Don jr. Exonerated of all Accusations concerning Trump Tower meeting

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The Mueller report exonerated Don Jr in his meeting at Trump Tower with Russians and also exonerated Don Sr, despite leftist lies that they had proof that Don Sr knew about the meeting and approved of it.

CNN ran the story and when Clinton lawyer and confidante, Lanny Davis admitted that he lied, CNN still refused to remove the story from their website. CNN is the fake news leader, despite stiff competition from MSNBC, WaPo and the NYT. The exoneration means that Mueller and his henchmen did not believe Davis, Michael Cohen or any of the leftists who made erroneous claims.

From The Gateway Pundit

Mueller’s report addressed the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Don Jr., Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner and other Trump associates and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Donald Trump Jr. was totally exonerated and Mueller’s report CRUSHED fake news CNN, Lanny Davis and Michael Cohen’s lies, conspiracy theories and propaganda surrounding the meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Recall, Trump’s former lawyer-turned-rat Michael Cohen claimed in a 2017 Senate Intel testimony that Donald Trump had foreknowledge of the meeting at Trump Tower between his son, Kushner and Veselnitskaya.

In July of 2018, CNN rolled out another “bombshell” story using anonymous sources wherein they reported Michael Cohen claimed Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with Veselnitskaya in advance.

The CNN story quickly turned into a dumpster fire because Michael Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis admitted he lied to the media when he claimed he confirmed a CNN report with anonymous sources about President Trump’s foreknowledge of the infamous Trump Tower meeting in June of 2016.

CNN said in its report that Cohen was ready to spill the beans to Mueller that Trump not only knew about the meeting with Veselnitskaya, but approved it.

As usual, CNN was reporting fake news and curiously Lanny Davis himself confirmed to being one of the anonymous sources at the time it was published.

Donald Trump Jr.




12:19 PM - Apr 18, 2019
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The infamous “Russian lawyer” was Fusion. Brought in by Obama’s DOJ, and her handler was Simpson at Fusion.
According to Mueller, the derogatory information about Hillary Clinton at issue in the Trump Tower meeting could have been an illegal in-kind foreign contribution to a political campaign. The prosecutor, however, declined to charge it out of an abundance of caution and magnanimity. By contrast, the Clinton campaign did not merely accept a dubious Russian offer of help; it actively solicited derogatory Trump information from foreign sources, then channeled this “opposition research” into government intelligence channels — with a resulting disinformation coup for Moscow.

But while the Clinton effort merits a searching investigation to find out what caused our $50 billion per annum intelligence community to be taken for a ride, it does not merit federal prosecution for campaign-finance violations. That would be ridiculous — as it was even more ridiculous to investigate Don Trump Jr. on this loopy theory.

The special counsel also acknowledged that the First Amendment complicated things — you know, that whole freedom of speech thing.

Mueller absurdly conceived of information exchanges — particularly in the context of political speech, the core of First Amendment liberty — as criminal.

Why would Americans ever believe they were violating the law by just discussing facts or opinions about candidates for public office, even if the discussions and exchanges of information are with non-Americans?

The First Amendment says “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech.” It does not merely guarantee Americans freedom to express themselves; it denies Congress the power to limit anyone’s protected speech.

Consider the Clinton campaign. Through intermediaries, it retained a British former intelligence officer to collect campaign dirt for use against Trump from Russian sources — including Kremlin operatives. The information — anonymous, uncorroborated hearsay, much of which appears to be bogus — was injected into our government’s foreign intelligence databank through the FBI, the Justice Department, and the State Department and likely other intelligence agencies had a hand in the debacle. In addition, there is evidence that the campaign colluded with Ukrainian government officials to obtain information that would damage Trump’s campaign — particularly, corrupt payments Kiev’s former ruling party made to Manafort.

Unlike the Trump people, the Clinton campaign knew full well that the information was a “thing of value” because a lot of money — over a million dollars — was paid to get it. Furthermore, the Clinton team was composed of campaign veterans who were well aware of the FEC regulations, and who knew they were dealing with foreigners.

Trump Tower meeting: A shining example of what not to investigate
Regressives won’t like hearing this. They love eating the bullshit CNN has fed them for the last two years. They certainly won’t admit it was all lies.

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