Dubai's free market capitalism

it's funny to watch capitalistas throw dubai under the same bus they left Greenspan under while trying to pretend that normally they are not out insisting that capitalism is the key to widespread wealth creation.


No one is throwing them under the bus or making excuses for capitalism. THIS IS HOW CAPITALISM WORKS. All of you liberals are trying to play this stupid 'see I told you so' game. Thinking you are showing us a failure of capitalism. Yet anyone who understands how it works is laughing at the lunacy of such an argument.

Again there is nothing in the tenets of capitalism that says it is risk free or that everyone is going to be richer than their wildest dreams. Everyone with a basic level of education should intutively grasp that is system with risks. It is a system that requires individual effort. It is a system with the potential for exploitaiton. It's a system with nearly unlimited potential for wealth accumulation. It is a system that can provide comfortable livlihoods for many. I don't think these characteristics I have pointed out should come as a shock to anyone.

I kind of view these different system on a spectrum in terms the potential for people to be poor on one end and the potential to be rick on the other. For capitalism the range of potential is enormous. You could wind up with nothing or you could be wealthy behind your wildest dreams. Communism on the other had has a much narrower range. Most everyone would clustered right in the middle between rich and poor. that would fine, it would be safe. It would require curtails on freedom, of course.......
I do find it strange that there are purist of any economic system. Be it Capitalism or Socialism, an economic system has it perks, it is ideals and goals and as it flaws as well. To actually get the most out of an economy, why not look at mixed systems. Find where capitalism/socialism excell at(if there is a common ground, I say default to capitalism since it involves less restrictions and regulations. Less requirements for the government and thus need for tax money) and where the drawbacks exist or come about.

Capitalism has flaws. Socialism has flaws. Using a multi-economic approach could miniize the effects of their flaws.

Just saying......

Signed---a stinking corporatists.
yea yea yea... it's always a matter of your superior education despite the continued failures of free market capitalism, eh bern? Like I said, it's funny to watch you people leap through fire trying to distance yourself from the failures of your pet economic theory. Any other time you'd be insisting that capitalism is the best way possible to accrue wealth and prosperity... until, of course, reality comes a crashing down as hard as they eventually did on Greenspan.


Capitalism is the best way to accrue wealth and prosperity. Not everyone is going to succeed, however.
yea yea yea... it's always a matter of your superior education despite the continued failures of free market capitalism, eh bern? Like I said, it's funny to watch you people leap through fire trying to distance yourself from the failures of your pet economic theory. Any other time you'd be insisting that capitalism is the best way possible to accrue wealth and prosperity... until, of course, reality comes a crashing down as hard as they eventually did on Greenspan.



Well.. considering it has flaws but is based in the concept of freedom and not a system based on government
force and control.. I'll take support of capitalism over support over socialism, Marxism, or communism any day of the week and twice on Sunday
yea yea yea... it's always a matter of your superior education despite the continued failures of free market capitalism, eh bern? Like I said, it's funny to watch you people leap through fire trying to distance yourself from the failures of your pet economic theory. Any other time you'd be insisting that capitalism is the best way possible to accrue wealth and prosperity... until, of course, reality comes a crashing down as hard as they eventually did on Greenspan.



free market capitalisim has not been allowed to exist in any country i can think of.....the government always tries to regulate or control the market....
yea yea yea... it's always a matter of your superior education despite the continued failures of free market capitalism, eh bern? Like I said, it's funny to watch you people leap through fire trying to distance yourself from the failures of your pet economic theory. Any other time you'd be insisting that capitalism is the best way possible to accrue wealth and prosperity... until, of course, reality comes a crashing down as hard as they eventually did on Greenspan.



free market capitalisim has not been allowed to exist in any country i can think of.....the government always tries to regulate or control the market....

I guess the barter system is, therefore, the freest economic system to exist. In that system, there is no need to respect any form of currency ---or government breathing down your back if you refused to accept the currency of the nation.
yea yea yea... it's always a matter of your superior education despite the continued failures of free market capitalism, eh bern? Like I said, it's funny to watch you people leap through fire trying to distance yourself from the failures of your pet economic theory. Any other time you'd be insisting that capitalism is the best way possible to accrue wealth and prosperity... until, of course, reality comes a crashing down as hard as they eventually did on Greenspan.



free market capitalisim has not been allowed to exist in any country i can think of.....the government always tries to regulate or control the market....

I guess the barter system is, therefore, the freest economic system to exist. In that system, there is no need to respect any form of currency ---or government breathing down your back if you refused to accept the currency of the nation.

Or the government could just not give itself the monopoly on the issuance of currency. We could allow the market to handle it.
Capitalism is the best way to accrue wealth and prosperity. Not everyone is going to succeed, however.

opinions and assholes, sir. Capitalism is why Batista's government found itself gladly purged from Cuba by it's "cheap labor".

We'll pass on the economic anarchy of the mythical free market, thanks. After all. If it's not one excuse it's another.
yea yea yea... it's always a matter of your superior education despite the continued failures of free market capitalism, eh bern? Like I said, it's funny to watch you people leap through fire trying to distance yourself from the failures of your pet economic theory. Any other time you'd be insisting that capitalism is the best way possible to accrue wealth and prosperity... until, of course, reality comes a crashing down as hard as they eventually did on Greenspan.



Well.. considering it has flaws but is based in the concept of freedom and not a system based on government
force and control.. I'll take support of capitalism over support over socialism, Marxism, or communism any day of the week and twice on Sunday

then move to Dubai and enjoy the return on your investments.

It bankrupted the entire country. They are INSOLVENT. You just negated your whole point. It is OK to adopt a system that bankrupts your entire country? How on earth is that good economic policy??? It is EXACTLY a failure of capitalism.

It is not a failure of capitalism, but more of a success in exemplifying poor management.
Capitalism is the best way to accrue wealth and prosperity. Not everyone is going to succeed, however.

opinions and assholes, sir. Capitalism is why Batista's government found itself gladly purged from Cuba by it's "cheap labor".

We'll pass on the economic anarchy of the mythical free market, thanks. After all. If it's not one excuse it's another.

I see your knowledge of economics is rivaled only by your knowledge of history.
yea yea yea... it's always a matter of your superior education despite the continued failures of free market capitalism, eh bern? Like I said, it's funny to watch you people leap through fire trying to distance yourself from the failures of your pet economic theory. Any other time you'd be insisting that capitalism is the best way possible to accrue wealth and prosperity... until, of course, reality comes a crashing down as hard as they eventually did on Greenspan.



You aren't listening as always. Do you understand that when you say capitalism failed there is a concept called a PREMISE behind that. For something to fail it has to not do what it says it can do. NO WHERE does capitalism contend that everyone who strikes out on a business venture is going to be successfull.

Why is it a failure of the system (capitalism) as oppossed to a failure of people to recongnize a flawed business plan? How would what is happening in Dubai not have happened if it were not a capitalistic society?
yea yea yea... it's always a matter of your superior education despite the continued failures of free market capitalism, eh bern? Like I said, it's funny to watch you people leap through fire trying to distance yourself from the failures of your pet economic theory. Any other time you'd be insisting that capitalism is the best way possible to accrue wealth and prosperity... until, of course, reality comes a crashing down as hard as they eventually did on Greenspan.



Well.. considering it has flaws but is based in the concept of freedom and not a system based on government
force and control.. I'll take support of capitalism over support over socialism, Marxism, or communism any day of the week and twice on Sunday

then move to Dubai and enjoy the return on your investments.


I have my freedom to go where I choose... and my earning power to do it thanks to the capitalist parts of our system... unlike what I would have in a system rooted in the other philosophies
Capitalism is the best way to accrue wealth and prosperity. Not everyone is going to succeed, however.

opinions and assholes, sir. Capitalism is why Batista's government found itself gladly purged from Cuba by it's "cheap labor".

We'll pass on the economic anarchy of the mythical free market, thanks. After all. If it's not one excuse it's another.

So it is your opinion there is better system for accruing wealth and job creation? Do tell.

Capitalism as a system can not screw people over. People screw people over and it will happen regardless of what system is in place. Corruption is not something unique to capitalism. You can not possibly know how a free market would turn out as one has never existed.
You suffer the same problem every liberal suffers Peepes. You are so busy trying figure out how to be a victim that you wouldn't see other options if they hit you in the face.

I'm not a victim. I do believe that income is being funnelled from the bottom to the top, and I believe most economists agree with me. I am opposing your assertion that we are not now forcibly redistributing wealth - in reverse, since you think that this imoral.

Of course money gets funnelled to the top. When you pay for something it's going to make it's way to the top eventually. Why is that an unfair transaction?

Getting into the issue of force. I honestly can't think of a single thing you are forced to buy (other than health insurance in the near future). They are all the result of CHOICES you make. You will say something like "I have to buy gas for my car". No. You would do well to remember this: When you choose the behavior you choose the consequences. Buying gas is a consequence of some other life style choice you have made. It is a choice the vast majority of American's make because having a car (and thus the gas to run it) is far more convenient than life without a car. That doesn't mean it's a neccessary one.
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Capitalism is the best way to accrue wealth and prosperity. Not everyone is going to succeed, however.

opinions and assholes, sir. Capitalism is why Batista's government found itself gladly purged from Cuba by it's "cheap labor".

We'll pass on the economic anarchy of the mythical free market, thanks. After all. If it's not one excuse it's another.

So it is your opinion there is better system for accruing wealth and job creation? Do tell.

Capitalism as a system can not screw people over. People screw people over and it will happen regardless of what system is in place. Corruption is not something unique to capitalism. You can not possibly know how a free market would turn out as one has never existed.

first, accruing wealth for a fraction of the population at the top of the food chain isn't my criteria for a successful economic system. Second, as if you should REALLY be talking about job creation with all the jobs shipped overseas because of your lovely free market policies.

and, I guess someone looking down at cheap labor WOULD suggest that capitalism cannot screw people over. Indeed, i wonder how many child labor ghosts of yesteryear and locked production floor fire kindling would laugh at such a statement. You seem to think that capitalism can be separated by the very bastards that use it to screw people over.... as if economic direction is some fucking vacuum space that happens on it's own autonomous volition. Sorry, dude. when the failure of your opinion erupts around you then you can enjoy the same melt down that Batista did from his ejection to Florida.

and, the punchline, of course, is your eternal "b-b-but there has never been a free market" bullshit which, apparently, is some dangled carrot that no one can ever achieve ANYWAY. so, every time some asshole capitalist shits on workers and rationalizes slave wages you have ole trusty to whip out and pretend that the failure, instead of the shit that free market capitalism enables, is because we don't have some theoretical economic anarchy.

and again, every time we see the failure of your pet economic opinion, EVERY TIME, you act as if it wasn't your hand in the cookie jar. But hey.. you can always insist that only learned people who agree with you already understand econ, right? Somehow, Greenspan became the proverbial pariah the day he admitted more about FMC than you ever will.
first, accruing wealth for a fraction of the population at the top of the food chain isn't my criteria for a successful economic system. Second, as if you should REALLY be talking about job creation with all the jobs shipped overseas because of your lovely free market policies.

This seems to go back to fundamental difference in opinon about the means by which one's standard of living should be maintained. Is it your job to maintain your standard of living or someone elses? It highlights a fundamental misconception of the purpose of business. Your employer did not go into business because he had this dream to provide for your lazy ass. That cncept that you don't grasp makes your pissing and moaning about jobs going overseas a mute point. If jobs existed for the prupose of provding for your needs you and thay weren't facilitating that end then you could legitmately gripe till the cows come home.

and, I guess someone looking down at cheap labor WOULD suggest that capitalism cannot screw people over. Indeed, i wonder how many child labor ghosts of yesteryear and locked production floor fire kindling would laugh at such a statement. You seem to think that capitalism can be separated by the very bastards that use it to screw people over.... as if economic direction is some fucking vacuum space that happens on it's own autonomous volition. Sorry, dude. when the failure of your opinion erupts around you then you can enjoy the same melt down that Batista did from his ejection to Florida.

It is no more corruptable than any other system. Or were you under the impression that the USSR was some sort of workers Utopia? You seriously can't be this naive. Any system will have corruption. You are the stereotypical liberal. You want and even think you deserve everything but are willing to risk nothing. That's what it boils down to. You don't like the fact that capitalism holds the possibility that you could fail and lose everything or that in some cases a corrupt CEO will screw people over. Those things do happen but they certainly arent par for the course or a predominant occurrance. For the vast majority people our system has worked quite well.

and, the punchline, of course, is your eternal "b-b-but there has never been a free market" bullshit which, apparently, is some dangled carrot that no one can ever achieve ANYWAY. so, every time some asshole capitalist shits on workers and rationalizes slave wages you have ole trusty to whip out and pretend that the failure, instead of the shit that free market capitalism enables, is because we don't have some theoretical economic anarchy.

It remains a true statement. You blame free market capitalism for all these problems yet you don't see the paradox in blaming a system that never existed in the first place. Myabe Enron wouldn't have been able to screw over so many people if they weren't in congress' back pocket. Because in true free market capitalism the government would keeps its hands off including all of this corporate wellfare you've been complaining about.
This seems to go back to fundamental difference in opinon about the means by which one's standard of living should be maintained. Is it your job to maintain your standard of living or someone elses? It highlights a fundamental misconception of the purpose of business. Your employer did not go into business because he had this dream to provide for your lazy ass. That cncept that you don't grasp makes your pissing and moaning about jobs going overseas a mute point. If jobs existed for the prupose of provding for your needs you and thay weren't facilitating that end then you could legitmately gripe till the cows come home.

if it means accepting beggars in the streets like you'll find in calcutta then yes, bern. It's why we have a minimum wage (that your kind are hilariously opposed to) and regulations meant to share this nation rather than pretend that you operate in an economic vacuum.

but hey! the good news is that you can vote with your dollars and move to Dubai where they seem to value FMC over any kind of social stability!

And, my employer couldn't make a fucking dime were it not for the ORGANIZATION that executes the business. here... go try and make your big ideas happen without some proletariat to shit on, Bern. See how far you get. You might learn a little something besides who ELSE to point at when your economic opinions fail time and again.

It is no more corruptable than any other system. Or were you under the impression that the USSR was some sort of workers Utopia? You seriously can't be this naive. Any system will have corruption. You are the stereotypical liberal. You want and even think you deserve everything but are willing to risk nothing. That's what it boils down to. You don't like the fact that capitalism holds the possibility that you could fail and lose everything or that in some cases a corrupt CEO will screw people over. Those things do happen but they certainly arent par for the course or a predominant occurrance. For the vast majority people our system has worked quite well.

People who remember the 80s know better. In fact, for many the USSR was a workers utopia. Did you think that no Russian EVER put nation above disposable self interest? Just because you flaunt chinese made jeans while making every effort you could to hinder instead of HELP a socialist system doesn't give you any superiority points. Hell, Cuba proves that YOUR KIND require trade embargoes in order to perpetuate your silly fucking talking point. TRUE STORY.

And, Bern, spare me your limp wristed attempt at shit talking and name calling. if I struck a nerve then be a fucking man and admit it rather than act like some pissed off librarian. I'll gladly be what YOU call a typical lefty given the fact that you are nothing more than a mas fabricated clone worshipping at the alter of a failed economic opinion whose only option the day after meltdown is to cry that it's someone elses fault over and over again. While facilitating a degradation human condition every time you try to normalize a minimum wage with a Mexican dirt pauper, no less. Tell me, BERN, are YOU really stupid enough to think that anyone REALLY thinks a capitalist gives a shit about anything outside of your wallet? Say it aint SO, JOE!

It remains a true statement. You blame free market capitalism for all these problems yet you don't see the paradox in blaming a system that never existed in the first place. Myabe Enron wouldn't have been able to screw over so many people if they weren't in congress' back pocket. Because in true free market capitalism the government would keeps its hands off including all of this corporate wellfare you've been complaining about.

yea yea yea... and we've never seen how well trees grow by nuking the forest either. You'll just have to excuse the rest of us for not wanting to trip off Geiger counters while you sell someone another ounce of plutonium for profit, thanks.


YEA! because we sure as FUCK don't see capitalist pigs abusing the system at the loss of everyone else, BERN! hell, Osha standards occurred WITHOUT ACTUAL CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH WERE PRODUCED BY NON REGULATED CAPITALISM! SURE! no no, Bern.. it wasn't CHILD LABOR that caused us to ban CHILD LABOR.. or the pig motherfucker capitalistas hellbent on rationalizing such.. yea, history is probably not chock FULL of examples of fucked up capitalist actions, BERN. Crying about having never attained the most pure, anarchy-ridden gravity-free market is nothing less than the laughable punchline to the joke of your economic opinions.

Have fun in Dubai, Bern!


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