Does this offend you as an American?

Are you blind? On the snopes site it says ......

Photograph shows a Mexican national flag flown above an upside-down U.S. flag during a high school protest over immigration reform. the very top of the page.

Damn! What more do you want?

Photograph shows a Mexican national flag flown above an upside-down U.S. flag during a high school protest over immigration reform.

This is a quote from Snopes .... not me! Ravi .... you are not this stupid. Quit trying to make people think you are! :eusa_whistle:
This is a quote from Snopes .... not me! Ravi .... you are not this stupid. Quit trying to make people think you are! :eusa_whistle:
Where in those quotes does it said which side did it and for what purpose? I might not be this stupid, but apparently you are!
Where in those quotes does it said which side did it and for what purpose? I might not be this stupid, but apparently you are!

I think she just plays the dummy when it suits her. Such as understanding the paradox between approving of making children say the US is under God in public schools and disapproving of how flags are flown on private property.
I think she just plays the dummy when it suits her. Such as understanding the paradox between approving of making children say the US is under God in public schools and disapproving of how flags are flown on private property.

You and Ravi deserve each other. I bet on the playground you two are great playmates, when your not arguing over the slide or the swingset. When you both grow up come back and you can play with the grownups. Ok? In the mean time here is some :popcorn: to shove in your mouth for the time being.
It offends me, too...especially that the Mexican Flag is flying higher than the flag of the nation in which it is flying.

But should you say anything?

To whom? The flag police?

They are expressing a political opinion, as is their right.

The laws of the nation for which that flag stands, the nation they are disrespecting, gives them the freedom to make such statements.

Be proud that you live in a nation so sure of itself that people have that right.

If that place is a business, get a gang of like minded Americans to picket the place.

Show up with hundreds of Americans flying the colors proudly and make a peaceable assembly to express YOUR opinion of the people who are going out of their way to dis this nation's colors.

Turn about IS fair play, Bro.

Flying the colors of another nation above the US flag, and displaying the US flag upside down is NOT just a political expression.

No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof: Provided, That nothing in this section shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice heretofore followed of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior prominence or honor, and other national flags in positions of equal prominence or honor, with that of the flag of the United States at the headquarters of the United Nations.

(g) When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in time of peace.

(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

SUVCW--U. S. Flag Code (36 USC 10)

Too bad the flag code has no balls of its own, and neither do state government officials.

There is no turnabout is fairplay. This is the United States of America, not Mexico.
Gunny is right about the flag law there. I was just looking at the certain law today too.

Though I suggest staying away from Miami, Florida then Gunny. You might have a heart attack down there if you think that alone is bad. :popcorn:
Flying the colors of another nation above the US flag, and displaying the US flag upside down is NOT just a political expression.
Sure it is. If it was not, why would either of us take offense? We both know perfectly well what whoever did that was saying, do we not?

Too bad the flag code has no balls of its own, and neither do state government officials.

This nation has such confidence, that we allow freedom of expression, Gunny.

There is no turnabout is fairplay. This is the United States of America, not Mexico.

Sure it does. They want to make a political statement?

Nothing stopping loyal Americans from making a counter statement except their own apathy.
If you want to live here in the US, learn English, learn our system of laws and learn our political system. You should have at least an 8th grade knowledge of each, and be given 1 year to learn each of them, resulting in a 3 year probation.

If you're illegal and you are caught committing a crime, you should go to jail for the normal amount of punishment time, and then be deported. If you are caught as an illegal and have done no crime other than being here illegally, you should be sent home right away.

If you are a stupid motherfucker who is here legally, yet have more pride in your original country and display your home country's things more prominently than American things (i.e. flags), then you should have your citizenship revoked, and you should be sent to your country of origin.

If you're here in the US and don't speak English, leave. Whenever I went to another country (hit 26 of 'em in the Navy), I ALWAYS spoke their language, generally assisted by a phrase book.

If you can't abide by those simple rules, get the hell out of my country.
You and Ravi deserve each other. I bet on the playground you two are great playmates, when your not arguing over the slide or the swingset. When you both grow up come back and you can play with the grownups. Ok? In the mean time here is some :popcorn: to shove in your mouth for the time being.
That's nice. You still haven't answered my question.
You and Ravi deserve each other. I bet on the playground you two are great playmates, when your not arguing over the slide or the swingset. When you both grow up come back and you can play with the grownups. Ok? In the mean time here is some :popcorn: to shove in your mouth for the time being.

So explain to me, cali zipcode, how you can justifiy Eisenhower's revision of The Pledge of Allegiance and forcing children in public schools to recite it. Explain how that complies with seperation of church and state.

I think you are a hypotwit to object to someone expressing an opinion in a non violent manner on private property that you happen to disagree with, yet you think it's a good thing to indoctrinate public school children in religious ideas that may be contrary to their own religious ideas and which are contrary to the Constitution. How do you justify forcing them to swear to those ideas?

How American is that?? Not very.
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How American, Anquille?

Getting annoyed at recent immigrants (or illegal aliens) who insult our national pride is as American as piping hot apple pie a la mode, with vanilla ice cream, served by the church ladies, after a patriotic night of Nigra' lynching under the veil of Klansman sheets, isn't it?
If you want to live here in the US, learn English, learn our system of laws and learn our political system. You should have at least an 8th grade knowledge of each, and be given 1 year to learn each of them, resulting in a 3 year probation.

If you're illegal and you are caught committing a crime, you should go to jail for the normal amount of punishment time, and then be deported. If you are caught as an illegal and have done no crime other than being here illegally, you should be sent home right away.

If you are a stupid motherfucker who is here legally, yet have more pride in your original country and display your home country's things more prominently than American things (i.e. flags), then you should have your citizenship revoked, and you should be sent to your country of origin.

If you're here in the US and don't speak English, leave. Whenever I went to another country (hit 26 of 'em in the Navy), I ALWAYS spoke their language, generally assisted by a phrase book.

If you can't abide by those simple rules, get the hell out of my country.

:clap2: Very good suggestions and points. :clap2: I just wish more people understood this like you do, and most of us that have responded do. And for those natural born Americans that have replied to this that do not agree - I hope when they deport those illegal aliens they take you with them. This country does not need people like yourself that makes it easy for illegal aliens, why don't you just take a hike and leave too? :eusa_boohoo:
:clap2: Very good suggestions and points. :clap2: I just wish more people understood this like you do, and most of us that have responded do. And for those natural born Americans that have replied to this that do not agree - I hope when they deport those illegal aliens they take you with them. This country does not need people like yourself that makes it easy for illegal aliens, why don't you just take a hike and leave too? :eusa_boohoo:

Because our continued presence here annoys the crap out of people like you, why else?

See, CA? It's all about you.
So explain to me, cali zipcode, how you can justifiy Eisenhower's revision of The Pledge of Allegiance and forcing children in public schools to recite it. Explain how that complies with seperation of church and state.

I think you are a hypotwit to object to someone expressing an opinion in a non violent manner on private property that you happen to disagree with, yet you think it's a good thing to indoctrinate public school children in religious ideas that may be contrary to their own religious ideas and which are contrary to the Constitution. How do you justify forcing them to swear to those ideas?

How American is that?? Not very.

I do not have explain anything to you. As has been mentioned above ... if you don't like it and object to it so strongly ... you are more than free to leave the country whenever your little ass wants to. ok? And by the way ... does it bother you that I have used my California zip code as my name??? Tough!
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:clap2: Very good suggestions and points. :clap2: I just wish more people understood this like you do, and most of us that have responded do. And for those natural born Americans that have replied to this that do not agree - I hope when they deport those illegal aliens they take you with them. This country does not need people like yourself that makes it easy for illegal aliens, why don't you just take a hike and leave too? :eusa_boohoo:

Golpe a cabo su culo!
How American, Anquille?

Getting annoyed at recent immigrants (or illegal aliens) who insult our national pride is as American as piping hot apple pie a la mode, with vanilla ice cream, served by the church ladies, after a patriotic night of Nigra' lynching under the veil of Klansman sheets, isn't it?

flying another's country's flag above the American flag upside down, (in distress), is a sign of war, mexico conquering the USA imo....

it's uncalled certainly got some attention, but it was uncalled for and is most certainly a huge slap in our face....imo....Mexico could no more conquer us than a grasshopper conquering an was STUPID of these people to do such, and as i said earlier, they lost my sympathy when they showed such ignorance....


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