Do You Trust WorldNetDaily to Tell You the Truth?

Do you trust WorldNetDaily to tell you the truth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 24 80.0%
  • Who's that?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
One n00b here seems to think we should.

If you want to see where the info is posted and the issue covered in correct detail by someone who doesn't cut lawns for a living, go to World Net Daily that has a reserved seat at all White House press briefings,

Everyone, Toro is not telling you the truth. Go to the world net daily links if you're interested in this story. No one is more dedicated to it than they are, and they're a real operation, not Skippy Toro, the Message Board Wonder.

Do you trust WorldNetDaily to tell you the truth?
Many Right wingers use it as a "source". Just like Fox.

Obama really did take a trip costing 200 million dollars a day.
Of course!

If Jerome Corsi is read by Orly Taitz and Phillip J. Berg, then he's good enough for me to read!

I wonder if WND is one of the millions of newspapers that Sarah Palin reads each morning?
Another propaganda thread created by Skippy the riverboat gambler. :rolleyes:
The "truth" is subjective these days. You can change the entire focus of a story by withholding facts and you can't be accused of lying. You can create a headline that is not accurate and still be technically "truthful". Every article disguised as news is in reality an op-ed. By the time it goes through the blogosphere filter the "truth" might not be recognizable anymore.
only when used in conjunction with prison planet and the i ching

I always double check any stories with my 'secret source'...


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