Don't you think it's ridiculous to criticize the OWS movement for the illegal...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...actions by some of the protestors?

What Fox News/Republicans don't seem to understand is that the bigger a movement gets, the more trouble-makers it is going to attract. In other words, the trouble-makers at the OWS protests do not represent the movement itself. The OWS from the very beginning had a message of peaceful protesting. That is what the founders of the movement intended. Unfortunately, because the movement is leaderless and has become so wide-spread, some of them have gotten chaotic. That is a human-driven consequence; it is not because of the ideology.

I think it is reasonable to criticize the OWS movement as lacking clear goals and leadership. If it did have these qualities, I think more people would take their message more seriously. However, by that same rationale, it is unfair to criticize the movement itself for a few of the trouble-makers.

Let me put it this way: if the Tea Party had become as popular movement as the OWS has (not even close), would the movement have attracted the same kind of law-breakers we see at these OWS protests? The answer is absolutely.
Let me put it this way: if the Tea Party had become as popular movement as the OWS has (not even close), would the movement have attracted the same kind of law-breakers we see at these OWS protests? The answer is absolutely.

the tea party elected representatives, have a Congressional caucus and impacted the legislative process so much it prevented the dem agenda

ows has only broken laws
Stop making sense.

The right-wing neocon whackjobs on this board only care about the small percentage that seemingly cause trouble.

They love Wall St's unfettered love of greed and capitalism. Accountability is something that happens in a CPA's office, not on Wall St. Don't you know that Wall St is responsible for creating all those jobs out there. Even when they create nothing, but just take massive fees for doing nothing, or, in the case of some CEO's get their 'rightful' hands on those multi-million dollar bonuses even if the stock tanks and the company makes a loss.

You know why?

Because most of them are like John Gotti - only in the sense they should have the moniker Teflon in front of their names - because nothing is ever their fault and nothing ever sticks.

Stock tanked? "Not my fault that the economy's going under. Didnt' see that coming. You want me to involve my lawyers if you don't pay me my bonus? Think of the bad publicity. NOT MY FAULT"

That's how they think. And the biggest irony here is, that all these neocon loons on this board that support them harp on about personal responsibility ALL the time - except when it comes to Wall St apparently. 'Cause it seems that because they create "all these jobs", they are somehow entitled to a free pass.
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Let me put it this way: if the Tea Party had become as popular movement as the OWS has (not even close), would the movement have attracted the same kind of law-breakers we see at these OWS protests? The answer is absolutely.

the tea party elected representatives, have a Congressional caucus and impacted the legislative process so much it prevented the dem agenda

ows has only broken laws

And yet, polls show that most Americans do not support Tea Party ideas. In fact, more people support the message of the OWS movement than they do the message of the Tea Party. What upsets most Americans about the OWS movement is the crime and over-night occupation. The OWS message itself, however, is something they support.
Stop making sense.

The right-wing neocon whackjobs on this board only care about the small percentage that seemingly cause trouble.

They love Wall St's unfettered love of greed and capitalism. Accountability is something that happens in a CPA's office, not on Wall St. Don't you know that Wall St is responsible for creating all those jobs out there. Even when they create nothing, but just take massive fees for doing nothing, or, in the case of some CEO's get their 'rightful' hands on those multi-million dollar bonuses even if the stock tanks and the company makes a loss.

You know why?

Because most of them are like John Gotti - only in the sense they should have the moniker Teflon in front of their names - because nothing is ever their fault and nothing ever sticks.

Stock tanked? "Not my fault that the economy's going under. Didnt' see that coming. You want me to involve my lawyers if you don't pay me my bonus? Think of the bad publicity. NOT MY FAULT"

That's how they think. And the biggest irony here is, that all these neocon loons on this board that support them harp on about personal responsibility ALL the time - except when it comes to Wall St apparently. 'Cause it seems that because they create "all these jobs", they are somehow entitled to a free pass.

You are doing exactly what you criticize others for. You don't want OWS labeled for the actions of the few.... and yet that is exactly what you do.

Hypocrisy is funny though.
And yet, polls show that most Americans do not support Tea Party ideas. In fact, more people support the message of the OWS movement than they do the message of the Tea Party. What upsets most Americans about the OWS movement is the crime and over-night occupation. The OWS message itself, however, is something they support.

what message is that ?
Stop making sense.

The right-wing neocon whackjobs on this board only care about the small percentage that seemingly cause trouble.

They love Wall St's unfettered love of greed and capitalism. Accountability is something that happens in a CPA's office, not on Wall St. Don't you know that Wall St is responsible for creating all those jobs out there. Even when they create nothing, but just take massive fees for doing nothing, or, in the case of some CEO's get their 'rightful' hands on those multi-million dollar bonuses even if the stock tanks and the company makes a loss.

You know why?

Because most of them are like John Gotti - only in the sense they should have the moniker Teflon in front of their names - because nothing is ever their fault and nothing ever sticks.

Stock tanked? "Not my fault that the economy's going under. Didnt' see that coming. You want me to involve my lawyers if you don't pay me my bonus? Think of the bad publicity. NOT MY FAULT"

That's how they think. And the biggest irony here is, that all these neocon loons on this board that support them harp on about personal responsibility ALL the time - except when it comes to Wall St apparently. 'Cause it seems that because they create "all these jobs", they are somehow entitled to a free pass.

You are doing exactly what you criticize others for. You don't want OWS labeled for the actions of the few.... and yet that is exactly what you do.

Hypocrisy is funny though.

Really? WHo have I criticised?
And yet, polls show that most Americans do not support Tea Party ideas. In fact, more people support the message of the OWS movement than they do the message of the Tea Party. What upsets most Americans about the OWS movement is the crime and over-night occupation. The OWS message itself, however, is something they support.

what message is that ?

That we have a financial system that favors the wealthy.
Stop making sense.

The right-wing neocon whackjobs on this board only care about the small percentage that seemingly cause trouble.

They love Wall St's unfettered love of greed and capitalism. Accountability is something that happens in a CPA's office, not on Wall St. Don't you know that Wall St is responsible for creating all those jobs out there. Even when they create nothing, but just take massive fees for doing nothing, or, in the case of some CEO's get their 'rightful' hands on those multi-million dollar bonuses even if the stock tanks and the company makes a loss.

You know why?

Because most of them are like John Gotti - only in the sense they should have the moniker Teflon in front of their names - because nothing is ever their fault and nothing ever sticks.

Stock tanked? "Not my fault that the economy's going under. Didnt' see that coming. You want me to involve my lawyers if you don't pay me my bonus? Think of the bad publicity. NOT MY FAULT"

That's how they think. And the biggest irony here is, that all these neocon loons on this board that support them harp on about personal responsibility ALL the time - except when it comes to Wall St apparently. 'Cause it seems that because they create "all these jobs", they are somehow entitled to a free pass.

You are doing exactly what you criticize others for. You don't want OWS labeled for the actions of the few.... and yet that is exactly what you do.

Hypocrisy is funny though.

Really? WHo have I criticised?

You might want to review your posts and work it out for yourself. You're making up conversations and pretending that's fact. You're telling people what other people think.

You were, I think, one of those who had a hissy fit about the TEA Parties, were you not? It's laughable to be high fiving one group for exercising their rights when months ago you bitched about others doing likewise - albeit with a tad more logic and rational thought, and civilized behavior.
Let me put it this way: if the Tea Party had become as popular movement as the OWS has (not even close), would the movement have attracted the same kind of law-breakers we see at these OWS protests? The answer is absolutely.

the tea party elected representatives, have a Congressional caucus and impacted the legislative process so much it prevented the dem agenda

ows has only broken laws

And yet, polls show that most Americans do not support Tea Party ideas. In fact, more people support the message of the OWS movement than they do the message of the Tea Party. What upsets most Americans about the OWS movement is the crime and over-night occupation. The OWS message itself, however, is something they support.

And yet 56 of 435 elected representatives are Tea party members. No destruction of private property occurred at Tea party rallies, no riots, no street wide bonfires, no increase in the millions for local police force budgets, no seized property and no defecating, sex, rapes, murders, suicides or assaults.

OWS can not even articulate what they want. When someone does say what the movement wants someone else claims that is not true. Basically they have no message except, we are slobs, criminals and want our bills paid for us and jobs handed to us with high salaries we did not earn or work for.
Stop making sense.

The right-wing neocon whackjobs on this board only care about the small percentage that seemingly cause trouble.

They love Wall St's unfettered love of greed and capitalism. Accountability is something that happens in a CPA's office, not on Wall St. Don't you know that Wall St is responsible for creating all those jobs out there. Even when they create nothing, but just take massive fees for doing nothing, or, in the case of some CEO's get their 'rightful' hands on those multi-million dollar bonuses even if the stock tanks and the company makes a loss.

You know why?

Because most of them are like John Gotti - only in the sense they should have the moniker Teflon in front of their names - because nothing is ever their fault and nothing ever sticks.

Stock tanked? "Not my fault that the economy's going under. Didnt' see that coming. You want me to involve my lawyers if you don't pay me my bonus? Think of the bad publicity. NOT MY FAULT"

That's how they think. And the biggest irony here is, that all these neocon loons on this board that support them harp on about personal responsibility ALL the time - except when it comes to Wall St apparently. 'Cause it seems that because they create "all these jobs", they are somehow entitled to a free pass.

Hey, I'd have no problem if they frog-marched the crooked brokers out of Wall Street and put them on trial in front of 12 working guys who got their homes foreclosed on.

Too bad Obama didn't do anything near that.

Hells bells, man, Even George W. Bush prosecuted Ken Lay and Enron.

Obama hasn't prosecuted any of the crooked bankers. Now why is that?

Top Contributors to Barack Obama | OpenSecrets

University of California $1,648,685
Goldman Sachs $1,013,091
Harvard University $878,164
Microsoft Corp $852,167
Google Inc $814,540
JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799
Citigroup Inc $736,771
Time Warner $624,618
Sidley Austin LLP $600,298
Stanford University $595,716
National Amusements Inc $563,798
WilmerHale LLP $550,668
Columbia University $547,852
Skadden, Arps et al $543,539
UBS AG $532,674
IBM Corp $532,372
General Electric $529,855
US Government $513,308
Morgan Stanley $512,232
Latham & Watkins $503,295

Oh, yeah... that's it.
...actions by some of the protestors?

What Fox News/Republicans don't seem to understand is that the bigger a movement gets, the more trouble-makers it is going to attract. In other words, the trouble-makers at the OWS protests do not represent the movement itself. The OWS from the very beginning had a message of peaceful protesting. That is what the founders of the movement intended. Unfortunately, because the movement is leaderless and has become so wide-spread, some of them have gotten chaotic. That is a human-driven consequence; it is not because of the ideology.

I think it is reasonable to criticize the OWS movement as lacking clear goals and leadership. If it did have these qualities, I think more people would take their message more seriously. However, by that same rationale, it is unfair to criticize the movement itself for a few of the trouble-makers.

Let me put it this way: if the Tea Party had become as popular movement as the OWS has (not even close), would the movement have attracted the same kind of law-breakers we see at these OWS protests? The answer is absolutely.

The TEA Party did what it was supposed to do, it organized, it voted, it advocated positions. And, yes, it made an impact.

OWS.... Well, they're doing this...


and this...

...actions by some of the protestors?

What Fox News/Republicans don't seem to understand is that the bigger a movement gets, the more trouble-makers it is going to attract. In other words, the trouble-makers at the OWS protests do not represent the movement itself. The OWS from the very beginning had a message of peaceful protesting. That is what the founders of the movement intended. Unfortunately, because the movement is leaderless and has become so wide-spread, some of them have gotten chaotic. That is a human-driven consequence; it is not because of the ideology.

I think it is reasonable to criticize the OWS movement as lacking clear goals and leadership. If it did have these qualities, I think more people would take their message more seriously. However, by that same rationale, it is unfair to criticize the movement itself for a few of the trouble-makers.

Let me put it this way: if the Tea Party had become as popular movement as the OWS has (not even close), would the movement have attracted the same kind of law-breakers we see at these OWS protests? The answer is absolutely.

If they want to be taken serious, they need to get rid of the trouble-makers. But they won't, and as long as they won't then they are ALL going to be labeled the same. If they really have a message they want everyone to hear, then they need to re-group and get rid of the people that are making all the trouble for them because those trouble-makers are drowning out any message the OWS is trying to get out there. So until they do something about it and prove that the true OWS protestors really want a peaceful protests, i'm not going to believe they don't all have something to do with the violence.
LOL, you all SURE DIDN'T have any trouble labeling the WHOLE Tea party FOR A FEW..

Don't like it when it when the shoe is on the OTHER FOOT eh?


Only thing, I havn't seen anything nobel about the OWS...rambling bunch of idiots in my book.
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When bad players show up at TP protests, the real protestors made a point to shout them down instantly and demonstrate that they don't represent the TP.

OWS doesn't do that.

Odd that.
You are doing exactly what you criticize others for. You don't want OWS labeled for the actions of the few.... and yet that is exactly what you do.

Hypocrisy is funny though.

Really? WHo have I criticised?

You might want to review your posts and work it out for yourself. You're making up conversations and pretending that's fact. You're telling people what other people think.

You were, I think, one of those who had a hissy fit about the TEA Parties, were you not? It's laughable to be high fiving one group for exercising their rights when months ago you bitched about others doing likewise - albeit with a tad more logic and rational thought, and civilized behavior.

No. I have rarely made forays into the Tea Party threads....and don't really give a toss about them..
What convos have I been making up? Or are you making stuff up, now?
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...actions by some of the protestors?

What Fox News/Republicans don't seem to understand is that the bigger a movement gets, the more trouble-makers it is going to attract. In other words, the trouble-makers at the OWS protests do not represent the movement itself. The OWS from the very beginning had a message of peaceful protesting. That is what the founders of the movement intended. Unfortunately, because the movement is leaderless and has become so wide-spread, some of them have gotten chaotic. That is a human-driven consequence; it is not because of the ideology.

I think it is reasonable to criticize the OWS movement as lacking clear goals and leadership. If it did have these qualities, I think more people would take their message more seriously. However, by that same rationale, it is unfair to criticize the movement itself for a few of the trouble-makers.

Let me put it this way: if the Tea Party had become as popular movement as the OWS has (not even close), would the movement have attracted the same kind of law-breakers we see at these OWS protests? The answer is absolutely.

You are a few days late and a few dollars short.
A few tea party people had some signs at their rallies
that some didn't care what happened? the whole tea party
was branded as racist and according to Chris Mathews,all white.

You are gonna have to live with it my friend.
How bout that guy they let out of jail that threatened to
burn down NYC and firebomb Macy's...
Haven't seen any OWS peeps denounce this guy.:evil:
...actions by some of the protestors?

What Fox News/Republicans don't seem to understand is that the bigger a movement gets, the more trouble-makers it is going to attract. In other words, the trouble-makers at the OWS protests do not represent the movement itself. The OWS from the very beginning had a message of peaceful protesting. That is what the founders of the movement intended. Unfortunately, because the movement is leaderless and has become so wide-spread, some of them have gotten chaotic. That is a human-driven consequence; it is not because of the ideology.

I think it is reasonable to criticize the OWS movement as lacking clear goals and leadership. If it did have these qualities, I think more people would take their message more seriously. However, by that same rationale, it is unfair to criticize the movement itself for a few of the trouble-makers.

Let me put it this way: if the Tea Party had become as popular movement as the OWS has (not even close), would the movement have attracted the same kind of law-breakers we see at these OWS protests? The answer is absolutely.

You are a few days late and a few dollars short.
A few tea party people had some signs at their rallies
that some didn't care what happened? the whole tea party
was branded as racist and according to Chris Mathews,all white.

You are gonna have to live with it my friend.
How bout that guy they let out of jail that threatened to
burn down NYC and firebomb Macy's...
Haven't seen any OWS peeps denounce this guy.:evil:
...actions by some of the protestors?

What Fox News/Republicans don't seem to understand is that the bigger a movement gets, the more trouble-makers it is going to attract. In other words, the trouble-makers at the OWS protests do not represent the movement itself. The OWS from the very beginning had a message of peaceful protesting. That is what the founders of the movement intended. Unfortunately, because the movement is leaderless and has become so wide-spread, some of them have gotten chaotic. That is a human-driven consequence; it is not because of the ideology.

I think it is reasonable to criticize the OWS movement as lacking clear goals and leadership. If it did have these qualities, I think more people would take their message more seriously. However, by that same rationale, it is unfair to criticize the movement itself for a few of the trouble-makers.

Let me put it this way: if the Tea Party had become as popular movement as the OWS has (not even close), would the movement have attracted the same kind of law-breakers we see at these OWS protests? The answer is absolutely.

the Odoriferous Wasteoid Slacker movement is nothing but a nuiscence.... to claim it has any credibility with anyone other than Marxists and other assorted crazies is fucking delusional. It isn't even covered by news outlets for the most part.

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