Education Dept. : BDS activity against Israel will be defined as anti-Semitism


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
BDS activity against Israel on campus will be defined as anti-Semitism
In the decision taken by Obama, it was determined that Judaism is a religion only, but the Trump administration changes the definition and determines that Judaism is also an ethnic origin. Meaning: Anti-Israel activity will be considered anti-Semitism in the US.
Pro-Palestinian activists warn: the move will significantly harm our activities.

This is a significant change from the days of the Obama administration, when Judaism was defined as a religion only and therefore it could be fought without this being a violation of the law against anti-Semitism.The new definition means that opposition to Zionism will be considered anti-Semitic.

According to Marcus's letter to the American Zionist Organization, anyone who acts to "negate the right of the Jewish people to self-determination, on the grounds that the existence of the State of Israel is a racist act," will be considered an anti-Semite, Other pro-Palestinian activists in the US are already warning that the new move will harm the Palestinian cause and that virtually all such activity will be defined as anti-Semitic.


I remember asking a BDS activist here on the forum, 'why is it so difficult for the organization to deal with the open anti-semitism in the rhetoric of their leaders and followers?'
For an organization attempting so hard to draw an image of activism for 'human rights' , this should have been a most natural issue to deal according to accepted norms. However even when brought against the most vile examples among their ranks they have strangely refused to even face the issue, failing to see how it works against Palestinians and the BDS movement itself.

These tactics and strategy of non-cooperation and denial, have failed the Arabs for more than a century,
now that they've copied this failure on the global stage, they still refuse to see the reason why they, even if unintentionally, always end up playing for the other field.

Q. Can BDS even start facing the antisemitism issue to begin with,
or is it going to be denial by default?

Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks.

Q. Is it going to be just denial?
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.

Same is Arab-Palestine, both of them, run by Sharia courts, but You have no problem with that.
This is called double standard, not used against any other nation but Israel, exactly what was expressed in the article, hence the Education Dept. move against the hate speech.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.
Except for Blacks in India, the Muslim world and the African Continent that you so miss.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.

Same is Arab-Palestine, both of them, but You have no problem with that.
This is called double standard, not used against any other nation but Israel, exactly what was expressed in the article, hence the Education Dept. move.
Oppression by religion is condemned across the 1st world except for 1 country.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.

Same is Arab-Palestine, both of them, but You have no problem with that.
This is called double standard, not used against any other nation but Israel, exactly what was expressed in the article, hence the Education Dept. move.
Oppression by religion is condemned across the 1st world except for 1 country.
While oppresssion for race is alive and well.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.

Same is Arab-Palestine, both of them, but You have no problem with that.
This is called double standard, not used against any other nation but Israel, exactly what was expressed in the article, hence the Education Dept. move.
Oppression by religion is condemned across the 1st world except for 1 country.

Are You out of Your mind?
Just another case of total denial.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.
Except for Blacks in India, the Muslim world and the African Continent that you so miss.
Great standard to go by. No wonder everybody’s pissed off at Israel all the time.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.

Same is Arab-Palestine, both of them, but You have no problem with that.
This is called double standard, not used against any other nation but Israel, exactly what was expressed in the article, hence the Education Dept. move.
Oppression by religion is condemned across the 1st world except for 1 country.

Are You out of Your mind?
Just another case of total denial.
Sounds to me like you are.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.
Except for Blacks in India, the Muslim world and the African Continent that you so miss.
Great standard to go by. No wonder everybody’s pissed off at Israel all the time.
We’re hated because we have God directed standards.
You’re hated by people you love.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.
Except for Blacks in India, the Muslim world and the African Continent that you so miss.
Great standard to go by. No wonder everybody’s pissed off at Israel all the time.
We’re hated because we have God directed standards.
You’re hated by people you love.
Palestinians say the same thing. You’re peas in a pod.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.

Same is Arab-Palestine, both of them, but You have no problem with that.
This is called double standard, not used against any other nation but Israel, exactly what was expressed in the article, hence the Education Dept. move.
Oppression by religion is condemned across the 1st world except for 1 country.

Another lie. Christians have not been killed, beheaded by Arabs? Abbas didn’t state No Israelis in “ Palestine?” :eusa_liar:
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.

Same is Arab-Palestine, both of them, but You have no problem with that.
This is called double standard, not used against any other nation but Israel, exactly what was expressed in the article, hence the Education Dept. move.
Oppression by religion is condemned across the 1st world except for 1 country.

Another lie. Christians have not been killed, beheaded by Arabs? Abbas didn’t state No Israelis in “ Palestine?” :eusa_liar:
Palestine is not the 1st world. They are under embargo and are not allowed to govern themselves. Also Arabs, Christians, and Jews kill eah other all the time going back thousands of years. I won’t have sympathy for your religious madness.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.
Except for Blacks in India, the Muslim world and the African Continent that you so miss.
Great standard to go by. No wonder everybody’s pissed off at Israel all the time.
We’re hated because we have God directed standards.
You’re hated by people you love.
Palestinians say the same thing. You’re peas in a pod.
You worship the millions who treat you like slaves.
Ever see a starving Arab in Israel?
Me neither.
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.
Except for Blacks in India, the Muslim world and the African Continent that you so miss.
Great standard to go by. No wonder everybody’s pissed off at Israel all the time.
We’re hated because we have God directed standards.
You’re hated by people you love.
Palestinians say the same thing. You’re peas in a pod.
You worship the millions who treat you like slaves.
Ever see a starving Arab in Israel?
Me neither.
I don’t worship anything you nutjob. If I did, I’d want one side or the other in this debate dead the way you do.

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