Zone1 Easing Divisions/Restoring Unity?


Not all who wander are lost
Oct 21, 2014
As we are not cookie stamps of one another, our religious differences are to be expected. While I dislike NATO as a bureaucracy, I do like the motto: An attack on one is an attack on all.

Certainly we can and should discuss the differences, all great faiths have them. For example a common saying is Two Jews, three opinions. Within the Catholic faith we see the same, so I am guessing it is much the same within every faith and every denomination.

On the other hand, division within Christianity annoys me. A lot. I see no reason why the division between Catholic and Orthodox needs to continue. Resolve it already.

How might other differences within the same faith be resolved? There are thousands of Christian denominations, four within Judaism, two within Islam. How can any of these divisions be resolved? Can we at least stop the attacks on each other?
Do you know what Protestant means?
I do. I know some at that time were protesting what was happening within the Catholic faith and stayed to correct it. Others walked away. What if all had stayed to work on corrections?
our religious differences are to be expected ... An attack on one is an attack on all.

why would that be ... who's attacking who.

could it be using the false 10 commandments claimed by the liar moses to persecute and victimize the innocent, uninterrupted through the centuries would be an issue the desert people will never come to grips with ...

or the jewish hereditary idolatry - and who they claim (everyone else) - gentiles - their madeup word, are their slaves.

* the iceberg that sank the titantic is nothing compared to what lurks within the desert religions - documents - and the true path for heavenly remission to paradise.
I do. I know some at that time were protesting what was happening within the Catholic faith and stayed to correct it. Others walked away. What if all had stayed to work on corrections?
The division of the Catholic church needs to be repaired before trying to unite all churches. However, different churches in many cities and towns are putting aside their differences and meeting in one building, in order to pay the bills.

Concentrate more on reversing that trend first.
I do. I know some at that time were protesting what was happening within the Catholic faith and stayed to correct it. Others walked away. What if all had stayed to work on corrections?
That doesn't fully reflect what Protestant means.

That said, do you know why, or how, Protestism came to be?
The division of the Catholic church needs to be repaired before trying to unite all churches.
Yes, my thought exactly. There is no reason for Catholics and Orthodox not to reunite. It would set an example as well.

This would be a gradual process with each denomination working with the denomination that fits most closely with their own teaching. It took us centuries to get to where we are, we should not be discouraged or put off by the prospect it will take centuries to reunite. I would just like to see a beginning.
That doesn't fully reflect what Protestant means.

That said, do you know why, or how, Protestism came to be?
I do, but it appears you have something you wish to add. I am listening.
Yes, my thought exactly. There is no reason for Catholics and Orthodox not to reunite. It would set an example as well.
If Catholics have differences within their church then those differences would be minor compared to the differences from without the Catholic church. 'That' was my point.
This would be a gradual process with each denomination working with the denomination that fits most closely with their own teaching. It took us centuries to get to where we are, we should not be discouraged or put off by the prospect it will take centuries to reunite. I would just like to see a beginning.
Why would it take centuries to reunite when the division wasn't caused by any relevant factor that would be of issue in the 21st. century?

In the real world, the reuniting is already happening, regardless of the downside resulting in less church members than when the churches were divided.

Why would Christians who are still accepting the concept of living in the belly of a big fish, ever be able to accept a church that has accepted Darwinian evolution?

One is stuck in the dark ages while the other is making preparations to be accepted in 2030 and beyond!

If there's any 'right' side then good for you for choosing it!
Jesus certainly divided a great many Jews as he called out the religious leaders regarding their hypocrisy.

So much so they put him on a cross.

Christians need to learn to understand they are a fish swimming up stream in this world.
Why would Christians who are still accepting the concept of living in the belly of a big fish, ever be able to accept a church that has accepted Darwinian evolution?
Catholics peaceably do it--and have done it for years. You see, what happened/s in the physical world isn't the focus. We can believe as we choose about taking every word in the Bible about physical events literally--or not. It is the spiritual world our Church addresses.
Catholics peaceably do it--and have done it for years. You see, what happened/s in the physical world isn't the focus. We can believe as we choose about taking every word in the Bible about physical events literally--or not. It is the spiritual world our Church addresses.
As I suggested, you've at least chosen the right side. And the issue was raised to point out that there's no progress being made by the cultish churches.

Lately the board has been devoid of anything that's even worth discussion anymore. Why don't you use the opportunity to suggest some differences in the 'other' churches vs. the Catholic church?

We could maybe get an indication on whether there can ever be any common ground? That could be at least more productive than just suggesting it's possible!

Thank you for the rational discussion! I think you're one of a very few left on this board with something logical to say.
Lately the board has been devoid of anything that's even worth discussion anymore. Why don't you use the opportunity to suggest some differences in the 'other' churches vs. the Catholic church?

We could maybe get an indication on whether there can ever be any common ground? That could be at least more productive than just suggesting it's possible!
The one issue I think would be extremely difficult to overcome is that Catholic and Orthodox believe in Christ's true presence in the Eucharist. Many believe it is only symbolic.

Issues we might be able to come to terms with are statues, confession, addressing priests/ministers as 'Father', and "Once saved, always saved." Catholics/Orthodox tend to view Christ's life, death, and resurrection in terms of Redemption/Salvation, where as some merely view it as being "saved" meaning "saved from hell".
As we are not cookie stamps of one another, our religious differences are to be expected. While I dislike NATO as a bureaucracy, I do like the motto: An attack on one is an attack on all.

Certainly we can and should discuss the differences, all great faiths have them. For example a common saying is Two Jews, three opinions. Within the Catholic faith we see the same, so I am guessing it is much the same within every faith and every denomination.

On the other hand, division within Christianity annoys me. A lot. I see no reason why the division between Catholic and Orthodox needs to continue. Resolve it already.

How might other differences within the same faith be resolved? There are thousands of Christian denominations, four within Judaism, two within Islam. How can any of these divisions be resolved? Can we at least stop the attacks on each other?

I don't believe unity in the way you describe it is a BAD thing here on Earth. Jesus addresses the many churches via John the Revelator in Revelation; Paul does in his many letters. Unity will come when the church is perfected.

It is important to remember--at least I try to--that there can be many saved believers in many denominations. I don't think that all Catholics are unsaved--I think many WILL be saved. Most of the issues we spar about are "but now we see through the mirror darkly, but then face to face".
I do, but it appears you have something you wish to add. I am listening.
My questions stem from an attempt to establish a baseline.

So, if you don't mind, can you tell me what you understand to be the origins of Protestantism?
My questions stem from an attempt to establish a baseline.

So, if you don't mind, can you tell me what you understand to be the origins of Protestantism?
Then establish your baseline. Trust me, I know more than you would want to read in a lengthy post. Post where you wish to start or what you wish to use as a baseline, and I can happily go on from there.
Unity will come when the church is perfected.

howabout, the religion whichever the church is based on.

unity will only be possible when the corruptions are removed from within the written documents churches have established themselves with in regards to the desert religions ...

over the centuries with only limited reforms than those expressed during the events of the 1st century, liberation theology, self determination brought to an untimely conclusion and redirected by the crucifiers in thier 4th century c-bible.
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household” (Matthew 10:34-36).
You cannot restore what was never there and there has never been unity among different religions

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