Even Trump's own Justice Department won't defend his lies


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Sad :(

“According to data provided by the Department of Justice, the vast majority of individuals convicted of terrorism and terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from outside of our country.”

Donald Trump, speech before a joint session of Congress, Feb. 28, 2017

It isn’t every day that the Department of Justice acknowledges formally that the president of the United States lied in a speech to Congress. But that’s how I read a letter I received a few days ago from the department’s Office of Information Policy in connection with one of my Freedom of Information Act suits against the department.​

The Justice Department Finds 'No Responsive Records' to Support a Trump Speech

And he is getting worse - Not better

When we first started this project for the president’s first 100 days, he averaged 4.9 claims a day. But the average number of claims per day keeps climbing the longer Trump stays in office. In fact, in June and July, the president averaged 16 claims a day.

Put another way: In his first year as president, Trump made 2,140 false or misleading claims. Now, just six months later, he has almost doubled that total.​

Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
It’s True: Trump Is Lying More, and He’s Doing It on Purpose

The Justice Department is rotten at the top levels. There is no Justice, there's just us.
Problem is all people exaggerate as does DJT. What were once called exaggerations and shrugged off are now called "lies". Which is dumbassery.


DJT: "Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan."

There were not any polls when Lincoln ran. Is this a lie? I guess but its harmless.

DJT: "I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13."

While there is little evidence of true liberation I bet ICE has made MS-13 more uncomfortable.

So the term "lies" is silly. Trump speaks a lot more frequently than other presidents and Tweets WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more.

Let's take this "lying" talk with a grain of salt.
The Justice Department is rotten at the top levels. There is no Justice, there's just us.
Yea....funny how the DOJ became rotten as soon as they investigated Trump -- almost like people think the DOJ is supposed to only investigate people on the "other team"

Is Eric Holder in jail? They were rotten well before Trump.
What crime did Eric Holder commit that the current DOJ can't prosecute him for?

You do remember that the justice system has a process -- no matter how much you hate the black guy, you can't just throw him in jail without at least being able to produce evidence of a crime..now with you conservatives, simply putting black folks in jail with no evidence, never stopped yall before...so why is Sessions so inept?

oh by the way, Fast and Furious wasn't a crime...
Problem is all people exaggerate as does DJT. What were once called exaggerations and shrugged off are now called "lies". Which is dumbassery.


DJT: "Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan."

There were not any polls when Lincoln ran. Is this a lie? I guess but its harmless.

DJT: "I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13."

While there is little evidence of true liberation I bet ICE has made MS-13 more uncomfortable.

So the term "lies" is silly. Trump speaks a lot more frequently than other presidents and Tweets WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more.

Let's take this "lying" talk with a grain of salt.
Except Bush W had higher poll numbers than Trump -- so yea, he lied...but like you say, lies are harmless if its coming from your Daddy Trump..

Cultists never mind lies as long as it coming from their cult leader
Problem is all people exaggerate as does DJT. What were once called exaggerations and shrugged off are now called "lies". Which is dumbassery.


DJT: "Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan."

There were not any polls when Lincoln ran. Is this a lie? I guess but its harmless.

DJT: "I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13."

While there is little evidence of true liberation I bet ICE has made MS-13 more uncomfortable.

So the term "lies" is silly. Trump speaks a lot more frequently than other presidents and Tweets WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more.

Let's take this "lying" talk with a grain of salt.
Except Bush W had higher poll numbers than Trump -- so yea, he lied...but like you say, lies are harmless if its coming from your Daddy Trump..

Cultists never mind lies as long as it coming from their cult leader
That you're low-IQ is a given. But see if you can get this: I don't believe Trump, but I believe in him.
Problem is all people exaggerate as does DJT. What were once called exaggerations and shrugged off are now called "lies". Which is dumbassery.


DJT: "Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan."

There were not any polls when Lincoln ran. Is this a lie? I guess but its harmless.

DJT: "I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13."

While there is little evidence of true liberation I bet ICE has made MS-13 more uncomfortable.

So the term "lies" is silly. Trump speaks a lot more frequently than other presidents and Tweets WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more.

Let's take this "lying" talk with a grain of salt.
Except Bush W had higher poll numbers than Trump -- so yea, he lied...but like you say, lies are harmless if its coming from your Daddy Trump..

Cultists never mind lies as long as it coming from their cult leader

It depends on which poll you are looking at:

Trump Is Doing Much Better Than Clinton, Bush or Obama | RealClearPolitics

Do you honestly think his verbiage equals "lies"?

Come on. Stop it. Bush lied for sure with the whole weapons of mass destruction mantra. Clinton did too with ML. Those were blatant lies.
Problem is all people exaggerate as does DJT. What were once called exaggerations and shrugged off are now called "lies". Which is dumbassery.


DJT: "Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan."

There were not any polls when Lincoln ran. Is this a lie? I guess but its harmless.

DJT: "I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13."

While there is little evidence of true liberation I bet ICE has made MS-13 more uncomfortable.

So the term "lies" is silly. Trump speaks a lot more frequently than other presidents and Tweets WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more.

Let's take this "lying" talk with a grain of salt.
Except Bush W had higher poll numbers than Trump -- so yea, he lied...but like you say, lies are harmless if its coming from your Daddy Trump..

Cultists never mind lies as long as it coming from their cult leader

It depends on which poll you are looking at:

Trump Is Doing Much Better Than Clinton, Bush or Obama | RealClearPolitics

Do you honestly think his verbiage equals "lies"?

Come on. Stop it. Bush lied for sure with the whole weapons of mass destruction mantra. Clinton did too with ML. Those were blatant lies.
..and those who said that bush was lying were called traitors and terrorists for voicing our opinion -- and I DONT RECALL ANY FUTURE TRUMP supporters among those saying it was a lie..

Now when the history is clear about Bush -- now you Trump lovers want to act like you were on the right side of history then, you wasn't -- you were sycophants for Bush before you became sycophants for Trump -- and before you were sycophants for Trump, many of you were sycophants for Palin...so your credibility is shot when it comes to honesty.

Trump makes up BLATANT lies --- then has such little regard for the intellect of his supporters that he tells them that they will support him no matter what he does -- its baffling to me how Trump supporters think that is a compliment to them
Problem is all people exaggerate as does DJT. What were once called exaggerations and shrugged off are now called "lies". Which is dumbassery.


DJT: "Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan."

There were not any polls when Lincoln ran. Is this a lie? I guess but its harmless.

DJT: "I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13."

While there is little evidence of true liberation I bet ICE has made MS-13 more uncomfortable.

So the term "lies" is silly. Trump speaks a lot more frequently than other presidents and Tweets WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more.

Let's take this "lying" talk with a grain of salt.
Except Bush W had higher poll numbers than Trump -- so yea, he lied...but like you say, lies are harmless if its coming from your Daddy Trump..

Cultists never mind lies as long as it coming from their cult leader
That you're low-IQ is a given. But see if you can get this: I don't believe Trump, but I believe in him.
Then you are a sycophant -- you believed in Bush and Palin before Trump -- you believe in whoever power tells you to believe in, because you are a child
Problem is all people exaggerate as does DJT. What were once called exaggerations and shrugged off are now called "lies". Which is dumbassery.


DJT: "Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan."

There were not any polls when Lincoln ran. Is this a lie? I guess but its harmless.

DJT: "I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13."

While there is little evidence of true liberation I bet ICE has made MS-13 more uncomfortable.

So the term "lies" is silly. Trump speaks a lot more frequently than other presidents and Tweets WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more.

Let's take this "lying" talk with a grain of salt.
Except Bush W had higher poll numbers than Trump -- so yea, he lied...but like you say, lies are harmless if its coming from your Daddy Trump..

Cultists never mind lies as long as it coming from their cult leader

It depends on which poll you are looking at:

Trump Is Doing Much Better Than Clinton, Bush or Obama | RealClearPolitics

Do you honestly think his verbiage equals "lies"?

Come on. Stop it. Bush lied for sure with the whole weapons of mass destruction mantra. Clinton did too with ML. Those were blatant lies.
..and those who said that bush was lying were called traitors and terrorists for voicing our opinion -- and I DONT RECALL ANY FUTURE TRUMP supporters among those saying it was a lie..

Now when the history is clear about Bush -- now you Trump lovers want to act like you were on the right side of history then, you wasn't -- you were sycophants for Bush before you became sycophants for Trump -- and before you were sycophants for Trump, many of you were sycophants for Palin...so your credibility is shot when it comes to honesty.

Trump makes up BLATANT lies --- then has such little regard for the intellect of his supporters that he tells them that they will support him no matter what he does -- its baffling to me how Trump supporters think that is a compliment to them

Trump lover? What is your issue with all these ad hominems? I am giving you facts and logic and you respond with emotion and crying little a child. What exactly is your issue with Trump? What policies of his do you so vehemently disagree with that you are so angy? I did not vote for Bush. I did not like Bush as President. I thought the Iraq war was stupid. I voted for WJC and for Al Gore. I am an Independent for the 80th time. Can you read?
Problem is all people exaggerate as does DJT. What were once called exaggerations and shrugged off are now called "lies". Which is dumbassery.


DJT: "Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan."

There were not any polls when Lincoln ran. Is this a lie? I guess but its harmless.

DJT: "I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13."

While there is little evidence of true liberation I bet ICE has made MS-13 more uncomfortable.

So the term "lies" is silly. Trump speaks a lot more frequently than other presidents and Tweets WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more.

Let's take this "lying" talk with a grain of salt.
Except Bush W had higher poll numbers than Trump -- so yea, he lied...but like you say, lies are harmless if its coming from your Daddy Trump..

Cultists never mind lies as long as it coming from their cult leader

It depends on which poll you are looking at:

Trump Is Doing Much Better Than Clinton, Bush or Obama | RealClearPolitics

Do you honestly think his verbiage equals "lies"?

Come on. Stop it. Bush lied for sure with the whole weapons of mass destruction mantra. Clinton did too with ML. Those were blatant lies.
..and those who said that bush was lying were called traitors and terrorists for voicing our opinion -- and I DONT RECALL ANY FUTURE TRUMP supporters among those saying it was a lie..

Now when the history is clear about Bush -- now you Trump lovers want to act like you were on the right side of history then, you wasn't -- you were sycophants for Bush before you became sycophants for Trump -- and before you were sycophants for Trump, many of you were sycophants for Palin...so your credibility is shot when it comes to honesty.

Trump makes up BLATANT lies --- then has such little regard for the intellect of his supporters that he tells them that they will support him no matter what he does -- its baffling to me how Trump supporters think that is a compliment to them

Trump lover? What is your issue with all these ad hominems? I am giving you facts and logic and you respond with emotion and crying little a child. What exactly is your issue with Trump? What policies of his do you so vehemently disagree with that you are so angy? I did not vote for Bush. I did not like Bush as President. I thought the Iraq war was stupid. I voted for WJC and for Al Gore. I am an Independent for the 80th time. Can you read?
I don't believe any of that "I'm an Independent" BS you just said..

What economic policies of Gore did you support and why?

I won't expect an answer to that question for a minute because I realize it may take time for you to google something and try to pretend you supported it.

Trump has no policies, I object to the same old GOP policies that causes economic recessions -- you being a so-called Clinton-Gore supporter should be aware of that
Well if there was truly justice then Hilary would never had been a candidate and Obama would be in jail for his illegal wars.

But as you see the far left religion says the rules only apply to others, not those in the far left religious order.
Problem is all people exaggerate as does DJT. What were once called exaggerations and shrugged off are now called "lies". Which is dumbassery.


DJT: "Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan."

There were not any polls when Lincoln ran. Is this a lie? I guess but its harmless.

DJT: "I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13."

While there is little evidence of true liberation I bet ICE has made MS-13 more uncomfortable.

So the term "lies" is silly. Trump speaks a lot more frequently than other presidents and Tweets WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more.

Let's take this "lying" talk with a grain of salt.
Except Bush W had higher poll numbers than Trump -- so yea, he lied...but like you say, lies are harmless if its coming from your Daddy Trump..

Cultists never mind lies as long as it coming from their cult leader

It depends on which poll you are looking at:

Trump Is Doing Much Better Than Clinton, Bush or Obama | RealClearPolitics

Do you honestly think his verbiage equals "lies"?

Come on. Stop it. Bush lied for sure with the whole weapons of mass destruction mantra. Clinton did too with ML. Those were blatant lies.
..and those who said that bush was lying were called traitors and terrorists for voicing our opinion -- and I DONT RECALL ANY FUTURE TRUMP supporters among those saying it was a lie..

Now when the history is clear about Bush -- now you Trump lovers want to act like you were on the right side of history then, you wasn't -- you were sycophants for Bush before you became sycophants for Trump -- and before you were sycophants for Trump, many of you were sycophants for Palin...so your credibility is shot when it comes to honesty.

Trump makes up BLATANT lies --- then has such little regard for the intellect of his supporters that he tells them that they will support him no matter what he does -- its baffling to me how Trump supporters think that is a compliment to them

Trump lover? What is your issue with all these ad hominems? I am giving you facts and logic and you respond with emotion and crying little a child. What exactly is your issue with Trump? What policies of his do you so vehemently disagree with that you are so angy? I did not vote for Bush. I did not like Bush as President. I thought the Iraq war was stupid. I voted for WJC and for Al Gore. I am an Independent for the 80th time. Can you read?
I don't believe any of that "I'm an Independent" BS you just said..

What economic policies of Gore did you support and why?

I won't expect an answer to that question for a minute because I realize it may take time for you to google something and try to pretend you supported it.

Trump has no policies, I object to the same old GOP policies that causes economic recessions -- you being a so-called Clinton-Gore supporter should be aware of that

Believe what you like. Sorry it doesn't fit your mantra.

Gore was 2000? I wanted someone who was less hawkish when it came to war and would continue Clinton's views on the economy (I was young and stupid) as Clinton's "everyone gets a house" plan ended up being bad but it was good at the time I thought because the .coms were starting to fail and kill the economy.

Trump has no policies?!?!?!?!?!

--- Expanded border protection
--- Corporate tax cut to curb corporate inversions
--- Moving US embassy to Jerusalem?

Your ignorance is astonishing.

You are the case in point of a dumbass leftist. I am sharing your posts with my kids so that they can see that people like you do exist.
Problem is all people exaggerate as does DJT. What were once called exaggerations and shrugged off are now called "lies". Which is dumbassery.


DJT: "Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan."

There were not any polls when Lincoln ran. Is this a lie? I guess but its harmless.

DJT: "I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13."

While there is little evidence of true liberation I bet ICE has made MS-13 more uncomfortable.

So the term "lies" is silly. Trump speaks a lot more frequently than other presidents and Tweets WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more.

Let's take this "lying" talk with a grain of salt.
Except Bush W had higher poll numbers than Trump -- so yea, he lied...but like you say, lies are harmless if its coming from your Daddy Trump..

Cultists never mind lies as long as it coming from their cult leader
That you're low-IQ is a given. But see if you can get this: I don't believe Trump, but I believe in him.

That you believe in a confirmed pathological liar says much about you!

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