Dominionists run for highest office in US

What I find truly funny is that EVEN IF everything Sky Dancer has claimed is true....... This is the United States of America and the Constitution protects their right to run for office.

What Sky Dancer wants is Unconstitutional and illegal. The very Amendment that protects her Buddhist ass is the one she wants to throw out the window to stop a delusional scenario that only exists in her mind.

Further, the ONLY way the supposed Religious State could ever come to power here is IF she were right and the 75 to 80 percent of the Population that is Christian suddenly all agreed with each other and all voted for the same people for President, The Senate and the House. They would then need to actually create an Amendment to the Constitution, get it through the House and Senate and then get 37 States to pass it.

Exactly how many denominations of Christians are there again? And when have they ever agreed with each other? The very reason they are DIFFERENT denominations is because they can not agree what the Bible says much less some Human that would miraculously unite them all politically.
Jerry Falwell, Tim LaHaye, Howard Ahmanson, James Dobson, D. James Kennedy — almost every fundamentalist follows Rousas John Rushdoony, 1916-2001. Newsweek once referred to Rushdoony’s Chalcedon Foundation as the think tank of the religious right.

But what you won’t hear in Sunday school is that Rushdoony is a racist, sexist, Jew-hating bigot who denies the holocaust. Don’t take it from me: The British Centre for Science Education refers to him as “a man every bit as potentially murderous as Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot or anyone else you may want to name amongst the annals of evil.”

Democracy Is of the Devil

Pullquote: To keep the secular indoctrination of sciences, arts, and feminism from poisoning society, Rushdoony advocated the death penalty according to Leviticus laws.
R.J.’s basic philosophy was that the Old Testament gave white man dominion over the earth, the animals, women, and heathen nations. Theocracy is God’s will, and democracy is apostasy — only Christians should be able to vote.

To keep the secular indoctrination of sciences, arts, and feminism from poisoning society, Rushdoony advocated the death penalty according to Leviticus laws. Among the 18 capital crimes were of course, adultery, witchcraft, homosexuality, and blasphemy.

Rushdoony is the driving backbone behind the home schooling movement, to guarantee kids would be brainwashed by the O.T. and not by history and literature.

Because R.J. sought to reconstruct the O.T. laws and overturn the apostate civic society, his work is called the Reconstructionist Movement.

Dominion and Stoning

R.J.’s foundation is a web ministry and magazine espousing Reconstructionist theology, promoting home schooling as defense against secularism. “The state, the school, the arts and sciences, law, economics, and every other sphere [is] to be under Christ the King. Nothing is exempt from His dominion.”

The magazine publishes thought provoking articles like W. Einwechter’s on stoning the rebellious child. “It displays the wisdom and mercy of God in restraining wickedness so that the righteous might flourish in peace.” (Jan. 99)

Slavery was Awesome for the Negro

Pullquote: “The move from Africa to America was a vast increase of freedom for the Negro, materially and spiritually.”
R.J. is best known for Institutes of Biblical Law, an 800 page opus on “the heresy of democracy.”

Here are a few interesting statements from the book:

“The move from Africa to America was a vast increase of freedom for the Negro, materially and spiritually.”

Lazy slaves were “an albatross that hung the South, that bled it.”

“The University of Timbuktu never existed. The only thing that existed in Timbuktu was a small mud hut.”

“Some people are by nature slaves and will always be so.”

“The urge to dominion is God-given and is basic to the nature of man. An aspect of this dominion is property.”

“The false witness borne during World War II with respect to Germany (i.e., the death camps) is especially notable and revealing…. the number of Jews who died after deportation is approximately 1,200,000 … very many of these people died of epidemics.”

“All men are NOT created equal before God.”

“The matriarchal society is thus decadent and broken… matriarchal character of Negro life is due to the moral failure of Negro men, their failure …to provide authority. The same is true of American Indian tribes which are also matriarchal.”

R. J. Rushdoony, Reconstructionist and Racist Bigot | Unreasonable Faith

I know hundreds of Calvinists, and not one of them follows Rushdooney, or any other man. They all follow Jesus.

By the way, most of the people you listed up there barely talk to each other, and none of them are Calvinists? Why would they follow some Calvinist who has more things wrong than you do?

You really need to start concentrating on the eightfold path and stop letting these paranoid fantasies you have control your life.
So basically, they're the Christian equivalent of Islam's Taliban.

Yes, they are, and they represent a far more dangerous threat to America than Shariah Law.

The "Christian Taliban" , as you call them, is more likely to elect a President in the US than any Muslim ever gets to run for higher office.

They are not nearly as dangerous as you.

If you were married to a man I would recommend that your husband go into a domestic violence shelter immediately.
The Founding Fathers were cognizant that religious fanatics may attempt to subvert the secular nature of the Constitution in favor of a theocracy, so they crafted the 1st Amendment to maintain the separation of church and state. However, the religious right is not content to follow the tenets of the Constitution, and through movements like the moral majority have made every attempt to turn America into a theocracy by methods both covert and overt.

It is extraordinarily disturbing that religious organizations would attempt to influence the government or its leaders by preaching from the pulpit and encouraging church members to apply pressure to their representatives, but the past few years have seen an increase in direct involvement by fanatical representatives in Congress and it doesn’t bode well for America as a democracy. The religious right has lobbied for Christian-based, socially conservative policies in the realm of the family and especially to promote pro-life groups and anti-gay initiatives, but the new Christian Reconstructionists and Dominionists are taking their demagoguery to a new level inside the halls of government.

A Christian fundamentalist organization known as the Family is part of a world-wide effort to control and influence governments, but its sphere of influence is most dangerous to America’s secular democracy. Readers may be familiar with the Capitol Hill group, C Street, which exists to aid congressmen in their understanding of Christian teachings in order to apply bible-based standards in their jobs as legislators. On its face, there is nothing wrong with representatives practicing their faith and basing decisions on personal dogma whether from biblical sources or pagan philosophies. There is though, a danger to America when our elected representatives legislate from Christian Dominionists’ beliefs that make the Constitution irrelevant and undermine the secular doctrine our democracy is founded on.

Politicians in Congress and state legislative bodies who subscribe to fundamentalist Christian beliefs are making dangerous moves to change religion-neutral laws to a theocratic-themed set of statutes meant to reflect evangelical core beliefs that define immorality and sin as the greatest threats to America’s greatness. These so-called Christian Reconstructionists and Dominionists are fighting an imagined threat posed by feminists, homosexuals, liberals, and secular humanists, and have as their provocateurs of hate people like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and the C Street pack of fanatics who if allowed, will install the Ten Commandments as the law of the land.

The Threat From Within: Dominionists Taking Over America

They did not craft the 1st Amendment because they were worried about a theocracy. If that had been their concern they would have written it into the actual Constitution because most of them felt the Amendments were unnecessary. The Bill of Rights was added to appease people who thought that the Constitution was not clear enough about protecting the rights of individuals.

You have violated the first principle.
Anyone read the newest article on Bachmann in the New Yorker? I did last night.
Yes, I’ve been aware of this abomination for quite some time. For years it was on the extreme fringe – since the advent of the TPM and current crop of GOP presidential candidates, however, it poses a greater threat.

Obviously the threat to the First Amendment is of greatest concern, but also telling and troubling is the belligerent arrogance these individuals possess, that they would attempt to codify their un-Constitutional beliefs compelling all to adhere to their religious dogma, as if they alone know ‘what’s best’ for America.

Another conspiracy nit. Why is it all of you are coming out and insisting that you know more about what the Founders mean than they did?
Peter Wagner is the leader of the "New Apostolic Reformation" (NAR) movement, a branch of Christianity that pushes "Seven Mountains" dominionist theology that envisions a world takeover to enable Jesus Christ's return to earth. NAR's "apostles" and "prophets" played a large roll in Texas Gov. Rick Perry's "The Response" prayer meeting and may possibly be behind Perry's bid for the GOP presidential nomination.

Wagner's Global Harvest Ministries boldly promotes 7 Mountains Christian dominionism
Journalist Bruce Wilson has been following the activities of NAR for quite some time and released a video of Wagner today (see video below) in which Wagner called Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses cults. In fact, Wagner has written that the Book of Mormon, Catholic statues and other religious objects are symbols of darkness and must be burned.

In the video, Wagner claims that the NAR movement is growing faster than the human race and Islam. Dismissing Catholicism as a "block" of Christianity, he claims that the NAR movement is the largest block of Christianity in the world today. His "prophet" Cindy Jacobs, in introducing him at a God.TV presentation, boasted that Wagner is one of the most powerful people on the planet.

The NAR movement and its Christian dominionists believe that education/science, government/military, religion, the family, arts and entertainment, business/finance and the media must be controlled by them. They advocate a theocracy where there is no separation of church and state.
Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses marginalized as cults by Christian dominionist NAR leader | God Discussion

Wait a minute, I thought whats his name was the leader of this movement. Can't you keep your delusions straight for the course of a single thread?

The Buddha believed that right action leads to clean thoughts.
Dominionism is a doctrine which demands the total remaking of society to conform with the laws of the Old Testament of the Bible. It states that the second coming of Jesus Christ will never occur until "God's kingdom" is established on earth and reigns for either a thousand years or an unknown time period. They contend that all of the laws of the Old Testament, unless specifically revoked later in the Bible, are still valid and they want to literally replace the U.S. Constitution and legal system with the Ten Commandments and the Mosaic laws of the Bible.

If you don't follow the Christian faith, or if you ever leave it (we're talking millions of people in the U.S. alone) you'd be punished by death. Same thing for anyone who commits theft, who blasphemes (says "goddamn it"), or who commits heresy (says god does not exist). Frederick Clarkson, who wrote the book Eternal Hostilities: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy, points out that "anyone responsible for abortion" (meaning women and abortion providers) would be given the death penalty as well."

The current Republican Party and the Tea Party especially, is being swallowed by this approach to the radicalization of Christianity. The author cited above goes on to say:
Dominionism, like many fundamentalist denominations of Christianity, holds that every word in the Bible is the literal, unerring word of god. But unlike more "typical" Christian fundamentalism, it opposes the idea that Christians should stay out of politics, and explicitly mandates that they work to bring about a theocracy. Dominionism calls for Christians to take literally Genesis 1:26: "... let man have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

D. James Kennedy sums up their calling:

"As the vice-regents of God, we are to bring His truth and His will to bear on every sphere of our world and our society. We are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government ... our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors -- in short, over every aspect and institution of human society."

In a recent speech on the state of the economy, Texas Governor Rick Perry stated ""God, You're going to have to fix this." In this same speech, or shall I be so bold as to say, this recent self-glorification, he said that "his political office is "a pulpit' that "God has put me in this place at this time to do His will.'". Really? Did God ask him to cut $10 billion from public education with 80,000 new students joining that system every year? Did God come to him and direct him to title social programs as liabilities? As a scheme, Perry said, "Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare collectively, are $106 trillion of debt because of unfunded liabilities ." So that's what the elderly, sick and infirmed are now: Liabilities?

Similarly, former Governor Mike Huckabee in his campaign for president had proclaimed that "God wants him to do well". He sincerely believes in some demented and greatly misguided way that God is on his side so the people should elect him to serve his new Christian Nation. Former President, George W. Bush believed he was on a mission from God. Like an acid trip from hell while watching a black and white television version of the Blues Brothers, George W. Bush was on a mission from God.

In a question about religion and government, Representative Michelle Bachmann used a theme that is currently popular with the dominionist movement. She stated that "Americans' rights come from God, not from government". Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich; to name a few, all echoed this sentiment as well as did the thousands of their faithful sheep during the 2010 midterm elections. "America stands with Israel" Bachman went on to say, is the reality of American Government policy because the dominionists accept the Law of Moses as an integral part of the Bible to be followed faithfully without question.

It is fascinating how these people have vehemently condemned Islam's Sharia Law for its archaic approach to the treatment of the Muslim faithful but are pushing for Christians to return to the archaic Law of Moses where a man is allowed to humiliate his wife just because he is suspicious of her faithfulness. Women cannot "bring their husbands before priests" just on suspicion of infidelity but a man can. Again, these people seem to be very limited in their understanding of what the Bible actually says.
OpEdNews - Article: God is a Weapon

You seem to have an unending source to fuel your paranoia. You should seriously consider getting some professional help and some drugs. If you knew how I feel about using drugs to treat delusional behavior you would know just how serious I think your situation is.

Get help.
There is an ambitious spiritual warfare campaign that’s being planned by New Apostolic Reformation leaders. The campaign, “DC40,″ which aims to “lay siege” on Washington D.C. and bring about “the advancement of the Kingdom in the earth.” The New Apostolic Reformation, a neo-Pentecostal movement, is extremely anti-Pagan in its orientation. They call Washington D.C. the “District of Christ” because Columbia is an aspect of the Queen of Heaven, essentially the feminine divine in all its many forms, from Isis to Mary. They are obsessed with this (in their minds) demonic figure, and have devoted talks, written several books, and performed coordinated prayer campaigns against her.

The event starts on October 3rd, places special emphasis on Samhain/Día de los Muertos, and continues through most of November. It’s very clear that they expect real-world political dividends from this action, including the end of “compromise” and a return to Christian dominance in the United States.

The Wild Hunt » Pagan Reactions to the DC40 Prayer War

So far, Dominionist targets include:

Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, homosexuals, pagans, and any other mainstream Christian that aren't "born again".

You do understand that spiritual warfare does not happen in the real world, don't you? They are trying to use prayer to change the way Washington works. I don't see why you would have a problem with that unless you think that prayer actually changes things. If you believe that I would suggest you join them, because ranting on a message board is not going to stop them.

Right effort.
The cult Gov. Rick Perry has involved himself with is the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). The NAR has dozens of offshoots and an assortment of names such as Dominionists, Latter Rain, Kansas City Prophets, Third Wave, Joel’s Army, Manifest(ed) Sons of God, Five-Fold Ministry, to name a few. Another offshoot, and the one I’ll deal with here, is the International House of Prayer (IHOP), a splinter group of the Kansas City Prophets. Confusing? You betcha!

I’m not alone in my view that much of the NAR and IHOP theology and doctrines are unbiblical, most conservative Bible scholars, apologists and pastors agree. According to Brannon Howse:

The Response…is being promoted as a time of prayer and repentance. However, how can Christians and Christian leaders gather together in a spiritual enterprise and a spiritual service, with individuals that embrace a theology and doctrine that teaches a different Jesus and a different gospel? I, and thousands of pastors and theologians, believe that the Word of God reveals that the teaching of the New Apostolic Reformation, (NAR) the Word of Faith movement and the prosperity gospel is completely unbiblical. (Online source)

The American Family Association (AFA) is sponsoring the event. AFA is part of the Religious Right a.k.a. the Christian Right (CR). Is the fact that cultists are involved just a slip up or a failure on the part of AFA to fact check? No. They know perfectly well who these people are and have decided to unite with them anyway.

So why would a so-called Christian group pal around with members of a Christian cult? In a word, pragmatism. This is the philosophy that “the end justifies the means.” In this case the end is getting people motivated to show up at a prayer rally. The NAR has the resources to accomplish this task because a large part of what they do is planning global prayer events. Although I have no way of validating how this project was conceived it’s not out of the realm of possibility that the NAR wanted to do a prayer event in Texas that included the governor so they presented the plan to the AFA and a partnership was created. Since it benefits politicians to have the support of the Religious Right, Perry also jumped on board. Another possibility is that AFA’s leadership has Dominionist leanings and they, feeling comfortable with this group, sponsored the event. Finally, it very well might be that the governor’s staff came up with the idea and presented it to the AFA, they liked the idea and agreed to sponsor it. Although it would be interesting to know how the idea for this event was conceived and how this group of organizers was put together, the fact remains that Gov. Perry and the CR are involved with cultists.

It’s not a stretch to say that most folks, including the governor, have never heard of the NAR or IHOP-KC, so it’s possible that at first he was unaware that cultists were on The Response leadership team. He knows now! And rumor has it that he might be backing away from the event. We shall see what happens on August 6th.

On the other hand, the AFA is not backing away. As of today has a large advertisement on its website. But I’m getting ahead of myself. More on the AFA after I summarize the NAR’s beliefs.

Let there be no doubt that the NAR is a cultic movement within many Pentecostal and Charismatic churches. It stresses supernatural signs and wonders, prayer, and spiritual warfare. According to C. Peter Wagner, former professor at Fuller Theological Seminary, church growth guru, and NAR author,

the new apostolic churches, better than any I have previously studied, combine, on the highest level, solid technical principles of church growth with solid spiritual principles of church growth. (Online source)

The NAR believes that God is restoring the lost offices of Prophet and Apostle and that the modern-day apostles and prophets are gifted with the same gifts as the New Testament era Apostles. What do the apostles and prophets do? Wagner explains:

The apostles bring spiritual government to the pastors of the city so that the pastors of the city can do the job that God has given them in a much more effective way. The only thing is that the pastors of the city have to recognize the existence of apostles and be willing to acknowledge their governmental role. This hasn't happened too much yet. (Online source)

Wagner said this over a decade ago. Today it is definitely happening… too much.

The NAR also believes God is giving them new revelation, thus they are able to rewrite Church doctrine. Moreover, these so-called apostles and prophets plan to aggressively "retake the reins of our country" for Christ. They also hold that Jesus Christ cannot return until Christians subdue and rule the earth. You say, “that’s crazy! The Bible doesn’t teach that!” True….which makes one wonder how a savvy politician like Rick Perry—who’s considering a run for the presidency--got bushwhacked by a band of religious renegades.

That’s it in a nutshell. (For more on the NAR go to Recommended Reading.)

Returning to the AFA, what’s important to know is that it is a prominent Christian organization that has been on the frontlines of America’s culture war since 1977. How prominent? According to their website,

AFA is one of the largest and most effective pro-family organizations in the country with over two million online supporters and approximately 180,000 paid subscribers to the AFA Journal, the ministry's monthly magazine. In addition, AFA owns and operates nearly 200 radio stations across the country under the American Family Radio (AFR) banner.

AFA is big. My reason for bringing attention to them is simple: Their supporters have a right to know if the AFA leadership shares the NAR’s unbiblical beliefs -- or are they simply deceived.

In my opinion the AFA’s leadership is anything but deceived. Whoever chose The Response leadership team knew perfectly well that they were choosing members of the IHOP-KC and I have good reason for believing this. Several weeks ago an article I wrote titled The Religious Right unites with Religious Renegades, Part 1 was featured on AFA’s blog Rightly Concerned. After 2 days my piece was pulled -- with no explanation for several days. Why did they suddenly pull it? Because I connected the dots between the CR and the NAR. (Blogger David Brumley noticed that my article disappeared from AFA’s blog. He became curious and began digging to find out why. There’s not enough space to explain what he found. Read his report here. You will find it very interesting.)

Marsha West -- Texas governor’s upcoming prayer event includes cult members

You do not have the authority to label anything a cult. By the way, if it is actually a cult your claims through this entire thread are wrong. That means you are contradicting yourself.

Right view.
Three characteristics bridge both the hard and the soft kind of dominionism:

Dominionists celebrate Christian nationalism, in that they believe that the United States once was, and should once again be, a Christian nation. In this way, they deny the Enlightenment roots of American democracy.

Dominionists promote religious supremacy, insofar as they generally do not respect the equality of other religions, or even other versions of Christianity.

Dominionists endorse theocratic visions, they believe that the Ten Commandments, or "biblical law," should be the foundation of American law, and that the U.S. Constitution should be seen as a vehicle for implementing Biblical principles.

The supposed suppression of Christian expression by an alleged secular humanist conspiracy—stems largely from the works of Reconstructionist R.J. Rushdoony and those of the Reconstructionist- influenced writer, Francis Schaefer. Tim LaHaye, Jerry Falwell, and Pat Robertson echo these claims. - The Website of Political Research Associates

Right intention
“Rule the world for God.

“Give the impression that you are there to work for the party, not push an ideology.

“Hide your strength.

“Don’t flaunt your Christianity.

“Christians need to take leadership positions. Party officers control political parties and so it is very important that mature Christians have a majority of leadership positions whenever possible, God willing.”

See Joan Bokaer’s article in “The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party,” a public information project from

Is this the same religious right that fell in behind Reagan, and then was pushed to the side? Then again with Bush, and Bush.

Why should I worry about a group that keeps doing the same thing and expecting different results?

Right livelihood.
I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good… Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called on by God to conquer this country. We don’t want equal time. We don’t want pluralism.” -
Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue

“So let us be blunt about it: We must use the doctrine of religious liberty to gain independence for Christian schools until we train up a generation of people who know that there is no religious neutrality, no neutral law, no neutral education, and no neutral civil government. Then they will be get busy in constructing a Bible-based social, political and religious order which finally denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God.”
–Gary North

"Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ -- to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness. But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice. It is dominion we are after. Not just influence. It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time. It is dominion we are after. World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish. We must win the world with the power of the Gospel. And we must never settle for anything less... Thus, Christian politics has as its primary intent the conquest of the land -- of men, families, institutions, bureaucracies, courts, and governments for the Kingdom of Christ." From The Changing of the Guard: Biblical Principles for Political Action by George Grant, published in 1987 by Dominion Press.

Betty Fischer, director of Kids in Ministry International and founder and director of Kids on Fire summer camp in North Dakota, noted in the Jesus Camp documentary, democracy is a problem because it "treats everyone as equals." Therein lies the fundamental reason why Christian Nationalists are striving to turn America into a theocracy (literally, "rule by God"): the belief that (certain) Christians should receive preferential treatment in America and control the judicial system.
American Theocracy: Who Wants to Turn America into a Theocracy?

Right speech
Theocratic Organizations

Alliance for Marriage
America's Foundation - Rick Santorum's Political Action Committee
American Center for Law and Justice
American Family Association
American Vision - founded by Gary Demar, leading theocratic ideologue
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Center for Arizona Policy
Chalcedon Foundation - led by R. J. Rushdoony
Christian Action Network
Christian Business Men's Committee
Christian Coalition of America
Christian Exodus
Citizens for Excellence in Education - arm of National Association of Christian Educators
CitizenLink.Com - an arm of Focus on the Family
Coalition on Revival - Applying Biblical Principles to Every Sphere of Life and Thought
Concerned Women for America
Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens
Coral Ridge Ministries - led by D. James Kennedy
Council for National Policy - secret government council policy formed by Tim LaHaye
Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Creation Resource Foundation
Eagle Forum
Family Policy Network
Family Research Council
Free Congress Foundation
Home School Foundation - funded by the HSLDA
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)
Institute for Christian Economics - led by Gary North
National Association of Christian Educators (NACE)
Joshua Generation - aimed at 11 to 19 year olds; affiliated with Patrick Henry College
National Center for Home Education - affiliated with HSLDF
National Clergy Council
National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI)- funded by HSLDF
Operation Rescue
Restore America
Rutherford Institute
Traditional Values Coalition
Vision America - founded by Rick Scarborough, Baptist
Vision Forum Ministries
Wall Builders - led by David Barton
Worldview Weekend

Theocratic Educational Institutions

Patrick Henry College - for homeschooled children, partner of HSLDF
Regent University - "Regent" refers to Christian rulers who will govern the nation

Theocratic Publications and Media

A Christian Manifesto - address by Francis A. Schaeffer; summary of theocratic views
A Manifesto for the Christian Church - endorsed by the major theocratic players
American Vision Home School Online Store
Biblical Worldview Magazine
Citizen Magazine - published by Focus on the Family
Civilized Revolt (Formerly Virtue Magazine)
FreeBooks - from the Institute for Christian Economics
Generations - Radio Program
Home School Heartbeat (Radio program)
LifeWay Homeschool, Southern Baptist Convention - affiliated with HSLDF & NHERI
WorldView Magazine

This is just pathetic.

You are simply listing organizations that have nothing in common, then insisting they are all part of some vast conspiracy.

You need Seroquel.
Nobody despises hyper fundamentalist religionists more than me, but exaggerating their importance and relevance isn't helpful.

Of course, I don't live my life as one long recurring panic attack, though, so it's a little difficult for me to relate to Sky's unique perspective.

I was enjoying mocking her for a while, but it went on for so long it just got exhausting.
"There should be absolutely no 'Separation of Church and State' in America." David Barton (Wallbuilders)

"The long-term goal of Christians in politics should be to gain exclusive control over the franchise. Those who refuse to submit publicly to the eternal sanctions of God by submitting to His Church's public marks of the covenant–baptism and holy communion–must be denied citizenship." Gary North (Institute for Christian Economics)

"The Christian community has a golden opportunity to train an army of dedicated teachers who can invade the public school classrooms and use them to influence the nation for Christ." James Kennedy (Center for Reclaiming America)

"We are to make Bible-obeying disciples of anybody that gets in our way." Jay Grimstead (Coalition on Revival)

"Civilized people – Muslims, Christians, and Jews – all understand that the source of freedom and human dignity is the Creator." John Ashcroft (Attorney General)

"The [Supreme] Court, by seeking to equate Christianity with other religions, merely assaults the one faith. The Court in essence is assailing the true God by democratizing the Christian religion." John Whitehead (Rutherford Institute)

"Nobody has the right to worship on this planet any other God than Jehovah. And therefore the state does not have the responsibility to defend anybody's pseudo-right to worship an idol." Joseph Morecraft (Chalcedon Presbyterian Church)

"I'm an old-fashioned woman. Men should take care of women, and if men were taking care of women today, we wouldn't have to vote." Kay O'Connor (Kansas Senate Republican)

"Raising your children under Americanism or any other principles other than true Christianity is child abuse."

"Democracy originated in the mind of a rational being who has the deepest hatred for God."

"Do you realize that the only thing that gives democracy existence is sin? The absence of democracy is perfect obedience to god."

"The best way to insure the earth is never over populated is for sensible and righteous governments to clear all forms of atheism and heresy." Robert T. Lee (Society for the Practical Establishment of the Ten Commandments)

"Anybody that believes in separation of church and state needs to leave right now." Star Parker (Coalition on Urban Renewal & Education)

"The 'wall of separation between church and state' is a metaphor based on bad history, a metaphor which has proved useless as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and explicitly abandoned." William Rehnquist (Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court)

David Barton is a deluded historian popular among fundamentalists. That does not make him or them, part of a conspiracy to take over the country.

Thanks for proving you are a complete nutjob.
I've extended my hand in friendship toward him. He doesn't accept.

I have seen other people say that you are anti-christian and love to start fights with your passive aggressive posts. I always thought they where wrong until today. You hate christians and your hate stems from your fear of them.

You dont have the courage to come right out and state what you beileve you bait someone into giving you a slight and then play the victim.

Its really sickening.

Yeah........right...........and the Christians don't beat on others?

What about the gays? How's about the Islamic faith sect? Wanna talk about Buddhist and Taoist people?

How about the Hindus?

What about the Jews? Remember...........Yeshua (Jesus) was Jewish.

What about Hindus?

[ame=]hindu attack on christian muslims and sikhs - YouTube[/ame]

Don't let one deluded person lead you into a path of everlasting stupidity.
Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin. Dominionists are gaining mainstream power.

Anyone read the newest article on Bachmann in the New Yorker? I did last night.

The Transformation of Michele Bachmann : The New Yorker

Silly me, I thought you were going to provide some kind of evidence in an attempt to back up your accusations.

I thought Buddha said something about truth being the right path, I guess you were asleep when they covered that part.

This is a recurring theme from Sky Dancer. She either hates or loathes Christians. Eventually if not right off the bat, in every thread she is involved in she attacks Christians. She makes absurd generalizations and broad statements that have no basis in fact.

Her over riding theme here is that Christians are evil, they are domineering , they intend to create a religious State in America and everyone needs to know. As long as you remember that then you know exactly where any thread she starts is going.

I know, which is why I jumped in here with the intent of having some fun. Unfortunately, the fun is gone.

[ame=]Fonzie Jumps the Shark - YouTube[/ame]
Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin. Dominionists are gaining mainstream power.

Theocrats would be more accurate, but even if they get in, they're going to be met with a lot of friction from Congress and the Supreme Court if they attempt to violate the First Amendment. In times like this, I can't imagine it being a good move to piss the American People off any more than they already are.

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