Ethnic cleansing

The thread is about alledged ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Considering that a large number were living in the West Bank under Jordanian citizenship when the PLO agitated against that kingdom -- the resultant PURGE of Palis from Jordan is fair discussion -- is it not?

Afterall -- we're largely talking about THE SAME West Bank residents now under Israeli occupation..
Of course the question remains: What were Palestinians doing in Jordan?

That's their Homeland silly. It's the same West Bank they live in now. Along with some immigrants that might have lived in Israel proper 100 years ago. It's the TransJordan parcel that was set aside for a Palestinian Homeland. Getting smaller now every decade --- because the Palis never got their act together to form a real nation..

The only immigrants to Palestine were the European Jews. Trans-Jordan was promised to the Hashemite tribe, bedouins that once ruled Arabia before it became Saud's. Palestinians, being Levantines, have nothing in common with Arabian Bedouins ethnically. The Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) homeland was all of Palestine, including the portion colonized by the Europeans. You have really bought the bullshit propaganda haven't you. What you are claiming has no basis in fact.

News to me.. That's the way it is in every Encyclopedia and rational history source available.

The Palis BLEW IT ...... One chance right after the next...... I AM to a point --- portraying an "alternate story" of WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN... But it's based on solid historical fact and the opportunities that might have been available. If Jordan didn't want the West Bank back, would have been easy to sit down with Israel and form a Pali nation under joint adminisration for eventual independenpence.

Israel was never prepared to negotiate. Judea and Samaria have always been considered Jewish land by the Zionists. This is the first article of the Zionist (Likud) Charter:

"a. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty."

Original Party Platform of the Likud Party | Jewish Virtual Library

The Israeli Jews have been stringing the Palestinians along for more than half a century. The Palestinians are right to give up on a Palestinian state. There will never be one. All the Palestinians can do is bide their time until the demographics are so obscene that even the U.S. cannot defend Israel's version of apartheid.

History proves you to be a liar and a Nazi propagandist as Israel was prepared to negotiate as far back as 1967, all in the history books that you deny as hasbara Zionist lies.

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