Evading Mosher’s FOI


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
when the climategate1.0 emails came out the official line was that they were harmless and taken out of context. the climategate2.0 emails have added a lot of context to the original batch, and also undercut many of the excuses that were made to explain the first batch.

Steve McIntyre of Climate Audit has culled and organized many of the emails that pertain to the effort to thwart FOI in respect to releasing temp data from CRU at UEA. Evading Mosher’s FOI « Climate Audit

it is interesting to see how Phil Jones sucked in officials from the university to defend him, and how they conspired to evade the law even after they realized Jones had lied to them. I really think some people should lose their jobs as a warning to others who might be tempted to break the law in the future to save face.
or we could discuss Jones' 'delete all emails' email.

- Bishop Hill blog - The Palutikoff email

Note that on 29 May 2008 Jones had emailed,

“Mike [Mann], Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4? Keith [Briffa] will do likewise. He's not in at the moment - minor family crisis. Can you also email [Eu]Gene [Wahl] and get him to do the same? I don't have his new email address. We will be getting Caspar [Ammann] to do likewise. I see that CA claim they discovered the 1945 problem in the Nature paper!! Cheers Phil”
Now read the Palutikof email that Jones sent on 4 June 2008 to his former CRU Co-Director, then at the Met Office, just 6 days after telling Mann to delete his emails and that Briffa would do likewise. Note particularly these statements.

“John Mitchell did respond to a request from Holland. John had conveniently lost many emails, but he did reply with a few. Keith and Tim have moved all their emails from all the named people off their PCs and they are all on a memory stick.”
Note also that in a pdf file created on 14 July 2010, a week after the Russell Review published its Report, Jonathan Colam-French told Sir Muir Russell at the very start of his Review in December 2009

“for example Keith Briffa took home emails that were subject to FOI to ensure their safekeeping”.
Remember also those strenuous assertions on 27 October 2010 from Professor Acton to the Commons Science and Technology Committee that Jones never knowingly deleted an email that was the subject of an FOIA request. We knew in 2008 that Mitchell had not really deleted his emails and we now have good reason to believe that no one did. All they now appear to have done was to move them off their PC’s and onto memory sticks. Whether deliberately or not, no one seems to have asked the right questions of these people, which are whether they held the emails on any electronic device or third party server and, if they had deleted them from their PCs, was it to avoid their disclosure.

hahahaha, they didnt delete their emails (except for Wahl), they just moved them somewhere else and 'couldnt find them'. how convenient! not exactly the same statements they gave out for FOI, or after climategate1.0 is it? is no one else concerned at how easily these guys lie to protect themselves or their colleagues? the whistleblower still has over 200,000 more emails that can be released. I wonder if he still expects climate science to come clean by itself, or whether he will just keep releasing more emails to disprove their latest lies and excuses.

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