Ever Experience Deja Vu?


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2015
Anyone experience deja vu in their life?

I have many times in my life and it has been like freaking. I will like dream of visiting some place or dream of something happening and then like later in life I do visit this place or what I dreamed about does happen. I have dreamed about meeting new people and then later in life I actually meet that person in my dreams. I will dream about a new job then later in life I am working at that job. I have even dreamed of bad things happening to me like a car accident and then later in life that same exact car accident I dreamed about happens to me! I have dreamed about someone dieing and then guess what they die! It is so weird.
Deja-vu is a glitch in the brain's memory processing system

I attended identical field trips by the same teacher that taught both of my children. The second time, I momentarily forgot why, when and how I got there...
Noted, the article notes that "may be" what it is.
It certainly is a more reasonable explanation than magic

It's one of thes4 things we don't understand 100% just like we don't understand 95% of the universe.

There is no need to make up things like "spirits" to explain it.
It certainly is a more reasonable explanation than magic

It's one of thes4 things we don't understand 100% just like we don't understand 95% of the universe.

There is no need to make up things like "spirits" to explain it.

There is far more we do not know than we do know, IMO. I don't pretend to have the answers.
No but if you dismiss reasonable theories you might as well not bother to understand

I didn't dismiss it. I simply noted it was a theory. I can't say this is what happens because it's a theory.

Is it? It's one theory.
I get deja vu all the time as well. I'll get imagines of what's to come as well as experiencing events in the "now" that are linked to "past" memories. Mankind are funny monkeys who believe that the Universe should be constrained by our limited understanding
I attended identical field trips by the same teacher that taught both of my children. The second time, I momentarily forgot why, when and how I got there...

That happens especially if you rode along on the bus as a chaperon. I did that once on a zoo trip and spent my entire time at the zoo pelting the ducks with food as therapy to calm my nerves and soul. Well not really the entire time, but it is the only part of the trip I haven't blacked out at least. I don't mind wrangling kids, but there should be a law against adults being confined on a school bus with 30 plus of those high-pitched shrieking creatures for hours.

As for deja vu. Yes I have experienced it but it usually involves a place like being in a place and realizing I have been there before but having no recollection ever of actually having been there before.
Anyone experience deja vu in their life?

I have many times in my life and it has been like freaking. I will like dream of visiting some place or dream of something happening and then like later in life I do visit this place or what I dreamed about does happen. I have dreamed about meeting new people and then later in life I actually meet that person in my dreams. I will dream about a new job then later in life I am working at that job. I have even dreamed of bad things happening to me like a car accident and then later in life that same exact car accident I dreamed about happens to me! I have dreamed about someone dieing and then guess what they die! It is so weird.
Yes, I have several from dreams of my future I had when growing up.
Anyone experience deja vu in their life?

I have many times in my life and it has been like freaking. I will like dream of visiting some place or dream of something happening and then like later in life I do visit this place or what I dreamed about does happen. I have dreamed about meeting new people and then later in life I actually meet that person in my dreams. I will dream about a new job then later in life I am working at that job. I have even dreamed of bad things happening to me like a car accident and then later in life that same exact car accident I dreamed about happens to me! I have dreamed about someone dieing and then guess what they die! It is so weird.
I have many times as well.
In the sci fi world the use a device called "chronatons" to explain detecting anomalies in time.
Using that paradigm I think all of time as like a never ending whirlpool and some people are more sensitive to the variations in the flow that others.
I think deja vu is "sensing" those variations.

If you've ever smoked pot you may have noticed that tine around you seems to pass very slowly while you "sense" a much greater passage. I think that pot may enhance sensitivity to the time stream.

Yeah, crazy. But...
Anyone experience deja vu in their life?

I have many times in my life and it has been like freaking. I will like dream of visiting some place or dream of something happening and then like later in life I do visit this place or what I dreamed about does happen. I have dreamed about meeting new people and then later in life I actually meet that person in my dreams. I will dream about a new job then later in life I am working at that job. I have even dreamed of bad things happening to me like a car accident and then later in life that same exact car accident I dreamed about happens to me! I have dreamed about someone dieing and then guess what they die! It is so weird.
I had a dream that came true years later about something in my personal life. In the Convoluted Universe books by Dolores Cannon, the Aliens tell us that some dreams have meaning and some dreams mean nothing. Dolores Cannon talked about Deja Vu in her books. Deja Vu could be from a past life or from a parallel world or from a dream. I highly recommend reading Dolores Cannon's books to find out more about Deja Vu and dreams.
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I had a dream that came true years later about something in my personal life. In the Convoluted Universe books by Dolores Cannon, the Aliens tell us that some dreams have meaning and some dreams mean nothing. Dolores Cannon talked about Deja Vu in her books. Deja Vu could be from a past life or from a parallel world or from a dream. I highly recommend reading Dolores Cannon's books to find out more about Deja Vu and dreams.
Interesting i have had many dreams about Aliens. A dream that God and his angels were aliens and they visited me from a mother ship. I also had a dream about being kidnapped by aliens and being abducted on their ship and them inserting small objects under my skin.

I dream of past and parrell worlds all the time. In my dreams I am sometimes someone else in a different world. I have been in futuristic worlds sometimes in my dreams way more advanced than our own. Sometimes I am the same person but in a completely different place, or time, or future.
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