"Ender's Game" Boycott

Translation: "Having been caught in yet ANOTHER lie, I will attempt to distract by flinging feces." Just stop, kid, you're embarrassing yourself.
Translation: "Having been caught in yet ANOTHER lie, I will attempt to distract by flinging feces." Just stop, kid, you're embarrassing yourself.

The problem is, he doesn't understand his own statements and as his switches positions so fast, it's hard to know which one he supports, he is confusing himself.
I may need to see this...anything Joey hates almost has to be pretty good.

Actually, Jack-Axle, it's your kind of book. The plot drags on for 300 pages of repetitive action that goes nowhere. For an OCD sufferer like yourself, it's probably gold.

The book is considered an excellent treatise on military tactics and is on the suggested reading list for the United States Marine Corps. Perhaps your problem isn't the book, have you considered the possibility that you are drooling idiot?
Good article. Though I may be everything Orson Scott Card detests, I don't think boycotting the movie that has nothing to do with homosexuality will accomplish anything other than stirring another "support X homophobe" movement.

P.S. If you haven't read Ender's Game- do it.
I may need to see this...anything Joey hates almost has to be pretty good.

Actually, Jack-Axle, it's your kind of book. The plot drags on for 300 pages of repetitive action that goes nowhere. For an OCD sufferer like yourself, it's probably gold.

The book is considered an excellent treatise on military tactics and is on the suggested reading list for the United States Marine Corps. Perhaps your problem isn't the book, have you considered the possibility that you are drooling idiot?

Hah, so is Starship Troopers!

Good on the Marine Corp for putting some sci-fi in the list. :clap2:

I wondered if I might see some Tom Clancy on the list, but sadly no.
Translation: "Having been caught in yet ANOTHER lie, I will attempt to distract by flinging feces." Just stop, kid, you're embarrassing yourself.

Guy, first you said that you didn't read the book, but now you wanted to because I hated it.

Then you said you read it and it was "not great, not bad"...

Then denied you said it was good.

I'd tell you to make up your mind, but that works on the assumption you have a mind.
I may need to see this...anything Joey hates almost has to be pretty good.

Actually, Jack-Axle, it's your kind of book. The plot drags on for 300 pages of repetitive action that goes nowhere. For an OCD sufferer like yourself, it's probably gold.

The book is considered an excellent treatise on military tactics and is on the suggested reading list for the United States Marine Corps. Perhaps your problem isn't the book, have you considered the possibility that you are drooling idiot?

No, I haven't.

It's a shit book. You don't give a fuck about the characters at all. Actually, you are kind of creeped out by them, whether it be the hero who has a woodie for his sister, or the adults that are training children to be murderers and letting them murder their playmates. Or the total repetitiveness of the book.

but the most annoying thing is when they finally meet "the Bugs", it's anti-climatic. It's like if the Movie Star Wars spent the whole two hours building up Darth Vader as this great bid threat, and he's disposed of in about five seconds.
Actually, Jack-Axle, it's your kind of book. The plot drags on for 300 pages of repetitive action that goes nowhere. For an OCD sufferer like yourself, it's probably gold.

The book is considered an excellent treatise on military tactics and is on the suggested reading list for the United States Marine Corps. Perhaps your problem isn't the book, have you considered the possibility that you are drooling idiot?

No, I haven't.

It's a shit book. You don't give a fuck about the characters at all. Actually, you are kind of creeped out by them, whether it be the hero who has a woodie for his sister, or the adults that are training children to be murderers and letting them murder their playmates. Or the total repetitiveness of the book.

but the most annoying thing is when they finally meet "the Bugs", it's anti-climatic. It's like if the Movie Star Wars spent the whole two hours building up Darth Vader as this great bid threat, and he's disposed of in about five seconds.

I get it now, you are a prude and an idiot, no wonder you hate it.

It is always easy to defeat an enemy that is overconfident, which is one of the reasons that book is on the suggested reading list for military institutions, it serves as a warning not to underestimate your enemy.
[qI get it now, you are a prude and an idiot, no wonder you hate it.

It is always easy to defeat an enemy that is overconfident, which is one of the reasons that book is on the suggested reading list for military institutions, it serves as a warning not to underestimate your enemy.

Hmmm... actually, I think it's just kind of encouraging the mindless pablum the military wants you to read. We wouldn't want people thinking for themselves.

I stated a bunch of reasons why it's an awful book. But I'll put them on a list and see if you can stay on the anti-cra-cra pills just long enough to comprehend them.

1) The characters are completely unlikable.

2) The Enemy is a huge let down. They weren't even particularly evil. They also had a weak spot that was just damned silly. You kill the queen and they all die? Every last one of them? Seriously? That sounds like a pretty major weakness for a species. (Incidently, in real hive insects, a queen dies, they just get a new one.)

3) The whole relationship between Ender and his sister is downright creepy. (Again, you can tell this was written by a Mormon.)

4) The book is pretty much repeating the same cycle over and over again for 300 pages. Okay. they've established he's a tactical genius. They did that in the first 50 pages or so. Do we keep on needing to do it for the next 250 pages?
I loved the book, and plan to see the movie.
[qI get it now, you are a prude and an idiot, no wonder you hate it.

It is always easy to defeat an enemy that is overconfident, which is one of the reasons that book is on the suggested reading list for military institutions, it serves as a warning not to underestimate your enemy.

Hmmm... actually, I think it's just kind of encouraging the mindless pablum the military wants you to read. We wouldn't want people thinking for themselves.

I stated a bunch of reasons why it's an awful book. But I'll put them on a list and see if you can stay on the anti-cra-cra pills just long enough to comprehend them.

1) The characters are completely unlikable.

2) The Enemy is a huge let down. They weren't even particularly evil. They also had a weak spot that was just damned silly. You kill the queen and they all die? Every last one of them? Seriously? That sounds like a pretty major weakness for a species. (Incidently, in real hive insects, a queen dies, they just get a new one.)

3) The whole relationship between Ender and his sister is downright creepy. (Again, you can tell this was written by a Mormon.)

4) The book is pretty much repeating the same cycle over and over again for 300 pages. Okay. they've established he's a tactical genius. They did that in the first 50 pages or so. Do we keep on needing to do it for the next 250 pages?

Everything you said about Ender's Game applies to Moby Dick 6.5 times over, what's your point again?

That's right, you don't have one.
JoeBitch's "critique" of the book is petty and amateurish.

While there is a kernel of truth in some of what he says, he focuses so much on the components of the book which he doesn't like that he misses the bigger picture.

What else would you expect from Joe, he is what he is, and a thinker, he isn't.

He is a guy that thinks he know everything, that's why he has trouble keeping jobs.

Everything you said about Ender's Game applies to Moby Dick 6.5 times over, what's your point again?

That's right, you don't have one.

And i wouldn't go out and spend time reading Moby if I didn't have to, either.

But thanks for admitting you can't refute any points I made.

Moby Dick is considered a Great American Novel by the People That Know. I can actually point out to them, in detail, why they are wrong, all you can do is say you think it is boring.
JoeBitch's "critique" of the book is petty and amateurish.

While there is a kernel of truth in some of what he says, he focuses so much on the components of the book which he doesn't like that he misses the bigger picture.

Exactly. He didn't like the book, and uses trite phrases to justify that dislike.
Actually, Jack-Axle, it's your kind of book. The plot drags on for 300 pages of repetitive action that goes nowhere. For an OCD sufferer like yourself, it's probably gold.

The book is considered an excellent treatise on military tactics and is on the suggested reading list for the United States Marine Corps. Perhaps your problem isn't the book, have you considered the possibility that you are drooling idiot?

Hah, so is Starship Troopers!

Good on the Marine Corp for putting some sci-fi in the list. :clap2:

I wondered if I might see some Tom Clancy on the list, but sadly no.

Starship Troopers is one of my all-time favorite books along with a lot of other Heinlein novels.

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