Modern conservatives are about as unpatriotic as one can get. Constantly questioning the legitimacy of the POTUS; openly mocking him and cheering world leaders who criticize him; supporting laws that keep legitimate voters from casting ballots; in the case of MI, literally turning cities into dictatorships where voters don't have a say, and the people that they elected, are powerless.
Ahh, yes. I bet you were one of the moonbats screeching "Dissent is patriotic!!" during the Bush Admin. :lol:

Patriotism is love of country. Obama is NOT the country. Stop insisting he is.

As a matter of fact, patriotism drives most of the opposition to Obama. Those who don't support his Presidency do so because they believe his policies are damaging the country they love.

No, fear and stupidity are what drives most of Obama's opposition.
You misspelled "support".
You don't believe Obama lied about belonging to the New Party?

I don't believe it matters. That's what I don't believe. I believe idiot Conservative Whackos are buying so heavily into this "Obama is going to kill the U.S." nonsense that they'll ascribe way too much meaning to every single thing he used to do...

All the while telling us that we can't judge Mitt Romney for the way he ran a company that he was the head of for most of his adult life. That's what the rest of us call "total fucking hypocrisy on a crazy-high level."

I think Mitt Romney is going to destroy the sanctity of marriage because of his ties to the Mormon church. He's going to install forced polygamy and he's going to make one of every two tax dollars go to building a colony on Kolob.
You don't think a President's honesty matters?

Or just Obama's?

You aren't seriously suggesting that any "lies" Obama's told come within even a vag-hair's breadth of the lies that Nixon told, are you? Or Reagan? Or Bush I or Bush II? If there's one thing that Republicans and Conservatives really shouldn't crow about it's lies. You are the party of lies. You are the party of "If the president does it, it's not illegal." You guys are reallllyyyy good about making up excuses for the guys in your party that lie, but if one of our guys gets a blowjob and lies about it, you won't shut the fuck up about it.

And what, exactly, is Obama lying or has he lied about, in your view?
Ahh, yes. I bet you were one of the moonbats screeching "Dissent is patriotic!!" during the Bush Admin. :lol:

Patriotism is love of country. Obama is NOT the country. Stop insisting he is.

As a matter of fact, patriotism drives most of the opposition to Obama. Those who don't support his Presidency do so because they believe his policies are damaging the country they love.

No, fear and stupidity are what drives most of Obama's opposition.
You misspelled "support".

Shiiiiiittttttttttttt. It's 2002 up in this motherfucker. Get some new message board jokes, Broseph. Yours all shitty and shit.
The Fortune 500 just recorded record profits.

4.2 million private sector jobs have been created since the stimulus.

The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.

Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.

If Obama is a socialist, he's a really bad one.
There are 600,000 fewer public sector jobs. The Dow has doubled since '09. Corporate profits are at a record high. Obama ran on the position that he wanted a public option (Socialized medicine, god forbid), but went with the CAPIALISTIC/REPUBLICAN option that would get more people to buy health insurance from the private sector. I just don't get this socialism BS. If he's a socialist, he's a pretty bad one. What is it REALLY that you don't like? He was born in Hawaii. He's not Muslim. He's done nothing that even smacks of socialism. So what is it really??
Ahh, yes. I bet you were one of the moonbats screeching "Dissent is patriotic!!" during the Bush Admin. :lol:

Patriotism is love of country. Obama is NOT the country. Stop insisting he is.

As a matter of fact, patriotism drives most of the opposition to Obama. Those who don't support his Presidency do so because they believe his policies are damaging the country they love.

No, fear and stupidity are what drives most of Obama's opposition.
You misspelled "support".

I don't believe it matters. That's what I don't believe. I believe idiot Conservative Whackos are buying so heavily into this "Obama is going to kill the U.S." nonsense that they'll ascribe way too much meaning to every single thing he used to do...

All the while telling us that we can't judge Mitt Romney for the way he ran a company that he was the head of for most of his adult life. That's what the rest of us call "total fucking hypocrisy on a crazy-high level."

I think Mitt Romney is going to destroy the sanctity of marriage because of his ties to the Mormon church. He's going to install forced polygamy and he's going to make one of every two tax dollars go to building a colony on Kolob.
You don't think a President's honesty matters?

Or just Obama's?

You aren't seriously suggesting that any "lies" Obama's told come within even a vag-hair's breadth of the lies that Nixon told, are you? Or Reagan? Or Bush I or Bush II? If there's one thing that Republicans and Conservatives really shouldn't crow about it's lies. You are the party of lies. You are the party of "If the president does it, it's not illegal." You guys are reallllyyyy good about making up excuses for the guys in your party that lie, but if one of our guys gets a blowjob and lies about it, you won't shut the fuck up about it.
Sheer projection. It's just been proven to you that Obama lied, and here you are making excuses and deflecting.

And what, exactly, is Obama lying or has he lied about, in your view?
His membership in the New Party, for one thing.

Oh -- and he said you were intelligent.
Breaking news for Cold War dinosaurs/Pub dupes. Socialists are not communists, and vice versa. The rest of the world would like to stop tip toeing around you braindead, violent, knee jerk, chickenhawk, xenophobic, arrogant, ignorant reactionaries...tyvm.

Socialist? Communist? Three Questions for Obama
7/18/12 By Paul Kengor


Really, the question of "socialist or communist" comes down to what's in Obama's heart, his mind, and (to some degree) his past. In other words, what does Barack Obama truly believe, and what would he really do if he could, without any of the aforementioned constraints on his actions?

Alas, that brings me to what I consider three much more valuable questions that cut to the chase of the real Barack Obama:

1. Was Obama really a communist when he entered Occidental College, as his former classmate, John Drew, claims and details quite conclusively?

2. Did Obama really join the socialist New Party in the 1990s, as Stanley Kurtz maintains?

3. If yes and yes, then when and why and how did Obama repudiate communism and socialism -- assuming he did? Where was the break? Why? When did the conversion happen?

On question 1: I interviewed Dr. John Drew at length for my new book on Obama's communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. Drew, who was a Marxist at Occidental College when Obama arrived there, sees himself as the "missing link" between the communist Davis and other radical Obama associations like Bill Ayers. Drew headed the student Marxist organization on campus, and Obama was introduced to him as a "fellow Marxist," as "one of us." Drew explained to me that Obama believed in the "Frank Marshall Davis fantasy of revolution" -- that is, of "imminent revolution" in America.


Read more: Articles: Socialist? Communist? Three Questions for Obama
Sanitizing Obama's Radical Past

By John Drew

A striking clash between those who feel a profound duty to report that the young Obama was nurtured by Marxists, socialists, and Communists and those who think it is a better idea to erase this information from the public record is on display in two current books. One book provided key politically significant details of a heated debate I had with the young Marxist-Leninist Obama over Christmas break 1980. The other book only confirmed that young Obama and his roommate were both in my vicinity at the time. The gap between how Paul Kengor covered Obama's Christmas break in The Communist and how David Maraniss covered this same moment in Barack Obama: The Story is chilling.

As an eyewitness to young Obama's Marxist-Leninist ideology, I count myself among those who think it is our duty to report the truth about young Obama, especially if it helps us understand the persistent, contemporary influence of Frank Marshall Davis, the Communist who became young Barack Obama's mentor. I do not think it is any exaggeration to suggest that in the long run, the mainstream media's failure to confront the reality of young Obama's ideological extremism is almost as important than the reality of Obama's tenure in office.

In The Communist - Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor (Threshold Editions/Mercury Ink [2012]), Paul Kengor writes that "[t]he people who influence our presidents matter" (p. 298).

Kengor, a political scientist, builds on his longstanding expertise in Cold War politics to write a balanced and well-documented account of the life, writing, and political beliefs of Frank Marshall Davis (1917-1995). To keep the focus on Davis's political views, Kengor modestly leaves out the unpleasant, possibly salacious details of Davis's earthy self, including Davis's roles as a producer of both visual and written pornography. Davis's pornographic writing is so deviant that it describes ugly details of child sexual abuse. Skipping this aspect of Davis's unseemly life, Kengor seeks to create a credible account of Davis's thinking which addresses genuine examples of racially motivated hatred which scarred young Davis's life, while still focusing unremitting attention on how Davis excused the brutal violence of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Ho Chi Minh.


Read more: Articles: Sanitizing Obama's Radical Past

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