Does America need a hereditary noble class?


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
He who has ears..let him hear a Moldbugist parable..

What if we wanted to create a class of nobles in America?

Make it hereditary. A class more bound by hereditary than any European institution ever was. A noble adopted by commoners remains noble but a commoner adopted by nobles remains common. The blood is so powerful that even being 1/2 noble entitles you to all noble privileges and immunities..

Nobility always has the disadvantage of ruling over a much larger class which may develop resentments. In order to retain power special privileges must be introduced.

Such any conflict between a noble and a commoner the commoner is always presumed to be in the wrong. If a noble attacks a commoner the presumption is the commoner provoked him. Any pattern of noble attacks on commoners will indicate a problem with commoner attitudes which should be addressed through re-education.
Nobles may be wrong occasionally of course..but the law will be careful here in their presumptions of noble innocence. Better that ten guilty nobles go free than there be a stain on the class of nobles in a common mind.

A commoner risks life and limb if caught in a noble neighborhood but a noble may walk any neighborhood he desires. Asymmetrical privileges are important to this system.
Also, people will discouraged from acknowledging this fact publicly and required to pretend that all neighborhoods are equally accessible. Any attempt to define or mark out noble neighborhoods will be mercilessly suppressed. Commoners will have to simply be careful where they find themselves after dark. It will be good for their humility and ensure an obsequious attitude at ALL times.

Nobles may form networks based on their class but commoners are forbidden to do so. Churches, schools, entertainment networks...these may be reserved for nobles. Legal organizations will be set up to attack any commoner organization and funded richly from the public purse. This way the larger mass of commoners can never plot to overthrow the nobles. A reasonable safeguard!

Business will be required to always hire the noble over the commoner. Commoner run businesses are considered too stupid to detect the superior qualities of nobles...which may not be obvious. And if nobles appear less qualified for any position then, again, it is the fault of commoner presumptions and limitations. How could a commoner test a noble with a common test? Ludicrous!

And also as regards to the commoner resistance will be allowed there especially. A worker who expresses contempt or is insolent to a noble will be fired and an example made of him to other employees lest they stray or harbor insolent thoughts about nobles as well.
A nice consequence of this policy will be a tendency for nobles to rise in the ranks since any conflict with them will almost always be resolved in their favor.
Small groups of nobles will be consulted at every business decision in order to ensure that nobles benefit.

In government as well noble leadership will be encouraged. Only nobles may represent nobles. How could it be otherwise?
And a portion of seats and positions in government will always be reserved for them. For instance some seats on the Supreme Court will be designated as "noble seats" and no commoner may fill them.
Commoners may be represented by nobles of course. In fact it is encouraged. And,as a generous concession, commoners may be allowed to represent commoners...but only if their councils and parties have noble representatives helping guide them.

With respect to Chapter 3: AGW, KFM, and HNU | A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservations | Unqualified Reservations by Mencius Moldbug

The statement in the Declaration of Independence, that “…all men are created equal…”, is an explicit rejection of the European tradition of “nobility”, which holds that some people are better than others just because of the families into which they are born. The very idea of a hereditary noble class is anti-American.

The statement in the Declaration of Independence, that “…all men are created equal…”, is an explicit rejection of the European tradition of “nobility”, which holds that some people are better than others just because of the families into which they are born. The very idea of a hereditary noble class is anti-American.

V. :)

Exactly the point.

Too bad it’s reality.
This post was moved from politics. I can’t imagine anything more political than discussion the establishment of a new ruling class.

But if it has to be moved why not to satire at the very least?
Okay, but we have to find a family with a bad teeth gene and a fondness for lousy food for our nobility.

That family has had a centuries long run teeth or no teeth. And while they did their little island become the most prosperous in the world. They must have been doing something right.
America has it's 'noble class' . Like to meet them?

watch this>

They literally own more of this country than commoners, as well as own Congress and anything legislated, the Military and whatever wars they want, the Media and what we're told to parrot

Us 'commoners' live under an illusion of constitutional equality , while creating deep state conspiracies when it seems like it's not workin' out

America has it's 'noble class' . Like to meet them?

watch this>

They literally own more of this country than commoners, as well as own Congress and anything legislated, the Military and whatever wars they want, the Media and what we're told to parrot

Us 'commoners' live under an illusion of constitutional equality , while creating deep state conspiracies when it seems like it's not workin' out


Nobility is never defined by wealth.

The statement in the Declaration of Independence, that “…all men are created equal…”, is an explicit rejection of the European tradition of “nobility”, which holds that some people are better than others just because of the families into which they are born. The very idea of a hereditary noble class is anti-American.

America has a noble class. They meet every qualification I listed above. Think aabout it.
Quite frankly your post is offensive and big FU to the tens of thousands that came before us; freeing our Nation from the tyranny of our UK overlords at the cost of their own lives & to those that have maintained the sanctity of our freedoms (through their self sacrifice) ever since.
We already have a 'noble class' in America ...

Quite frankly your post is offensive and big FU to the tens of thousands that came before us; freeing our Nation from the tyranny of our UK overlords at the cost of their own lives & to those that have maintained the sanctity of our freedoms (through their self sacrifice) ever since.

When the lie is universal the truth becomes subversive act”

So by telling the truth if your nobility I am the blame for its existence?
He who has ears..let him hear a Moldbugist parable..

What if we wanted to create a class of nobles in America?

Make it hereditary. A class more bound by hereditary than any European institution ever was. A noble adopted by commoners remains noble but a commoner adopted by nobles remains common. The blood is so powerful that even being 1/2 noble entitles you to all noble privileges and immunities..

Nobility always has the disadvantage of ruling over a much larger class which may develop resentments. In order to retain power special privileges must be introduced.

Such any conflict between a noble and a commoner the commoner is always presumed to be in the wrong. If a noble attacks a commoner the presumption is the commoner provoked him. Any pattern of noble attacks on commoners will indicate a problem with commoner attitudes which should be addressed through re-education.
Nobles may be wrong occasionally of course..but the law will be careful here in their presumptions of noble innocence. Better that ten guilty nobles go free than there be a stain on the class of nobles in a common mind.

A commoner risks life and limb if caught in a noble neighborhood but a noble may walk any neighborhood he desires. Asymmetrical privileges are important to this system.
Also, people will discouraged from acknowledging this fact publicly and required to pretend that all neighborhoods are equally accessible. Any attempt to define or mark out noble neighborhoods will be mercilessly suppressed. Commoners will have to simply be careful where they find themselves after dark. It will be good for their humility and ensure an obsequious attitude at ALL times.

Nobles may form networks based on their class but commoners are forbidden to do so. Churches, schools, entertainment networks...these may be reserved for nobles. Legal organizations will be set up to attack any commoner organization and funded richly from the public purse. This way the larger mass of commoners can never plot to overthrow the nobles. A reasonable safeguard!

Business will be required to always hire the noble over the commoner. Commoner run businesses are considered too stupid to detect the superior qualities of nobles...which may not be obvious. And if nobles appear less qualified for any position then, again, it is the fault of commoner presumptions and limitations. How could a commoner test a noble with a common test? Ludicrous!

And also as regards to the commoner resistance will be allowed there especially. A worker who expresses contempt or is insolent to a noble will be fired and an example made of him to other employees lest they stray or harbor insolent thoughts about nobles as well.
A nice consequence of this policy will be a tendency for nobles to rise in the ranks since any conflict with them will almost always be resolved in their favor.
Small groups of nobles will be consulted at every business decision in order to ensure that nobles benefit.

In government as well noble leadership will be encouraged. Only nobles may represent nobles. How could it be otherwise?
And a portion of seats and positions in government will always be reserved for them. For instance some seats on the Supreme Court will be designated as "noble seats" and no commoner may fill them.
Commoners may be represented by nobles of course. In fact it is encouraged. And,as a generous concession, commoners may be allowed to represent commoners...but only if their councils and parties have noble representatives helping guide them.

With respect to Chapter 3: AGW, KFM, and HNU | A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservations | Unqualified Reservations by Mencius Moldbug
No we don't need that, but we have the Kennedys, the Bush's and many other who are political familys and they show up every election to check in. I don't vote for them most of the time. I looked at the first Bush who ran and what I saw was a Liberal for the most part, Next his son who was not as Liberal, and his last son, who ran and won as Fla Gov. He is also Liberal to a point. So we have almost Royal families.

That was an interesting article. Yours often are. But misplaced in time and context. It was written in 2015. I dont belittle the plutocracy concerns part and its well worth reading and considering. But the leftist who wrote the article didnt anticipate the real events that were about to overtake him. His complaints are a little different today wouldnt you think?

(1) political offices the property of ruling families. "the curiously dynastic quality of recent presidential contests. (If a Bush or Clinton should win in 2016 and again in 2020, a member of one of those families will have controlled the presidency for 28 of the last 36 years.)"

Fixed! Clintons and Bushes joined in opposition to Trump...and defeated. So maybe he was on to something there back in 2015.

As to the billions spent...that didnt stop us. In that pre-Trump era he compared the Koch brothers spending as being in opposition to the 750 million Clinton raised from Silicon Valley. Turns out the Koch brothers turned their fortune against Trump. So did Wall Street and Hollywood. We won anyway. So it isnt insurmountable.

(2)" An American secretary of state chose to set up her own private, safeguarded email system for doing government work; that is, she chose to privatize her communications. If this were Cairo, it might not warrant a second thought. "

Fixed! Well OK she isnt in prison yet. But shes out of power.

(3)"While it has launched an unprecedented campaign against whistleblowers and leakers (as well as sunshine and transparency), the Obama White House has proved a powerful enabler of, but also remarkably dependent upon, that state-within-a-state, a strange fate for “the imperial presidency.”

Being fixed. The deep state is resilient but being rooted out as we speak. And yes they are attacking the "legitimacy of the congress and President" as they go but what do you expect them to do?

The Imperial Presidency has been of some concern for a long time. Through different administrations. It can be expected, even demanded, that each branch of government use its powers as given. But Congress has proven inept and easily persuaded to turn their powers over to the executive branch. How do we fix that?

(4) "The Rise of the National Security State as the Fourth Branch of Government"

This is the scariest thing to me. And being fixed. Security agencies have come up with russian funded dossiers, strategic leaks and worked to spy on political campaigns. They have been caught e-mailing plans for "insurance". These are proven facts. But Trump is breaking them as we speak.

(5) I dont know about this one "demobilizing the American people". Its complicated. People have become serfs no doubt. How do we fix that? They have been trained in "whataboutism" and not in governing.

Ill bore you with an anecdote. I love co-ops. Our electric co-op recently installed new meters and people claimed their rates went up (they didnt). They started a facebook campaign to have the state utilities commission appoint a body to look into it and demanded the owners be prosecuted.
When i pointed out that *we* own it and that they have elected board members..and annual meetings...and monthly office hours...they attacked me as being a stooge of the owners. There was no convincing them that we didnt need unelected officials overlooking our elected officials. Thy were livid at the owners...themselves.
Its an example of Americans who are losing the ability to govern themselves as power is sucked upwards. They are being trained to be told what to do and to wait for someone somewhere else to provide their electricity, water, roads, police, savings, health care etc.

So yes I think he has a good point here.
He who has ears..let him hear a Moldbugist parable..

What if we wanted to create a class of nobles in America?

Make it hereditary. A class more bound by hereditary than any European institution ever was. A noble adopted by commoners remains noble but a commoner adopted by nobles remains common. The blood is so powerful that even being 1/2 noble entitles you to all noble privileges and immunities..

Nobility always has the disadvantage of ruling over a much larger class which may develop resentments. In order to retain power special privileges must be introduced.

Such any conflict between a noble and a commoner the commoner is always presumed to be in the wrong. If a noble attacks a commoner the presumption is the commoner provoked him. Any pattern of noble attacks on commoners will indicate a problem with commoner attitudes which should be addressed through re-education.
Nobles may be wrong occasionally of course..but the law will be careful here in their presumptions of noble innocence. Better that ten guilty nobles go free than there be a stain on the class of nobles in a common mind.

A commoner risks life and limb if caught in a noble neighborhood but a noble may walk any neighborhood he desires. Asymmetrical privileges are important to this system.
Also, people will discouraged from acknowledging this fact publicly and required to pretend that all neighborhoods are equally accessible. Any attempt to define or mark out noble neighborhoods will be mercilessly suppressed. Commoners will have to simply be careful where they find themselves after dark. It will be good for their humility and ensure an obsequious attitude at ALL times.

Nobles may form networks based on their class but commoners are forbidden to do so. Churches, schools, entertainment networks...these may be reserved for nobles. Legal organizations will be set up to attack any commoner organization and funded richly from the public purse. This way the larger mass of commoners can never plot to overthrow the nobles. A reasonable safeguard!

Business will be required to always hire the noble over the commoner. Commoner run businesses are considered too stupid to detect the superior qualities of nobles...which may not be obvious. And if nobles appear less qualified for any position then, again, it is the fault of commoner presumptions and limitations. How could a commoner test a noble with a common test? Ludicrous!

And also as regards to the commoner resistance will be allowed there especially. A worker who expresses contempt or is insolent to a noble will be fired and an example made of him to other employees lest they stray or harbor insolent thoughts about nobles as well.
A nice consequence of this policy will be a tendency for nobles to rise in the ranks since any conflict with them will almost always be resolved in their favor.
Small groups of nobles will be consulted at every business decision in order to ensure that nobles benefit.

In government as well noble leadership will be encouraged. Only nobles may represent nobles. How could it be otherwise?
And a portion of seats and positions in government will always be reserved for them. For instance some seats on the Supreme Court will be designated as "noble seats" and no commoner may fill them.
Commoners may be represented by nobles of course. In fact it is encouraged. And,as a generous concession, commoners may be allowed to represent commoners...but only if their councils and parties have noble representatives helping guide them.

With respect to Chapter 3: AGW, KFM, and HNU | A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservations | Unqualified Reservations by Mencius Moldbug
No we don't need that, but we have the Kennedys, the Bush's and many other who are political familys and they show up every election to check in. I don't vote for them most of the time. I looked at the first Bush who ran and what I saw was a Liberal for the most part, Next his son who was not as Liberal, and his last son, who ran and won as Fla Gov. He is also Liberal to a point. So we have almost Royal families.

Yes we do to some extent. Its not unexpected. My post though was about a noble class...not an aristocratic one.
And I do believe 99% missed the point.
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