Zone1 Homosexuality In Jewish Law

geepers, leave it to the moral crusaders ... are jewish woman allowed outside during the daytime.

to each their own, might be better than being a slum lord - for some.

The reason someone would want to spend eternity with a God who prohibits homosexuality ..........

....... is simply because the creator God whom is the designer of our bodies, he did not design or organize our bodies to have the sexual enactment of the continual plunging and thrusting our penis into one another's rectum.

The designer, creator / God has already clearly explained and given mankind a detailed clarity concerning this - this is exactly what the " BLOOD CRIMES " are detailing from the very beginning.

If God is making this clear and explaining that this is a " BLOOD CRIME " against the society around you and also harmful to our own bodies

in the Bible the point that the prophets were making was that the Jews were to be clean. The cleaning of pots, pans, vessels, Washing, BATHING Every Single time after SEX, Washing after touching Dead People or animals. Keeping away from other people if You touch a Dead ROTTING Animal. Making sure to Mary a virgin or a widow. No sex with Animals. No gay sex.

'When any man at all - has a discharge from his body, His discharge is unclean.

And whoever touches his bed shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, Whoever sits on anything that is unclean shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and bathe his body in running water ........ '

'If a woman has a discharge, and the discharge from her body is blood - everything that she sits on shall be unclean.

the LAW was to --- ___ ** separate the children of Israel from their uncleanness, lest they die in their uncleanness.

Don't Eat bats, Lions, Cats, Rats, Eel, stingray, and catfish fishes with no fins and scales) Snakes. Don't Eat Raw Blood.

the Point of punishment for BLOOD CRIMES The law of Moses, Punished People for Committing BLOOD CRIMES against Others.

Creating Diseases, Birth Defects, and Plagues. Today People Run Wild, INFECTING Millions. ......

God Did not put up With this. the actors were punished and the Disease, infections, and Danger to Innocent Lives and People Following the LAW were safe. Water supplies, Food Supplies and All Cooking and Daily Living was Safe.

Today we have millions of innocent people with diseases and these BLOOD CRIMES are destroying millions of people. Today nearly 37 million people worldwide living with HIV, approximately 1.8 million are innocent children.

There are 23,000 to 46,000 children in the U.S. with Hepatitis C. In comparison, approximately four million American adults have the virus.

The creator had given permission to mankind to remove and eliminate other people who would willingly and knowing endanger and infect and cause diseases and sickness to you and your family

This is the instructions of the Creator and the way that God designed our bodies - if we alter and deviate from that design - we will have millions of people sick, infected and spreading death.


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