"Educating our children" - not the solution, but a part of the problem.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Politicians on both side of the fence love to parade their thoughts on "Educating America"...what better topic is there to get everyone cheering right?
Not so fast.
College administrators, faculty and educators are all engaging in fraud, corruption and greed.
These institutions are no longer about educating students - far from it - they exist to extract as much money from those students, the government and their parents - all at the same time. We all know that tuition is so far over the top that it is a giant-sick joke.
But it goes much farther.
Only in America can colleges everywhere increase the prerequisites for a particular degree, lengthen the years it takes to get that degree - but actually reduce the hours the student spends in degree programs!!
A "four year degree" is now taking five and a half to six years to obtain. And in many cases the student only spends 3 of those 11 semesters in degree programs.
The rest of the time they are piling up pre-req's that has absolutely nothing to do with their chosen field.
At the same time colleges everywhere are building more and more campus apartments that are even more lucrative than the tuition!
"Quad" apartments where 4 students live in a truly small space - each paying between $600-$800 per month! Holy Cow...that's up to $3600 for a five room apartment that is less than a 1000 sq ft. Talk about a money maker.
And why would students pay so much?? They aren't. The government pays for it - and the government is no stranger to overpaying for goods and services.

Politicians on both side of the fence love to parade their thoughts on "Educating America"...what better topic is there to get everyone cheering right?
Not so fast.
College administrators, faculty and educators are all engaging in fraud, corruption and greed.
These institutions are no longer about educating students - far from it - they exist to extract as much money from those students, the government and their parents - all at the same time. We all know that tuition is so far over the top that it is a giant-sick joke.
But it goes much farther.
Only in America can colleges everywhere increase the prerequisites for a particular degree, lengthen the years it takes to get that degree - but actually reduce the hours the student spends in degree programs!!
A "four year degree" is now taking five and a half to six years to obtain. And in many cases the student only spends 3 of those 11 semesters in degree programs.
The rest of the time they are piling up pre-req's that has absolutely nothing to do with their chosen field.
At the same time colleges everywhere are building more and more campus apartments that are even more lucrative than the tuition!
"Quad" apartments where 4 students live in a truly small space - each paying between $600-$800 per month! Holy Cow...that's up to $3600 for a five room apartment that is less than a 1000 sq ft. Talk about a money maker.
And why would students pay so much?? They aren't. The government pays for it - and the government is no stranger to overpaying for goods and services.


Outrageous is right. And it's not just the government who is paying. Those of us who pay full tuition are caught up in the "soak the rich" philosophy.

My oldest will be taking five years because he transferred schools and lost credits. He had a few friends from high school over the house during Christmas break, and they were all on the "five year plan", mostly because they either transferred or changed majors.

The kid got a perfect score on his HS AP English exam which was supposed to carry college credit. His school said, "We don't accept that. We want to teach you English". So he had to take a bogus class that wasn't half as challenging as his high school course. It's a fricken racket.

I am not a big fan of our President, but I do applaud him for putting Big Ed. on notice. I hope they listen to him.
Public Education is the great leveler in the market place.

Public Education decisions that are driven by short term corporate profits is a waste of public funds.
Politicians on both side of the fence love to parade their thoughts on "Educating America"...what better topic is there to get everyone cheering right?
Not so fast.
College administrators, faculty and educators are all engaging in fraud, corruption and greed.
These institutions are no longer about educating students - far from it - they exist to extract as much money from those students, the government and their parents - all at the same time. We all know that tuition is so far over the top that it is a giant-sick joke.
But it goes much farther.
Only in America can colleges everywhere increase the prerequisites for a particular degree, lengthen the years it takes to get that degree - but actually reduce the hours the student spends in degree programs!!
A "four year degree" is now taking five and a half to six years to obtain. And in many cases the student only spends 3 of those 11 semesters in degree programs.
The rest of the time they are piling up pre-req's that has absolutely nothing to do with their chosen field.
At the same time colleges everywhere are building more and more campus apartments that are even more lucrative than the tuition!
"Quad" apartments where 4 students live in a truly small space - each paying between $600-$800 per month! Holy Cow...that's up to $3600 for a five room apartment that is less than a 1000 sq ft. Talk about a money maker.
And why would students pay so much?? They aren't. The government pays for it - and the government is no stranger to overpaying for goods and services.


The embolded part of your post is a tad over the top.
Regarding "campus apartments"..... In Boston many people are making a mint renting apartments to students. My first landlady in Boston was renting to dozens of students whose parents were paying their rent and never saw the conditions in which their children were living. One apartment was filled with beer in plastic cups on the kitchen table, which was in the living room, and a picnic table out back was loaded with them too. The tenants were both male and female and mattresses were strewn on the floor.... It was utter chaos. Again, the parents pay the rent and many never see the living conditions of their children who are just happy to be able to have sex and drink without their parents peering over their shoulders. I have seen it all. I even had two students living above me at one apartment. They had a snake up there and one of them supposedly designed sneakers.... It is a huge racket in college towns, especially Boston.

1. How college students conduct their lifestyles is really none of your business.

2. The reason rents are high in Boston is called MARKET FORCES.
The student loan debt machine is the indicator to watch, if one takes a broader 'market' overview

It's the bureaucracy. A thousand department heads spending 8 hours a day trying to justify their own existence.

Politicians on both side of the fence love to parade their thoughts on "Educating America"...what better topic is there to get everyone cheering right?
Not so fast.
College administrators, faculty and educators are all engaging in fraud, corruption and greed.
These institutions are no longer about educating students - far from it - they exist to extract as much money from those students, the government and their parents - all at the same time. We all know that tuition is so far over the top that it is a giant-sick joke.
But it goes much farther.
Only in America can colleges everywhere increase the prerequisites for a particular degree, lengthen the years it takes to get that degree - but actually reduce the hours the student spends in degree programs!!
A "four year degree" is now taking five and a half to six years to obtain. And in many cases the student only spends 3 of those 11 semesters in degree programs.
The rest of the time they are piling up pre-req's that has absolutely nothing to do with their chosen field.
At the same time colleges everywhere are building more and more campus apartments that are even more lucrative than the tuition!
"Quad" apartments where 4 students live in a truly small space - each paying between $600-$800 per month! Holy Cow...that's up to $3600 for a five room apartment that is less than a 1000 sq ft. Talk about a money maker.
And why would students pay so much?? They aren't. The government pays for it - and the government is no stranger to overpaying for goods and services.


The government is paying for it?

That would be hard to believe for two of my kids that are saddled and repaying college loans at this very moment...
Administration jobs are where the money has really gone regarding college costs.

Nearly all degrees can be obtained in 4 years, IF the student takes the required courses and a full load and doesn't drop/fail any. Way too many students come out of high school unable to read, comprehend, and write at a college level. They do not have the required skills to pass the math courses required of even the liberal arts requirements. IT'S the PRE-REQUISITES that the kids are finding too challenging and that fault is the regular public education system.

Transferring schools can also be tricky, but mostly if the student veers off the required pre-requisites set for the first two years in most cases. If one sticks to 100-200 level courses in required areas: math, science, language arts, humanities, arts, and physical ed the courses are likely to be accepted at other universities.

Where Does All That Tuition Go? - Education - AEI

College in 4 years? Try 5 or 6. - Jun. 22, 2004

As a parent that sent off 3 to universities and all completed, as well as a secondary teacher a few recommendations:

1. Go to a top tier community college IF your skills need improvement OR if you haven't a good idea of what you want to major in.

2. If you are lucky enough to have a community college that is known for a high percentage of transfers to top tier universities and you really, really want to get a degree from Stanford, Michigan, Yale, get into the community college's honor program, pull all A's, get involved in on campus activities and continue in service programs in the community, work part-time for at least 6 hours a week. Our community college offers free tuition to incoming freshmen with a 3.75 GPA or higher if enrolled in the honors program. IF they complete that course of study they get a full-ride scholarship to U of I, Champaign. Many don't go to U of I, but other more selective universities.

3. If you want to go to a traditional 4 year university and are fairly certain of what you wish to major in:

* first semester take 100 level required courses or 200 level if AP or CLEP took care of 100. Let your 'challenge' be adjusting to campus, keeping grades at 4.0, and finding some service activities.

* if not on a free ride, use your first year to position for an RA job for 2nd or 3rd year. Each school has X number of positions and requirements. But if you nab one, room & board are covered. Also extra money via building job such as 'welcome desk' which pays while you mostly study after the first couple of weeks.
Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as “bad luck.” ---ROBERT HEINLEIN

Heinlein was one of the most famous science fiction writers of the 40s to the 80s but now Star Wars is better known. But it is not science fiction though most people think it is.

I bet if parents started finding good science fiction from the OLDE DAYS and having their kids read it in grade school then the kids would start noticing how dumb the politicians and educators are.

Arthur C. Clarke said that politicians should read science fiction. I guess politicians have gotten dumber since Clarke said that.

When Harlie Was One by David Gerrold
David Gerrold 'When Harlie Was One' (VX heavens)

The Adolescence of P-1 by Thomas Ryan
Thomas Ryan 'The Adolescence of P-1' (VX heavens)

Sometimes, it's a parent's pride for their children to be able to finish their studies. Well, it depends on the parents on what they believed in.
Sometimes, it's a parent's pride for their children to be able to finish their studies. Well, it depends on the parents on what they believed in.

Very good point. No matter what quality of education is provided, no matter if that education program is managed by a public bureaucrat or a private profiteer, managing the year to year education of a child is the responsibility of the parents.

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