Donald Trump, “Democrats Trying To 'Rig' Upcoming Debates"

Liberals are nasty people...they always cheat by bringing out their "facts" and so-called "science"!!!
I love democrats settled science and consensus facts....

They are some of the most stupidest fuckers on the planet, but they provide endless entertainment for us enlightened conservatives....
What in the world is an enlightened conservative?

A liberal.
WL released DNC emails dope.

some of them were written by her, dope. Do you think she and Debbie Blabbermouth Schlitz were not communicating on ways to discredit Bernie? Wake up, idiot.

Clinton was not hacked dope. The DNC was.

Is Hillary a member of the DNC? Did she communicate with the DNC? Did she work with Wasserman-Schultz to rig the primaries against Bernie? The answer is yes to all 3 questions. -------------and, wikileaks has more to release on the corrupt, lying, fraud that you fools want to turn the country over to.

You claimed Clinton's server was hacked and WL posted them.
You lied.
You then claimed there were Clinton emails in the WL posts.
You lied.
Now you're claiming guilt by association.
You lied.

You're a liar.

nothing I posted is untrue. sorry, but your candidate is a liar, a fraud, a cheat, and a criminal.

In the case you just mentioned, the Pollworker that voted multiple times, how would voter ID have prevented it?
I'm not only talking about voter ID, I am also talking about the voter fraud many libs say does not exist.

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