Does Obama have a "real" jobs plan or just more govt spending?

Is Obamas plan for jobs going to be.....

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"A permanent tax cut or tax break for corporations that close shops overseas and bring jobs here."

That's the only idea from your list that has a chance of helping. It's still a much weaker option than the government simply hiring one million people and putting them to work.

Putting them to work to do what?

Do you think they're picky about what they do?

Sadly, many are.

In my home town (Nassau County, Long Island) there are help wanted signs at every 7-11, Khols department stores, Home Depot, etc.....I dont blame them for not wanting those jobs...especially after making twice or three times the income......but the truth is, given a choice of making 405 a week on unemployment or 400 a week digging a ditch....or 400 a week selling candy and coigarettes....I would expect them to take the unemployment.....especially seeing as it ALSO gives them the time to interview.

Your idea, although has merit, will do very little for the middle class......
Well a "new idea" could be

A permanent tax cut or tax break for corporations that close shops overseas and bring jobs here.

Close all loopholes for BIG business and use said money for tax breaks for new full time hires.

Freeze tax rates at current levels for the next 5 years.

Reconsider new EPA regulations.

Instead of giving out endless unemployment checks when you reach a certain point all future money is only good for retraining programs.

These are just a couple off the top of my head that would be considered "new ideas" that congress could debate. If I can come up with ideas on the spot why can't Obama?

I agree with this. A huge part of the problem is Obama's "fixes" are so short term no one buys into them... The other problem is Obama's "ideas" have been total shit so far but not matter, you can't get people to hire with "trax credits" today when you talk about raising their taxes in a few months from now...
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.

Conservatives are funny (not the ha ha kind of funny). They want the gov't to do something about jobs, but they don't want gov't to spend any money in the process because that would just be more gov't spending.

Joseph Heller would be impressed.
Well a "new idea" could be

A permanent tax cut or tax break for corporations that close shops overseas and bring jobs here.

Close all loopholes for BIG business and use said money for tax breaks for new full time hires.

Freeze tax rates at current levels for the next 5 years.

Reconsider new EPA regulations.

Instead of giving out endless unemployment checks when you reach a certain point all future money is only good for retraining programs.

These are just a couple off the top of my head that would be considered "new ideas" that congress could debate. If I can come up with ideas on the spot why can't Obama?

"A permanent tax cut or tax break for corporations that close shops overseas and bring jobs here."

That's the only idea from your list that has a chance of helping. It's still a much weaker option than the government simply hiring one million people and putting them to work.

Having too much of the country calling their government "boss" would empower our government beyond recognition. Bad idea.
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.

Conservatives are funny (not the ha ha kind of funny). They want the gov't to do something about jobs, but they don't want gov't to spend any money in the process because that would just be more gov't spending.

Joseph Heller would be impressed.

You're not funny, well not "ha ha" kind of funny.

"Conservatives" want less Government, less Government spending... You know what, nevermind, you're an idiot so there is really no point telling you just how dumb your post was.
Well a "new idea" could be

A permanent tax cut or tax break for corporations that close shops overseas and bring jobs here.

Close all loopholes for BIG business and use said money for tax breaks for new full time hires.

Freeze tax rates at current levels for the next 5 years.

Reconsider new EPA regulations.

Instead of giving out endless unemployment checks when you reach a certain point all future money is only good for retraining programs.

These are just a couple off the top of my head that would be considered "new ideas" that congress could debate. If I can come up with ideas on the spot why can't Obama?

"A permanent tax cut or tax break for corporations that close shops overseas and bring jobs here."

That's the only idea from your list that has a chance of helping. It's still a much weaker option than the government simply hiring one million people and putting them to work.

My idea provides permanent jobs, govt does not.
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.

Conservatives are funny (not the ha ha kind of funny). They want the gov't to do something about jobs, but they don't want gov't to spend any money in the process because that would just be more gov't spending.

Joseph Heller would be impressed.

The government does not have to spend money to reform regulation and offer tax incentives to companies that hire.
Excellent question, GM.

A stimulus response can work to revive this economy, but of course it actually needs to include real live new jobs and not just "shovel ready" projects that would have been done anyway.

Per usual I will note that tax cuts or tax increases won't do anything to change the employment picture.

Industries will hire more people when they see that the economy can absorb the new products, and not before.

How much stimulus would youlike to see? 1 trillion? 2 trillion?

What if you gave every adult American 1 million dollars, that would be about what 300 million? Would that stimulate the economy?

Be a hell of a lot more than 300 million
100million X 300million

1,000,000 (one million not one hundred million) x 300,000,000 is 300,000,000,000,000
Well a "new idea" could be

A permanent tax cut or tax break for corporations that close shops overseas and bring jobs here.

Close all loopholes for BIG business and use said money for tax breaks for new full time hires.

Freeze tax rates at current levels for the next 5 years.

Reconsider new EPA regulations.

Instead of giving out endless unemployment checks when you reach a certain point all future money is only good for retraining programs.

These are just a couple off the top of my head that would be considered "new ideas" that congress could debate. If I can come up with ideas on the spot why can't Obama?

"A permanent tax cut or tax break for corporations that close shops overseas and bring jobs here."

That's the only idea from your list that has a chance of helping. It's still a much weaker option than the government simply hiring one million people and putting them to work.

My idea provides permanent jobs, govt does not.

I wana know how much RellyFuckingStupids jobs will pay... I might quit min along with tens of thousands if not millions of others peoples just to get 1... Seems like we won’t be working hard because he doesn't even know what the jobs will be.

Another “like totally great idea!” from a dumbass made up on the spot. LOL@ Government just hires 1 million people!
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.

Conservatives are funny (not the ha ha kind of funny). They want the gov't to do something about jobs, but they don't want gov't to spend any money in the process because that would just be more gov't spending.

Joseph Heller would be impressed.

Yes, we want the government to do something about jobs.
We want government to stop ruining the companies that create jobs.
Repeal Obamacare. Repeal Dodd-Frank.
Eliminate half the ridiculous regulations currently on the books.
That doesn't require spending any money and would create more jobs than anything else Obama could do by wasting another $1 trillion.
How much stimulus would youlike to see? 1 trillion? 2 trillion?

What if you gave every adult American 1 million dollars, that would be about what 300 million? Would that stimulate the economy?

Be a hell of a lot more than 300 million
100million X 300million

1,000,000 (one million not one hundred million) x 300,000,000 is 300,000,000,000,000

How about 1,000,000 to every head of household

That would be a pretty easy number to attain.

But, of course, a loaf of bread will wind up costing $100.
Putting them to work to do what?

Do you think they're picky about what they do?

Answer the fucking question...

Switch to decaf!

The easy answer here is they should build stuff! High speed rail! Windmills! Nuclear power plants! Re-do every public school in the country! Yes, I know you think all that is "Socialism", but it would also put a lot of Americans to work. Right now. And, you can't outsource the windmill workers. They have to be here to run it and repair it in the future. That's a long term job, even if you don't agree. Hell, the government could sell the windmills to private companies even. That's fine!

Conservatives think in such small terms.
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.

Conservatives are funny (not the ha ha kind of funny). They want the gov't to do something about jobs, but they don't want gov't to spend any money in the process because that would just be more gov't spending.

Joseph Heller would be impressed.

Your economics teacher sure isn't impressed.

Govt spurs job growth or lack there of through legislation not spending.
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.

Conservatives are funny (not the ha ha kind of funny). They want the gov't to do something about jobs, but they don't want gov't to spend any money in the process because that would just be more gov't spending.

Joseph Heller would be impressed.

Yes, we want the government to do something about jobs.
We want government to stop ruining the companies that create jobs.
Repeal Obamacare. Repeal Dodd-Frank.
Eliminate half the ridiculous regulations currently on the books.
That doesn't require spending any money and would create more jobs than anything else Obama could do by wasting another $1 trillion.

Got the talking points down, I see. Good for you.

Do you want to know what the real problem is as far as job creation is concerned? Demand is down. You've heard of demand, right? Like in supply and demand?

Translation: People aren't spending.
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.

My present job is "real" and a direct result of stimulus funds.
Conservatives are funny (not the ha ha kind of funny). They want the gov't to do something about jobs, but they don't want gov't to spend any money in the process because that would just be more gov't spending.

Joseph Heller would be impressed.

Yes, we want the government to do something about jobs.
We want government to stop ruining the companies that create jobs.
Repeal Obamacare. Repeal Dodd-Frank.
Eliminate half the ridiculous regulations currently on the books.
That doesn't require spending any money and would create more jobs than anything else Obama could do by wasting another $1 trillion.

Got the talking points down, I see. Good for you.

Do you want to know what the real problem is as far as job creation is concerned? Demand is down. You've heard of demand, right? Like in supply and demand?

Translation: People aren't spending.

Employers demand for employees is down because of Obamacare.

Employers would hire more if they weren't spending so much money on the paperwork required by ridiculous regulations.

Translation: Companies aren't hiring.
Conservatives are funny (not the ha ha kind of funny). They want the gov't to do something about jobs, but they don't want gov't to spend any money in the process because that would just be more gov't spending.

Joseph Heller would be impressed.

Yes, we want the government to do something about jobs.
We want government to stop ruining the companies that create jobs.
Repeal Obamacare. Repeal Dodd-Frank.
Eliminate half the ridiculous regulations currently on the books.
That doesn't require spending any money and would create more jobs than anything else Obama could do by wasting another $1 trillion.

Got the talking points down, I see. Good for you.

Do you want to know what the real problem is as far as job creation is concerned? Demand is down. You've heard of demand, right? Like in supply and demand?

Translation: People aren't spending.

And why is demand down?

Maybe because people don't have jobs or are afraid they may lose the ones they have?

Jesus, stupidity abounds.

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