Elizabeth Warren Brings Corporate Media News Anchors To Their Knees


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
God bless that Elizabeth Warren is out there fighting the good fight.

Fighting the corporate whores, not only in Congress and in politics, but those in the media as well.

Watch this....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTWfa-iO9Nc]Elizabeth Warren Brings News Anchors To Knees - YouTube[/ame]

I tell you, this woman is truly doing The Lord's work.

Go Liz, Go Liz, GO!!!

well being an ass, rude and who brings PEOPLE TO THEIR KNEES is who you liberals support and see that as what make a politician some hero, who we should all be thanking GOD for to RUN OUR LIVES...but wail when Republicans are rude and call them uncivilized rednecks from the back woods...

these this of WORSHIPPING of a politician IS THE REASON most of them now feel THEY ARE OUR MASTERS

I find it sickening
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She fights for the little guy. She's very down to earth and gets right at the heart of a given issue. I wish we could clone her.
Elizabeth 'Lie-awatha' Warren the fake Indian was a corporate lawyer, practicing without a license, before her latest incarnation as a crusader against corporations. .. :cool:
Why can't the rightists here see that BOTH parties are bought-&-paid-for by the special interests as well as the talking heads on the *cough* "news" networks?
God bless that Elizabeth Warren is out there fighting the good fight.

Fighting the corporate whores, not only in Congress and in politics, but those in the media as well.

Watch this....

Elizabeth Warren Brings News Anchors To Knees - YouTube

I tell you, this woman is truly doing The Lord's work.

Go Liz, Go Liz, GO!!!


LOL, you used the Young Cock Sucking Towel Head as your source. I love how he cut off the response to her make-believe history. Of course she looks good when only her mouth flaps out falsehoods without a chance to respond. I love the all in or out approach. If you are not for complete regulation like Chief Warren is, then you are for no regulation. What garbage. The Wall Street Reform Act is a 4,000 page monstrousity that I personally have to deal with at my company. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is creating so many problems and red tape, the banks are getting their hands tied in anything they want to do. I am not sure how a bank could do anything at the moment!

Funny how Chief Warren conveniently leaves out how regulations usually lead to banking busts. The Community Reinvestment Act required banks to lend a certain percentage of their portfolio to low income and risky borrowers or they would otherwise face penalties, additional fees, lose tax benefits and otherwise become non-competitive. They were FORCED by regulations to toss out the risk matrix. Not to mention the legislation that gave Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the power to create a secondary FAUX mortgage market (thank you Clinton). All these REGULATIONS caused the mortgage meltdown!

Chief Warren makes it like only regulation prevented the non-banking bust, but the dishonest scumbag won't acknowledge that banking was much much different then. Few products, NO BROKERS, no stated loans, credit cards were NOT used very much nor were they as crazy as they are now. In fact credit cards were NOT introduced until the 1959 and not widely used until much later. Auto loans were a rarity. People would typically put 50-60% down on their homes. There were not installment accounts for goods at retail stores etc. Banking then was much different than it is now. Not to mention from the 30s-80s regulation was extremely low and bills were small and easily readable in one sitting and NOT packed with pork. That has changed.

She also left out that CARTER'S HUGE mismanagement of the economy that shot up interest rates to high levels was the cause of the bust!

Chief Warren is an ignorant mule. If it was up to her she would bankrupt the country into a banana republic with a royalty like lucky few at the top. She is a fool that should be working at McDonald's and not seeking to lead the country!
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good. was a good chunk.of why our exonomy crashed
dont u hacks realize who signed in the mega banks? fuckin sheep!
She fights for the little guy. She's very down to earth and gets right at the heart of a given issue. I wish we could clone her.

LOL, she makes mental midgets economically challenged people like you think she fights for you, but she in fact fights against you.

Most large regulations that socialist like Warren propose or get passed help the big corporations and hurts the small businesses. Let me explain. Yes some regulation DESTORY industries like the community reinvestment act (or Obamacare), but many don't hurt the big businesses. See big corps bitch about the added direct and indirect costs associated with new regulations (in order to get some breaks both at the Fed and State level stating they will need to prevent layoffs), but they are able to absorb the costs and push them onto the consumers. Small Businesses can't absorb the costs and have to take extreme measures to stay in business. In the end they either go out of business or are put at an huge disadvantage to their larger competitors. The Corps have less competition and artificially created competitive advantages, therefore, they can raise their prices and their customers will still purchase goods and services from them!

Not to mention all the spending and regulation that socialist like Chief Warren propose causes inflation (prices rise) and the every day Joe has less purchase power. In simple terms, when you make $10 and and the prices are at $1 you are OK, when you make $10 and the prices shoot up to $11, you are poor!
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Have we forgotten the thousands of small banks that were taken over by federal regulators and assigned to chosen big banks in order to create the mega banks to begin with?
Why can't the rightists here see that BOTH parties are bought-&-paid-for by the special interests as well as the talking heads on the *cough* "news" networks?

Lefties need to acknowledge that also. Warren received HUGE corp donations, because they know she will regulate their competition out of the way!
Thread headline: Biased, out-of-context, near-irrelevant tangent.

Topic: Reinstating Glass-Steagal

RW response: She's a communist lying Indian chief wannabe!

LW response: Liar! She is for the little people! Banks are evil!

RW response: She is wrong about history! Communists always are! Reagan!

LW response: Obama is President! Scoreboard baby! Palin lol

And so goeth another typical political "discussion" at USMB.
Why can't the rightists here see that BOTH parties are bought-&-paid-for by the special interests as well as the talking heads on the *cough* "news" networks?
Because they don't want to see it. And there are none so blind as they who will not see.

What you are seeing is the result of the brainwash which has been effected by years of bombardment with right-wing propaganda via the corporate-controlled media. It worked in Hitler Germany and it is working here and now.
Thread headline: Biased, out-of-context, near-irrelevant tangent.

Topic: Reinstating Glass-Steagal

RW response: She's a communist lying Indian chief wannabe!

LW response: Liar! She is for the little people! Banks are evil!

RW response: She is wrong about history! Communists always are! Reagan!

LW response: Obama is President! Scoreboard baby! Palin lol

And so goeth another typical political "discussion" at USMB.

She is right about reinstating Glass-Steagal! I think the conflict of interest is TOO great and should be brought back. However, that isn't all she is talking about. This worthless politician was talking about bringing about much greater controls and regulations on the industry. Nothing more and nothing less!
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