Govt wont allow Bible reading in school; Encourages it in prison; Ironic, right?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Saw this picture. It summed up so much of what is wrong with our culture. THought I'd share.


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by the time your sorry ass gets imprisoned it's too damn late for prayer.
Saw this picture. It summed up so much of what is wrong with our culture. THought I'd share.

Apples and oranges.

Nice try though.

Are they? They are both govt institutes. One is supposed to train young people how to function in society. The other is supposed to correct/punish them for not being able to. The Bible is accepted in prisons as ONE of several options for helping "correct" these people, yet, those same people wouldn't have been allowed to read it when they were training and learning in school on how to function as a civil human being. Hmmm.
Saw this picture. It summed up so much of what is wrong with our culture. THought I'd share.

Except Bible reading is not prohibited in schools. Teachers can even require reading portions of the Bible if it's relevant to the course. The school can't require reading verses with no secular purpose and the school can't teach the Bible to teach religion: about religion, yes.
The title of this thread is a LIE. Reading the bible in school isn't banned.

Lying is acceptable to some Christians when trying to make a point in support of their religious beliefs........


Yep. But this isn't one of those cases. Ooops, a 10 second google search could've kept you from looking like a dumbass:

Ontario School Bible Ban: Security On Hand As Bluewater District Board Votes On Gideon Bible Handouts
The Education Wonks: School Bans Kids From Reading Bibles During Recess - Thoughts And Ideas Freely Exchanged
Prayer in the Public Schools
Psalms banned, but witchcraft OK

There are many more, just a sample.
Saw this picture. It summed up so much of what is wrong with our culture. THought I'd share.

Except Bible reading is not prohibited in schools. Teachers can even require reading portions of the Bible if it's relevant to the course. The school can't require reading verses with no secular purpose and the school can't teach the Bible to teach religion: about religion, yes.

You're wrong. Depends what school you're at. One example, and in the Bible Belt of all places: The Education Wonks: School Bans Kids From Reading Bibles During Recess - Thoughts And Ideas Freely Exchanged

Kids were using their recess to sit around and read the Bible. A parent complained (imagine that, bet she's an Obama voter). They banned the kids from brining the Bibles any longer.
Saw this picture. It summed up so much of what is wrong with our culture. THought I'd share.

Smart people know that the bible is major bullshit. Criminals usually come out of prison and screw up again and end up right back in. Anything would be an improvement, including fairy tales. It costs $120-$140 a day for the maintenance of one person who is incarcerated. It's worth a try.

I post something.
Liberals say it's a lie.
I post proof.
Liberals disappear.

HEY GUYS!!! I just discovered how to make liberals go away!!!
Saw this picture. It summed up so much of what is wrong with our culture. THought I'd share.

Except Bible reading is not prohibited in schools. Teachers can even require reading portions of the Bible if it's relevant to the course. The school can't require reading verses with no secular purpose and the school can't teach the Bible to teach religion: about religion, yes.

You're wrong. Depends what school you're at. One example, and in the Bible Belt of all places: The Education Wonks: School Bans Kids From Reading Bibles During Recess - Thoughts And Ideas Freely Exchanged

Kids were using their recess to sit around and read the Bible. A parent complained (imagine that, bet she's an Obama voter). They banned the kids from brining the Bibles any longer.

Ah...I see one school...where the principal acted on the complaints of parents....regardless, that principal's policy will not stand (may have already been shot down). We have church groups in schools around here....and kids can bring and read their bibles all they want.
Saw this picture. It summed up so much of what is wrong with our culture. THought I'd share.

Except Bible reading is not prohibited in schools. Teachers can even require reading portions of the Bible if it's relevant to the course. The school can't require reading verses with no secular purpose and the school can't teach the Bible to teach religion: about religion, yes.

You're wrong. Depends what school you're at. One example, and in the Bible Belt of all places: The Education Wonks: School Bans Kids From Reading Bibles During Recess - Thoughts And Ideas Freely Exchanged

Kids were using their recess to sit around and read the Bible. A parent complained (imagine that, bet she's an Obama voter). They banned the kids from brining the Bibles any longer.
Yeah, read more carefully...While the claim was made that the students were told not to bring the Bibles to school,
Karns Elementary School Principal Cathy Summa denies that there is a ban on bringing Bibles to school, saying that she has one in her office.

The issue was whether or not Recess is "free time" or part of the school day.
Summa has adopted the District's position that recess is not free time, but may be considered instructional time and as such, students may not engage in Bible study at that time.
If Recess is meant for exercise and is considered part of instructional time, then yes the school can certainly stop children from reading anything.

And that article is from 2005, the policy has probably been cleared up. The school certainly cannot ban children from bringing bibles.

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