EV owners sure look stOOpid now!!

Libs love EV's, not because of supposed lower emissions or carbon- (which by the way is just bullshit)- but because its easier to control the public because they control the electrical grid.

Remember and never forget, liberalism is based upon the concept that libs believe they can run your life better than you can. Telling other people what to do is the core principle of the ideology. Its just slavery with a smile- slavery of course being based upon the idea of someone telling someone else what to do.

Is there really a difference between a lib today telling someone to "wear that mask, get that vax" and a lib slave overseer telling someone to "pick that cotton, or row that boat"?
Damn, but you are one dumb fuck. A solar array and a battery and you are independent of the grid. Someone shuts the supply of gas off, and see how far your ICE will take you. Are you going to set up a petroleum distillery in your backyard? LOL You 'Conservative' retards are so predictable. By the way, concerning your opinion on Covid, may you have a happy ICU visit and a merry intubation.
Sounds like good sense to me until they get more generation. Of course, had they not played the brexit game, they might not need this law. Actions have consequences. That still leaves plenty of hours for charging.
Got proof that had they not left the EU they wouldn't have a power shortage or are you just pretending you know?
The power grid hasn't adapted to California or Texas in decades. The demand for energy won't increase as much as where we are needing energy to come from. I don't think the powers that be have thought this through.
They have not. But there are plenty of people that have. Agri-voltaics, VPP's, putting grids to where the wind and sun is as we put the Interstates. The problem of energy can be solved in this nation before the end of this decade.
Got proof that had they not left the EU they wouldn't have a power shortage or are you just pretending you know?
They have a power shortage because of a cable failure at present. Getting that fixed, and getting more cables across the channel would be a faster process if they were still in the EU.
Look pal. No one has told anyone when they can do this or that in our entire fucking lives in my woods

If it happened we'd be standing in disbelief and then put a fist in a face

When they tell you when to take a shit you'll understand. Good Lord

"You can only wash your cars on Tuesdays"................Well Chuck You Farley would be said

Good Lord

And this story is about what is happening in the UK. Is that in your neck of the woods?

Maybe not WHEN, but plenty of people have been told NOT to wash their car and NOT to water their lawn during drought conditions. Why not stomp your feet and pout then?

Or will you put a fist in the cops face when he comes by while you are washing your car during a drought?
Lol.10 mpg if you were lucky. That have a 455?

Yeah, had a 455. But it actually got really good mileage.

I was at a red light one day, and a black Boss Mustang pulled up in the lane next to me. He had his windows down and his T-tops off. He was sitting there revving his gocart engine, wearing his dark shades, little drivers cap, and black leather gloves with the fingers cut out.

I never do this kind of thing, but he had it coming.

The light turned green, and I barely stepped on the accelerator. When I got to the next red light.......I didn't see him next to me. I looked in my rearview mirror..........he was still a block behind me.
Yeah, Energizer batteries don't make replacements...........LOL.

But if they did, can you imagine having to carry one home and install it?????? ROFL
Dumb ass, it is called a Powerwall 2. Or other names from other manufacturers. Solar on your roof, a couple of Powerwall's, and you are fixed for normal driving. And the home batteries will continue to get less costly and have more storage as this decade progresses.
I can refuel my gas tank any time I want. Likewise eat, drink, go to the bathroom. If all you have is an EV, and you use it frequently then you have it charging anytime electricity is available.

It's called life. It is not scripted.

No, it is not scripted. But the overwhelming majority of EV owners will charge at night. That is when most cars are parked at home. If we do that, then the minority that charge during the day will be fine. I doubt we will ever see the day that there is a gov't mandate requiring off-peak charging here.
Wonderful illogic. Sure, they happened before, but not at the frequency that they are happening today.

Pure BS. Yes, hurricanes occurred much more frequently in the past. They were more powerful too.
No, it is not scripted. But the overwhelming majority of EV owners will charge at night. That is when most cars are parked at home. If we do that, then the minority that charge during the day will be fine. I doubt we will ever see the day that there is a gov't mandate requiring off-peak charging here.

Never said they wouldn't. However, they also plug in at work if the facilities are there.

That is ALWAYS going to happen with EV owners. They aren't stupid.

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