EL PASO, TX Now Looking Like a 3rd World Country

Mayor Eric Adams of New York is responsible for his city. Why is he dumping illegals in upstate New York suburbs?
Unlike Texas who just dumps migrants somewhere else, Mayor Adams is paying for their upkeep in motels much less expensive than NYC hotels
It's a border state that's being crushed by leftist open border policies.

Why is the Biden administration intentionally flooding the country with third world'ers, deadly drugs, foreign criminals and promoting human trafficking/ sex trafficking?
He isn’t
The leftist conspiracy is that the border is secure and there's no illegal immigration?
The right concocts a “Border Crisis” every time a Democrat is elected President.

They claim they are the only ones who can protect us from the murderers and rapists streaming across our border
Unlike Texas who just dumps migrants somewhere else, Mayor Adams is paying for their upkeep in motels much less expensive than NYC hotels
Mayor Adams is paying for nothing. The state's taxpayers are getting fleeced.

Texas is dumping migrants? Why have their cities been turned into third world slums / illegals camping on the streets?
The right concocts a “Border Crisis” every time a Democrat is elected President.

They claim they are the only ones who can protect us from the murderers and rapists streaming across our border
I see. Your conspiracy theory is there is no illegal immigration crisis. Dead bodies floating in the Rio Grande, rotting corpses in the desert and fentanyl deaths don't actually exist, right?
I see. Your conspiracy theory is there is no illegal immigration crisis. Dead bodies floating in the Rio Grande, rotting corpses in the desert and fentanyl deaths don't actually exist, right?
As soon as a Democrat takes over as President, the RW media immediately starts running stories about a crisis at the border
This is the initial wave, on Thursday a big rush is coming. Unkotare will probably call in sick to school and leave town? Like in a hurricane.

Then again? An empty home may be inviting for the squatters?

Juarez is moving across the river//
Lol. Disagree huh? Is the picture not from Texas? Is Texas ran by Republicans? Why the hell are we responsible for red shit holes? Maybe solve your own damn problems instead of expecting a Democrat to do it for you!

Learn the language or get out of my country.
Lol go duck yourself! Answer the question retard. Was it Texas? Who runs Texas retard? Why are the Democrats responsible for Texas retard? Run? Lol nit from your bitch ass! Hilarious 😂
Lol. Disagree huh? Is the picture not from Texas? Is Texas ran by Republicans? Why the hell are we responsible for red shit holes? Maybe solve your own damn problems instead of expecting a Democrat to do it for you!

Hello, anyone home? the US-Mexico Border is a Federal issue (since 2021, left wide open). In fact they are inviting all that want to come in to Texas. Texas did not invite them.

Also in YUMA ARIZONA. Probably at every border crossing. But you are just clogging the board with your BS and SPIN.

“Border Patrol shared with us their intelligence that there are approximately 700,000, as of three weeks ago, in the shelters in Mexico waiting to come into the United States,” Yuma County Board Supervisor Jonathan Lines said. “They also shared with us that at the Darian Gap which is at the Panama Canal, they’ve seen a 500 percent surge in people crossing over that gap on their way up to the United States.”​

That number was reported nearly a month ago. It is safe to assume that the 700,000 number is now an underestimate. It is rare that Border Patrol has seen more than 10,000 border crossings in one day. One can only imagine the flood agents with have to deal with on the 11th and the days following.​

Yuma County Sheriff Leon Wilmot noted, “[If we could arrest], I would fill the jail in a day with the amount of individuals that we encounter trespassing.”​

This overwhelming flood of migrants is sure to lead to record numbers of encounters, gotaways, and trafficking unlike we have seen in our country’s history.​

Texas is ran by the retard repugs. Take care of your own damn business the blue states get sick of paying for your retarded asses.
Controlling the Border belongs strictly to the Feds. Seeing you leftist lie about everything is crazy. Impossible to have normal convo with you people.
Lol go duck yourself! Answer the question retard. Was it Texas? Who runs Texas retard? Why are the Democrats responsible for Texas retard? Run? Lol nit from your bitch ass! Hilarious 😂

Throwing your fellow democrats under the bus? Figures.
Hello, anyone home? the Border is a Federal issue and left wide open. In fact they are inviting all that want to come in to Texas. Texas did not invite them.

Also in YUMA ARIZONA. Probably at every border crossing. But you are just clogging the board with your BS and SPIN.

“Border Patrol shared with us their intelligence that there are approximately 700,000, as of three weeks ago, in the shelters in Mexico waiting to come into the United States,” Yuma County Board Supervisor Jonathan Lines said. “They also shared with us that at the Darian Gap which is at the Panama Canal, they’ve seen a 500 percent surge in people crossing over that gap on their way up to the United States.”​

That number was reported nearly a month ago. It is safe to assume that the 700,000 number is now an underestimate. It is rare that Border Patrol has seen more than 10,000 border crossings in one day. One can only imagine the flood agents with have to deal with on the 11th and the days following.​

Yuma County Sheriff Leon Wilmot noted, “[If we could arrest], I would fill the jail in a day with the amount of individuals that we encounter trespassing.”​

This overwhelming flood of migrants is sure to lead to record numbers of encounters, gotaways, and trafficking unlike we have seen in our country’s history.​

Texas is responsible for Texas. Note Biden catches the illegals crossing the border Trump did not. So Texas needs to get their shit together.

Controlling the Border belongs strictly to the Feds. Seeing you leftist lie about everything is crazy. Impossible to have normal convo with you people.
Lol, no it's not ya fucking retard the local police can arrest an illegal. Biden has caught way more illegals than Trump ya retard. El past and Texas need to take care of their own problems. Lol show me the law that says that local police can't arrest illegals retard.


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