Does America need another drug czar?


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
Despite what they say on TV, the war on drugs has been useless. Illicit drug use has been going up if anything. Many state and local PD's have gotten to where one is barely slapped on the wrist, and the system is over full with retards jammed up for possessetion of a 1/4 gram of meth and state after state is decriminalizing drug use and possessetion If not outright legalizing them ( weed ). There is so much more too. So then, drug czar or no ?
Absolutely not.

The War On Drugs has been totally counterproductive for all but a few beneficiaries such as the pharmaceutical industry, the liquor industry, the legal profession, the prison industrial complex, the law-enforcement complex, the drug-testing industry, the drug cartels and the corrupted political representatives who continue to vote for continuance of this obviously failed and harmful fiasco.

"Attempting to solve a problem by doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting a different result is one definition of insanity." (Albert Einstein) In this example the repetition does not reflect insanity but rather conspicuous corruption.
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Absolutely not.

The War On Drugs has been totally counterproductive for all but a few beneficiaries such as the pharmaceutical industry, the liquor industry, the legal profession, the prison industrial complex, the law-enforcement complex, the drug-testing industry, the drug cartels and the corrupt congressional representatives who continue to vote for continuance of this obviously failed and harmful fiasco.

"Attempting to solve a problem by doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting a different result is one definition of insanity." (Albert Einstein)

I don't think Einstein ever actually said that.
I don't think Einstein ever actually said that.
While Behavioral Science was not his field, the premise does seem logical. I think of watching someone seated at a table in a ward of a mental hospital trying to solve a simple puzzle by doing the same thing over and over -- for hours. Over and over.

As insane as that may seem it plainly represents the War On Drugs as it has been going on for nearly half a century.
I don't think Einstein ever actually said that.
While Behavioral Science was not his field, the premise does seem logical. I think of watching someone seated at a table in a ward of a mental hospital trying to solve a simple puzzle by doing the same thing over and over -- for hours. Over and over.

As insane as that may seem it plainly represents the War On Drugs as it has been going on for nearly half a century.

Yeah, I'm not arguing against the logic or sentiment. I'm just pretty sure that quote is often misattributed to him.

It's obvious the "war on drugs" is a total farce with the intention of perpetuating drug epidemics to fill the pockets of people with vested interests. They don't care about the people. They care about their goddamned money. Immoral and even evil, maybe, but it definitely makes sense from that perspective.
Despite what they say on TV, the war on drugs has been useless. Illicit drug use has been going up if anything. Many state and local PD's have gotten to where one is barely slapped on the wrist, and the system is over full with retards jammed up for possessetion of a 1/4 gram of meth and state after state is decriminalizing drug use and possessetion If not outright legalizing them ( weed ). There is so much more too. So then, drug czar or no ?

They never were at war.

If they US were serious about the drug problem, they would have sealed off the border long ago, conducted drone strikes against the drug lords, and instituted the death penalty for dealers.

They would also not just go patch up drug users at tax payer expense without paying some price for breaking the law.
Despite what they say on TV, the war on drugs has been useless. Illicit drug use has been going up if anything. Many state and local PD's have gotten to where one is barely slapped on the wrist, and the system is over full with retards jammed up for possessetion of a 1/4 gram of meth and state after state is decriminalizing drug use and possessetion If not outright legalizing them ( weed ). There is so much more too. So then, drug czar or no ?

They never were at war.

Not in the sense of lines being drawn, and trenches dug, but for all intents and purposes it's a war. That's how it was sold to us, yet nothing has come of it. If anything there are more drugs then before.
It is interesting to me that the left wants to only legalize drugs, prostitution, and illegal immigration.

Everything else, they want to ban, prayer is schools, the Ten Commandments, essentially anything that would contribute to the moral fiber of society.

How about state run meth and crack houses next to the state run liquor stores?

Make everyone happy?
Despite what they say on TV, the war on drugs has been useless. Illicit drug use has been going up if anything. Many state and local PD's have gotten to where one is barely slapped on the wrist, and the system is over full with retards jammed up for possessetion of a 1/4 gram of meth and state after state is decriminalizing drug use and possessetion If not outright legalizing them ( weed ). There is so much more too. So then, drug czar or no ?

They never were at war.

Not in the sense of lines being drawn, and trenches dug, but for all intents and purposes it's a war. That's how it was sold to us, yet nothing has come of it. If anything there are more drugs then before.

We are sold a lot of things, mostly lies.
It is interesting to me that the left wants to only legalize drugs, prostitution, and illegal immigration.

Everything else, they want to ban, prayer is schools, the Ten Commandments, essentially anything that would contribute to the moral fiber of society.

How about state run meth and crack houses next to the state run liquor stores?

Make everyone happy?

How do you want to define left?

Drugs? Current policies are obviously ineffective.
Prostitution? Who fucking cares. Let desperate men and shameless women use each other.
Illegal immigration? Haven't seen many people calling for illegal immigration to be legalized. That actually doesn't make any sense. How does one legalize that which is intrinsically illegal by its very name and definition?

Prayer, commandments, religious crap ... have at it, chief. In your Catholic schools .Actually, fuck it; pray wherever the hell you want. Just don't expect me to pray with you.

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