Do you think changing the filibuster rules was the right thing to do for our future?

Was this the right thing to do for our country?

  • No

    Votes: 29 60.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 15 31.3%
  • I love lamp

    Votes: 4 8.3%

  • Total voters
I voted YES absolutely yes. Because now when the democrat party becomes the miniority they can whine all they want but it was THEY and Dirty Harry who pulled their dirty trick. I can't wait for it to back fire on the thieving democrats. It will be great to hear their howl of protest when Republicans use it against the democrats. But you know what I bet the democrats are so low of beings that if they do get kicked to the curb they will change the rule back as lame ducks. Then if the Republicans try to change it back they will cry foul. That is how low the democrat party really has sunk.

But I look at this scumbag move with great joy, although I don't believe that is what they should have done. I look at this way. Everything a liberal ever does the opposite happens from the stated intent. So this too will follow suit and the Republicans will gain greater power over the Democrats and they will pee their panties like little girls.

In the short term it will be ver damaging. In the long term, as you pointed out it will be ultimately beneficial. Democrats will lose the senate next year and GOP control of the house will get stronger. There will be no democrat complaint when Republicans do the same thing.
Poll to follow

Payback and karma can be a real bitch.
The dems really stepped in it this time.
I guess this rule change was made out of the idea that democrats would have the majority of at least on House of Congress in perpetuity.
With this, the dems came one step closer to losing the Senate. People who want government off their backs and out of their lives will lash back at this.
Absolutely right! Set the stage so that when the Republicans take over in 2014 they can make any rule changes they please and Democraps will have nothing to say. Oh, that's right, they really haven't had anything constructive to say since Truman - and then only one decision was a good one.
This is a very sad day for America. This undermines everything our Founders intended. I don't care about political party or scoring political points. This is a very, very bad thing.

Senate Rule 22 was passed in 1917. This officially began the filibuster as we know....Up until today.
I think when Democrats are in the minority and the Republicans are pushing through legislation and nominees that are so hard right it makes the Democrats heads explode and they can do nothing about they will rue the day they did this. With the party in charge now knowing they can pretty much push through anything or anyone they want with no opposition it will only deepen the partisan divide it is highly likely going forward instead of wanting to compromise or negotiate with the minority the majority will tell them fuck you and the horse you rode in on and do as they please.
When Conservative Republicans get the Majority, we will accept nothing less than the Unconditional Surrender of the Statists to our complete agenda
In a democracy the majority rules with obvious minority input, that the republicans tried only to block our democratically elected president and not accomplish a damn thing, YES, IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Time America did more than just whine. You guys keep whining - time and change come, sometimes slowly. Hurrah again for Harry Reid.

When Conservative Republicans get the Majority, we will accept nothing less than the Unconditional Surrender of the Statists to our complete agenda

Doing nothing but whining - how will that be an agenda?
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I voted YES absolutely yes. Because now when the democrat party becomes the miniority they can whine all they want but it was THEY and Dirty Harry who pulled their dirty trick. I can't wait for it to back fire on the thieving democrats. It will be great to hear their howl of protest when Republicans use it against the democrats. But you know what I bet the democrats are so low of beings that if they do get kicked to the curb they will change the rule back as lame ducks. Then if the Republicans try to change it back they will cry foul. That is how low the democrat party really has sunk.

But I look at this scumbag move with great joy, although I don't believe that is what they should have done. I look at this way. Everything a liberal ever does the opposite happens from the stated intent. So this too will follow suit and the Republicans will gain greater power over the Democrats and they will pee their panties like little girls.

You're oh so right.

When the Dems are in the minority this will bite them right in the ass. I can hear the screaming now.

They have left the minority party, whichever it may be, with no power at all. Lets see what happens when the shoe is on the other foot and it will be.

Karma is a bitch.
In a democracy the majority rules with obvious minority input, that the republicans tried only to block our democratically elected president and not accomplish a damn thing, YES, IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Time America did more than just whine. You guys keep whining - time and change come, sometimes slowly. Hurrah again for Harry Reid.

When Conservative Republicans get the Majority, we will accept nothing less than the Unconditional Surrender of the Statists to our complete agenda

Doing nothing but whining - how will that be an agenda?

Yeah and lets see Ol'Harry screaming like a stuck pig when he's in the minority and has no power to block a president. Of course it will be a different story then.

Karma is a bitch.
If I were a talented political cartoonist, I would draw a cartoon with a Harry Reid like image representing the Democrats, being bit on the ass, titled "Unintended consequences in the future" and then republish it when the future, when the time comes, titled "I told you so!".
If I were a talented political cartoonist, I would draw a cartoon with a Harry Reid like image representing the Democrats, being bit on the ass, titled "Unintended consequences in the future" and then republish it when the future, when the time comes, titled "I told you so!".

Is he being bit on the ass by a real-life Kentucky talking turtle?
If I were a talented political cartoonist, I would draw a cartoon with a Harry Reid like image representing the Democrats, being bit on the ass, titled "Unintended consequences in the future" and then republish it when the future, when the time comes, titled "I told you so!".

Is he being bit on the ass by a real-life Kentucky talking turtle?

NO, just the inevitable REALITY!
It would be nice if at least a few nutters would make an attempt to understand exactly what was done yesterday.

Harry Reid (Drug Mule) fundamentally transformed the Senate

When will you grasp the fact that you are not upsetting anyone? You try so hard to say things that will be seen as outrageous.....but you fail. How about just being normal for a while.....see how that works?
My question that no one wants to answer is this:

If the party that holds both the Presidency and the majority in the Senate should not have the right to appoint and approve judges of their choosing...

who should?

Someone should be able to do it. Someone should have the power to get the job done.

It would be nice if at least a few nutters would make an attempt to understand exactly what was done yesterday.
A complete 180 degree turn by the democrats was done yesterday.

Does anyone really need to go dig up quotations from democrats, about the sanctity of the rights of the minority, when they were blocking Bush 43 nominees?

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