*End Times*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Seems we are going into the, (END TIMES).
2. Ive been reading the Bible for over thirty years, and studying it real hard, and it seems to me that this is it.
3. Sit back and WATCH the glory of G-D, is all we can do.
4. Gog and Magog have been stroked in their own war, Turkey is supposed to work with them in Armageddon, which they will be drawn into, and these two nations will basically be in a meat grinder, China will send in 200 million souls, which we haven't heard much about them, but they will be there, soon.
5. And I am right here in Texas giving a play by play.
6. Its coming the, END is NEAR.
7. What does the world say, lets listen.

8. These skeptics laugh and express their total ignorance of how the book of Revelations turns out.
9. Just look to Israel, and whats happening on G-D's Holy Land, its near.

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Christians have been claming they were experiencing the end times for centuries. Here are a few of the claims from the 1600s
End times.png

Sorry bout that,

1. Seems we are going into the, (END TIMES).
2. Ive been reading the Bible for over thirty years, and studying it real hard, and it seems to me that this is it.
3. Sit back and WATCH the glory of G-D, is all we can do.
4. Gog and Magog have been stroked in their own war, Turkey is supposed to work with them in Armageddon, which they will be drawn into, and these two nations will basically be in a meat grinder, China will send in 200 million souls, which we haven't heard much about them, but they will be there, soon.
5. And I am right here in Texas giving a play by play.
6. Its coming the, END is NEAR.
7. What does the world say, lets listen.

8. These skeptics laugh and express their total ignorance of how the book of Revelations turns out.
9. Just look to Israel, and whats happening on G-D's Holy Land, its near.


Brother, it’s all the more reason to support our Lord Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins. We might have differences, but let’s keep in mind, the teachings of Jesus.

The USA should support good people all over the world and oppose the bad guys. We also need to concentrate on helping out poor Americans. That is a huge issue. We have a lot of problems in this country.
This lifelong christian, who calls out the Democrats and rethuglicans as the liars they are, shall not vote in the upcoming election. There is nobody worthy of my vote and Jesus
Would not be in agreement with either main candidate. For the poor shall inherit the earth. Case closed.
Sorry bout that,

1. Seems we are going into the, (END TIMES).
2. Ive been reading the Bible for over thirty years, and studying it real hard, and it seems to me that this is it.
3. Sit back and WATCH the glory of G-D, is all we can do.
4. Gog and Magog have been stroked in their own war, Turkey is supposed to work with them in Armageddon, which they will be drawn into, and these two nations will basically be in a meat grinder, China will send in 200 million souls, which we haven't heard much about them, but they will be there, soon.
5. And I am right here in Texas giving a play by play.
6. Its coming the, END is NEAR.
7. What does the world say, lets listen.

8. These skeptics laugh and express their total ignorance of how the book of Revelations turns out.
9. Just look to Israel, and whats happening on G-D's Holy Land, its near.


If you think this... Is so bad that the "End Times" are up in us... Consider yourself lucky. This ain't shit. Biblically speaking people were eating thier own babies in hard times; and even then, it wasn't the last days. Gird your loins homie. Cuz you ain't seen shit...
If you think this... Is so bad that the "End Times" are up in us... Consider yourself lucky. This ain't shit. Biblically speaking people were eating thier own babies in hard times; and even then, it wasn't the last days. Gird your loins homie. Cuz you ain't seen shit...
So nutbag christians will be eating their children? Shocking , but not surprising.
If you think this... Is so bad that the "End Times" are up in us... Consider yourself lucky. This ain't shit. Biblically speaking people were eating thier own babies in hard times; and even then, it wasn't the last days. Gird your loins homie. Cuz you ain't seen shit...
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah when those creatures come up from the earth , with stingers on their tails, and girls hair, human faces, and kill many I will be glad to see it, and think, sure things could be worse...
2. At that time, I will remember we are not eating our babies.

So nutbag christians will be eating their children? Shocking , but not surprising.
No... Starving to the point of madness, and desperation people will be eating their children. Examples of this desperate tactic preceed Christianity by eons... It's primal. And completely godless by current standards.
This lifelong christian, who calls out the Democrats and rethuglicans as the liars they are, shall not vote in the upcoming election. There is nobody worthy of my vote and Jesus
Would not be in agreement with either main candidate. For the poor shall inherit the earth. Case closed.

"Democrats and rethuglicans"..........

Way to convince us that you're calling them out equally.


No... Starving to the point of madness, and desperation people will be eating their children. Examples of this desperate tactic preceed Christianity by eons... It's primal. And completely godless by current standards.
You be sure to let me know when that happens.
Sorry bout that,

1. A few missiles attack gone astray sent toward Jerusalem, is all that's needed, guided by G-D's hand.
2. You can bet they Jews stand ready.

You bet. All those times before were wrong, but you're really sure this time.
The original poster is making a good point. The difference now is that much of the world is nuclear armed and we also have Wokenesss now.

There is the rise of nihilism, the rise of selfishness. People think it’s fine to never have children. People are urging young single people don’t have kids just have dogs. “Make a bunch of money it’s all about money ”. So these are problems that were often countered in the past and it’s tough to counter them today…. Lots of young Americans are stone on drugs every day that’s another problem we did not have in the past. And the rise of drug use, and the acceptance of it more so it’s more of a problem around the world today compared to the past.

Young Americans are more anti-patriotic than they have ever been.
Christians have been claming they were experiencing the end times for centuries. Here are a few of the claims from the 1600s
View attachment 844466

And none of them understood the Bible.
Israel to be born in a day hadn't yet occurred in any one of those dates.
The human race wasn't capable of destroying all life on earth.
All nations under 1 government hadn't happened, nor was the gospel preached world wide.

Today, end time prophesy reads like the evening news. It's hard to keep up with the prophesy coming to fruition. But we have a ways to go.
The WEF's goal of world dominance is 7 years away. They want it to be a done deal by 2030. Trump can stall that. Biden will capitulate to it. But it will be done.
There needs to be a Temple for the leader of the New World Order to defile. It's not there yet, but for the first time since the last Temple was destroyed, the plans are in place. Rabbi training in sacrifice, pure red heifers < (haven't had one of those in 2,000 years either) necessary for sacrifice. Then Bam! one in Texas showed up. They are in England too. Lots of them now.

It has begun. We are in the beginning of the "birth pang" timeline. The Bible used that analogy to explain that things will increase like labor. The pain will become quicker and harder.

Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
The original poster is making a good point. The difference now is that much of the world is nuclear armed and we also have Wokenesss now.

There is the rise of nihilism, the rise of selfishness. People think it’s fine to never have children. People are urging young single people don’t have kids just have dogs. “Make a bunch of money it’s all about money ”. So these are problems that were often countered in the past and it’s tough to counter them today…. Lots of young Americans are stone on drugs every day that’s another problem we did not have in the past. And the rise of drug use, and the acceptance of it more so it’s more of a problem around the world today compared to the past.

Young Americans are more anti-patriotic than they have ever been.
You bet. You should be hiding in a cave somewhere. More bacon and icecream for me.

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