping jobs overseas and not tariffing companies who left for cheaper labor and taxes and then ship their shit back to here? It's about time:

When conservatives rail in the media of the dangers of "returning to Smoot Hawley, which created the Great Depression," all they do is reveal their ignorance of economics and history. The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation, which increased taxes on some imported goods by a third to two-thirds to protect American industries, was signed into law on June 17, 1930, well into the Great Depression. In the following two years, international trade dropped from 6 percent of GNP to roughly 2 percent of GNP (between 1930 and 1932), but most of that was the result of the depression going worldwide, not Smoot-Hawley. The main result of Smoot-Hawley was that American businesses now had strong financial incentives to do business with other American companies, rather than bring in products made with cheaper foreign labor: Americans started trading with other Americans.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

So Republicans claimed the tariffs caused the Great Recession. Now you have a different opinion? Boy you'll go along with whatever Trump says. If he's against it today, so will you be. But if the flip flops so will you.
Many republican swamp creatures were globalists in the 1990s and still are today

I was listening to NPR or CSPAN the other day and they had a bush family economic advisor

He tried to explain why our trade deficit with china is a good thing

and the first reason he gave was that it pulled many CHINESE out of poverty


thats bleeding heart liberal insanity masquerading as a conservative

Which means on most subjects its impossible to throw rocks at one party without hitting the other
George HW Bush was a globalist....so his son was a globalist. Trump is the first president in the last 30 years not to sell us out to foreigners.
Globalism had many supporters during and shortly after the Cold War

smart people in some ways but not smart enough

the gap between America and the rest of the world was so great the globalists thought anything was possible

but they were wrong and America has suffered for their mistakes

America hasn't suffered. Just ask the rich people in America. Now the middle class has suffered yes but the rich who are actually the people who really matter, the job creators, are doing fucking great. What are you talking about?

The rich don't care about America. Corporations only care about profits. So if they can do the work in Mexico for less, they're going to. They don't care about the middle class or this country. Especially the ones who are global. Do you think Pepsi or Ford cares about American workers?
"The Rich" are Hollywood liberals and Wallstreet Democrats......and every Democrat in congress......along with a few Republicans.
Bloomberg is a long time republican who only switched to Democrat to run for the president -- which has been reduced to nothing more than a vanity project for billionaires...

And corporate establishment Dems will choose him over a true progressive because they are corporate establishment Dems....

I have ZERO respect for the prospects of a billionaire like Bloomberg thinking he can buy the nomination....and even less respect for how once again, the corporate media is willing to prop him up all to try to defeat Bernie.....because their tax cuts mean just that much to them...

Hey, I say screw the liberal progressives in this country. The people who vote Democratic aren't smart enough to show up and vote every 2 years so corporations and the rich have already won even if Democrats win the White House. Hell, even when we controlled all three houses we still couldn't get it done. Blue Dog Democrats and the insurance companies gave us Obamacare. Could have been much better.

Today the masses have been convinced that Unions are bad. Meanwhile, as union membership went from 35% of the workforce to 10%, wages also went down. No coincidence. After 8 years of Bush sending all those good high paying union jobs overseas, now Republicans want to say they are for the middle class and want to make wages go up? No they don't. And even if they do, they want to see wages go from $15 to $18. Don't forget they shipped those jobs overseas because they were high paying union jobs. Great healthcare, pensions, high pay, job protection. Republicans didn't like that and they spent the 2000's trashing unions which made shipping all those jobs overseas a lot easier.

Today Republicans on USMB will trash unions but then turn around and say they are pro labor or pro worker. No they aren't. They want to pay blue collar $18 an hour not $35 like they used to. And none of Trump's policies are raising wages in any meaningful way.
I don't know the definition of "screw the progressives in this country" -- all I know is to continue to fight and be in favor of the things I believe in.....

Maybe other people have the comfort and luxury to be nihilistic and apathetic, but I ain't made from that cloth.....

I believe in being repairers of the breach....

If by “con” you mean conservative that I am

trump may not solve globalism but his policies can cut a better deal for America

btw, are you happy with communist china as the manufacturing giant of the world?

I’m not

The outbreak of the Coronavirus should make even the most committed globalist rethink our utter dependence on china

I think it is so strange that you Republicans today are basically saying what us liberals were saying in the 2000's

This was written by Thom Hartmann in 2004 when Republicans loved shipping jobs overseas and not tariffing companies who left for cheaper labor and taxes and then ship their shit back to here? It's about time:

When conservatives rail in the media of the dangers of "returning to Smoot Hawley, which created the Great Depression," all they do is reveal their ignorance of economics and history. The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation, which increased taxes on some imported goods by a third to two-thirds to protect American industries, was signed into law on June 17, 1930, well into the Great Depression. In the following two years, international trade dropped from 6 percent of GNP to roughly 2 percent of GNP (between 1930 and 1932), but most of that was the result of the depression going worldwide, not Smoot-Hawley. The main result of Smoot-Hawley was that American businesses now had strong financial incentives to do business with other American companies, rather than bring in products made with cheaper foreign labor: Americans started trading with other Americans.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

So Republicans claimed the tariffs caused the Great Recession. Now you have a different opinion? Boy you'll go along with whatever Trump says. If he's against it today, so will you be. But if the flip flops so will you.
Many republican swamp creatures were globalists in the 1990s and still are today

I was listening to NPR or CSPAN the other day and they had a bush family economic advisor

He tried to explain why our trade deficit with china is a good thing

and the first reason he gave was that it pulled many CHINESE out of poverty


thats bleeding heart liberal insanity masquerading as a conservative

Which means on most subjects its impossible to throw rocks at one party without hitting the other
George HW Bush was a globalist....so his son was a globalist. Trump is the first president in the last 30 years not to sell us out to foreigners.
Globalism had many supporters during and shortly after the Cold War

smart people in some ways but not smart enough

the gap between America and the rest of the world was so great the globalists thought anything was possible

but they were wrong and America has suffered for their mistakes

America hasn't suffered. Just ask the rich people in America. Now the middle class has suffered yes but the rich who are actually the people who really matter, the job creators, are doing fucking great. What are you talking about?

The rich don't care about America. Corporations only care about profits. So if they can do the work in Mexico for less, they're going to. They don't care about the middle class or this country. Especially the ones who are global. Do you think Pepsi or Ford cares about American workers?
You sound bitter

I want every American citizen to do well

And better trade policies will help to accomplish that
You certainly are wound tight

I sure hope nothing breaks on you unexpectedly

speaking only for myself I never expected trump to send me a check in the mail

thats a progressive nirvana not mine

the two biggest impediments to middle class and lower class worker prosperity is globalism and mass migration from the poor countries

trump has not solved that problem yet but its not because he hasnt tried

and I shudder to think how much worse it would be under hillary or jeb bush
Trump ain’t solving globalism! And he ain’t even trying. He just said a few things you liked. Did a few token things, u liked.

you’re a con by nature right?
If by “con” you mean conservative that I am

trump may not solve globalism but his policies can cut a better deal for America

btw, are you happy with communist china as the manufacturing giant of the world?

I’m not

The outbreak of the Coronavirus should make even the most committed globalist rethink our utter dependence on china

I think it is so strange that you Republicans today are basically saying what us liberals were saying in the 2000's

This was written by Thom Hartmann in 2004 when Republicans loved shipping jobs overseas and not tariffing companies who left for cheaper labor and taxes and then ship their shit back to here? It's about time:

When conservatives rail in the media of the dangers of "returning to Smoot Hawley, which created the Great Depression," all they do is reveal their ignorance of economics and history. The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation, which increased taxes on some imported goods by a third to two-thirds to protect American industries, was signed into law on June 17, 1930, well into the Great Depression. In the following two years, international trade dropped from 6 percent of GNP to roughly 2 percent of GNP (between 1930 and 1932), but most of that was the result of the depression going worldwide, not Smoot-Hawley. The main result of Smoot-Hawley was that American businesses now had strong financial incentives to do business with other American companies, rather than bring in products made with cheaper foreign labor: Americans started trading with other Americans.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

So Republicans claimed the tariffs caused the Great Recession. Now you have a different opinion? Boy you'll go along with whatever Trump says. If he's against it today, so will you be. But if the flip flops so will you.
Many republican swamp creatures were globalists in the 1990s and still are today

I was listening to NPR or CSPAN the other day and they had a bush family economic advisor

He tried to explain why our trade deficit with china is a good thing

and the first reason he gave was that it pulled many CHINESE out of poverty


thats bleeding heart liberal insanity masquerading as a conservative

Which means on most subjects its impossible to throw rocks at one party without hitting the other
George HW Bush was a globalist....so his son was a globalist. Trump is the first president in the last 30 years not to sell us out to foreigners.

Donald Trump says he opposes globalists. Which is odd, because he acts an awful lot like one.

This is the same man who said it was “perfect” to ask the Ukrainian president to investigate an American political rival; who once called on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails; and who, according to the New York Times, pressured the Australian prime minister to help undermine the Mueller inquiry. Trump certainly doesn’t believe his own interests should be constrained by anything as prosaic as national borders -- or the national interest.

Trump is a product of borderless capitalism. He has raised money from investors in a dozen countries across the world and sold his name to builders in half a dozen more. Interests and resources can’t be constrained by national boundaries; the builder Trump knows that, even if the politician Trump pretends he doesn’t.
Trump ain’t solving globalism! And he ain’t even trying. He just said a few things you liked. Did a few token things, u liked.

you’re a con by nature right?
If by “con” you mean conservative that I am

trump may not solve globalism but his policies can cut a better deal for America

btw, are you happy with communist china as the manufacturing giant of the world?

I’m not

The outbreak of the Coronavirus should make even the most committed globalist rethink our utter dependence on china

I think it is so strange that you Republicans today are basically saying what us liberals were saying in the 2000's

This was written by Thom Hartmann in 2004 when Republicans loved shipping jobs overseas and not tariffing companies who left for cheaper labor and taxes and then ship their shit back to here? It's about time:

When conservatives rail in the media of the dangers of "returning to Smoot Hawley, which created the Great Depression," all they do is reveal their ignorance of economics and history. The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation, which increased taxes on some imported goods by a third to two-thirds to protect American industries, was signed into law on June 17, 1930, well into the Great Depression. In the following two years, international trade dropped from 6 percent of GNP to roughly 2 percent of GNP (between 1930 and 1932), but most of that was the result of the depression going worldwide, not Smoot-Hawley. The main result of Smoot-Hawley was that American businesses now had strong financial incentives to do business with other American companies, rather than bring in products made with cheaper foreign labor: Americans started trading with other Americans.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

So Republicans claimed the tariffs caused the Great Recession. Now you have a different opinion? Boy you'll go along with whatever Trump says. If he's against it today, so will you be. But if the flip flops so will you.
Many republican swamp creatures were globalists in the 1990s and still are today

I was listening to NPR or CSPAN the other day and they had a bush family economic advisor

He tried to explain why our trade deficit with china is a good thing

and the first reason he gave was that it pulled many CHINESE out of poverty


thats bleeding heart liberal insanity masquerading as a conservative

Which means on most subjects its impossible to throw rocks at one party without hitting the other
George HW Bush was a globalist....so his son was a globalist. Trump is the first president in the last 30 years not to sell us out to foreigners.

Donald Trump says he opposes globalists. Which is odd, because he acts an awful lot like one.

This is the same man who said it was “perfect” to ask the Ukrainian president to investigate an American political rival; who once called on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails; and who, according to the New York Times, pressured the Australian prime minister to help undermine the Mueller inquiry. Trump certainly doesn’t believe his own interests should be constrained by anything as prosaic as national borders -- or the national interest.

Trump is a product of borderless capitalism. He has raised money from investors in a dozen countries across the world and sold his name to builders in half a dozen more. Interests and resources can’t be constrained by national boundaries; the builder Trump knows that, even if the politician Trump pretends he doesn’t.
Your response is “imaginative” if nothing else

trump is trying to cut better deals for America in world trade

but he has a limited time left to do it

Its a shame that the next democrat president will return to business as usual - aka selling out America

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