Ellen Degenerate's comments on American Idol


Zionist, proud to be
Oct 25, 2009
This was a few weeks ago...

Some contestent was singing"when a man loves a woman".

It was time for DeGenerate to comment, and all she said is that she has loved a woman.

Do we really need to hear about her sordid love life on prime time, national TV, in a show that has nothing to do with her sex life?
This was a few weeks ago...

Some contestent was singing"when a man loves a woman".

It was time for DeGenerate to comment, and all she said is that she has loved a woman.

Do we really need to hear about her sordid love life on prime time, national TV, in a show that has nothing to do with her sex life?

time to redecorate your closet, eh?

taupe is very in now. :thup:
This was a few weeks ago...

Some contestent was singing"when a man loves a woman".

It was time for DeGenerate to comment, and all she said is that she has loved a woman.

Do we really need to hear about her sordid love life on prime time, national TV, in a show that has nothing to do with her sex life?

suck it up, jew boy. Life still goes on.
This was a few weeks ago...

Some contestent was singing"when a man loves a woman".

It was time for DeGenerate to comment, and all she said is that she has loved a woman.

Do we really need to hear about her sordid love life on prime time, national TV, in a show that has nothing to do with her sex life?

Ha, CMike watches reality shows! :lol:

Whats the matter, you upset "Rock of Love" isn't on right now?
Some contestent was singing"when a man loves a woman".

It was time for DeGenerate to comment, and all she said is that she has loved a woman.



  • $I-Find-Humerus_500x500_thumb.jpg
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Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah her attempt to make being a fag main stream makes me sick!
2. I knew the fag would do this crap!
3. She is killing the networks!:clap2:
4. But hell who cares, I hardly ever watch the networks, just American Idol!
5. But why does she have to screw up MY show???:cuckoo:

This was a few weeks ago...

Some contestent was singing"when a man loves a woman".

It was time for DeGenerate to comment, and all she said is that she has loved a woman.

Do we really need to hear about her sordid love life on prime time, national TV, in a show that has nothing to do with her sex life?

Ellen must have caused at least one of the earthquakes by herself.
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah her attempt to make being a fag main stream makes me sick!
2. I knew the fag would do this crap!
3. She is killing the networks!:clap2:
4. But hell who cares, I hardly ever watch the networks, just American Idol!
5. But why does she have to screw up MY show???:cuckoo:


Spoken like not only a True Texan, but a True American!
This was a few weeks ago...

Some contestent was singing"when a man loves a woman".

It was time for DeGenerate to comment, and all she said is that she has loved a woman.

Do we really need to hear about her sordid love life on prime time, national TV, in a show that has nothing to do with her sex life?


if enough people become comfortable with the concept of homosexuality

when it is normalized and mainstreamed

people like you will wither away and die....

we need more people like ellen
and less people spouting hate like you
This was a few weeks ago...

Some contestent was singing"when a man loves a woman".

It was time for DeGenerate to comment, and all she said is that she has loved a woman.

Do we really need to hear about her sordid love life on prime time, national TV, in a show that has nothing to do with her sex life?

because an entire song about loving a woman is fine, but a 2 second comment from someone else on the topic on Americna Idol makes you cry? poor baby.

you know where the OFF button is on the remote. feel free to use it if you can't take reality.
it's easier to shut out the rest of the world if you have no access to it. next steps would be boarding up all windows and never going outside ;)
"How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people - first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving." Einstein


"I have my values, and if you don't like them, well I've got some others." Mark Twain
This was a few weeks ago...

Some contestent was singing"when a man loves a woman".

It was time for DeGenerate to comment, and all she said is that she has loved a woman.

Do we really need to hear about her sordid love life on prime time, national TV, in a show that has nothing to do with her sex life?

Ellen is usually pretty reserved about her sexuality.

I would cut her some slack.
This was a few weeks ago...

Some contestent was singing"when a man loves a woman".

It was time for DeGenerate to comment, and all she said is that she has loved a woman.

Do we really need to hear about her sordid love life on prime time, national TV, in a show that has nothing to do with her sex life?


Someone on this board said conservatives don't want anyone to tell them who to hate, but they want to tell everyone who to love.

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