Either Holder/Obama LIED Or Obama/Holder are incompetent!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Either way totally proves Obama's administration is harming America!

Assume Holder KNEW about "Fast and Furious" then he has been lying!

So Obama has hired an attorney general that has been lying to Obama and
Holder must go and this will be a major issue on Obama's re-election!


Assume Holder NEVER knew about "Fast and Furious..
Then Holder is incompetent!
Incompetency in several ways.
a) His subordinates never reported to Holder.
b) His subordinates knew it was a terrible project yet went ahead with it!

NOW what was the prime motivation for "FAST & FURIOUS" that was rejected by the Bush administration when THEY saw the failures???

The Prime motive was to prove Mexico was importing guns from the USA which would prove the need for GUN Control legislation!

AND here is the proof from CBS News...

Documents obtained by CBS News show that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using their covert operation "Fast and Furious" to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales.

Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

So not only did a ATF agent was killed WITH ATF guns BUT the whole point was a political agenda ..i.e. making the case for gun regulations!!!
Go read the other threads on this board that I've already killed your little fantasy on.

First what "fantasy" have you murdered???

Second.. I am drawing a conclusion based on two observations..
1) Lying by Holder to Obama and ultimately to Americans as to what Holder
knew and when he knew it!!!

2) Or Holder is incompetent i.e. he had NO idea as to "Fast and Furious"
or Holder is incompetent by hiring incompetent people or immoral people that didn't care as to the legality of their actions.

Either way i.e. Holder is a liar or is incompetent which reflects on Obama's integrity and or incompetence!

That's all I'm showing and CBS proves it!!!
Go read the other threads on this board that I've already killed your little fantasy on.

First what "fantasy" have you murdered???

Second.. I am drawing a conclusion based on two observations..
1) Lying by Holder to Obama and ultimately to Americans as to what Holder
knew and when he knew it!!!

2) Or Holder is incompetent i.e. he had NO idea as to "Fast and Furious"
or Holder is incompetent by hiring incompetent people or immoral people that didn't care as to the legality of their actions.

Either way i.e. Holder is a liar or is incompetent which reflects on Obama's integrity and or incompetence!

That's all I'm showing and CBS proves it!!!

It's not either or, it's both.
Here is the ONLY thing that bothers me about this situation...

Holder testified that the reason he was not aware of the details of the Fast and Furious operation was that as the AG he has many issues going on and he can not give great attention to everyone of them.

And I respect that.


If the selling arms to the enemy of an ally of ours who is a soveriegn nation and it included the trafficking of those arms over the border of this sovereign nation, and the government of the sovereign nation was not informed of this operation...is not one of the "issues" going on around hinm that he SHOULD be on top of...then what is an example of one he WAS on top of?

I ask becuase I recall how he personally got involved AND TOOK OVER the case against the two New Black Panthers...which, most certainly could have been handled by subordinates.

THAT is what I find concerning and why I dont believe him.

This is an example of what is deemed as "not important enough for him to be completely aware of"?

Then what the hell is?
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Gun walking started under the Bush admin. Only Obama actually brought CONVICTIONS.


Educate yourselves you ignorant morans.
Gun walking started under the Bush admin. Only Obama actually brought CONVICTIONS.


Educate yourselves you ignorant morans.

The Mexican Governmentr was informed of and approved Operation Wide Receiver. And it was terminated while Bush was still president.

The Mexican government was not informed about Fast and Furious. And yet Obama and Holder knew nothing about it...or so they say.

Ecducate yourself you ignorant moran.
Gun walking started under the Bush admin. Only Obama actually brought CONVICTIONS.


Educate yourselves you ignorant morans.

So that makes either the blatant lies about Fast and furious or the blatant lack of knowledge about it(incompetence) by Holder ok in your opinion?

Geeze so if Bush did it that means its ok to you? Thats fucked up man.
Gun walking started under the Bush admin. Only Obama actually brought CONVICTIONS.


Educate yourselves you ignorant morans.

So that makes either the blatant lies about Fast and furious or the blatant lack of knowledge about it(incompetence) by Holder ok in your opinion?

Geeze so if Bush did it that means its ok to you? Thats fucked up man.

Thats what makes me laugh at these yahoos...

They complained about Bush for 8 years...

But when Obama doies something similar...they say "Bush did it so whats the big deal"

They called Bush a moron....a dolt.

And now they are comparing the greatest president of all time to a moron,,,,a dolt.

Its like my saying....you think your bicycle is fast? I bet I can go just as fast with my 8 cylinder, 4 barrel suped up GTO.
Gun walking started under the Bush admin. Only Obama actually brought CONVICTIONS.


Educate yourselves you ignorant morans.

So that makes either the blatant lies about Fast and furious or the blatant lack of knowledge about it(incompetence) by Holder ok in your opinion?

Geeze so if Bush did it that means its ok to you? Thats fucked up man.

Thats what makes me laugh at these yahoos...

They complained about Bush for 8 years...

But when Obama doies something similar...they say "Bush did it so whats the big deal"

They called Bush a moron....a dolt.

And now they are comparing the greatest president of all time to a moron,,,,a dolt.

Its like my saying....you think your bicycle is fast? I bet I can go just as fast with my 8 cylinder, 4 barrel suped up GTO.

I was simply pointing out that either
1) Holder is a liar and Obama is OK with that which makes me question
Obama's integrity.
2) Holder is incompetent and that makes Obama incompetent by Obama hiring an incompetent AG!

I don't see how anything but a negative connotation can be made!

Plus it is a given that Bush's "wide receiver" was NOT an attempt to use
a phony pretense of "USA providing Mexico" arms as Obama's "Fast and furious" as CBS points out was the purpose!

Remember at one time Obama claimed the USA supplied 90% of Mexico's arms!
s we discussed in a previous analysis, the 90 percent number was derived from a June 2009 U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report to Congress on U.S. efforts to combat arms trafficking to Mexico (see external link).

According to the GAO report, some 30,000 firearms were seized from criminals by Mexican authorities in 2008.
Of these 30,000 firearms, information pertaining to 7,200 of them (24 percent) was submitted to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for tracing.
Of these 7,200 guns, only about 4,000 could be traced by the ATF, and of these 4,000, some 3,480 (87 percent) were shown to have come from the United States.

In fact, the 3,480 guns positively traced to the United States equals less than 12 percent of the total arms seized in Mexico in 2008
[NOT 90%!!!]

and less than 48 percent of all those submitted by the Mexican government to the ATF for tracing.

This means that almost 90 percent of the guns seized in Mexico in 2008 were not traced back to the United States.

Mexico's Gun Supply and the 90 Percent Myth | STRATFOR
I clearly remember year one of the obama admin. a story started to heat up.
A biiiig deal being made and laid at the bush doorstep ala guns reported to us by the Mexican gov. where in they had been used for crimes in Mexico and a big deal being made that the Bush doj had not provided the correct and active due diligence etc. below is just one of many form every media outlet that made it know….

NOW? Aside from Sharyl Attkisson at CBS, barely a ripple in the pond, the media is trash.

Here ya go..

Mexican Crime, American Guns
Sept 2010
In April Mexican President Felipe Calderón, speaking to a joint session of Congress, pleaded to US lawmakers for more help in limiting the flow of weapons to Mexico. "I understand that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to guarantee good American citizens the ability to defend themselves and their nation," he said. "But believe me, many of these guns are not going to honest American hands."
New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, a co-chair of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, noted that Congress had initially blocked the release of the ATF data used to generate the group's new report. The data analyzed in the study was requested in 2009 and not provided till March of this year.
"This is information, previously hidden by Congress, that the public needs to see, to show how guns bought in the US are fueling the drug wars in Mexico," said Bloomberg. "[It] again proves it is too easy for criminals and traffickers to get guns."

More at-

Mexican Crime, American Guns - ABC News

Oh annnd heres fact check slapping obama around for lying, oops, ‘mispeakiing’….:rolleyes:

Counting Mexico’s Guns
President Obama says 90 percent of Mexico's recovered crime guns come from the U.S. That's not what the statistics show.
Posted on April 17, 2009 , Corrected on April 22, 2009

But is it true, as President Obama said, that "[m]ore than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States?" Government statistics don’t actually support that claim.
The figure represents only the percentage of crime guns that have been submitted by Mexican officials and traced by U.S. officials. We can find no hard data on the total number of guns actually "recovered in Mexico," but U.S. and Mexican officials both say that Mexico recovers more guns than it submits for tracing. Therefore, the percentage of guns "recovered" that are traced to U.S. sources necessarily is less than 90 percent. Where do the others come from? U.S. officials can’t say.
FactCheck.org : Counting Mexico’s Guns


Hillary got in on the act too, now? Where’s the media to question Hillary on a prgm. That was in effect AT THAT time, Fast and Furious?

The president isn’t the first to make this mistaken claim; far from it. During an interview on CBS’ "Early Show" on March 26, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said: "We have to recognize and accept that the demand for drugs from the United States drives them north, and the guns that are used by the drug cartels against the police and the military, 90 percent of them come from America."

And that thought exercise was behind F&F because, as we found out in the usual Friday doc. Dump, they were going to sue the prgm to trash the 2nd amendment;

On July 14, 2010 after ATF headquarters in Washington D.C. received an update on Fast and Furious, ATF Field Ops Assistant Director Mark Chait emailed Bill Newell, ATF’s Phoenix Special Agent in Charge of Fast and Furious:
“Bill – can you see if these guns were all purchased from the same (licensed gun dealer) and at one time. We are looking at anecdotal cases to support a demand letter on long gun multiple sales. Thanks.”
Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations - CBS News Investigates - CBS News
Gun walking started under the Bush admin. Only Obama actually brought CONVICTIONS.


Educate yourselves you ignorant morans.

So that makes either the blatant lies about Fast and furious or the blatant lack of knowledge about it(incompetence) by Holder ok in your opinion?

Geeze so if Bush did it that means its ok to you? Thats fucked up man.

Hmm.. I've never heard you use the f word.. It's kind of sexy. :cool:
Gun walking started under the Bush admin. Only Obama actually brought CONVICTIONS.


Educate yourselves you ignorant morans.

So that makes either the blatant lies about Fast and furious or the blatant lack of knowledge about it(incompetence) by Holder ok in your opinion?

Geeze so if Bush did it that means its ok to you? Thats fucked up man.

Hmm.. I've never heard you use the f word.. It's kind of sexy. :cool:

And that thought exercise was behind F&F because, as we found out in the usual Friday doc. Dump, they were going to use the prgm to trash the 2nd amendment.

Obama's only defense is that this program started under Bush? Weren't you Liberal claiming that Bush was "trashing the Constitution"? So Obama is continuing that? Weak.

Prosecute everyone involved.
Gun walking started under the Bush admin. Only Obama actually brought CONVICTIONS.


Educate yourselves you ignorant morans.

So that makes either the blatant lies about Fast and furious or the blatant lack of knowledge about it(incompetence) by Holder ok in your opinion?

Geeze so if Bush did it that means its ok to you? Thats fucked up man.

Hmm.. I've never heard you use the f word.. It's kind of sexy. :cool:

I can be sexy as well, you know.

And speaking of sexy.....the name "lady gun slinger" is sexy in itself

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