Eric Trump: My Dad Is Going to Go After Hillary in a Way That No One Has Ever Gone After Her Before

The younger Trump predicted his father would attack Clinton in a way “that no one has gone after her before.”
That's a pretty big boast. Hillary has been attacked from the deepest, dirtiest, smelliest, slimiest gutters there are.
All the gutters are owned by Democrats.
The delusion is strong in this one. etc etc etc etc.

Good luck finding right wing equivalents.

There are more right wing "parody" gutter sites than right wing gutter sites.
The younger Trump predicted his father would attack Clinton in a way “that no one has gone after her before.”
That's a pretty big boast. Hillary has been attacked from the deepest, dirtiest, smelliest, slimiest gutters there are.
All the gutters are owned by Democrats.
The delusion is strong in this one. etc etc etc etc.

Good luck finding right wing equivalents.

CNS News, WND, Breitbart. Fox News. Washington Times. Townhall. Rush Limbaugh. News Max.

Gee, that was hard!
The younger Trump predicted his father would attack Clinton in a way “that no one has gone after her before.”
That's a pretty big boast. Hillary has been attacked from the deepest, dirtiest, smelliest, slimiest gutters there are.
All the gutters are owned by Democrats.
The delusion is strong in this one. etc etc etc etc.

Good luck finding right wing equivalents.

CNS News, WND, Breitbart. Fox News. Washington Times. Townhall. Rush Limbaugh. News Max.

Gee, that was hard!
Not even remotely close.

Every crackpot on the left has their own personal newsletter. I could list these sites for days because sane Democrats and western leftists are more rare than unicorns.
That's a pretty big boast. Hillary has been attacked from the deepest, dirtiest, smelliest, slimiest gutters there are.
All the gutters are owned by Democrats.
The delusion is strong in this one. etc etc etc etc.

Good luck finding right wing equivalents.

CNS News, WND, Breitbart. Fox News. Washington Times. Townhall. Rush Limbaugh. News Max.

Gee, that was hard!
Not even remotely close.

Every crackpot on the left has their own personal newsletter. I could list these sites for days because sane Democrats and western leftists are more rare than unicorns.
As I said, the delusion is strong in this one.

Speaking of hack partisan newsletters, it's not a coincidence the parroting rubes on this forum frequently start identical topics on the same day, often within minutes of each other.
It will be interesting when Trump "goes after" Hillary

Hillary is not especially likeable. Trump turning her into a victim of his unfair attacks will not sit well with the voters...especially women

Hillary just has to avoid going down into the gutter with him
Well, she will have a massive media conglomerate to support her pasty fat ass, so she probably will be able to play the victim effectively. Most people that support her are only doing it because they think she'll win. They'd abandon her in a micro-second if she starts looking like a loser.
All the gutters are owned by Democrats.
The delusion is strong in this one. etc etc etc etc.

Good luck finding right wing equivalents.

CNS News, WND, Breitbart. Fox News. Washington Times. Townhall. Rush Limbaugh. News Max.

Gee, that was hard!
Not even remotely close.

Every crackpot on the left has their own personal newsletter. I could list these sites for days because sane Democrats and western leftists are more rare than unicorns.
As I said, the delusion is strong in this one.

Speaking of hack partisan newsletters, it's not a coincidence the parroting rubes on this forum frequently start identical topics on the same day, often within minutes of each other.
Yup...rubes and piss guzzlers.
even if the donald were to come up with some sort of attack she's yet to endure, which is doubtful, she'd still come out the other side as POTUS. is this a great country or what?

Yep......sad to see that so many Americans support corruption and criminal activity.

What a great country.
the number of people who don't care is still larger than the number of voters.

dishonest partisan hacks can make pretend people who vote for hillary "don't care" about or "support corruption and criminal activity" because dishonest partisan hacks don't actually care about facts. so what else is new?

i'll be laughing at your desperate hillary derangement all the way to november and beyond. :thup:
even if the donald were to come up with some sort of attack she's yet to endure, which is doubtful, she'd still come out the other side as POTUS. is this a great country or what?

Yep......sad to see that so many Americans support corruption and criminal activity.

What a great country.
the number of people who don't care is still larger than the number of voters.

dishonest partisan hacks can make pretend people who vote for hillary "don't care" about or "support corruption and criminal activity" because dishonest partisan hacks don't actually care about facts. so what else is new?

i'll be laughing at your desperate hillary derangement all the way to november and beyond. :thup:
Prime example of it.

You've seen what the Clintons are for over 24 years.....and you don't care.
Your hatred for the right overrides your common-sense. There are so many reasons why Hillary should never come near the White House ever again, but you could give a flying fuck.

She's a lying evil bitch with a case of the ass for Americans. She considers half of America to be a worse threat than Russia, Iran, and ISIS. That is an extremely sick person.

40 years ago she was fired for her unethical practices. Her husband pardoned criminals and terrorists and is a really sick fuck child molester, but still, he's reasonably pragmatic compared to Obama. However, Hillary isn't. She'll sell our sovereignty to our enemies for cash.

She is a person that claims she's never told a lie in their life, with her past? You want that dishonest biatch to have the power of the presidency?

Are you fucking nuts?
Last edited:
It will be interesting when Trump "goes after" Hillary

Hillary is not especially likeable. Trump turning her into a victim of his unfair attacks will not sit well with the voters...especially women

Hillary just has to avoid going down into the gutter with him
Clinton has been attacked by far worse and prevailed.
Like Obama?

Look, if I can't win against a flabby...lying...criminal...cuckqueen...with one hand tied behind my back, just shoot me in the head, okay? How much of an incompetent loser would I be if I couldn't beat some other guy's wife?
All the gutters are owned by Democrats.
The delusion is strong in this one. etc etc etc etc.

Good luck finding right wing equivalents.

CNS News, WND, Breitbart. Fox News. Washington Times. Townhall. Rush Limbaugh. News Max.

Gee, that was hard!
Not even remotely close.

Every crackpot on the left has their own personal newsletter. I could list these sites for days because sane Democrats and western leftists are more rare than unicorns.
As I said, the delusion is strong in this one.

Speaking of hack partisan newsletters, it's not a coincidence the parroting rubes on this forum frequently start identical topics on the same day, often within minutes of each other.
Because Democrats have fucked up things so bad in some areas that you literally have the Alt-right, right, center and Alt-left agreeing with each other 100% on those areas.
Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Eric Trump, son of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, weighed in on Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s decision to attack Donald Trump in New York State, which will hold its primary on Tuesday.

The younger Trump predicted his father would attack Clinton in a way “that no one has gone after her before.”

“[Hillary] turned her attention to us — for the last two weeks she’s been running negative ads against us in New York,” Trump said. “She’s already turned her attention to us, which is a great compliment because she’s effectively saying we’re going to be the nominee, and he’s going to be the nominee. So, it’s going to be an interesting battle between the two of them. There’s a lot of things — there’s a lot of fuzz on her record to say the least, and he’s certainly going to go after it. He’s going to go after her in a way that no one has gone after her before.”

Getting to Watch it all on TV ??...... Priceless

Ha.Ha. and I am certain it took 6 months for the DNC to dig out the dirt under Trump's fingernails, but they're keeping them a "secret" until after he secures the nomination.

CNN poll odds of winning the Presidency 15%--Hillary Clinton winning--75%

The only way that Trump wins--is if they allow cats and dogs to vote.
Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Eric Trump, son of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, weighed in on Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s decision to attack Donald Trump in New York State, which will hold its primary on Tuesday.

The younger Trump predicted his father would attack Clinton in a way “that no one has gone after her before.”

“[Hillary] turned her attention to us — for the last two weeks she’s been running negative ads against us in New York,” Trump said. “She’s already turned her attention to us, which is a great compliment because she’s effectively saying we’re going to be the nominee, and he’s going to be the nominee. So, it’s going to be an interesting battle between the two of them. There’s a lot of things — there’s a lot of fuzz on her record to say the least, and he’s certainly going to go after it. He’s going to go after her in a way that no one has gone after her before.”

Getting to Watch it all on TV ??...... Priceless

Ha.Ha. and I am certain it took 6 months for the DNC to dig out the dirt under Trump's fingernails, but they're keeping them a "secret" until after he secures the nomination.

CNN poll odds of winning the Presidency 15%--Hillary Clinton winning--75%

The only way that Trump wins--is if they allow cats and dogs to vote.
then we had better be kind to our four legged friends.
"Looking to exploit their newfound strength, Trump’s top brass — including strategists Paul Manafort and Rick Wiley — met with RNC members on Thursday. During a presentation lasting more than one hour, they laid out the case for why Trump would be able to defeat Hillary Clinton in a prospective general election matchup. They also sought to reassure the RNC — which Trump has repeatedly lambasted, accusing it of orchestrating an unfair nomination process that’s stacked against him — that the mogul is interested in working with the party. After the meeting, some influential members emerged to say they were impressed."
As soon as John Kasich is hit with negative ads, he will drop like a rock in the polls against Crooked Hillary. TRUMP WILL WIN!

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