Eric Trump: My Dad Is Going to Go After Hillary in a Way That No One Has Ever Gone After Her Before

Part of the strategy of any campaign to psych out the opposition. There's no question that Karl Rove got into Long Talkin John Kerry's head....But Crooked Hillary is more vulnerable because she has more crimes to hide.
Wonderful Donald has so much thus-far-secret dirt to use on Crooked Hillary.

It will be so much fun to see Crooked Hillary sink like a rock and go down in flames!
Wonderful Donald has so much thus-far-secret dirt to use on Crooked Hillary.

It will be so much fun to see Crooked Hillary sink like a rock and go down in flames!
Still waiting on Trumps secret dirt on Obamas birth certificate
Crooked Hillary spends like a drunken government employee who never had to hold a real job. Wonderful Donald is efficient!

Eric Trump: My Dad Is Going to Go After Hillary in a Way That No One Has Ever Gone After Her Before

GOP to Eric Trump: The GOP's surrogates are Going to Go After Your Family Business' Aspirations When it Comes to Permitting if Your Dad Destroys the GOP Shot at 2016 & POTUS...

You know all those variances you guys were granted all the time? Yeah, nobody is obligated to give those to you. Get in the permit line behind John Q. Public from now on..
The apple does fall far from the tree
that's what steve jobs would have said. hillary and bill have scandals still in the incubator we've never even heard about.
harry reid just said from the senate floor that
"word on the street is that bill clinton and bill cosby are the same guy".

Bill is a black rapist? What was wrong with being a white rapist? See! That's why I don't follow celebrities.
Donald Trump Accused of Rape and "Depraved Sex Acts" in Civil Lawsuit
Source: The Palm Beach New Times APRIL 29, 2016 12:59

In a lawsuit filed in the federal court in the Central District of California, a plaintiff filing under the name Katie Johnson accuses Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein of having forced her to "engage in various perverted and depraved sex acts" and threatening to harm her and her family. The complaint states that the defendants committed "forcible rape" against her in 1994, when she was 13. The lawsuit describes four incidents with Trump: On the first, Johnson claims, she had to "manually stimulate" Trump with her hand until he ejaculated. On the second, she had to "orally copulate" him until orgasm. On the third, she allegedly had to "engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act with her fellow minor and sex slave, Maria Doe." The suit claims both girls "orally copulated" Trump at once, after which he pushed them away and berated their "poor" performance.

On a fourth incident described in the suit, Johnson claims Trump tied her to a bed and raped her in a "savage sexual attack" during which she pleaded for him to wear a condom but he refused. The suit alleges he struck her in the face, and when she asked through tears what would happen if she were pregnant, he allegedly threw money at her and told her to "get a fucking abortion." Epstein is a disgraced Palm Beach money manager who was accused of engaging in sexual acts with underage girls. Following his criminal case, in which he took a plea deal and served 13 months of an 18-month sentence, alleged victims filed civil suits that accused Prince Andrew.

The suit says that Epstein and Trump also got full body massages from the underage girls, and that they argued over who would take Johnson's virginity, with Trump yelling at Epstein that he was a "fucking Jew." It says that Epstein tried to sodomize her and became enraged upon learning Trump had taken her virginity. The lawsuit says that Johnson was told she and her family would face "certain death" if details of the incidents were revealed. It says that a woman named Tiffany Doe worked for Epstein as a "party planner" and arranged the sex parties, and that she would testify as a witness.

Read more: Donald Trump Accused of Rape and "Depraved Sex Acts" in Civil Lawsuit
Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Eric Trump, son of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, weighed in on Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s decision to attack Donald Trump in New York State, which will hold its primary on Tuesday.

The younger Trump predicted his father would attack Clinton in a way “that no one has gone after her before.”

“[Hillary] turned her attention to us — for the last two weeks she’s been running negative ads against us in New York,” Trump said. “She’s already turned her attention to us, which is a great compliment because she’s effectively saying we’re going to be the nominee, and he’s going to be the nominee. So, it’s going to be an interesting battle between the two of them. There’s a lot of things — there’s a lot of fuzz on her record to say the least, and he’s certainly going to go after it. He’s going to go after her in a way that no one has gone after her before.”

Getting to Watch it all on TV ??...... Priceless

to me it's going to be like a Pro MMA fighter going up against a street tough. sure, the street guy will pull his brass knucks, and bust that guy in the face and get some blood flowing, break some ribs and rearrange his face, but the guy that got his ass whooped will still be a champ. I have zero doubt that if the Donald is the guy he will beat and bruse Hillery, but in the end it will motivate her base as well as get some sympathy votes, and it will turn the majority of the voters Trump needs and they will just stay home in disgust.
I'm sick of Crooked Hillary's lies! Please win for the good of mankind.
not just lies either, this thing with benghazi is way beyond the pale. destroying monica for politics is egregious too.

i just watched the clarence thomas movie, it's pretty good.
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Donald Trump Accused of Rape and "Depraved Sex Acts" in Civil Lawsuit
Source: The Palm Beach New Times APRIL 29, 2016 12:59

In a lawsuit filed in the federal court in the Central District of California, a plaintiff filing under the name Katie Johnson accuses Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein of having forced her to "engage in various perverted and depraved sex acts" and threatening to harm her and her family. The complaint states that the defendants committed "forcible rape" against her in 1994, when she was 13. The lawsuit describes four incidents with Trump: On the first, Johnson claims, she had to "manually stimulate" Trump with her hand until he ejaculated. On the second, she had to "orally copulate" him until orgasm. On the third, she allegedly had to "engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act with her fellow minor and sex slave, Maria Doe." The suit claims both girls "orally copulated" Trump at once, after which he pushed them away and berated their "poor" performance.

On a fourth incident described in the suit, Johnson claims Trump tied her to a bed and raped her in a "savage sexual attack" during which she pleaded for him to wear a condom but he refused. The suit alleges he struck her in the face, and when she asked through tears what would happen if she were pregnant, he allegedly threw money at her and told her to "get a fucking abortion." Epstein is a disgraced Palm Beach money manager who was accused of engaging in sexual acts with underage girls. Following his criminal case, in which he took a plea deal and served 13 months of an 18-month sentence, alleged victims filed civil suits that accused Prince Andrew.

The suit says that Epstein and Trump also got full body massages from the underage girls, and that they argued over who would take Johnson's virginity, with Trump yelling at Epstein that he was a "fucking Jew." It says that Epstein tried to sodomize her and became enraged upon learning Trump had taken her virginity. The lawsuit says that Johnson was told she and her family would face "certain death" if details of the incidents were revealed. It says that a woman named Tiffany Doe worked for Epstein as a "party planner" and arranged the sex parties, and that she would testify as a witness.

Read more: Donald Trump Accused of Rape and "Depraved Sex Acts" in Civil Lawsuit
Looks like some of the stuff the right accuses the Clinton's of
I'm sick of Crooked Hillary's lies! Please win for the good of mankind.
not just lies either, this thing with benghazi is way beyond the pale. destroying monica for politics is egregious too.

i just watched the clarence thomas movie, it's pretty good.
Hillary had nothing to do with destroying Monica. That was done by Gingrich, who was having an affair with his secretary at the time and that guy who was speaker of the House who just got sentenced to prison and admitted raping little boys.

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