Everybody Hates Russia


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Well, not everybody. But most everybody.


This map is very bad news for Vladimir Putin - Vox
Looks like they're going through a dynasty phase of electing the same people over & over much like the US w/ Bush' & Clintons
I do not hate Russia. There are good people in Russia but Putin is planning an attack on the USA and he is a bad guy!
May I ask you: what d'you know about Russia and Putin and from where? Let me guess: from your media most of the time. How much d'you trust your media? In 2008 it lied about "big Russia attacked small Georgia!!!!!", remember? Everything it is telling about situation in Ukraine is lies as well (I know too many people who can confirm that from their own experience). And by accident I was a witness to a couple of interesting situations. About a year before Georgia and Ukraine (both governments controlled by USA) were going to attack Russians (in South Osetia or Donbass) their media started demonizing Russia and its current president and yelling: Russia is going to attack our country!!! So, from my experience: if your media starts warning you about possible attack from Russia, it means your country is preparing to start the war with Russia.
By the way Putin's rating is twice higher than Obama's at the moment. His country approves his actions because unlikely Gorbachev and Yeltsin he doesn't allow anybody in the world manipulate Russia and himself. That's why some foreign countries hate him and do their best to make their peoples do the same.
USA foreign politics towards Russia has been pretty aggressive lately, don't you think? And finally a question for you: how many wars has Russia started since the USSR has been broken? How many wars has USA started just since 1999 (Serbia)???? Whoever has ears listen, whoever has eyes look.....
May I ask you: what d'you know about Russia and Putin and from where? Let me guess: from your media most of the time. How much d'you trust your media? In 2008 it lied about "big Russia attacked small Georgia!!!!!", remember? Everything it is telling about situation in Ukraine is lies as well (I know too many people who can confirm that from their own experience). And by accident I was a witness to a couple of interesting situations. About a year before Georgia and Ukraine (both governments controlled by USA) were going to attack Russians (in South Osetia or Donbass) their media started demonizing Russia and its current president and yelling: Russia is going to attack our country!!! So, from my experience: if your media starts warning you about possible attack from Russia, it means your country is preparing to start the war with Russia.
By the way Putin's rating is twice higher than Obama's at the moment. His country approves his actions because unlikely Gorbachev and Yeltsin he doesn't allow anybody in the world manipulate Russia and himself. That's why some foreign countries hate him and do their best to make their peoples do the same.
USA foreign politics towards Russia has been pretty aggressive lately, don't you think? And finally a question for you: how many wars has Russia started since the USSR has been broken? How many wars has USA started just since 1999 (Serbia)???? Whoever has ears listen, whoever has eyes look.....

You are a liar. Do you live in Russia and see all the things from inside? I do. So man, please do not tell lie. Which attacks in South Osetia on Russians do you mean? Are there ANY Russians now or were then!?? NO!!! And again - South Osetia is a region of Georgia, recognised by UN, georgians tryed to destroy SEPARATISTS, the Ukrainian gov is doing the same. About wars - Chechnya, (x2), Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, Georgia, Ukraine (annexation of Crimea is the act of war man, and throwing russian soldiers to sovereign state too). Difference between Russia and US is that US withdrew from intervented countries leaving more or less democratic government (works it or not is the other question), but Putin tries to OCCUPY AND ANNEX NEIGHBOURS!!! He does change borders in Europe by attacking other country - thing wich never happened since WWII!!! What will you answer?!
About high rating - do you know ratings of Hitler's party in Germany before WWII? Kim Jung Il? Any dictator? about 100%. I live in Russia and I know how these ratings are made.
And one thing - Russians now feel like Germans after WWI - they are ashamed by collapse of USSR, they want revenge. They were silent for 20 years because they had to become stronger, now they feel like they are invincible, Putin granted them such feeling by his actions, so they love him.
Only strong and painful actions by West will stop them. I tell it as Russian who hears the hysteria about imperial rising and war with West everyday on TV.
May I ask you: what d'you know about Russia and Putin and from where? Let me guess: from your media most of the time. How much d'you trust your media? In 2008 it lied about "big Russia attacked small Georgia!!!!!", remember? Everything it is telling about situation in Ukraine is lies as well (I know too many people who can confirm that from their own experience). And by accident I was a witness to a couple of interesting situations. About a year before Georgia and Ukraine (both governments controlled by USA) were going to attack Russians (in South Osetia or Donbass) their media started demonizing Russia and its current president and yelling: Russia is going to attack our country!!! So, from my experience: if your media starts warning you about possible attack from Russia, it means your country is preparing to start the war with Russia.
By the way Putin's rating is twice higher than Obama's at the moment. His country approves his actions because unlikely Gorbachev and Yeltsin he doesn't allow anybody in the world manipulate Russia and himself. That's why some foreign countries hate him and do their best to make their peoples do the same.
USA foreign politics towards Russia has been pretty aggressive lately, don't you think? And finally a question for you: how many wars has Russia started since the USSR has been broken? How many wars has USA started just since 1999 (Serbia)???? Whoever has ears listen, whoever has eyes look.....

You are a liar. Do you live in Russia and see all the things from inside? I do. So man, please do not tell lie. Which attacks in South Osetia on Russians do you mean? Are there ANY Russians now or were then!?? NO!!! And again - South Osetia is a region of Georgia, recognised by UN, georgians tryed to destroy SEPARATISTS, the Ukrainian gov is doing the same. About wars - Chechnya, (x2), Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, Georgia, Ukraine (annexation of Crimea is the act of war man, and throwing russian soldiers to sovereign state too). Difference between Russia and US is that US withdrew from intervented countries leaving more or less democratic government (works it or not is the other question), but Putin tries to OCCUPY AND ANNEX NEIGHBOURS!!! He does change borders in Europe by attacking other country - thing wich never happened since WWII!!! What will you answer?!
About high rating - do you know ratings of Hitler's party in Germany before WWII? Kim Jung Il? Any dictator? about 100%. I live in Russia and I know how these ratings are made.
And one thing - Russians now feel like Germans after WWI - they are ashamed by collapse of USSR, they want revenge. They were silent for 20 years because they had to become stronger, now they feel like they are invincible, Putin granted them such feeling by his actions, so they love him.
Only strong and painful actions by West will stop them. I tell it as Russian who hears the hysteria about imperial rising and war with West everyday on TV.
You're both full of shit, eat up with the lies of your respective masters.
Hey, Wrangler. Do you really live in Russia??? I wonder what did Russia have to do to you to make you that hateful? Millions of people from SE Ukraine (where I’m from)were dreaming about becoming a part of Russia again and are fighting with Nazis for that possible privilege now while you take it all for granted and don’t appreciate it. We (the ones who are not Nazis or brainwashed by local media, which to me is the same) would love Putin to bring his troops and to help us, but he has not yet.
Tell if all those Nulands, Pyatts, McCains and other foreign officials who were coming to Kiev in winter one after another to support and to feed the protesters against current president were Russian officials??? I guess right now it’s time for Russia to pay back and to come to Ferguson to support the protests there??? I just imagine how hysterical the world would be in such case, while in Kiev the world considered it to be a normal thing…
About Crimea. Have you ever been there? I’ve been a lot of times. And every time everybody there would tell me: we want to be with Russia again and we will be. Real annexation of Crimea occurred when Khrushchev “moved” it from Russian Federation to Ukraine. In March 2014 a huge majority of Crimean residents were happy to go back to Russia and asked Putin “never to give them to anybody else again”. I know many people from Crimea who confirm that. If Russia did not return Crimea, Ukrainians would do the same there like in Donbass now. A couple of weeks ago we talked to a family of refugees from Lugansk, who confirmed: Ukrainians are every day shooting the civilians with Grads, Uragans, apply phosphor and cassette bombs, tearing women, children, seniors into pieces, ruining houses and infrastructure to ground level, keeping them without food, water, gas, electricity, medicine and doing even more evil things to civilians than Germans did during World War 2. And it’s not Donbass people who came to bomb Kiev, it’s Kiev who came to Donbass to exterminate those who did not want to support the new Nazis’ regime.
About Putin’s rating. This year there were 3 major reasons for it to raise significantly, which are hard to object:
  • winning the Olympics;
  • watching ugly events in Ukraine and understanding that something like that is not so easy and possible to happen in Russia (unlikely you the majority sees how Nazis are occupying Ukraine);
  • returning Crimea back to Russia caused a lot of joy among those who like their country.
Believe me, I have a lot of friends from Russia who confirm that.
About the wars. In my previous comment I was talking about the wars started after Soviet times. Nagorno-Karabakh and Transnistria conflicts started in Soviet times involving Armenia, Azerbaijan and Moldova. Chechnya war seemed to start not without some “help” from abroad (how else would you explain huge amount of weapons appeared on such a small territory of Chechnya to keep the war for several years) and was stopped by Putin in 2009. Since then his rating in Chechnya is even higher than in the rest of the country, am I right? In South Ossetia the majority of residents were owners of Russian passports and besides there were a legal contingent of Russian peacekeepers, that’s why when Georgia attacked Tskhinvali Russians did not have choice to protect it or not. And in spite of all hysteria of Western media in a few month after that Nickolas Sarkozy and bunch of other European leaders, officials and experts came there, saw the damage in Tskhinvali with their own eyes and confirmed to the world: it’s Georgia attacked Ossetia, not Russia attacked Georgia.
Let’s imagine you became a president of Russia after Yeltsin and obtained a huge, poor and terribly corrupted country, would you do any better than Putin to raise it to the level it’s now?
And finally my personal advise to all doubting Thomases, to all those Russian citizens who don’t like Putin: come to Ukraine, live there for a month, try to find a job, buy food, pay utilities, try to go to Donbass for a visit, I can guarantee first thing you’ll do when (even if) you return back to Russia you will run to the closest church and light a candle for Putin’s health because his job is to care about all his citizens even the ones like you…
I do not hate Russia. There are good people in Russia but Putin is planning an attack on the USA and he is a bad guy!

Yeah, we Russian people with widely supported elected president in the 21 century are not sleeping and dreaming for America to be terminated. Especially you, malysh (baby boy). RED ALERT!! one one one

P.S. Remember Medvedev's word to Arny - I'll be back! That's very suspicious don't you think.
So, what does it mean for us practically? Everyone knows it is war. It may be called proxy war or cold war but it's war anyway. You can make the world map of favorable views on Islamic State, for example, or on the USA and its politics. I bet the results would be inverse but pretty useless too.
I do not hate Russia. There are good people in Russia but Putin is planning an attack on the USA and he is a bad guy!

Yeah, we Russian people with widely supported elected president in the 21 century are not sleeping and dreaming for America to be terminated. Especially you, malysh (baby boy). RED ALERT!! one one one

P.S. Remember Medvedev's word to Arny - I'll be back! That's very suspicious don't you think.

As I said, I believe there are good people in Russia but Putin is most likely one of the most evil men on the face of the earth, Val. They must have been sleeping and dreaming if they thought they elected him! ha! ha! Those days are over with.

Putin had Medvedev in there while he was still calling the shots - do you really believe Medvedev was ever permitted to make any decisions? I wouldn't be surprised if they chose the tie and suit he wore each day. Do not be naive. By the way, the British re-opened the case on Putin's assassination of Livintenko and his wife Marina is still waiting for the two men Putin hired to poison her husband to be brought to Russia. Right now Putin is resisting any investigation because he knows he is guilty as sin and the two men who he hired? They know it too.

What is it like to have a President the world knows as a cold blooded murderer? We heard about him beating up his wife Ludvilla too. I'm glad she finally was granted a divorce to be free of him.
I do not hate Russia. There are good people in Russia but Putin is planning an attack on the USA and he is a bad guy!

Yeah, we Russian people with widely supported elected president in the 21 century are not sleeping and dreaming for America to be terminated. Especially you, malysh (baby boy). RED ALERT!! one one one

P.S. Remember Medvedev's word to Arny - I'll be back! That's very suspicious don't you think.

As I said, I believe there are good people in Russia but Putin is most likely one of the most evil men on the face of the earth, Val. They must have been sleeping and dreaming if they thought they elected him! ha! ha! Those days are over with.

Putin had Medvedev in there while he was still calling the shots - do you really believe Medvedev was ever permitted to make any decisions? I wouldn't be surprised if they chose the tie and suit he wore each day. Do not be naive. By the way, the British re-opened the case on Putin's assassination of Livintenko and his wife Marina is still waiting for the two men Putin hired to poison her husband to be brought to Russia. Right now Putin is resisting any investigation because he knows he is guilty as sin and the two men who he hired? They know it too.

What is it like to have a President the world knows as a cold blooded murderer? We heard about him beating up his wife Ludvilla too. I'm glad she finally was granted a divorce to be free of him.
Putin beated his wife ? Oh....I read it was Obama. And he didn't beat but was beaten. And not by his wife.

And your Obama is SMOKING!
I do not hate Russia. There are good people in Russia but Putin is planning an attack on the USA and he is a bad guy!

Yeah, we Russian people with widely supported elected president in the 21 century are not sleeping and dreaming for America to be terminated. Especially you, malysh (baby boy). RED ALERT!! one one one

P.S. Remember Medvedev's word to Arny - I'll be back! That's very suspicious don't you think.

As I said, I believe there are good people in Russia but Putin is most likely one of the most evil men on the face of the earth, Val. They must have been sleeping and dreaming if they thought they elected him! ha! ha! Those days are over with.

Putin had Medvedev in there while he was still calling the shots - do you really believe Medvedev was ever permitted to make any decisions? I wouldn't be surprised if they chose the tie and suit he wore each day. Do not be naive. By the way, the British re-opened the case on Putin's assassination of Livintenko and his wife Marina is still waiting for the two men Putin hired to poison her husband to be brought to Russia. Right now Putin is resisting any investigation because he knows he is guilty as sin and the two men who he hired? They know it too.

What is it like to have a President the world knows as a cold blooded murderer? We heard about him beating up his wife Ludvilla too. I'm glad she finally was granted a divorce to be free of him.
Wait-wait, I've lost the thread! How have you known about it? Please give some links that can prove your diarrhea, otherwise you're just Ukrainian troll. And who are Livintenko and Ludvilla? LOL
Well this is a sad time for my Ukraine and Ukrainians. I loathe the west for backing the illegal coup and the unconstitutional impeachment of the duly elected President.

This has precipitated this civil war.

I'm so angry at my Prime Minister Harper and my Conservative party for backing this coup and giving these bastards in Kiev the country that I am seriously considering changing parties after decades with the Conservatives going back to Brian Mulroney.

My husband and I are about ready to flush thirty plus years of Conservative Party loyalty down the drain over the Ukraine.
Well this is a sad time for my Ukraine and Ukrainians. I loathe the west for backing the illegal coup and the unconstitutional impeachment of the duly elected President.

This has precipitated this civil war.

I'm so angry at my Prime Minister Harper and my Conservative party for backing this coup and giving these bastards in Kiev the country that I am seriously considering changing parties after decades with the Conservatives going back to Brian Mulroney.

My husband and I are about ready to flush thirty plus years of Conservative Party loyalty down the drain over the Ukraine.
You are Ukrainian? Are you of Russian ethnicity? I don't disagree with your sentiments. It is just interesting to hear your view because most immigrants and expats from Ukraine to the West are anti-communist and by extension anti-russian. Canada has many western Ukrainian immigrants, I have read many were involved with nationalists groups during the Cold War and this has translated into support for what happened at Maidan today.
I do not hate Russia. There are good people in Russia but Putin is planning an attack on the USA and he is a bad guy!

Yeah, we Russian people with widely supported elected president in the 21 century are not sleeping and dreaming for America to be terminated. Especially you, malysh (baby boy). RED ALERT!! one one one

P.S. Remember Medvedev's word to Arny - I'll be back! That's very suspicious don't you think.

As I said, I believe there are good people in Russia but Putin is most likely one of the most evil men on the face of the earth, Val. They must have been sleeping and dreaming if they thought they elected him! ha! ha! Those days are over with.

Putin had Medvedev in there while he was still calling the shots - do you really believe Medvedev was ever permitted to make any decisions? I wouldn't be surprised if they chose the tie and suit he wore each day. Do not be naive. By the way, the British re-opened the case on Putin's assassination of Livintenko and his wife Marina is still waiting for the two men Putin hired to poison her husband to be brought to Russia. Right now Putin is resisting any investigation because he knows he is guilty as sin and the two men who he hired? They know it too.

What is it like to have a President the world knows as a cold blooded murderer? We heard about him beating up his wife Ludvilla too. I'm glad she finally was granted a divorce to be free of him.

So? Obama is the assassinator in chief murdering innocent civilians in drone attacks on suspected terrorists.

I don't believe there is one world leader without blood on their hands.

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