Fascism and Nazism are both phenomena of the left


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
It is what it is...

How Theodor Adorno redefined Fascism.
August 11, 2017

Dinesh D'Souza

Fascism and Nazism are both phenomena of the left. This makes ideological sense, because at their core they represent ideologies of the centralized, all-powerful state. Moreover, fascism grew out of Marxism, and fascism’s founder Benito Mussolini, was a Marxist and lifelong socialist. Hitler, too, was a socialist who headed the National Socialist Party and in fact changed the name of the German Workers Party to make it the National Socialist German Workers Party.

How, then, did progressives in America re-define fascism and Nazism as phenomena of the right? This sleight-of-hand occurred after World War II, once fascism and Nazism were discredited with the reputation of Holocaust. Then progressives recognized it was important to cover up the leftist roots of fascism and Nazism and to move them from the left-wing column into the right-wing column.

The man most responsible for the progressive redefinition of fascism is Theodor Adorno, a German Marxist intellectual and a member of the influential Institute for Social Research, otherwise known as the Frankfurt School. The Frankfurt School scholars were leftists and most of them were refugees from Nazi Germany. Some settled in Europe; others like Adorno and Herbert Marcuse came to the United States.


Adorno’s value to such people is that he empowers them to say, “Down with fascism! Now let’s get rid of conservatism and expose those evil people on the right.” And today Adorno’s deception enables the left to call Trump a fascist and Republicans the modern incarnation of the Nazi Party. Only by understanding this big lie can we inoculate ourselves against it and correctly locate fascism and Nazism where they have always belonged—on the political left.

Big Liar
It is what it is...

How Theodor Adorno redefined Fascism.
August 11, 2017

Dinesh D'Souza

Fascism and Nazism are both phenomena of the left. This makes ideological sense, because at their core they represent ideologies of the centralized, all-powerful state.
What modern, major nation doesn't have a centralized, all-powerful state? The US government has power over life and death. You can argue that there are state and local governments, but they work together and share funds, and everyone is still under the authority of the federal government even if there are other state laws they must follow.

The US government is one of the most powerful governments in the world.
It is what it is...

How Theodor Adorno redefined Fascism.
August 11, 2017

Dinesh D'Souza

Fascism and Nazism are both phenomena of the left. This makes ideological sense, because at their core they represent ideologies of the centralized, all-powerful state.
What modern, major nation doesn't have a centralized, all-powerful state? The US government has power over life and death. You can argue that there are state and local governments, but they work together and share funds, and everyone is still under the authority of the federal government even if there are other state laws they must follow.

The US government is one of the most powerful governments in the world.
The US government has become thoroughly fascist. That's all you proved.
USMB should have a separate "Your Side is Hitler" sub-forum.

It would be very active.
The snowflakes would get their ass kicked. Beating people up for expressing an opinion they don't like is what they do. What could be more fascist than that?
It is what it is...

How Theodor Adorno redefined Fascism.
August 11, 2017

Dinesh D'Souza

Fascism and Nazism are both phenomena of the left. This makes ideological sense, because at their core they represent ideologies of the centralized, all-powerful state. Moreover, fascism grew out of Marxism, and fascism’s founder Benito Mussolini, was a Marxist and lifelong socialist. Hitler, too, was a socialist who headed the National Socialist Party and in fact changed the name of the German Workers Party to make it the National Socialist German Workers Party.

How, then, did progressives in America re-define fascism and Nazism as phenomena of the right? This sleight-of-hand occurred after World War II, once fascism and Nazism were discredited with the reputation of Holocaust. Then progressives recognized it was important to cover up the leftist roots of fascism and Nazism and to move them from the left-wing column into the right-wing column.

The man most responsible for the progressive redefinition of fascism is Theodor Adorno, a German Marxist intellectual and a member of the influential Institute for Social Research, otherwise known as the Frankfurt School. The Frankfurt School scholars were leftists and most of them were refugees from Nazi Germany. Some settled in Europe; others like Adorno and Herbert Marcuse came to the United States.


Adorno’s value to such people is that he empowers them to say, “Down with fascism! Now let’s get rid of conservatism and expose those evil people on the right.” And today Adorno’s deception enables the left to call Trump a fascist and Republicans the modern incarnation of the Nazi Party. Only by understanding this big lie can we inoculate ourselves against it and correctly locate fascism and Nazism where they have always belonged—on the political left.

Big Liar

I have heard him interviewed several times on this.....it is interesting that the left wing nazis picked up their method of mass murder from the theories of the American left....
"Who are the real fascists in America? Probably the party that wears masks & blocks speech on campuses" - D'souza
Damn straight. Everybody knows Hitler, the Nazis, and the fascist regimes they supported were all about Multiculturalism and tolerance.
It is what it is...

How Theodor Adorno redefined Fascism.
August 11, 2017

Dinesh D'Souza

Fascism and Nazism are both phenomena of the left. This makes ideological sense, because at their core they represent ideologies of the centralized, all-powerful state. Moreover, fascism grew out of Marxism, and fascism’s founder Benito Mussolini, was a Marxist and lifelong socialist. Hitler, too, was a socialist who headed the National Socialist Party and in fact changed the name of the German Workers Party to make it the National Socialist German Workers Party.

How, then, did progressives in America re-define fascism and Nazism as phenomena of the right? This sleight-of-hand occurred after World War II, once fascism and Nazism were discredited with the reputation of Holocaust. Then progressives recognized it was important to cover up the leftist roots of fascism and Nazism and to move them from the left-wing column into the right-wing column.

The man most responsible for the progressive redefinition of fascism is Theodor Adorno, a German Marxist intellectual and a member of the influential Institute for Social Research, otherwise known as the Frankfurt School. The Frankfurt School scholars were leftists and most of them were refugees from Nazi Germany. Some settled in Europe; others like Adorno and Herbert Marcuse came to the United States.


Adorno’s value to such people is that he empowers them to say, “Down with fascism! Now let’s get rid of conservatism and expose those evil people on the right.” And today Adorno’s deception enables the left to call Trump a fascist and Republicans the modern incarnation of the Nazi Party. Only by understanding this big lie can we inoculate ourselves against it and correctly locate fascism and Nazism where they have always belonged—on the political left.

Big Liar
They are a part of both the far left and the far right. At the moment it is the far left yelling the loudest. When Obama was president it was the far right.
There is this really weird vein that runs through many cons here that everything they view as 'evil' has to somehow, by hook or crook, be associated with 'lubruls' even when it never has been before and nobody else has ever done so. It is like an uber rejection of reality. But like oil of clove on a painful tooth it brings immediate and numbing relief.
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There is this really weird vien that runs through many cons here that everything they view as 'evil' has to somehow, by hook or crook, be associated with 'lubruls' even when it never has been and nobody else has ever done so. It is like an uber rejection of reality. But like oil of clove on a painful tooth it brings immediate and numbing relief.

This makes no sense yet you got a "winner" anyway.

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