Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly

It was an absurd question. It had nothing to do with being President. And the same type of absurd question wasn't directed at any other Candidate.

Certainly you can't be that naive. Do you realize that women made up 53% of the vote in 2012? Of course it has something to do with being woman in her right mind would want a President who puts women down like Trump does, I certainly wouldn't vote for one even if he was a Democrat. And it wasn't directed at the other candidates because they haven't been as blunt as Trump in insulting women. The fact that they all want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, an organization that is most helpful to women's health care is not being overlooked, but Trump has taken it to a new level.

Women made up about 53% of the electorate in the previous two presidential elections, and have favored the Democratic nominee in every presidential election since 1992. In 2008, Obama won 56% of the female vote. In 2012, he won 55%. Democrats are hopeful the former first lady, senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton will surpass those numbers, should she become the party’s nominee.

The most important thing is how party and conservative movement responds when Trump implodes

Ellen Carmichael
“My sense is that the GOP won’t go for a guy who basically is making the same jabs at women that an 11-year-old in my sixth grade class did to my classmate and supports a British-style socialist healthcare system for the United States,” said Mair, the Republican strategist.

Donald Trump and the war on women GOP confident mogul will lose the battle US news The Guardian

More Bullshit. He rips women, he rips men. But regardless, it has nothing to do with him being an effective President or not. It was a Bullshit Gotcha question. Period, end of story.

What? Just because you like his style of insulting everyone around doesn't mean that is the kind of President we want......he's drawing bullshit out of he's going to make America greater, how? By bankrupting it? He's going to build a wall, how? By raising taxes? He's pushing a lot of bullshit and so many uninformed people think that he's good......bwahaha.

you just need to join a gang....seems like you have a lot of anger stored up inside....

You need to calm down. He says he is the one to get manufacturing back to the US. He IS the one that has dealt with the Chinese and come out on top. He has had hundreds of successful deals. He didn't become a billionaire by bankrupt companies, now did he? He said he's going to build a wall. one that we should have had decades ago. Shame on those on Congress and administrations that let it slide! Look at where we are with illegals everywhere. Yes, raising taxes on the wealthiest...14.25 %.

Before you condemn a candidate, find out where he stands.
It was an absurd question. It had nothing to do with being President. And the same type of absurd question wasn't directed at any other Candidate.

Certainly you can't be that naive. Do you realize that women made up 53% of the vote in 2012? Of course it has something to do with being woman in her right mind would want a President who puts women down like Trump does, I certainly wouldn't vote for one even if he was a Democrat. And it wasn't directed at the other candidates because they haven't been as blunt as Trump in insulting women. The fact that they all want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, an organization that is most helpful to women's health care is not being overlooked, but Trump has taken it to a new level.

Women made up about 53% of the electorate in the previous two presidential elections, and have favored the Democratic nominee in every presidential election since 1992. In 2008, Obama won 56% of the female vote. In 2012, he won 55%. Democrats are hopeful the former first lady, senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton will surpass those numbers, should she become the party’s nominee.

The most important thing is how party and conservative movement responds when Trump implodes

Ellen Carmichael
“My sense is that the GOP won’t go for a guy who basically is making the same jabs at women that an 11-year-old in my sixth grade class did to my classmate and supports a British-style socialist healthcare system for the United States,” said Mair, the Republican strategist.

Donald Trump and the war on women GOP confident mogul will lose the battle US news The Guardian

More Bullshit. He rips women, he rips men. But regardless, it has nothing to do with him being an effective President or not. It was a Bullshit Gotcha question. Period, end of story.

What? Just because you like his style of insulting everyone around doesn't mean that is the kind of President we want......he's drawing bullshit out of he's going to make America greater, how? By bankrupting it? He's going to build a wall, how? By raising taxes? He's pushing a lot of bullshit and so many uninformed people think that he's good......bwahaha.

you just need to join a gang....seems like you have a lot of anger stored up inside....
  • He'll bring manufacturing BACK to America
  • He'll bring the jobs back from China
  • His trade deals will FORCE Japan/China to either open up their trade deal with the US or suffer a substantial decrease in their cars coming into this country
  • He'll get the Mexicans to pay for the wall with tariffs or just telling them to pay for it. Either or, they can choose which route they want. (threaten them with tariffs watch how fast they fork over the money to build it)
These aren't radical ideas and are pretty straight forward. Thats why a lot of people are jumping on board the Trump Train. If you are interested you'll be hearing more about these in the coming weeks. Why do you want to insult me by calling me uninformed :tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue::D

Trump admitted that he is "cunning"......Trump will do whatever it takes to bolster his own business and his own wealth, and America be damned. His bully attitude will only get us into another war rather than allow us to spend our tax money on our country. He needs to start telling us how he plans to do some of the things he claims.....anyone can say they will do this and that....but the proof is in the pudding.

As for Mexico....I don't see many products that come from Mexico - now if he were to raise the tariffs on Tequila....that might cause a stir.

I really don't think the majority of the GOP think he has a chance, but his comments sure make some think he does.
It was an absurd question. It had nothing to do with being President. And the same type of absurd question wasn't directed at any other Candidate.

Certainly you can't be that naive. Do you realize that women made up 53% of the vote in 2012? Of course it has something to do with being woman in her right mind would want a President who puts women down like Trump does, I certainly wouldn't vote for one even if he was a Democrat. And it wasn't directed at the other candidates because they haven't been as blunt as Trump in insulting women. The fact that they all want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, an organization that is most helpful to women's health care is not being overlooked, but Trump has taken it to a new level.

Women made up about 53% of the electorate in the previous two presidential elections, and have favored the Democratic nominee in every presidential election since 1992. In 2008, Obama won 56% of the female vote. In 2012, he won 55%. Democrats are hopeful the former first lady, senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton will surpass those numbers, should she become the party’s nominee.

The most important thing is how party and conservative movement responds when Trump implodes

Ellen Carmichael
“My sense is that the GOP won’t go for a guy who basically is making the same jabs at women that an 11-year-old in my sixth grade class did to my classmate and supports a British-style socialist healthcare system for the United States,” said Mair, the Republican strategist.

Donald Trump and the war on women GOP confident mogul will lose the battle US news The Guardian

More Bullshit. He rips women, he rips men. But regardless, it has nothing to do with him being an effective President or not. It was a Bullshit Gotcha question. Period, end of story.

What? Just because you like his style of insulting everyone around doesn't mean that is the kind of President we want......he's drawing bullshit out of he's going to make America greater, how? By bankrupting it? He's going to build a wall, how? By raising taxes? He's pushing a lot of bullshit and so many uninformed people think that he's good......bwahaha.

you just need to join a gang....seems like you have a lot of anger stored up inside....

You need to calm down. He says he is the one to get manufacturing back to the US. He IS the one that has dealt with the Chinese and come out on top. He has had hundreds of successful deals. He didn't become a billionaire by bankrupt companies, now did he? He said he's going to build a wall. one that we should have had decades ago. Shame on those on Congress and administrations that let it slide! Look at where we are with illegals everywhere. Yes, raising taxes on the wealthiest...14.25 %.

Before you condemn a candidate, find out where he stands.

I am calm.....just cause you may be getting hot under the collar doesn't mean everyone else is too. We certainly don't need a President that can't respect men and women that don't agree with him and stoops to use such language as Trump has been known to use. He became a billionaire but some of his companies have declared 4 times....surely you don't think filing for bankruptcy defines a successful company. Is that his MO, declare bankruptcy and get out of meeting his obligations?

Donald Trump s Companies Filed for Bankruptcy 4 Times - ABC News

As for the wall......that certainly wouldn't have kept people like "El Chapo" from coming he going to build it deep into the ground, too? How much will that cost? Sometimes the remedies that conservatives come up with end up costing us more than the illness they are trying to cure.

How did El Chapo escape By digging a deep tunnel out of Mexican prison Tampa Bay Times
It was an absurd question. It had nothing to do with being President. And the same type of absurd question wasn't directed at any other Candidate.

Certainly you can't be that naive. Do you realize that women made up 53% of the vote in 2012? Of course it has something to do with being woman in her right mind would want a President who puts women down like Trump does, I certainly wouldn't vote for one even if he was a Democrat. And it wasn't directed at the other candidates because they haven't been as blunt as Trump in insulting women. The fact that they all want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, an organization that is most helpful to women's health care is not being overlooked, but Trump has taken it to a new level.

Women made up about 53% of the electorate in the previous two presidential elections, and have favored the Democratic nominee in every presidential election since 1992. In 2008, Obama won 56% of the female vote. In 2012, he won 55%. Democrats are hopeful the former first lady, senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton will surpass those numbers, should she become the party’s nominee.

The most important thing is how party and conservative movement responds when Trump implodes

Ellen Carmichael
“My sense is that the GOP won’t go for a guy who basically is making the same jabs at women that an 11-year-old in my sixth grade class did to my classmate and supports a British-style socialist healthcare system for the United States,” said Mair, the Republican strategist.

Donald Trump and the war on women GOP confident mogul will lose the battle US news The Guardian

More Bullshit. He rips women, he rips men. But regardless, it has nothing to do with him being an effective President or not. It was a Bullshit Gotcha question. Period, end of story.

What? Just because you like his style of insulting everyone around doesn't mean that is the kind of President we want......he's drawing bullshit out of he's going to make America greater, how? By bankrupting it? He's going to build a wall, how? By raising taxes? He's pushing a lot of bullshit and so many uninformed people think that he's good......bwahaha.

you just need to join a gang....seems like you have a lot of anger stored up inside....
  • He'll bring manufacturing BACK to America
  • He'll bring the jobs back from China
  • His trade deals will FORCE Japan/China to either open up their trade deal with the US or suffer a substantial decrease in their cars coming into this country
  • He'll get the Mexicans to pay for the wall with tariffs or just telling them to pay for it. Either or, they can choose which route they want. (threaten them with tariffs watch how fast they fork over the money to build it)
These aren't radical ideas and are pretty straight forward. Thats why a lot of people are jumping on board the Trump Train. If you are interested you'll be hearing more about these in the coming weeks. Why do you want to insult me by calling me uninformed :tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue::D

Trump admitted that he is "cunning"......Trump will do whatever it takes to bolster his own business and his own wealth, and America be damned. His bully attitude will only get us into another war rather than allow us to spend our tax money on our country. He needs to start telling us how he plans to do some of the things he claims.....anyone can say they will do this and that....but the proof is in the pudding.

As for Mexico....I don't see many products that come from Mexico - now if he were to raise the tariffs on Tequila....that might cause a stir.

I really don't think the majority of the GOP think he has a chance, but his comments sure make some think he does.
He doesn't need any more money Mertex. He makes $400M/year. If he was greedy he wouldn't be spending his own money on a campaign. Lobbyist's are banging down his door to give him $$ and he refuses it. He has more than enough wealth. Besides what I outlined above, threatening Ford to pay a tax on every imported car (to US) they built in Mexico if they build their plant there is not a man that is out of touch and against the "working man".

You don't know many products are imported from Mexico? Exactly!! So you can't speak on that. I'll give you a hint though. There's a very very long list and the US is their main customer. Our trade deal with them is also heavily lobsided. They are killing us. Do some research and you will see.

This is an American problem, not a left/right problem. You have to step out from behind your party for a moment and look at things through a whole other perspective to understand wtf is going on. Forget politics, forget Trump, forget it all. Look at things through the perspective of how America is getting clobbered by Mexico and China.

Seriously this is a problem here in America that NEITHER party is doing anything about. No pointing fingers at only one party, their both responsible. Don't you want things to change.....for the better? For us American's?
  • He'll bring manufacturing BACK to America
  • He'll bring the jobs back from China
  • His trade deals will FORCE Japan/China to either open up their trade deal with the US or suffer a substantial decrease in their exports of cars to the US.
  • He'll get the Mexicans to pay for the wall with tariffs or just telling them to pay for it. Either or, they can choose which route they want. (threaten them with tariffs watch how fast they fork over the money to build it)

Boy, I'd love to sell you're the perfect patsy....

Just stop and think for a moment and forgo the partisan bullshit. IF the above were so darn easy to pull off (as Trump makes them out to be)......don't you think that previous administrations would have done it ??

Do you REALLY think that saying "I'll bring back jobs from China" is such an easy reality?
  • He'll bring manufacturing BACK to America
  • He'll bring the jobs back from China
  • His trade deals will FORCE Japan/China to either open up their trade deal with the US or suffer a substantial decrease in their exports of cars to the US.
  • He'll get the Mexicans to pay for the wall with tariffs or just telling them to pay for it. Either or, they can choose which route they want. (threaten them with tariffs watch how fast they fork over the money to build it)

Boy, I'd love to sell you're the perfect patsy....

Just stop and think for a moment and forgo the partisan bullshit. IF the above were so darn easy to pull off (as Trump makes them out to be)......don't you think that previous administrations would have done it ??

Do you REALLY think that saying "I'll bring back jobs from China" is such an easy reality?

Yes dude. The door is open and ripe and here's the thing.....Trump will only take advantage of it. He's not responsible for it, he'll be responsible for taking advantage of it. Hope that makes sense?
Lemme explain.....Companies decide where to locate factories and hire people based on labor costs, energy bills, transportation expenses among other things. Those things can change right? and they have. Fracking has cut energy costs for U.S.-based factories, Chinese wages have skyocketed and American wages have flatlined. Not only that, in parts of the US land is cheaper than in China. Actually as we "speak" some American companies are already bringing jobs back. If you listened to Trump he also said, and I will paraphrase, "I'm not opposed to China investing in America. I'd welcome that." He's a smart man and is saying these things because most American's don't realize that some Chinese companies are ALREADY investing in plants in America. See, he'll continue to entice them and look like 'the best job creator god has ever seen" but essentially he'll be taking advantage of a situation that is ripe for the picking.

This is not partisan bullshit, this is a reality of whats happening out there and he see's this. Nobody else knows wtf is going on. They're all shlubs...yes even the other Republican's.
  • He'll bring manufacturing BACK to America
  • He'll bring the jobs back from China
  • His trade deals will FORCE Japan/China to either open up their trade deal with the US or suffer a substantial decrease in their exports of cars to the US.
  • He'll get the Mexicans to pay for the wall with tariffs or just telling them to pay for it. Either or, they can choose which route they want. (threaten them with tariffs watch how fast they fork over the money to build it)

Boy, I'd love to sell you're the perfect patsy....

Just stop and think for a moment and forgo the partisan bullshit. IF the above were so darn easy to pull off (as Trump makes them out to be)......don't you think that previous administrations would have done it ??

Do you REALLY think that saying "I'll bring back jobs from China" is such an easy reality?

Yes dude. The door is open and ripe and here's the thing.....Trump will only take advantage of it. He's not responsible for it, he'll be responsible for taking advantage of it. Hope that makes sense?
Lemme explain.....Companies decide where to locate factories and hire people based on labor costs, energy bills, transportation expenses among other things. Those things can change right? and they have. Fracking has cut energy costs for U.S.-based factories, Chinese wages have skyocketed and American wages have flatlined. Not only that, in parts of the US land is cheaper than in China. Actually as we "speak" some American companies are already bringing jobs back. If you listened to Trump he also said, and I will paraphrase, "I'm not opposed to China investing in America. I'd welcome that." He's a smart man and is saying these things because most American's don't realize that some Chinese companies are ALREADY investing in plants in America. See, he'll continue to entice them and look like 'the best job creator god has ever seen" but essentially he'll be taking advantage of a situation that is ripe for the picking.

This is not partisan bullshit, this is a reality of whats happening out there and he see's this. Nobody else knows wtf is going on. They're all shlubs...yes even the other Republican's.

Given all the above, I would conclude that Trump would make a decent commerce secretary.....
Certainly you can't be that naive. Do you realize that women made up 53% of the vote in 2012? Of course it has something to do with being woman in her right mind would want a President who puts women down like Trump does, I certainly wouldn't vote for one even if he was a Democrat. And it wasn't directed at the other candidates because they haven't been as blunt as Trump in insulting women. The fact that they all want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, an organization that is most helpful to women's health care is not being overlooked, but Trump has taken it to a new level.

Women made up about 53% of the electorate in the previous two presidential elections, and have favored the Democratic nominee in every presidential election since 1992. In 2008, Obama won 56% of the female vote. In 2012, he won 55%. Democrats are hopeful the former first lady, senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton will surpass those numbers, should she become the party’s nominee.

The most important thing is how party and conservative movement responds when Trump implodes

Ellen Carmichael
“My sense is that the GOP won’t go for a guy who basically is making the same jabs at women that an 11-year-old in my sixth grade class did to my classmate and supports a British-style socialist healthcare system for the United States,” said Mair, the Republican strategist.

Donald Trump and the war on women GOP confident mogul will lose the battle US news The Guardian

More Bullshit. He rips women, he rips men. But regardless, it has nothing to do with him being an effective President or not. It was a Bullshit Gotcha question. Period, end of story.

What? Just because you like his style of insulting everyone around doesn't mean that is the kind of President we want......he's drawing bullshit out of he's going to make America greater, how? By bankrupting it? He's going to build a wall, how? By raising taxes? He's pushing a lot of bullshit and so many uninformed people think that he's good......bwahaha.

you just need to join a gang....seems like you have a lot of anger stored up inside....
  • He'll bring manufacturing BACK to America
  • He'll bring the jobs back from China
  • His trade deals will FORCE Japan/China to either open up their trade deal with the US or suffer a substantial decrease in their cars coming into this country
  • He'll get the Mexicans to pay for the wall with tariffs or just telling them to pay for it. Either or, they can choose which route they want. (threaten them with tariffs watch how fast they fork over the money to build it)
These aren't radical ideas and are pretty straight forward. Thats why a lot of people are jumping on board the Trump Train. If you are interested you'll be hearing more about these in the coming weeks. Why do you want to insult me by calling me uninformed :tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue::D

Trump admitted that he is "cunning"......Trump will do whatever it takes to bolster his own business and his own wealth, and America be damned. His bully attitude will only get us into another war rather than allow us to spend our tax money on our country. He needs to start telling us how he plans to do some of the things he claims.....anyone can say they will do this and that....but the proof is in the pudding.

As for Mexico....I don't see many products that come from Mexico - now if he were to raise the tariffs on Tequila....that might cause a stir.

I really don't think the majority of the GOP think he has a chance, but his comments sure make some think he does.
He doesn't need any more money Mertex. He makes $400M/year. If he was greedy he wouldn't be spending his own money on a campaign. Lobbyist's are banging down his door to give him $$ and he refuses it. He has more than enough wealth. Besides what I outlined above, threatening Ford to pay a tax on every imported car (to US) they built in Mexico if they build their plant there is not a man that is out of touch and against the "working man".

You don't know many products are imported from Mexico? Exactly!! So you can't speak on that. I'll give you a hint though. There's a very very long list and the US is their main customer. Our trade deal with them is also heavily lobsided. They are killing us. Do some research and you will see.

I did a some research, and found that what we export to Mexico brings in about the same that we spend on imports from Mexico, so if we start making it unbearable by raising tariffs on Mexico's imports, why couldn't they do the same? Trump talks as if he knows that by doing that he can get Mexico to do what he wants, but we have no guarantee...may just end up messing up our relations with a solid ally. Mexican leaders are not stupid.

This is an American problem, not a left/right problem. You have to step out from behind your party for a moment and look at things through a whole other perspective to understand wtf is going on. Forget politics, forget Trump, forget it all. Look at things through the perspective of how America is getting clobbered by Mexico and China.
Exactly, and all we want to do is keep illegals from coming over. Maybe if we start enforcing laws against hiring illegals we can end their coming over and we won't even have to build a wall. People won't come if they can't find jobs here. The reality is that we look the other way when they are being hired because most of the jobs they do, Americans won't do. Companies are making money where they would have to pay more to hire Americans, and some jobs they can't find Americans to do....look what happened in Alabama...

Alabama immigration crops rot as workers vanish to avoid crackdown US news The Guardian

so it isn't all the illegal's fault, if we keep hiring them, they will find ways to come wall is going to keep them out, besides, what is Trump going to do when he can't hire illegals?

Trump Says He Didn t Know He Employed Illegal Aliens -

Seriously this is a problem here in America that NEITHER party is doing anything about. No pointing fingers at only one party, their both responsible. Don't you want things to change.....for the better? For us American's?

Sure I want the problem to be fixed, but seriously, I believe there are more judicious ways to take care of than to building a wall. And, yes, both parties are responsible, but one party takes a weird position on it. They want to build a wall and waste more taxpayer money when all they need to do is enforce the law. If illegals are willing to do the jobs that American's won't do, why can't we work out work agreements and have both sides benefitting? Who's going to do the picking of crops if the illegals were to be kept out by a wall? Will farmers have to pay more to entice Americans to do that job, passing the cost on to us? Seems to me that we all lose in that respect.
He doesn't need any more money Mertex. He makes $400M/year. If he was greedy he wouldn't be spending his own money on a campaign. Lobbyist's are banging down his door to give him $$ and he refuses it. He has more than enough wealth. Besides what I outlined above, threatening Ford to pay a tax on every imported car (to US) they built in Mexico if they build their plant there is not a man that is out of touch and against the "working man".

Oh, sorry, I missed this part of your response. Trump isn't going to be satisfied with the money he makes, he's in the business of making money and he will always want more. The only reason he is out there wanting to be President is to get more attention and publicity. And, he figures that whatever he spends he will probably double when he becomes more famous. He is trying to appeal to both sides now....being on the side of Planned Parenthood and like you say....appealing to the working man, but I think most of what Trump claims he is going to do sounds just like "pie in the sky".
Sure I want the problem to be fixed, but seriously, I believe there are more judicious ways to take care of than to building a wall. And, yes, both parties are responsible, but one party takes a weird position on it. They want to build a wall and waste more taxpayer money when all they need to do is enforce the law. If illegals are willing to do the jobs that American's won't do, why can't we work out work agreements and have both sides benefitting? Who's going to do the picking of crops if the illegals were to be kept out by a wall? Will farmers have to pay more to entice Americans to do that job, passing the cost on to us? Seems to me that we all lose in that respect.

If I may piggy back on your pertinent and concise answer:

Rather than a wall, we should issue very specific work permits. These permits would specify that,

1, The permits would be for a short term only (6 months?)
2. The permits specify that a bearer is NOT entitled to welfare, health insurance, education, and that the term would not be applied toward citizenship
3, That the permit would be for the worker ONLY (not the entire family) and that (if its a woman) the child born on US would not be entitled to US citizenship.
4. The permit would also hold the employer responsible for the provision of a safe, healthy and comparable work environment that a US worker would receive
5. The permit would also be good for a provisional driver's permit (again, 6 months.)
6, The permit would also require fingerprinting and DNA sample of the bearer.
7. The permit would specify that breach of the term of stay, when repatriated, would result in banning re-entry to the US for a period of 5 years.

Just some ideas...........
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Mertex sort of off topic but not. I do not like Republicans at all nor Democrats for this very reason stated in this link. The idea that you say he is trying to appeal to both sides is just more ignorance. A lot of Reoublicans and Democrats for that matter dont walk lockstep and despise their parties because of this mentality explained below. I like Bernie Sanders and some of his policies. I couldn't sit here and run him down because he's a Democrat. I see the value in some of his opinions/policies. Its too bad you don't or wont see the error of your ways by subscribing to anything and everything left and running down anything and everything that does not come from the left.

I just don't understand the mentality

Mark Cuban Why I m Not A Republican Or A Democrat - Off The Grid
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I think Kasich is a good choice, too. It's nice to see a liberal with an open mind.

As a progressive democrat......I'd vote for Kasich over Clinton.....Its my country I most care about, not my party.
Why Kasich over Clinton though?

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Kasich has one of the best resumes. He has done the most for his state, Ohio. I have hear him talk before and surprised at the lengths he will go to get his voters jobs and the education they need.

While he was governor, he went to big employers and small business employers and asked what they needed in terms of employees. They told him what the job seekers lacked and he went to the state's universities to see that what they needed we being taught and part of a program for their degree. Curricula was planned just to get Ohioans up to speed for jobs.

If he does that for Ohio, think what he can do for education and the nation! Not to mention jobs for citizens!
It wouldn't be the worst thing if he got elected, but I'm very concerned about the Supreme Court Judges though. The SCOTUS has already careened into far rightwing nuttiness as it is. We NEED a Democrat to elect some sensible replacements. Kasich would elect two more rightwing nut jobs for SCOTUS. That. Must. Not. Happen.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You think the squabbling will stop if a Republican gets elected?

Well, probably not...the squabbling will continue ...but I can almost guarantee that the senate will be in Dems. hands after the 2016 elections; so, the check-n-balances on a moderate republican in the WH will be there.
It wouldn't be the worst thing if he got elected, but I'm very concerned about the Supreme Court Judges though. The SCOTUS has already careened into far rightwing nuttiness as it is. We NEED a Democrat to elect some sensible replacements. Kasich would elect two more rightwing nut jobs for SCOTUS. That. Must. Not. Happen.

I concur...and you're correct; at least 2 liberal SCOTUS seats could not hold until 2020.
It wouldn't be the worst thing if he got elected, but I'm very concerned about the Supreme Court Judges though. The SCOTUS has already careened into far rightwing nuttiness as it is. We NEED a Democrat to elect some sensible replacements. Kasich would elect two more rightwing nut jobs for SCOTUS. That. Must. Not. Happen.

I concur...and you're correct; at least 2 liberal SCOTUS seats could not hold until 2020.
It is my observation that rightwing judges perfectly time their retirement to allow for a fellow rightwinger to replace them. Left leaning judges tend to stubbornly let the chips fall where they may. Well it hasn't been falling favorably for a very long time now. 2016 is VERY important.

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Turds and dicks, always high-minded here at USMB.
that's thanks to the left who has taken over this board with sickening threads like this
I dunno, Red State seems like a pretty important group, this is a legitimate story.


they used to be

until they got into the rino game
When did that happen?

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it has been awhile now
It was an absurd question. It had nothing to do with being President. And the same type of absurd question wasn't directed at any other Candidate.

Certainly you can't be that naive. Do you realize that women made up 53% of the vote in 2012? Of course it has something to do with being woman in her right mind would want a President who puts women down like Trump does, I certainly wouldn't vote for one even if he was a Democrat. And it wasn't directed at the other candidates because they haven't been as blunt as Trump in insulting women. The fact that they all want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, an organization that is most helpful to women's health care is not being overlooked, but Trump has taken it to a new level.

Women made up about 53% of the electorate in the previous two presidential elections, and have favored the Democratic nominee in every presidential election since 1992. In 2008, Obama won 56% of the female vote. In 2012, he won 55%. Democrats are hopeful the former first lady, senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton will surpass those numbers, should she become the party’s nominee.

The most important thing is how party and conservative movement responds when Trump implodes

Ellen Carmichael
“My sense is that the GOP won’t go for a guy who basically is making the same jabs at women that an 11-year-old in my sixth grade class did to my classmate and supports a British-style socialist healthcare system for the United States,” said Mair, the Republican strategist.

Donald Trump and the war on women GOP confident mogul will lose the battle US news The Guardian

More Bullshit. He rips women, he rips men. But regardless, it has nothing to do with him being an effective President or not. It was a Bullshit Gotcha question. Period, end of story.

What? Just because you like his style of insulting everyone around doesn't mean that is the kind of President we want......he's drawing bullshit out of he's going to make America greater, how? By bankrupting it? He's going to build a wall, how? By raising taxes? He's pushing a lot of bullshit and so many uninformed people think that he's good......bwahaha.

you just need to join a gang....seems like you have a lot of anger stored up inside....

More Bullshite. Bill Clinton was a corrupt pervert serial rapist. And that didn't seem to bother you guys much. He served 8yrs as President. So quit with the nonsensical Gotcha questions.

And America is already bankrupt. Your guy has seen to that. He's put future generations in a deep deep hole. I seriously doubt Trump could do worse. And we do need to secure our border. Trump's right on that too. I also like his Income Tax plan. So far on the issues, Trump's killing it. My opinion anyway.
It was an absurd question. It had nothing to do with being President. And the same type of absurd question wasn't directed at any other Candidate.

Certainly you can't be that naive. Do you realize that women made up 53% of the vote in 2012? Of course it has something to do with being woman in her right mind would want a President who puts women down like Trump does, I certainly wouldn't vote for one even if he was a Democrat. And it wasn't directed at the other candidates because they haven't been as blunt as Trump in insulting women. The fact that they all want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, an organization that is most helpful to women's health care is not being overlooked, but Trump has taken it to a new level.

Women made up about 53% of the electorate in the previous two presidential elections, and have favored the Democratic nominee in every presidential election since 1992. In 2008, Obama won 56% of the female vote. In 2012, he won 55%. Democrats are hopeful the former first lady, senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton will surpass those numbers, should she become the party’s nominee.

The most important thing is how party and conservative movement responds when Trump implodes

Ellen Carmichael
“My sense is that the GOP won’t go for a guy who basically is making the same jabs at women that an 11-year-old in my sixth grade class did to my classmate and supports a British-style socialist healthcare system for the United States,” said Mair, the Republican strategist.

Donald Trump and the war on women GOP confident mogul will lose the battle US news The Guardian

More Bullshit. He rips women, he rips men. But regardless, it has nothing to do with him being an effective President or not. It was a Bullshit Gotcha question. Period, end of story.

What? Just because you like his style of insulting everyone around doesn't mean that is the kind of President we want......he's drawing bullshit out of he's going to make America greater, how? By bankrupting it? He's going to build a wall, how? By raising taxes? He's pushing a lot of bullshit and so many uninformed people think that he's good......bwahaha.

you just need to join a gang....seems like you have a lot of anger stored up inside....
  • He'll bring manufacturing BACK to America
  • He'll bring the jobs back from China
  • His trade deals will FORCE Japan/China to either open up their trade deal with the US or suffer a substantial decrease in their exports of cars to the US.
  • He'll get the Mexicans to pay for the wall with tariffs or just telling them to pay for it. Either or, they can choose which route they want. (threaten them with tariffs watch how fast they fork over the money to build it)
These aren't radical ideas and are pretty straight forward. Heck I think any American no matter what side of the political spectrum they are on, can get on board with these ideas/policies. Thats why a lot of people are jumping on board the Trump Train. If you are interested you'll be hearing more about these in the coming weeks. Why do you want to insult me by calling me uninformed :tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue::D

Spot On. Thanks.

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