Does Anybody Actually Believe That The War In Ukraine Is More Important Than The Border?

Do You Think That The War In Ukraine Is More Important Than A Secure Border?

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That's because Republicans currently aren't in power. What else do you expect Democrats to do?

Just like how they do nothing when they have the ability to. Make all the excuses you want and nothing changes.
Fuck that. I got better things to do.

MAke America Great Again. There was a time we were all not afraid to fill up a fucking gas can in the back of your car, come home, fill up the lawn mower, cut the grass and have enough gas left to light the barbeque.
Now you need immigrants to wipe your own ass.
MAke America Great Again. There was a time we were all not afraid to fill up a fucking gas can in the back of your car, come home, fill up the lawn mower, cut the grass and have enough gas left to light the barbeque.
Now you need immigrants to wipe your own ass.
¡Que lastima!
I definitely don't. It doesn't mean that I don't care about Ukraine as I'm not America ONLY, but I am America first. Oh and I don't know how anybody will vote yes for this poll but I'm just curious because I've heard it said that our (conservatives) number one priority is Ukraine but I think that I can speak for all of us patriots when I say that no it's not.

It's not binary.

I have irritated some of my fellow lib-progs by arguing that the Dems need to reassess their positions on the border, and even on immigration as a whole. We've always had illegal immigration and occasional surges in immigration, usually coinciding with strong economic growth. But what we've seen since 2021 - and even in 2019 - is something different. Living conditions for many people south of the border are rapidly deteriorating, and we don't necessarily have the resources to take them all in. We have to have a rethink on immigration, and that will likely challenge our historical identity of us as a relatively open nation.

But the war in Ukraine is also important, not only because of Ukraine but because if Putin wins, he will sense weakness in the American collective will to protect anything outside its own border. Come on, people! Crack open your history books: what happened the last time someone with extra-territorial ambitions believed America was too insular and too distracted with its own problems to give a toss about what goes on across the Atlantic?

What people don't get about Ukraine is that history matters. Russia has a centuries long history of territorial, imperialist expansion in Europe. The United States, on the other hand, is a child of Europe. Russia has an imperialist, hegemonic history of expanding into Europe. America was beget by Europe, and we are a global power today because of our position in Europe. The Cold War happened because Russia and the US expanded at the same time - because Europe was important to both of us. Still is. If the US ever gets to the point where we don't stop Russian expansion, that will be because we are too weak to do so -- too feckless, too divided, too poor, or whatever else.

What MAGA dipshits are doing now is the exact opposite of what literally hundreds of thousands of soldiers died for and probably tens of millions more served in combat zones for. The USSR name is gone but the nemesis is the same. MAGA foreign policy is basically 'be a bitch man'.

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