Don’t RWs see how childish it is call any negative story about Trump or other Repubs “fake news”?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Any negative mention about Trump, his pedophile friend, or any other prominent republican is automatically “fake news”? It’s so laughable and immature.

Here’s an example. So WaPo has been “fake news” ever since Trump got in the race. Before that it was considered a conservative news outlet. Hmm. That’s odd right?

What’s even more odd, is that after WaPo came out with the story about Clinton’s connection to the dossier, RWs went ape shit and believed every word. Oh my! WaPo really blew that bombshell wide open! Hillary’s a crook, Derp, Derp, Derp.

For the record, liberals believed the story too. We aren’t toddlers who declare any negative info about a democrat “fake”.
Any negative mention about Trump, his pedophile friend, or any other prominent republican is automatically “fake news”? It’s so laughable and immature.

Here’s an example. So WaPo has been “fake news” ever since Trump got in the race. Before that it was considered a conservative news outlet. Hmm. That’s odd right?

What’s even more odd, is that after WaPo came out with the story about Clinton’s connection to the dossier, RWs went ape shit and believed every word. Oh my! WaPo really blew that bombshell wide open! Hillary’s a crook, Derp, Derp, Derp.

For the record, liberals believed the story too. We aren’t toddlers who declare any negative info about a democrat “fake”.
We aren’t toddlers who declare any negative info about a democrat “fake”.
Actually you are.
It's becoming a time consuming pain in the ass dealing with you liberals. We want to make money and you want us to watch as you run your mouth. It's much easier to dismiss you in large groups then to take the time to tell each of you.
Any negative mention about Trump, his pedophile friend, or any other prominent republican is automatically “fake news”? It’s so laughable and immature.

Here’s an example. So WaPo has been “fake news” ever since Trump got in the race. Before that it was considered a conservative news outlet. Hmm. That’s odd right?

What’s even more odd, is that after WaPo came out with the story about Clinton’s connection to the dossier, RWs went ape shit and believed every word. Oh my! WaPo really blew that bombshell wide open! Hillary’s a crook, Derp, Derp, Derp.

For the record, liberals believed the story too. We aren’t toddlers who declare any negative info about a democrat “fake”.

WAPO is considered a "conservative news outlet?" Do you not understand why no one takes you seriously?
Any negative mention about Trump, his pedophile friend, or any other prominent republican is automatically “fake news”? It’s so laughable and immature.

Here’s an example. So WaPo has been “fake news” ever since Trump got in the race. Before that it was considered a conservative news outlet. Hmm. That’s odd right?

What’s even more odd, is that after WaPo came out with the story about Clinton’s connection to the dossier, RWs went ape shit and believed every word. Oh my! WaPo really blew that bombshell wide open! Hillary’s a crook, Derp, Derp, Derp.

For the record, liberals believed the story too. We aren’t toddlers who declare any negative info about a democrat “fake”.

It's becoming a time consuming pain in the ass dealing with you liberals. We want to make money and you want us to watch as you run your mouth. It's much easier to dismiss you in large groups then to take the time to tell each of you.
A typical deflection because you know I’m right.
Any negative mention about Trump, his pedophile friend, or any other prominent republican is automatically “fake news”? It’s so laughable and immature.

Here’s an example. So WaPo has been “fake news” ever since Trump got in the race. Before that it was considered a conservative news outlet. Hmm. That’s odd right?

What’s even more odd, is that after WaPo came out with the story about Clinton’s connection to the dossier, RWs went ape shit and believed every word. Oh my! WaPo really blew that bombshell wide open! Hillary’s a crook, Derp, Derp, Derp.

For the record, liberals believed the story too. We aren’t toddlers who declare any negative info about a democrat “fake”.

WAPO is considered a "conservative news outlet?" Do you not understand why no one takes you seriously?

Engage Question Marks
Any negative mention about Trump, his pedophile friend, or any other prominent republican is automatically “fake news”? It’s so laughable and immature.

Here’s an example. So WaPo has been “fake news” ever since Trump got in the race. Before that it was considered a conservative news outlet. Hmm. That’s odd right?

What’s even more odd, is that after WaPo came out with the story about Clinton’s connection to the dossier, RWs went ape shit and believed every word. Oh my! WaPo really blew that bombshell wide open! Hillary’s a crook, Derp, Derp, Derp.

For the record, liberals believed the story too. We aren’t toddlers who declare any negative info about a democrat “fake”.
Go win an election then get back to us
It's becoming a time consuming pain in the ass dealing with you liberals. We want to make money and you want us to watch as you run your mouth. It's much easier to dismiss you in large groups then to take the time to tell each of you.
A typical deflection because you know I’m right.
I just tell the blunt truth. Liberals are not worth the time to explain anything to. Conservatives should simply act and move forward.
It's becoming a time consuming pain in the ass dealing with you liberals. We want to make money and you want us to watch as you run your mouth. It's much easier to dismiss you in large groups then to take the time to tell each of you.
A typical deflection because you know I’m right.
I just tell the blunt truth. Liberals are not worth the time to explain anything to. Conservatives should simply act and move forward.
No, you just don’t have anything to explain :dunno:
It's becoming a time consuming pain in the ass dealing with you liberals. We want to make money and you want us to watch as you run your mouth. It's much easier to dismiss you in large groups then to take the time to tell each of you.
A typical deflection because you know I’m right.
Liar in Chief fake news main promoter 'Rump and USMB posters have a difficult time articulating their fake news claims. So, they mostly just whine like snowflakes about fake news over and over and over.
Any negative mention about Trump, his pedophile friend, or any other prominent republican is automatically “fake news”? It’s so laughable and immature.

Here’s an example. So WaPo has been “fake news” ever since Trump got in the race. Before that it was considered a conservative news outlet. Hmm. That’s odd right?

What’s even more odd, is that after WaPo came out with the story about Clinton’s connection to the dossier, RWs went ape shit and believed every word. Oh my! WaPo really blew that bombshell wide open! Hillary’s a crook, Derp, Derp, Derp.

For the record, liberals believed the story too. We aren’t toddlers who declare any negative info about a democrat “fake”.

I'm sorry, since fake news was invented by the Left as a major tool for steering elections and beating Republicans, and with the DNC and Clinton both caught now with their pants down having paid millions for a manufactured smear campaign aimed at Trump called the Steele Dossier, somehow you are surprised that most fake news ends up steered at Trump and others in the GOP and think WE are in denial?
"Don’t RWs see how childish it is call any negative story about Trump or other Repubs “fake news”?"

It's becoming a time consuming pain in the ass dealing with you liberals. We want to make money and you want us to watch as you run your mouth. It's much easier to dismiss you in large groups then to take the time to tell each of you.
A typical deflection because you know I’m right.
I just tell the blunt truth. Liberals are not worth the time to explain anything to. Conservatives should simply act and move forward.
No, you just don’t have anything to explain :dunno:
You are a Democrat, a socialist Democrat. I don't teach economics to mentally ill. I Pat them on the head and send them on their way.
It's becoming a time consuming pain in the ass dealing with you liberals. We want to make money and you want us to watch as you run your mouth. It's much easier to dismiss you in large groups then to take the time to tell each of you.
A typical deflection because you know I’m right.
I just tell the blunt truth. Liberals are not worth the time to explain anything to. Conservatives should simply act and move forward.
No, you just don’t have anything to explain :dunno:
You are a Democrat, a socialist Democrat. I don't teach economics to mentally ill. I Pat them on the head and send them on their way.
Maybe you prefer something akin to Jesus, Christian Socialism for example?
It's becoming a time consuming pain in the ass dealing with you liberals. We want to make money and you want us to watch as you run your mouth. It's much easier to dismiss you in large groups then to take the time to tell each of you.
A typical deflection because you know I’m right.
I just tell the blunt truth. Liberals are not worth the time to explain anything to. Conservatives should simply act and move forward.
No, you just don’t have anything to explain :dunno:
You are a Democrat, a socialist Democrat. I don't teach economics to mentally ill. I Pat them on the head and send them on their way.
Right because if you did explain economics to me, you would sound like a moron talking about how giving tax breaks to corporations and the wealthiest of Americans creates jobs for the poor and middle class. You’ve been proven wrong on that so many times that I can understand why you wouldn’t bother rehashing it.
Any negative mention about Trump, his pedophile friend, or any other prominent republican is automatically “fake news”? It’s so laughable and immature.

Here’s an example. So WaPo has been “fake news” ever since Trump got in the race. Before that it was considered a conservative news outlet. Hmm. That’s odd right?

What’s even more odd, is that after WaPo came out with the story about Clinton’s connection to the dossier, RWs went ape shit and believed every word. Oh my! WaPo really blew that bombshell wide open! Hillary’s a crook, Derp, Derp, Derp.

For the record, liberals believed the story too. We aren’t toddlers who declare any negative info about a democrat “fake”.
Go win an election then get back to us
Um we did. We had a Democrat sweep in the last one. Duh.

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