Does Sarah Palin SCARE you?

Sarah Palin

  • I am a liberal and I am NOT scared by Sarah Palin

    Votes: 12 27.3%
  • I am a liberal and I AM scared by Sarah Palin

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • I am a conservative and I am NOT scared by Sarah Palin

    Votes: 22 50.0%
  • I am a conservative and I AM scared by Sarah Palin

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
Yes she scares me, All ZEALOTS do.

"I think Sarah is like that. For much of us, we can't make our views heard in the world, so she amplifies and gives strength to ideas that swirl around much of the conservative base."

Don't you mean swirl around the conservative DRAIN? She is HYPER-PARTISAN and only appeals to the most EXTREME of the right wing. The sad thing for you and the Republican party is that she is EXACTLEY the type of politician who can win a primary by being on the EXTREME but will easily lose in the GE.

I have to ask for any who are fond of her did you see the pastor casting "DEAMONS" out of Palin? Do you know HIS history and if so do you question HER judgment for having him as her religious advisor?

Now the previous comments aside I respect her a GREAT DEAL for giving birth to, caring for, and LOVING a special needs child.

Everyone is not the same nor does everyone wear the same size shoe, EXCEPT in the minds of Leftwingers, communists, liberals, democrats and such. THEREFORE, different groups of people think differently and have different needs.

Problem is Liberals violently think they need leaders who represent them, (Think Malcalm X, Obama, and Pelosi) but think that Conservative do not need, or deserve, to have leaders who represent them.

Therefore, in a Liberal's mind, it is not Ok for Conservatives to have someone like Sarah to represent them and speak for them. Talk about a double standard.

Yes, these "sounding piano boards" appeal to their base, but there is no reason to think they can't appeal to enough of an electorate, fifty percent plus one, to get elected President. Obama just showed us a perfect example of that.

Therefore, Sarah can, and likely will be, elected President in 2012, never mind the nutty rantings of mentally challenged wild eyed Liberals waving their arms and shouting about this and that and the other thing.

Everyone is not the same nor does everyone wear the same size shoe, EXCEPT in the minds of Leftwingers, communists, liberals, democrats and such. THEREFORE, different groups of people think differently and have different needs.


Yes, these "sounding piano boards" appeal to their base, but there is no reason to think they can't appeal to enough of an electorate, fifty percent plus one, to get elected President. Obama just showed us a perfect example of that.

Dumbass of the week award. You DO know that Obama won by the LARGEST margin since Reagan right? 50% + 1 my ass. If you put Palin up for Pres in 2012 it will be WAY TOO EASY to defeat her.

may have competition for hypocrite of the week

What an embarrassment, not because she is trying to stay here, but because he is such a cheapskate he won't buy her a plane ticket back to Kenya and set up some security for her.

Can any of you libs have an honest debate without making shit up?
I never said she was here illegaly simply because she couldn't afford a plain ticket. She is trying to get asylum. I am saying why can't her millionaire nephew President hook her up with a safe house back in Kenya until she can legally come back.
I'm a Centrist and I think Palin has a good shot at coalescing the Republican base. If Glen Beck can get as many people to Washington (yes we can dispute the amount - doubtful it's as many a he claimed) as he did...Sarah can possibly get elected.

I live in Montgomery, Alabama and listen to a local conservative talk show in the afternoons. The wackadoos that are mixed in with the decent-thinking people are enough to make you think that Palin has enough support. She doesn't have the chops for the office...but that wont stop her. Hopefully the Republicans will get Romney to the top again.
back to class, junior...

Hurry or you'll miss the bus...

Come on, these are not even good comebacks:lol:

and "crickets" is?

Listen lib, you bore me... I'm not into your childish word games, so go find someone who is...

Since you're likely one of those "last word" libs, I hereby give you the final word...

Don't waste it...

The above discussion thread looks like a conversation at a medical convention.
Come on, these are not even good comebacks:lol:

and "crickets" is?

Listen lib, you bore me... I'm not into your childish word games, so go find someone who is...

Since you're likely one of those "last word" libs, I hereby give you the final word...

Don't waste it...

The above discussion thread looks like a conversation at a medical convention.

A Psychiatric Medicine Convention.
Does the Wasilla Chihuahua scare me? No. Professional punt pooches don't scare me, they amuse me.

Every time that bitch makes the news, I have something new to laugh at concerning the GOP.
Yes she scares me, All ZEALOTS do.

Palin is a Zealot.....sorry, ZEALOT?

Guys that want to legalize their preference for Anal Sex with Other Men must freighten the shit out of you.

Not taking away rights doesn't scare me at all. Vowing TO take away rights based on RELIGIOUS doctrine scares the HELL out of me and it should scare you to Sampson.
and "crickets" is?

Listen lib, you bore me... I'm not into your childish word games, so go find someone who is...

Since you're likely one of those "last word" libs, I hereby give you the final word...

Don't waste it...

The above discussion thread looks like a conversation at a medical convention.

A Psychiatric Medicine Convention.

We need Dr. Grump to weigh in.
Yes she scares me, All ZEALOTS do.

Palin is a Zealot.....sorry, ZEALOT?

Guys that want to legalize their preference for Anal Sex with Other Men must freighten the shit out of you.

Not taking away rights doesn't scare me at all. Vowing TO take away rights based on RELIGIOUS doctrine scares the HELL out of me and it should scare you to Sampson.

Sorry, I must have missed the quote where Palin says wants to run for office of Grand Inquisitor of the United States of America.

Palin is a Zealot.....sorry, ZEALOT?

Guys that want to legalize their preference for Anal Sex with Other Men must freighten the shit out of you.

Not taking away rights doesn't scare me at all. Vowing TO take away rights based on RELIGIOUS doctrine scares the HELL out of me and it should scare you to Sampson.

Sorry, I must have missed the quote where Palin says wants to run for office of Grand Inquisitor of the United States of America.


You know damn well if threre WERE such a position she would want it in the WORST way. I'm sorry Sampson but you know damn well she is MORE than happy to have HER religious doctrine FORCED on the rest of society she IS a ZEALOT!
Not taking away rights doesn't scare me at all. Vowing TO take away rights based on RELIGIOUS doctrine scares the HELL out of me and it should scare you to Sampson.

Sorry, I must have missed the quote where Palin says wants to run for office of Grand Inquisitor of the United States of America.


You know damn well if threre WERE such a position she would want it in the WORST way. I'm sorry Sampson but you know damn well she is MORE than happy to have HER religious doctrine FORCED on the rest of society she IS a ZEALOT!

She was Governor of Alaska. What did she do? Burn bonfires of Alaskan Atheists?

You do realize that there is no such position of Grand Inquistor in the US, and never will be right?
I'm more scared by people that pay to see her. A good friend of mine paid $54 to see her next week at the Redding Convention Center here in CA. I told her she's nuts and she just laughed. She's a single Mom and doesn't really have money to spare.

Why would anybody waste $54 on that broad?? What could she possibly have to say that's of any value?? I think she's just money hungry.

Clearly you are a Liberal who just can't spit it out. You hate Sarah because of the issues she stands for, but to say that would be too honest, God forbid, so you trash talk and mudsling. It is you that looks bad, not your friend.

The issues she stands for??? Like what??? The almighty dollar???
Yes she scares me, All ZEALOTS do.

On the back of a violin or on the bottom of a piano is a board called a resonator. It purpose is partly structural, but mostly to amplify the sound generated by the strings on the instrument, which couldn't make much of a sound without it.

I think Sarah is like that. For much of us, we can't make our views heard in the world, so she amplifies and gives strength to ideas that swirl around much of the conservative base.

I think, since the experience of 0bama, conservatives are looking for a nice long resume. She lacks that, so I don't believe she will go far.

But I see her as the means by which my voice is made louder.

"I think Sarah is like that. For much of us, we can't make our views heard in the world, so she amplifies and gives strength to ideas that swirl around much of the conservative base."

Don't you mean swirl around the conservative DRAIN? She is HYPER-PARTISAN and only appeals to the most EXTREME of the right wing. The sad thing for you and the Republican party is that she is EXACTLEY the type of politician who can win a primary by being on the EXTREME but will easily lose in the GE.

I have to ask for any who are fond of her did you see the pastor casting "DEAMONS" out of Palin? Do you know HIS history and if so do you question HER judgment for having him as her religious advisor?

Now the previous comments aside I respect her a GREAT DEAL for giving birth to, caring for, and LOVING a special needs child.

Everyone is not the same nor does everyone wear the same size shoe, EXCEPT in the minds of Leftwingers, communists, liberals, democrats and such. THEREFORE, different groups of people think differently and have different needs.

Problem is Liberals violently think they need leaders who represent them, (Think Malcalm X, Obama, and Pelosi) but think that Conservative do not need, or deserve, to have leaders who represent them.

Therefore, in a Liberal's mind, it is not Ok for Conservatives to have someone like Sarah to represent them and speak for them. Talk about a double standard.

Yes, these "sounding piano boards" appeal to their base, but there is no reason to think they can't appeal to enough of an electorate, fifty percent plus one, to get elected President. Obama just showed us a perfect example of that.

Therefore, Sarah can, and likely will be, elected President in 2012, never mind the nutty rantings of mentally challenged wild eyed Liberals waving their arms and shouting about this and that and the other thing.

She will likely be elected prez in 2012??? And you call libs nutty, mentally challenged, and wild eyed??? :lol::lol::lol: You have got to stop forgetting to wash your fresh fruit!!!
No, but your shark does.

I happen to agree with much of what Sarah Palin says.

Sarah Palin represents AMERICANS. No she did not come from a "silver spoon" or some wealthy family--. She came from the average American family--& HOLY COW she did not graduate as a LAWYER from Harvard or Yale---

But this woman knows more about energy in this country than anyone else knows-.

In Sarah Palin you have the female version of Ronald Reagan & that's what scares the HELL out of Liberals.
No, but your shark does.

I happen to agree with much of what Sarah Palin says.

Sarah Palin represents AMERICANS. No she did not come from a "silver spoon" or some wealthy family--. She came from the average American family--& HOLY COW she did not graduate as a LAWYER from Harvard or Yale---

But this woman knows more about energy in this country than anyone else knows-.

In Sarah Palin you have the female version of Ronald Reagan & that's what scares the HELL out of Liberals.

YOU hit the nail right on the head. It is FEAR that moves the livered lips of the Liberals-Progessives every time the name Sarah is mentioned. They desperately try every trick up their sleeves.

They try to ignore, they try to belittle, they try to laugh at, and they try to slam and hate her. They try to quote "facts" they twist and make up about her, they try obscenities, and they try just plain old hate.

They try bad taste, they try pornography, they try sexism, they try dehumanization, and they even try attacking her children for God's sake. They try, in short everything in the book ,and out of the book to, by any means, or by any method, by hook or by crook, to bring her down in any way they can think of.

It reminds one of the hounding and Crucifixion of Christ, the burning of Joan of Arc, and the stoning to death of those who are unpopular in every time and clime. It reminds one of the tactics of the KKK which, BTW, was a Democrat created organization.

These Democrats are an unreasoning violently oriented mob of bigoted, racist, jack-booted thug Fascists. And remember and never forget, the Fascists and Nazis, were socialists too. Thugs are thugs in all times and places, and Democrats ARE bullying thugs IMO.
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No, but your shark does.

I happen to agree with much of what Sarah Palin says.

Sarah Palin represents AMERICANS. No she did not come from a "silver spoon" or some wealthy family--. She came from the average American family--& HOLY COW she did not graduate as a LAWYER from Harvard or Yale---

But this woman knows more about energy in this country than anyone else knows-.

In Sarah Palin you have the female version of Ronald Reagan & that's what scares the HELL out of Liberals.

Whatever.. :lol:
Sarah who?
There's a new kid in town.

I thought you ment this kid ( Jonathan Krohn )
[ame=]YouTube - Jonathan Krohn - CPAC - The Future Of Conservatism[/ame]

appearantly the conservatives need a 14 year old kid to tell them who they are :lol:

"It s not an ideology of feelings" :lol:
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No, but your shark does.

I happen to agree with much of what Sarah Palin says.

Sarah Palin represents AMERICANS. No she did not come from a "silver spoon" or some wealthy family--. She came from the average American family--& HOLY COW she did not graduate as a LAWYER from Harvard or Yale---

But this woman knows more about energy in this country than anyone else knows-.

In Sarah Palin you have the female version of Ronald Reagan & that's what scares the HELL out of Liberals.

This was SARCASM, right?

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