Dog Gets It's Own Jet

Got snopes?? Obama Dog Flies on Own Plane

Once again the rightwing conservatives humiliate themselves by spreading misinformation to support their feeble agenda

So whats the story righties?

Still think the dog was given his own jet plane?

Snopes.......... they are so very reliable(they have proven to be as biased as you claim Fox News is), sounds like they were happy to pass on the new story the White House had to come up with when the press in Maine reported on what they actually witnessed. As the picture Zoom posted showed, the brat kids aren't even taking care of the dog they supposedly wanted........ why? I wouldn't have anyone else walking my dog, why did they bring the dog?


We got one rightwingnut standing by the story that Obama's dog gets his own jet

1 agrees 0 disagrees

Come on Wingnuts......pipe in

How many still think Obama's Dog flies on his own jet?


We got Zoom-boing posting a thanks on Sittarros post

2 Agrees 0 disagrees

Come on wingnuts pipe in how you still support the original story
The Obama's don't care enough about "their" dog to even bother bringing him on the plane they are on. Not enough room for a dog? Oh please. The Obama's don't care enough about "their" dog to say "hey, three day vaca let's not stress out Bo, let's leave him home". The Obama's don't care enough about "their" dog to walk him themselves. The Obama's don't care enough about their dog. Woof.
Snopes.......... they are so very reliable(they have proven to be as biased as you claim Fox News is), sounds like they were happy to pass on the new story the White House had to come up with when the press in Maine reported on what they actually witnessed. As the picture Zoom posted showed, the brat kids aren't even taking care of the dog they supposedly wanted........ why? I wouldn't have anyone else walking my dog, why did they bring the dog?


We got one rightwingnut standing by the story that Obama's dog gets his own jet

1 agrees 0 disagrees

Come on Wingnuts......pipe in

How many still think Obama's Dog flies on his own jet?


We got Zoom-boing posting a thanks on Sittarros post

2 Agrees 0 disagrees

Come on wingnuts pipe in how you still support the original story

Cause the kids don't care enough to walk their own dog.

We got one rightwingnut standing by the story that Obama's dog gets his own jet

1 agrees 0 disagrees

Come on Wingnuts......pipe in

How many still think Obama's Dog flies on his own jet?


We got Zoom-boing posting a thanks on Sittarros post

2 Agrees 0 disagrees

Come on wingnuts pipe in how you still support the original story

Cause the kids don't care enough to walk their own dog.

News Flash: Obamas hate Dogs

Extra....Extra......Little Girls do not like to walk dogs

Latest smear campaign from the right. Thanks for sharing Zoom
The Obama's don't care enough about "their" dog to even bother bringing him on the plane they are on. Not enough room for a dog? Oh please. The Obama's don't care enough about "their" dog to say "hey, three day vaca let's not stress out Bo, let's leave him home". The Obama's don't care enough about "their" dog to walk him themselves. The Obama's don't care enough about their dog. Woof.

That's right, the aircraft they flew on holds up to nineteen according to the all so honest "Snopes". Who flew with the Obamas that were more important than the dog? President Bush carried his dogs around with him, he actually loved Barney, he wasn't just a prop for an amateur politician like "Bo".
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Snopes.......... they are so very reliable(they have proven to be as biased as you claim Fox News is), sounds like they were happy to pass on the new story the White House had to come up with when the press in Maine reported on what they actually witnessed. As the picture Zoom posted showed, the brat kids aren't even taking care of the dog they supposedly wanted........ why? I wouldn't have anyone else walking my dog, why did they bring the dog?


We got one rightwingnut standing by the story that Obama's dog gets his own jet

1 agrees 0 disagrees

Come on Wingnuts......pipe in

How many still think Obama's Dog flies on his own jet?


We got Zoom-boing posting a thanks on Sittarros post

2 Agrees 0 disagrees

Come on wingnuts pipe in how you still support the original story

You're lack of attention to detail shows when you can't copy the correct spelling of my screen name, of course you're an Obama ass lick, you're a poster boy for the typical brain dead Obama supporter.
Can anyone provide a link showing the dog was the only one on the plane vs arriving with other White House staff?

Then we can talk

Gotta agree with you on this one RW.

Whole lotta nothin for a story.

However. It that were my dog he would have been on the plane with me not on the back 40 with the aide. LOL. Thats just me though.

As for a PWD. They are a hypo allergenic breed. One of the Obama girls is allergic to dog hair and dander. Bo is the perfect dog for that.
Barry, the environmental President, flew to Maine along with his usual entourage of heavily ladened jet aircraft of all sizes for yet another vacation.......... the dog rode on his own private jet (no, I'm not talking about Michelle, Bo rode on the almost empty jet, the chief Obama ass licker was also on board).

White House wanderers tour Acadia | The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME

"Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.; and the president's personal aide Reggie Love, who chatted with Baldacci."

This guy and all of his enablers are such a bunch of DICKS!

his usual entourage of heavily ladened jet aircraft of all sizes

How many?
Barry, the environmental President, flew to Maine along with his usual entourage of heavily ladened jet aircraft of all sizes for yet another vacation.......... the dog rode on his own private jet (no, I'm not talking about Michelle, Bo rode on the almost empty jet, the chief Obama ass licker was also on board).

White House wanderers tour Acadia | The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME

"Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.; and the president's personal aide Reggie Love, who chatted with Baldacci."

This guy and all of his enablers are such a bunch of DICKS!

his usual entourage of heavily ladened jet aircraft of all sizes

How many?

Who knows, the aircraft are hidden, the administration knows how many aircraft they use each time bozo wants to go campaign or vacation. I do know that the 5 helicopters that picked his elitist ass up from Houston Intercontinental were brought to Texas on 2 C-5As, his limos traveled on a C-5 or a C-17. The secret service vehicles, supplies and vehicles travel on a C-5 or a C-17. That is standard and what I saw when he came to Houston to then be helicoptered to A & M for a 30 minute speech. The helicopters are obvious, they are green with white tops, the White House fleet. The limos are required, the secret service are required, Obama should consider these expenses every time he decides to go somewhere if he is sincere at all about saving energy costs.
There's nothing about the dog in the article linked in the O/P... so this is just another of poor racist sitty's prevarications.

bummer... i was kind of hoping he had to offload Bo's luggage. :lol:

We got Zoom-boing posting a thanks on Sittarros post

2 Agrees 0 disagrees

Come on wingnuts pipe in how you still support the original story

Cause the kids don't care enough to walk their own dog.

News Flash: Obamas hate Dogs

Extra....Extra......Little Girls do not like to walk dogs

Latest smear campaign from the right. Thanks for sharing Zoom

Ouch! As Zoom Boing negs in retalliation

Kind of touchy when someone challenges your Obama hate posts aren't you Zoom?
Cause the kids don't care enough to walk their own dog.

News Flash: Obamas hate Dogs

Extra....Extra......Little Girls do not like to walk dogs

Latest smear campaign from the right. Thanks for sharing Zoom

Ouch! As Zoom Boing negs in retalliation

Kind of touchy when someone challenges your Obama hate posts aren't you Zoom?

:lol: Whining about neg rep! :lol:

You lie. Show me where I said the Obamas hate dogs. I'll wait.
No fact to the story they tried to sell the world but that doesnt stop them.
News Flash: Obamas hate Dogs

Extra....Extra......Little Girls do not like to walk dogs

Latest smear campaign from the right. Thanks for sharing Zoom

Ouch! As Zoom Boing negs in retalliation

Kind of touchy when someone challenges your Obama hate posts aren't you Zoom?

:lol: Whining about neg rep! :lol:

You lie. Show me where I said the Obamas hate dogs. I'll wait.

<-- Meow
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The Obama's don't care enough about "their" dog to even bother bringing him on the plane they are on. Not enough room for a dog? Oh please. The Obama's don't care enough about "their" dog to say "hey, three day vaca let's not stress out Bo, let's leave him home". The Obama's don't care enough about "their" dog to walk him themselves. The Obama's don't care enough about their dog. Woof.

Your claim pal
OK Zoom

Your turn Post 4

Aside from the absolutely ridiculousness and expense of the dog in his own plane --WTF?? --

Show where the dog flew on a jet all by himself
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